Provided by: tcllib_1.17-dfsg-1_all bug


       yaml - YAML Format Encoder/Decoder


       package require Tcl  8.4

       package require yaml  ?0.3.7?

       ::yaml::yaml2dict ?options? txt

       ::yaml::yaml2huddle ?options? txt

       ::yaml::setOption ?options?

       ::yaml::dict2yaml dict ?indent? ?wordwrap?

       ::yaml::list2yaml list ?indent? ?wordwrap?

       ::yaml::huddle2yaml huddle ?indent? ?wordwrap?



       The   yaml   package   provides   a   simple   Tcl-only   library  for  parsing  the  YAML data exchange format as specified in

       The yaml package returns data as a Tcl dict.  Either  the  dict  package  or  Tcl  8.5  is
       required for use.


       ::yaml::yaml2dict ?options? txt

       ::yaml::yaml2huddle ?options? txt
              Parse yaml formatted text txt into a Tcl dict/huddle and return the value.

              -file  txt is a filename of YAML-stream.

                     txt is just a YAML-stream.

              -types list
                     The  list  is  a type list for the yaml-scalar types.(e.g. !!str !!timestamp
                     !!integer !!true ...)

                      -types {timestamp integer null true false}

                     In this case, if a string matched "timestamp", converted to the TCL internal
                     timestamp.(e.g. "2001-12-15T02:59:43.1Z" => 1008385183)

              -m:true param
                     The  param  is  two  elements  of list for the value of true, and considered

                      -m:true {1 {true on + yes y}}

                     In this case, the string "yes" found in YAML Stream, automatically converted

              -m:false param
                     The  param  is  two  elements of list for the value of false, and considered

                      -m:false {0 {false off - no n}}

              -m:null param
                     The param is two elements of list for the  value  of  null,  and  considered

                      -m:null {"" {null nil "" ~}}

                     Experiment,old: Output stream contains YAML's-tag, each node.

                     % puts [::yaml::load -validate {[aaa, bbb]}]
                     !!seq {{!!str aaa} {!!str bbb}}

       ::yaml::setOption ?options?
              Change  implicit  options  for  the  library.   Now,  the  params  are  the same as
              ::yaml::yaml2dict.   Arguments  of::yaml::yaml2dict  is  more  priority  than  this

       ::yaml::dict2yaml dict ?indent? ?wordwrap?

       ::yaml::list2yaml list ?indent? ?wordwrap?

       ::yaml::huddle2yaml huddle ?indent? ?wordwrap?
              Convert a dict/list/huddle object into YAML stream.

              indent spaces indent of each block node.  currently default is 2.

                     word wrap for YAML stream.  currently default is 40.


       An  example of a yaml stream converted to Tcl.  A yaml stream is returned as a single item
       with multiple elements.

              --- !<,2002:invoice>
              invoice: 34843
              date   : 2001-01-23
              bill-to: &id001
                  given  : Chris
                  family : Dumars
                      lines: |
                          458 Walkman Dr.
                          Suite #292
                      city    : Royal Oak
                      state   : MI
                      postal  : 48046
              ship-to: *id001
                  - sku         : BL394D
                    quantity    : 4
                    description : Basketball
                    price       : 450.00
                  - sku         : BL4438H
                    quantity    : 1
                    description : Super Hoop
                    price       : 2392.00
              tax  : 251.42
              total: 4443.52
                  Late afternoon is best.
                  Backup contact is Nancy
                  Billsmer @ 338-4338.
              invoice 34843 date 2001-01-23 bill-to {given Chris family Dumars address {lines {458 Walkman Dr.
              Suite #292
              } city {Royal Oak} state MI postal 48046}} ship-to {given Chris family Dumars address {lines {458 Walkman Dr.
              Suite #292
              } city {Royal Oak} state MI postal 48046}} product {{sku BL394D quantity 4 description Basketball price 450.00} {sku BL4438H quantity 1 description {Super Hoop} price 2392.00}} tax 251.42 total 4443.52 comments {Late afternoon is best. Backup contact is Nancy Billsmer @ 338-4338.}

       An example of a yaml object converted to Tcl.  A yaml  object  is  returned  as  a  multi-
       element list (a dict).

              - [name        , hr, avg  ]
              - [Mark McGwire, 65, 0.278]
              - [Sammy Sosa  , 63, 0.288]
                Mark McGwire: {hr: 65, avg: 0.278}
                Sammy Sosa: { hr: 63, avg: 0.288}
              {name hr avg} {{Mark McGwire} 65 0.278} {{Sammy Sosa} 63 0.288} {{Mark McGwire} {hr 65 avg 0.278} {Sammy Sosa} {hr 63 avg 0.288}}


       tag parser not implemented. currentry, tags are merely ignored.

       Only Anchor => Aliases ordering. back alias-referring is not supported.

       Too many braces, or too few braces.

       Not enough character set of line feeds. Please use only "\n" as line breaks.


       This  document,  and  the  package  it  describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other
       problems.   Please  report  such  in  the   category   yaml   of   the   Tcllib   Trackers
       [].  Please also report any ideas for enhancements you
       may have for either package and/or documentation.


       base64, huddle, json


       data exchange, huddle, parsing, text processing, yaml


       Copyright (c) 2008 KATO Kanryu <>