Provided by: orpie_1.5.1-10ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       orpie is a console-based RPN calculator with an interactive visual stack.




       CAUTION:  while this manpage should be suitable as a quick reference, it may be subject to
       miscellaneous shortcomings in typesetting. The definitive documentation is the user manual
       provided with Orpie in PDF format.

       This  section describes how to use Orpie in its default configuration. After familiarizing
       yourself with the basic operations as outlined in this section, you may  wish  to  consult
       the orpierc(5) manpage to see how Orpie can be configured to better fit your needs.

       The   interface   has  two  panels.  The  left  panel  combines  status  information  with
       context-sensitive help; the right panel represents the calculator's stack. (Note that  the
       left panel will be hidden if Orpie is run in a terminal with less than 80 columns.)

       In  general,  you  perform  calculations  by  first  entering  data  on to the stack, then
       executing functions  that  operate  on  the  stack  data.  As  an  example,  you  can  hit
       1<enter>2<enter>+ in order to add 1 and 2.

       To  enter  a  real  number, just type the desired digits and hit enter. The space bar will
       begin entry of a scientific notation exponent. The 'n' key is used for negation. Here  are
       some examples:

       Keypresses                Resulting Entry
       1.23<enter>               1.23
       1.23<space>23n<enter>     1.23e-23
       1.23n<space>23<enter>     -1.23e23

       Orpie  can  represent  complex  numbers  using  either  cartesian  (rectangular)  or polar
       coordinates. See PERFORMING BASIC COMMAND OPERATIONS to see  how  to  change  the  complex
       number display mode.

       A  complex  number  is  entered  by  first pressing '(', then entering the real part, then
       pressing ',' followed by the imaginary part. Alternatively, you can press '(' followed  by
       the  magnitude,  then  '<'  followed  by the phase angle. The angle will be interpreted in
       degrees or radians, depending on the current setting of the  angle  mode  (see  PERFORMING

       Keypresses                      Resulting Entry
       (1.23, 4.56<enter>              (1.23, 4.56)
       (0.7072<45<enter>               (0.500065915655126, 0.50006591...
       (1.23n,4.56<space>10<enter>     (-1.23, 45600000000)

       You  can enter matrices by pressing '['. The elements of the matrix may then be entered as
       described in the previous sections, and should be separated using ','. To start a new  row
       of  the matrix, press '[' again. On the stack, each row of the matrix is enclosed in a set
       of brackets; for example, the matrix

       1     2
       3     4

       would appear on the stack as [[1, 2][3, 4]].

       Examples of matrix entry:

       Keypresses                       Resulting Entry
       [1,2[3,4<enter>                  [[1, 2][3, 4]]
       [1.2<space>10,0[3n,5n<enter>     [[ 12000000000, 0 ][ -3, -5 ]]
       [(1,2,3,4[5,6,7,8<enter>         [[ (1, 2), (3, 4) ][ (5, 6), (...

       Real and complex scalars and matrices can optionally be labeled with units.  After  typing
       in  the  numeric  portion of the data, press '_' followed by a units string. The format of
       units strings is described in the UNITS FORMATTING section.

       Examples of entering dimensioned data:

       Keypresses                 Resulting Entry
       1.234_N*mm^2/s<enter>      1.234_N*mm^2*s^-1
       (2.3,5_s^-4<enter>         (2.3, 5)_s^-4
       [1,2[3,4_lbf*in<enter>     [[ 1, 2 ][ 3, 4 ]]_lbf*in
       _nm<enter>                 1_nm

       An exact integer may be entered by pressing '#' followed by the desired digits.  The  base
       of  the  integer  will  be assumed to be the same as the current calculator base mode (see
       PERFORMING BASIC COMMAND OPERATIONS to see how to  set  this  mode).   Alternatively,  the
       desired  base  may  be  specified  by pressing space and appending one of {b, o, d, h}, to
       represent binary,  octal,  decimal,  or  hexadecimal,  respectively.  On  the  stack,  the
       representation of the integer will be changed to match the current base mode. Examples:

       Keypresses                 Resulting Entry
       #123456<enter>             # 123456`d
       #ffff<space>h<enter>       # 65535`d
       #10101n<space>b<enter>     # -21`d

       Note  that  exact  integers may have unlimited length, and the basic arithmetic operations
       (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) will be performed using exact arithmetic
       when both arguments are integers.

       A  variable  name  may  be  entered  by pressing '@' followed by the desired variable name
       string. The string may contain alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores. Example:

       Keypresses     Resulting Entry
       @myvar         @ myvar

       Orpie also supports autocompletion of variable names. The help panel displays  a  list  of
       pre-existing  variables  that  partially  match the name currently being entered.  You can
       press '<tab>' to iterate through the list of matching variables.

