Provided by: aegis_4.24.3-3_amd64 bug


        aecstate - aegis change state file




        A change state file is used to store information about a change.  These files are created
        and maintained by aegis.  These files should not be edited by humans.  These files is
        owned by the project owner and group.

        The change number is at least 3 digits, zero padded if necessary.  (More digits will be
        used if a project has a thousand or more changes in any one release, although this is
        rare.)  The files are spread across a directory tree, 100 per subdirectory, to improve
        the directory search times, and to avoid various systems' directory length limitations.


        description = string;
                This field contains a detailed description of the change.

        brief_description = string;
                This field contains a brief description of the change.

        cause = ( ... );
                This field describes the cause which motivated the change.

                        The change was created in response to a bug report from outside the
                        development team.  This repairs existing functionality.

                        The change was created in response to an enhancement request from outside
                        the development team.  This adds new functionality.

                        The change was created in response to an improvement request from outside
                        the development team.  This improves existing functionality.

                        The change was created in response to a bug report from inside the
                        development team.  This repairs existing functionality.

                        The change was created in response to an enhancement request from inside
                        the development team.  This adds new functionality.

                        The change was created in response to an improvement request from inside
                        the development team.  This improves existing functionality.

                        This cause is where you have a fix to fix a fix; tracking these is an
                        interesting quality metric.

        test_exempt = boolean;
                This field is true if it is not necessary to test the change.  It is, in general,
                desirable to test all changes, whether new functionality or a bug fix.  This is,
                however, a project management issue.

        test_baseline_exempt = boolean;
                This field is true if it is not necessary to test the change against the baseline
                before it is changed.  The test of the baseline is required to fail; this is to
                establish that the test has isolated the bug, and that the change has fixed that
                isolated bug.

        regression_test_exempt = boolean;
                This field is true if it is not necessary to perform a full regression test on
                the change.  If absent, defaults to true for all causes except improvements.

        architecture = [ string ];
                This field is a list of names of system and machine architectures on which the
                change must successfully build and test.

        copyright_years = [ integer ];
                This field details the years in which the change was worked on.  This field is
                present in trunk, branch and leaf nodes.

                As a change is edited, years in which the change was worked on accumulate in this
                field automatically.  Branches accumulate years as integrations occur.  You may
                need to manually edit this, though it should be rare.

        version_previous = string;
                This field records the "previous" version, mostly to simplify patch generation.
                It is only meaningful for trunks and branches.  It is set automatically when a
                branch is started or integrated.

        attribute = [ { ... } ];
                This is a list of (name,value) pairs, defining user specified attributes.

                name = string;
                        The name of the attribute.  By convention, names which start with an
                        upper-case letter will appear in listings, and lower-case will not.
                        Attribute names are case-insensitive.

                value = string;
                        The value of the attribute.

                Arguably, most change attributes which may be altered by the user (and some that
                can't) should be of this form.  Due to an accident of history, this is not the

        state = ( ... );
                This field is used to describe what state the change is in.  The state determines
                what operations may be performed on the change.

                        The change has been created, but has yet to be worked on.

                        The change is being developed.

                        The change has been developed, and is waiting to be review.  (Optional,
                        controlled by the develop end action project attribute.)

                        The change has been developed, and is being reviewed.  (Optional,
                        controlled by the develop end action project attribute.)

                        The change has passed review, and is queued ready for integration.

                        The change is being integrated.

                        The change has been completed and is now part of the baseline.  Changes
                        in this state can not be reversed.

        given_test_exemption = boolean;
                This field is the value of test_exemption (see aecattr(5)) when the change was

        given_regression_test_exemption = boolean;
                This field is the value of regression_test_exemption (see aecattr(5)) when the
                change was created.

        delta_number = integer;
                This field records the delta number for this change.  It is only present if the
                change is in one of the being_integrated or completed states.

        delta_uuid = string;
                This field records a universally unique identifier for this configuration.  It is
                supplements the delta_number field in that it is unique across all replicas of
                the project, whereas the delta number is ambiguous across replicas.  It is only
                present in the being_integrated and completed states.

        minimum_integration = boolean;
                This field records whether the change was placed into the being_integrated state
                using the -minimum option (or that option was implicitly set due to a file being
                removed).  It is only present if the change is in the being_integrated state.

        project_file_command_sync = integer;
                This field records the last change integrated into the project.  If it disagrees
                with the project, a 'project_file_command' (from pconf) needs to be executed at
                the next build.

        test_time = time;
                This field records the time the last successful aegis -Test command was run for
                all architectures.  It is only present in the being_developed and
                being_integrated states.

