Provided by: ioping_0.9-2_amd64 

ioping - simple disk I/O latency monitoring tool
ioping [-LABCDWRkq] [-c count] [-w deadline] [-p period] [-P period] [-i interval] [-s size] [-S wsize] [-o offset] directory|file|device ioping -h | -v
This tool lets you monitor I/O latency in real time.
-c count Stop after count requests. -w deadline Stop after deadline time passed. -p period Print raw statistics for every period requests. -P period Print raw statistics for every period in time. -i interval Set time between requests to interval (1s). -s size Request size (4k). -S size Working set size (1m for directory, whole size for file or device). -o offset Starting offset in the file/device (0). -k Keep (do not delete) working file "ioping.tmp". Works for directory target. -L Use sequential operations rather than random. This also sets request size to 256k (as in -s 256k). -A Use asynchronous I/O (syscalls io_submit(2), io_submit(2), etc). -C Use cached I/O (suppress cache invalidation via posix_fadvise(2)). -D Use direct I/O (see O_DIRECT in open(2)). -W Use writes rather than reads. Safe for directory target. *DANGEROUS* for file/device, it will shred your data. In this case should be repeated tree times (-WWW). -R Disk seek rate test (same as -q -i 0 -w 3 -S 64m). If disk has huge cache working set (-S) should be increased accordingly. -B Batch mode. Be quiet and print final statistics in raw format. -q Suppress periodical human-readable output. -h Display help message and exit. -v Display version and exit. Argument suffixes For options that expect time argument (-i, -P and -w), default is seconds, unless you specify one of the following suffixes (case-insensitive): us, usec microseconds (a millionth of a second, 1 / 1 000 000) ms, msec milliseconds (a thousandth of a second, 1 / 1 000) s, sec seconds m, min minutes h, hour hours For options that expect "size" argument (-s, -S and -o), default is bytes, unless you specify one of the following suffixes (case-insensitive): sector disk sectors (a sector is always 512). KiB, k, kb kilobytes (1 024 bytes) page memory pages (a page is always 4KiB). MiB, m, mb megabytes (1 048 576 bytes) GiB, g, gb gigabytes (1 073 741 824 bytes) TiB, t, tb terabytes (1 099 511 627 776 bytes) For options that expect "number" argument (-p and -c) you can optionally specify one of the following suffixes (case-insensitive): k kilo (thousands, 1 000) m mega (millions, 1 000 000) g giga (billions, 1 000 000 000) t tera (trillions, 1 000 000 000 000)
Returns 0 upon success. The following error codes are defined: 1 Invalid usage (error in arguments). 2 Error during preparation stage. 3 Error during runtime.
ioping -p 100 -c 200 -i 0 -q . 100 26694 3746 15344272 188 267 1923 228 100 24165 4138 16950134 190 242 2348 214 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (1) number of requests (2) serving time (usec) (3) requests per second (iops) (4) transfer speed (bytes/sec) (5) minimal request time (usec) (6) average request time (usec) (7) maximum request time (usec) (8) request time standard deviation (usec)
ioping . Show disk I/O latency using the default values and the current directory, until interrupted. ioping -c 10 -s 1M /tmp Measure latency on /tmp using 10 requests of 1 megabyte each. ioping -R /dev/sda Measure disk seek rate. ioping -RL /dev/sda Measure disk sequential speed. ioping -RLB . | awk '{print $4}' Get disk sequential speed in bytes per second.
iostat(1), dd(1), fio(1), dbench(1), fsstress, xfstests, hdparm(8), badblocks(8),
This program was written by Konstantin Khlebnikov ⟨⟩. Man-page was written by Kir Kolyshkin ⟨⟩. Oct 2014 IOPING(1)