       As a shortcut, keys <f1>-<f4> will enter the variables (``registers'')  @  r01  through  @

       Orpie  includes  definitions  for  a  number of fundamental physical constants. To enter a
       constant, press 'C', followed by the first few letters/digits of  the  constant's  symbol,
       then hit enter. Orpie offers an autocompletion feature for physical constants, so you only
       need to type enough of the constant to identify it uniquely. A list of matching  constants
       will appear in the left panel of the display, to assist you in finding the desired choice.

       The following is a list of Orpie's physical constant symbols:

       Symbol     Physical Constant
       NA         Avagadro's number
       k          Boltzmann constant
       Vm         molar volume
       R          universal gas constant
       stdT       standard temperature
       stdP       standard pressure
       sigma      Stefan-Boltzmann constant
       c          speed of light
       eps0       permittivity of free space
       u0         permeability of free space
       g          acceleration of gravity
       G          Newtonian gravitational constant
       h          Planck's constant
       hbar       Dirac's constant
       e          electron charge
       me         electron mass
       mp         proton mass
       alpha      fine structure constant
       phi        magnetic flux quantum
       F          Faraday's constant
       Rinf       ``infinity'' Rydberg constant
       a0         Bohr radius
       uB         Bohr magneton
       uN         nuclear magneton
       lam0       wavelength of a 1eV photon
       f0         frequency of a 1eV photon
       lamc       Compton wavelength
       c3         Wien's constant

       All  physical  constants  are  defined  in  the  Orpie run-configuration file; consult the
       orpierc(5) manpage if you wish to  define  your  own  constants  or  change  the  existing

       Orpie  can  also  parse  input  entered  via an external editor. You may find this to be a
       convenient method for entering large matrices.  Pressing  'E'  will  launch  the  external
       editor, and the various data types may be entered as illustrated by the examples below:

       Data Type                                              Sample Input String
       exact integer                                          #12345678`d, where the trailing
       letter is one of the base characters {b, o, d, h}
       real number                                            -123.45e67
       complex number                                         (1e10, 2) or (1 <90)
       real matrix                                            [[1, 2][3.1, 4.5e10]]
       complex matrix                                         [[(1, 0), 5][1e10, (2 <90)]]
       variable                                               @myvar

       Real  and  complex  numbers  and matrices may have units appended; just add a units string
       such as ``_N*m/s'' immediately following the numeric portion of the expression.

       Notice that the complex matrix input parser is quite flexible;  real  and  complex  matrix
       elements may be mixed, and cartesian and polar complex formats may be mixed as well.

       Multiple  stack  entries  may  be  specified  in  the  same file, if they are separated by
       whitespace. For example, entering (1, 2) 1.5 into the editor will cause the complex  value
       (1, 2) to be placed on the stack, followed by the real value 1.5.

       The  input  parser will discard whitespace where possible, so feel free to add any form of
       whitespace between matrix rows, matrix elements, real and complex components, etc.

       Once some data has been entered on the stack, you can apply operations to that  data.  For
       example,  '+'  will add the last two elements on the stack. By default, the following keys
       have been bound to such operations:

       Keys     Operations
       +        add last two stack elements
       -        subtract element 1 from element 2
       *        multiply last two stack elements
       /        divide element 2 by element 1
       ^        raise element 2 to the power of element 1
       n        negate last element
       i        invert last element
       s        square root function
       a        absolute value function
       e        exponential function
       l        natural logarithm function
       c        complex conjugate function
       !        factorial function
       %        element 2 mod element 1
       S        store element 2 in (variable) element 1
       ;        evaluate variable to obtain contents

       As a shortcut, function operators will automatically enter any data that you were  in  the
       process  of  entering. So instead of the sequence 2<enter>2<enter>+, you could type simply
       2<enter>2+ and the second number  would  be  entered  before  the  addition  operation  is

       As an additional shortcut, any variable names used as function arguments will be evaluated
       before application of the function. In other  words,  it  is  not  necessary  to  evaluate
       variables before performing arithmetic operations on them.

       One  could  bind  nearly  all calculator operations to specific keypresses, but this would
       rapidly get confusing since the PC keyboard is not  labeled  as  nicely  as  a  calculator
       keyboard is. For this reason, Orpie includes an abbreviation syntax.