        test_baseline_time = time;
                This field records the time the last successful aegis -Test -BaseLine command was
                run for all architectures.  It is only present in the being_developed and
                being_integrated states.

        regression_test_time = time;
                This field records the time the last successful aegis -Test -REGression command
                was run for all architectures.  It is only present in the being_developed and
                being_integrated states.

        build_time = time;
                This field records the last time the last successful aegis -Build command was run
                for all architectures.  It is only present in the being_developed and
                being_integrated states.

        architecture_times = [{ ... }];
                This field records the time of various operations for each variant named in the
                architecture field.  It is only present in the being_developed and
                being_integrated states.

                variant = string;
                        This field is one of the patterns named in the architecture field.

                node = string;
                        This field is the computer on which the command was run which last
                        changed this structure.

                test_time = time;
                        This field records the last time the last successful aegis -Test command
                        was run for this specific pattern instance.

                test_baseline_time = time;
                        This field records the last time the last successful aegis -Test
                        -BaseLine command was run for this specific pattern instance.

                regression_test_time = time;
                        This field records the last time the last successful aegis -Test
                        -REGression command was run for this specific pattern instance.

                build_time = time;
                        This field records the last time the last successful aegis -Build command
                        was run for this specific pattern instance.

        development_directory = string;
                This field is the absolute path of a change's development directory.  It is only
                present of the change is in a state between being_developed and being_integrated

                However, branches are treated slightly differently to changes.  The directory is
                relative to the root of the project tree, in order to facilitate moving the
                project without rewriting any of the database.  Note that its doesn't point to
                the branch baseline, but one level up; just as the project root doesn't point to
                the trunk baseline, but rather one level up.

        integration_directory = string;
                This field is the absolute path of the change's integration directory.  It is
                only present of the change is in the being_integrated state.

        history = [ { ... }, ... ];
                This field records the history of the change, in the form of state transitions.
                The history records have the form

                when = time;
                        This field records the time the state transition occurred.

                what = ( ... );
                        This field records what happened.  Valid value names echo the various
                        aegis functions.

                who = string;
                        This field records the user name of the user who caused the state

                why = string;
                        This field is optional.  It is a comment of some sort.  In the cases of
                        review_fail and integrate_fail, this field will contain why the change

        uuid = string;
                This field provides a globally unique identifier for the change set, even when
                geographically distributed development is happening.

        branch = { ... };
                This field is only present for branches (long transactions).

                umask = integer;
                        File permission mode mask.  See umask(2) for more information.  This
                        value will always be OR'ed with 022, because aegis is paranoid.

                developer_may_review = boolean;
                        If this field is true, then a developer may review her own change.  This
                        is probably only a good idea for projects of less than 3 people.  The
                        idea is for as many people as possible to critically examine a change.

                        Note that the develop_end_action field may not contradict the developer_‐
                        may_review field.  If developers may not review their own work, then
                        their changes may not goto directly to the being integrated state (as
                        this means much the same thing).

                developer_may_integrate = boolean;
                        If this field is true, then a developer may integrate her own change.
                        This is probably only a good idea for projects of less than 3 people.
                        The idea is for as many people as possible to critically examine a

                reviewer_may_integrate = boolean;
                        If this field is true, then a reviewer may integrate a change she
                        reviewed.  This is probably only a good idea for projects of less than 3
                        people.  The idea is for as many people as possible to critically examine
                        a change.

                developers_may_create_changes = boolean;
                        This field is true if developers may created changes, in addition to
                        administrators.  This tends to be a very useful thing, since developers
                        find most of the bugs.

                forced_develop_begin_notify_command = string;
                        This command is used to notify a developer that a change requires
                        developing; it is issued when a project administrator uses an aedb -User
                        command to force development of a change by a specific user.  All of the
                        substitutions described in aesub(5) are available.  This field is

                        Executed as: the new developer.  Current directory: the development
                        directory of the change for the new developer.  Exit status: ignored.

                develop_end_notify_command = string;
                        This command is used to notify that a change is ready for review.  It
                        will probably use mail, or it could be an in-house bulletin board.  This
                        field is optional, if not present no notification will be given.  This
                        command could also be used to notify other management systems, such as
                        progress and defect tracking.  All of the substitutions described by
                        aesub(5) are available.

                        Executed as: the developer.  Current directory: the development directory
                        of the change.  Exit status: ignored.

                develop_end_undo_notify_command = string;
                        This command is used to notify that a change had been withdrawn from
                        review for further development.  It will probably use mail, or it could
                        be an in-house bulletin board.  This field is optional, if not present no
                        notification will be given.  This command could also be used to notify
                        other management systems, such as progress and defect tracking.  All of
                        the substitutions described by aesub(5) are available.

