Provided by: skytools3_3.2.6-4ubuntu0.1_amd64 bug


       qadmin - Easy to use admin console to examine and administer PgQ queues.


       qadmin [options]


       This is a psql-like console for queue administration.

       The console offers a large number of commands to setup, control and manage PgQ queueing

       It also offers a non-interactive mode to run one or more commands.

       qadmin keeps its history file in the home of the user (~/.qadmin_history).


           Help screen.

           Print version.


       -h host
           Specify host to connect to (default: localhost via unix socket).

       -p port
           Specify port.

       -U user
           Specify user name.

       -d dbname
           Database name.

       -Q queuename
           Queue name, it is used as the default queue if it is provided.


       -c cmd_string
           Execute console command.

       -f execfile
           Execute file containing console commands.


       qadmin offers to connect to other databases or queues from the console itself.

   connect <connstring> [queue=<qname>];
       Connect the console with the specified connection string, optional parameter to set the
       default queue on connection.

   connect [queue=<qname>] [node=<node>];
       Connect the console to the specified queue and/or node.


   install pgq | londiste;
       Install PgQ or Londiste to the connected database.

   create queue <qname>;
       Create the specified queue.

   alter queue <qname | *> set param =<foo=1>,<bar=2>;
       Set one or more parameters on one or all queues at once.

   drop queue <qname>;
       Drop the named queue.

   register consumer <consumer> [on <qname> | at <tick_id> | copy <consumer>];
       Register a consumer on a queue, or at a specified tick or based on another consumer.

   unregister consumer <consumer | *> [from <qname>];
       Unregister one or all consumers, if the console is not connected to a queue, its name must
       be provided.

   register subconsumer <subconsumer> for <consumer> [on <qname>];
       Register a subconsumer to a consumer, if the console is not connected to a queue, its name
       must be provided.

   unregister subconsumer <subconsumer | *> for <consumer> [from <qname>] [close [batch]];
       Unregister one or all subconsumers from a consumer, if the console is not connected to a
       queue, its name must be provided. Current batch can be aborted if the close batch
       subcommand is provided.


   show help;
       Show all the console commands.

   show queue [ <qname | *> ];
       Show details of one or all queues.

   show table <tbl>;
       Show DDL for the specified table.

   show sequence <seq>;
       Show DDL for the specified sequence.

   show consumer [ <consumer | *> [on <qname>] ];
       Show details of one or all consumers on one or all queues.

   show node [ <node | *> [on <qname>] ];
       Show details of one or all nodes on one or all queues.

   show batch <batch_id>;
       Show details of the batch, default queue must be set (see connect queue)

   show batch <consumer>;
       Show details of the current batch for the specified consumer, default queue must be set
       (see connect queue)


       All these commands are applied on the node where the console is connected to.

   londiste add table <tbl> [with ... ]
       with no_triggers
           Skip trigger creation.

       with skip_truncate
           Does not truncate the table on the destination.

       with expect_sync
           Set table state to ok.

       with tgflags=IUDBAQLS
           Trigger creation flags, see below for details.

       with backup
           Put urlencoded contents of old row to ev_extra2.

       with skip
           Create skip trigger. Same as S flag.

       with when=expr
           If expr returns false, do not insert event.

       with ev_XX=EXPR
           Overwrite default ev_* columns (see below).

       Trigger creation flags (default: AIUDL):

       •   I - ON INSERT

       •   U - ON UPDATE

       •   D - ON DELETE

       •   Q - use pgq.sqltriga() as trigger function

       •   L - use pgq.logutriga() as trigger function

       •   B - BEFORE

       •   A - AFTER

       •   S - SKIP

       Queue event fields:

       •   ev_type - I/U/D

       •   ev_data - partial SQL statement

       •   ev_extra1 - table name

       •   ev_extra2 - optional urlencoded backup

   londiste add sequence <seq>;
       Add the specified sequence to Londiste replication.

   londiste remove table <tbl> [,tbl];
       Remove the specified table(s) from the Londiste replication.

   londiste remove sequence <seq> [,seq];
       Remove the specified sequence(s) from the Londiste replication.

   londiste tables;
       List registered tables and informations about them:

       •   table_name - fully-qualified table name

       •   local - does events needs to be applied to local table

       •   merge_state - show phase of initial copy

       •   custom_snapshot - remote snapshot of COPY transaction

       •   table_attrs - urlencoded dict of table attributes

       •   dropped_ddl - partition combining: temp place to put DDL

       •   copy_role - partition combining: how to handle copy

       •   copy_pos - position in parallel copy working order

       copy_role = lead
           On copy start, drop indexes and store in dropped_ddl.

           On copy finish change state to catching-up, then wait until copy_role turns to NULL.

           Catching-up: if dropped_ddl is not NULL, restore them.

       copy_role = wait-copy
           On copy start, wait until role changes (to wait-replay).

       copy_role = wait-replay
           On copy finish, tag as catching-up.

           Wait until copy_role is NULL, then proceed.

   londiste seqs;
       List registered sequences on this node and their last value.

   londiste missing;
       On Master, list tables not registered on set.

       On Slave, list tables on set but not registered locally.


       Quit program.

       Quit program.

       Clear current buffer.


           Successful program execution.


       PostgreSQL environment variables can be used.


       TODO : is it up-to-date ?

       •   create <root | branch | leaf> node <node> location <loc> [on <qname>];

       •   alter node <name> provider <new>;

       •   alter node <name> takeover <oldnow> with all;

       •   alter node <name> rename <new>;

       •   alter node <name> [location=<loc>]

       •   drop node <name> [on <qname>];

       •   takeover <oldnode>;

       •   show cascade;

       •   show_queue_stats <q>;

       •   status

                                            06/14/2018                                  QADMIN(1)