       To   activate  an  abbreviation,  press  '''  (quote  key),  followed  by  the  first  few
       letters/digits of the abbreviation, then hit enter. Orpie offers an autocompletion feature
       for  abbreviations,  so  you  only  need  to  type  enough of the operation to identify it
       uniquely. The matching abbreviations will appear in the left  panel  of  the  display,  to
       assist you in finding the appropriate operation.

       To avoid interface conflicts, abbreviations may be entered only when the entry buffer (the
       bottom line of the screen) is empty.

       The following functions are available as abbreviations:

       Abbreviations     Functions
       inv               inverse function
       pow               raise element 2 to the power of element 1
       sq                square last element
       sqrt              square root function
       abs               absolute value function
       exp               exponential function
       ln                natural logarithm function
       10^               base 10 exponential function
       log10             base 10 logarithm function
       conj              complex conjugate function
       sin               sine function
       cos               cosine function
       tan               tangent function
       sinh              hyperbolic sine function
       cosh              hyperbolic cosine function
       tanh              hyperbolic tangent function
       asin              arcsine function
       acos              arccosine function
       atan              arctangent function
       asinh             inverse hyperbolic sine function
       acosh             inverse hyperbolic cosine function
       atanh             inverse hyperbolic tangent function
       re                real part of complex number
       im                imaginary part of complex number
       gamma             Euler gamma function
       lngamma           natural log of Euler gamma function
       erf               error function
       erfc              complementary error function
       fact              factorial function
       gcd               greatest common divisor function
       lcm               least common multiple function
       binom             binomial coefficient function
       perm              permutation function
       trans             matrix transpose
       trace             trace of a matrix
       solvelin          solve a linear system of the form Ax = b
       mod               element 2 mod element 1
       floor             floor function
       ceil              ceiling function
       toint             convert a real number to an integer type
       toreal            convert an integer type to a real number
       add               add last two elements
       sub               subtract element 1 from element 2
       mult              multiply last two elements
       div               divide element 2 by element 1
       neg               negate last element
       store             store element 2 in (variable) element 1
       eval              evaluate variable to obtain contents
       purge             delete a variable
       total             sum the columns of a real matrix
       mean              compute the sample means of the columns of a real matrix
       sumsq             sum the squares of the columns of a real matrix
       var               compute the unbiased sample variances of the columns of a real matrix
       varbias           compute the biased (population) sample variances of the columns of a real matrix
       stdev             compute the unbiased sample standard deviations of the columns of a real matrix
       stdevbias         compute the biased (pop.) sample standard deviations of the columns of a matrix
       min               find the minima of the columns of a real matrix
       max               find the maxima of the columns of a real matrix
       utpn              compute the upper tail probability of a normal distribution
       uconvert          convert element 2 to an equivalent expression with units matching element 1
       ustand            convert to equivalent expression using SI standard base units
       uvalue            drop the units of the last element

       Entering abbreviations can become tedious when  performing  repetitive  calculations.   To
       save  some  keystrokes,  Orpie  will  automatically  bind recently-used operations with no
       prexisting binding to keys <f5>-<f12>. The current autobindings can be viewed by  pressing
       'h' to cycle between the various pages of the help panel.

       In  addition  to  the  function  operations listed in the section EXECUTING BASIC FUNCTION
       OPERATIONS, a number of basic calculator commands have been bound to single keypresses:

       Keys           Operations
       \              drop last element
       |              clear all stack elements
       <pagedown>     swap last two elements
       <enter>        duplicate last element (when entry buffer is empty)
       u              undo last operation
       r              toggle angle mode between degrees and radians
       p              toggle complex display mode between rectangular and polar
       b              cycle base display mode between binary, octal, decimal, hex
       h              cycle through multiple help windows
       v              view last stack element in a fullscreen editor
       E              create a new stack element using an external editor
       P              enter 3.14159265 on the stack
       C-L            refresh the display
       <up>           begin stack browsing mode
       Q              quit Orpie

       In  addition  to  the  function  operations  listed  in  the  section  EXECUTING  FUNCTION
       ABBREVIATIONS,  there are a large number of calculator commands that have been implemented
       using the abbreviation syntax:

       Abbreviations     Calculator Operation
       drop              drop last element
       clear             clear all stack elements
       swap              swap last two elements
       dup               duplicate last element
       undo              undo last operation
       rad               set angle mode to radians
       deg               set angle mode to degrees
       rect              set complex display mode to rectangular
       polar             set complex display mode to polar
       bin               set base display mode to binary
       oct               set base display mode to octal
       dec               set base display mode to decimal
       hex               set base display mode to hexidecimal
       view              view last stack element in a fullscreen editor
       edit              create a new stack element using an external editor
       pi                enter 3.14159265 on the stack
       rand              generate a random number between 0 and 1 (uniformly distributed)
       refresh           refresh the display
       about             display a nifty ``About Orpie'' screen
       quit              quit Orpie

       Orpie offers a stack browsing mode to assist in viewing and manipulating stack data. Press
       <up>  to  enter stack browsing mode; this should highlight the last stack element. You can
       use the up and down arrow keys to select different stack elements. The following keys  are
       useful in stack browsing mode:

       Keys        Operations
       q           quit stack browsing mode
       <left>      scroll selected entry to the left
       <right>     scroll selected entry to the right
       r           cyclically ``roll'' stack elements downward, below the selected element (inclusive)
       R           cyclically ``roll'' stack elements upward, below the selected element (inclusive)
       v           view the currently selected element in a fullscreen editor
       E           edit the currently selected element with an external editor
       <enter>     duplicate the currently selected element

       The  left  and  right  scrolling  option  may  prove useful for viewing very lengthy stack
       entries, such as large matrices. The edit option provides a convenient way to correct data
       after it has been entered on the stack.

       A  units  string is a list of units separated by '*' to indicate multiplication and '/' to
       indicate division. Units may be raised to real-valued powers  using  the  '^'character.  A
       contrived example of a valid unit string would be "N*nm^2*kg/s/in^-3*GHz^2.34".

       Orpie  supports the standard SI prefix set, {y, z, a, f, p, n, u, m, c, d, da, h, k, M, G,
       T, P, E, Z, Y} (note the use of 'u' for micro-). These prefixes may be applied to  any  of
       the following exhaustive sets of units:

       String      Length Unit
       m           meter
       ft          foot
       in          inch
       yd          yard
       mi          mile
       pc          parsec
       AU          astronomical unit
       Ang         angstrom
       furlong     furlong
       pt          PostScript point
       pica        PostScript pica
       nmi         nautical mile
       lyr         lightyear

       String     Mass Unit
       g          gram
       lb         pound mass
       oz         ounce
       slug       slug
       lbt        Troy pound
       ton        (USA) short ton
       tonl       (UK) long ton
       tonm       metric ton
       ct         carat
       gr         grain

       String     Time Unit
       s          second
       min        minute
       hr         hour
       day        day
       yr         year

       Hz         Hertz

       String     Temperature Unit
       K          Kelvin
       R          Rankine

       Note: No, Celsius and Fahrenheit will not be supported. Because these temperature units do
       not share a common zero point, their behavior is ill-defined under many operations.

       String     ``Amount of Substance'' Unit
       mol        Mole

       String     Force Unit
       N          Newton
       lbf        pound force
       dyn        dyne
       kip        kip

       String     Energy Unit
       J          Joule
       erg        erg
       cal        calorie
       BTU        british thermal unit
       eV         electron volt

       String     Electrical Unit
       A          Ampere
       C          Coulomb
       V          volt
       Ohm        Ohm
       F          Farad
       H          Henry
       T          Tesla
       G          Gauss
       Wb         Weber
       Mx         Maxwell

       String     Power Unit
       W          Watt
       hp         horsepower

       String     Pressure Unit
       Pa         Pascal
       atm        atmosphere

       bar        bar
       Ohm        Ohm
       mmHg       millimeters of mercury
       inHg       inches of mercury

       String     Luminance Unit
       cd         candela
       lm         lumen
       lx         lux

       Note: Although the lumen is defined by 1_lm = 1_cd * sr, Orpie drops the steridian because
       it is a dimensionless unit and therefore is of questionable use to a calculator.

       String     Volume Unit
       ozfl       fluid ounce (US)
       cup        cup (US)
       pt         pint (US)
       qt         quart (US)
       gal        gallon (US)
       L          liter

       All  units are defined in the Orpie run-configuration file; consult the orpierc(5) manpage
       if you wish to define your own units or change the existing definitions.


       Orpie is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the  terms  of  the
       GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
       You should have received a  copy  of  the  GPL  along  with  this  program,  in  the  file


       Orpie  includes portions of the ocamlgsl [1] bindings supplied by Olivier Andrieu, as well
       as the curses bindings from the OCaml Text Mode Kit [2] written by Nicolas George. I would
       like to thank these authors for helping to make Orpie possible.


       Orpie author: Paul Pelzl <>
       Orpie website:

       Feel  free  to  contact  me if you have bugs, feature requests, patches, etc. I would also
       welcome volunteers interested in packaging Orpie for various platforms.




       orpierc(5), orpie-curses-keys(1)