                        Executed as: the developer.  Current directory: the development directory
                        of the change.  Exit status: ignored.

                review_begin_notify_command = string;
                        This command is used to notify that a review has begun.  It will probably
                        use mail, or it could be an in-house bulletin board.  This field is
                        optional, if not present no notification will be given.  This command
                        could also be used to notify other management systems, such as progress
                        and defect tracking.  All of the substitutions described by aesub(5) are

                        Executed as: the reviewer.  Current directory: the development directory
                        of the change.  Exit status: ignored.

                review_begin_undo_notify_command = string;
                        This command is used to notify that a review is no longer in progress,
                        the reviewer has withdrawn.  It will probably use mail, or it could be an
                        in-house bulletin board.  This field is optional, if not present no
                        notification will be given.  This command could also be used to notify
                        other management systems, such as progress and defect tracking.  All of
                        the substitutions described by aesub(5) are available.

                        Executed as: the reviewer.  Current directory: the development directory
                        of the change.  Exit status: ignored.

                review_pass_notify_command = string;
                        This command is used to notify that a review has passed.  It will
                        probably use mail, or it could be an in-house bulletin board.  This field
                        is optional, if not present no notification will be given.  This command
                        could also be used to notify other management systems, such as progress
                        and defect tracking.  All of the substitutions described by aesub(5) are

                        Executed as: the reviewer.  Current directory: the development directory
                        of the change.  Exit status: ignored.

                review_pass_undo_notify_command = string;
                        This command is used to notify that a review has passed.  It will
                        probably use mail, or it could be an in-house bulletin board.  This field
                        is optional, if not present no notification will be given.  This command
                        could also be used to notify other management systems, such as progress
                        and defect tracking.  Defaults to the same action as the
                        develop_end_notify_command field.  All of the substitutions described by
                        aesub(5) are available.

                        Executed as: the reviewer.  Current directory: the development directory
                        of the change.  Exit status: ignored.

                review_fail_notify_command = string;
                        This command is used to notify that a review has failed.  It will
                        probably use mail, or it could be an in-house bulletin board.  This field
                        is optional, if not present no notification will be given.  This command
                        could also be used to notify other management systems, such as progress
                        and defect tracking.  All of the substitutions described by aesub(5) are

                        Executed as: the reviewer.  Current directory: the development directory
                        of the change.  Exit status: ignored.

                integrate_pass_notify_command = string;
                        This command is used to notify that an integration has passed.  It will
                        probably use mail, or it could be an in-house bulletin board.  This field
                        is optional, if not present no notification will be given.  This command
                        could also be used to notify other management systems, such as progress
                        and defect tracking.  All of the substitutions described by aesub(5) are

                        Some compilers bury absolute path names into object files and
                        executables.  The renaming of the integration directory to become the new
                        baseline breaks these paths.  This command is passed an environment
                        variable called AEGIS_INTEGRATION_DIRECTORY so that the appropriate
                        symlink may be placed, if desired.

                        Executed as: the project owner.  Current directory: the new project
                        baseline.  Exit status: ignored.

                integrate_fail_notify_command = string;
                        This command is used to notify that an integration has failed.  It will
                        probably use mail, or it could be an in-house bulletin board.  This field
                        is optional, if not present no notification will be given.  This command
                        could also be used to notify other management systems, such as progress
                        and defect tracking.  All of the substitutions described by aesub(5) are

                        Executed as: the integrator.  Current directory: the development
                        directory of the change.  Exit status: ignored.

                default_test_exemption = boolean;
                        This field contains what to do when a change is created with no test
                        exemption specified.

                default_test_regression_exemption = boolean;
                        This field contains what to do when a change is created with no
                        regression test exemption specified.

                history = [{ ... }];
                        This field contains a history of integrations for the project.  Updated
                        by each successful 'aegis -Integrate_Pass' command.

                        delta_number = integer;
                                The delta number of the integration.

                        change_number = integer;
                                The number of the change which was integrated.

                        name = [ string ];
                                The names by which this delta is known.

                change = [integer];
                        The list of changes which have been created on this branch to date.

                sub_branch = [integer];
                        The list of branches which have been created on this branch to date.
                        This will be a subset of the above (possibly empty, possibly complete,
                        never larger).

                administrator = [string];
                        The list of administrators of the branch.

                developer = [string];
                        The list of developers of the branch.

                reviewer = [string];
                        The list of reviewers of the branch.

                integrator = [string];
                        The list of integrators of the branch.

                currently_integrating_change = integer;
                        The change currently being integrated.  Only one change (within a branch)
                        may be integrated at a time.  Only set when an integration is in

                default_development_directory = string;
                        The pathname of where to place new development directories.  The pathname
                        must be absolute.  This field is only consulted if the field of the same
                        name in the user configuration file is not set.

                minimum_change_number = integer;
                        The minimum change number for aenc(1), if no change number is specified.
                        This allows the low-numbered change numbers to be used for branches later
                        in the project.  Defaults to 10 if not set, may not be less than 1.

                reuse_change_numbers = boolean;
                        This controls whether the automatically selected aenc(1) change numbers
                        “fill in” any gaps.  Defaults to true if not set.

                minimum_branch_number = integer;
                        The minimum branch number for aenbr(1), if no branch number is specified.
                        Defaults to 1 if not set.

                skip_unlucky = boolean;
                        This field may be set to true if you want to skip various unlucky numbers
                        for changes, branches and tests.  Various traditions are avoided, both
                        Eastern and Western.  Defaults to false if not set.

                compress_database = boolean;
                        This field may be set to true if you want to compress the database on
                        writing.  (It is always uncompress on reading if necessary.)  Defaults to
                        false if not set.

                        Unless you have an exceptionally large project, coupled with fast CPUs
                        and high network latency, there is probably very little benefit in using
                        this feature.  (The database is usually less than 5% of the size of the
                        repository.)  On slow networks, however, this can improve the performance
                        of file-related commands.

                develop_end_action = (...);
                        This field controls the state the change enters after a successful
                        aede(1) action.

                                This means that the change goes from the being_developed state to
                                the being_reviewed state.  The aerb(1) command only sends
                                informative email.

                                This means that the change goes from the being_developed state to
                                the awaiting_review state.  The aerb(1) command is now mandatory.

                                This means that the change goes from the being_developed state
                                into the awaiting_integration state.  Code review is skipped

                        Note that the develop_end_action field may not contradict the developer_‐
                        may_review field.  If developers may not review their own work, then
                        their changes may not goto directly to the being integrated state (as
                        this means much the same thing).  A contradictory setting will be
                        replaced with goto_being_reviewed.

   Obsolete Fields
        The following fields are only present is old projects.  They will be moved to an
        appropriate file state when the change is next modified.  See aefstate(5) for more

        src = [ { ... }, ... ];
                This field is a list of all the files in the change.  The records have the form

                file_name = string;
                        This file names the file.  The name is relative to the root of the
                        baseline directory tree.

                uuid = string;
                        This field uniquely identifies the file for its entire lifetime.  This
                        field remains constant across file renames.  The value of this field
                        shall be formatted as a valid UUID, all in lower case.

                action = (create, modify, remove);
                        This field describes what is being done with the file.

                edit_number = string;
                        This field records the edit number of the file when it was added to the
                        change (or updated using the aegis -DIFFerence command).  This field is
                        not present for new files.

                usage = (source, config, build, test, manual_test);
                        This field describes what function the file serves.

                diff_time = time;
                        This field records the last time modified of the change file when the
                        last aegis -DIFFerence command was run.  It is only present between the
                        being_developed and being_integrated states, inclusive.  It is not
                        present for files which are being deleted.  This field is used to
                        determine if a difference has been done, and if the file has been
                        tampered with before state transitions.

                diff_file_time = time;
                        This field records the last time modified of the difference file when the
                        last aegis -DIFFerence command was run.  It is only present between the
                        being_developed and being_integrated states, inclusive.  This field is
                        used to determine if a difference has been done, and if the difference
                        file has been tampered with before state transitions.

                move = string;
                        To change the name of a file, a combination of deleting the old name and
                        creating the new name is used.  With deleted files, this field is used to
                        say where it went.  With new files, this field is used to say where it
                        came from.


        When attempting to access these fields from within the report generator, you need a code
        fragment similar to the following:
                auto ps;
                ps = project[project_name()].state;
                auto cs;
                cs = ps.branch.change[change_number()];
        All of the fields mentioned in the man page can now be accessed as members of the cs
        variable.  For example, cs.state contains the state the change is in.

        If this change state refers to a branch, when you access a member of the branch.change
        field, you are given access to the change state data of that change on the branch.

        When you index the src field by a filename string, you may obtain access the the relevant
        file state (see aefstate(5) for more information).


        aenc(1) create a new change

                aegis file format syntax

                change attributes file format

                file state file format


        aegis version 4.24.3.D001
        Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
        2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Peter Miller

        The aegis program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use the 'aegis -VERSion
        License' command.  This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under
        certain conditions; for details use the 'aegis -VERSion License' command.


        Peter Miller   E-Mail:
        /\/\*             WWW: