Provided by: libcgi-test-perl_1.111-1_all bug


       CGI::Test - CGI regression test framework


        # In some t/script.t regression test, for instance
        use CGI::Test;
        use Test::More tests => 7;

        my $ct = CGI::Test->new(
           -base_url   => "http://some.server:1234/cgi-bin",
           -cgi_dir    => "/path/to/cgi-bin",

        my $page = $ct->GET("http://some.server:1234/cgi-bin/script?arg=1");
        like $page->content_type, qr|text/html\b|, "Content type";

        my $form = $page->forms->[0];
        is $form->action, "/cgi-bin/some_target", "Form action URI";

        my $menu = $form->menu_by_name("months");
        ok $menu->is_selected("January"), "January selected";
        ok !$menu->is_selected("March"),  "March not selected";
        ok $menu->multiple,               "Menu is multi-choice";

        my $send = $form->submit_by_name("send_form");
        ok defined $send, "Send form defined";

        # Now interact with the CGI

        $menu->select("March");        # "click" on the March label
        my $answer = $send->press;     # "click" on the send button

        # and make sure we don't get an HTTP error
        ok $answer->is_ok, "Answer response";


       The "CGI::Test" module provides a CGI regression test framework which allows you to run
       your CGI programs offline, i.e. outside a web server, and interact with them
       programmatically, without the need to type data and click from a web browser.

       If you're using the "CGI" module, you may be familiar with its offline testing mode.
       However, this mode is appropriate for simple things, and there is no support for
       conducting a full session with a stateful script.  "CGI::Test" fills this gap by providing
       the necessary infrastructure to run CGI scripts, then parse the output to construct
       objects that can be queried, and on which you can interact to "play" with the script's
       control widgets, finally submitting data back.  And so on...

       Note that the CGI scripts you can test with "CGI::Test" need not be implemented in Perl at
       all.  As far as this framework is concerned, CGI scripts are executables that are run on a
       CGI-like environment and which produce an output.

       To use the "CGI::Test" framework, you need to configure a "CGI::Test" object to act like a
       web server, by providing the URL base where CGI scripts lie on this pseudo-server, and
       which physical directory corresponds to that URL base.

       From then on, you may issue GET and POST requests giving an URL, and the pseudo-server
       returns a "CGI::Test::Page" object representing the outcome of the request.  This page may
       be an error, plain text, some binary data, or an HTML page (see CGI::Test::Page for

       The latter (an HTML page) can contain one or more CGI forms (identified by "<FORM>" tags),
       which are described by instances of "CGI::Test::Form" objects (see CGI::Test::Form for

       Forms can be queried to see whether they contain a particular type of widget (menu, text
       area, button, etc...), of a particular name (that's the CGI parameter name).  Once found,
       one may interact with a widget as the user would from a browser.  Widgets are described by
       polymorphic objects which conform to the "CGI::Test::Form::Widget" type.  The specific
       interaction that is offered depends on the dynamic type of the object (see
       CGI::Test::Form::Widget for details).

       An interaction with a form ends by a submission of the form data to the server, and
       getting a reply back.  This is done by pressing a submit button, and the press() routine
       returns a new page.  Naturally, no server is contacted at all within the "CGI::Test"
       framework, and the CGI script is ran through a proper call to one of the GET/POST method
       on the "CGI::Test" object.


   Creation Interface
       The creation routine "new()" takes the following mandatory parameters:

       "-base_url" => URL of the cgi-bin directory
           Defines the URL domain which is handled by "CGI::Test".  This is the URL of the
           "cgi-bin" directory.

           Note that there is no need to have something actually running on the specified host or
           port, and the server name can be any host name, whether it exists or not.  For
           instance, if you say:

               -base_url => ""

           you simply declare that the "CGI::Test" object will know how to handle a GET request
           for, say:


           and it will do so internally, without contacting "" on port 70...

       "-cgi_dir" => path to the cgi-bin directory
           Defines the physical path corresponding to the "cgi-bin" directory defined by the
           "-base_url" parameter.

           For instance, given the settings:

               -base_url => "",
               -cgi_dir  => "/home/ram/cgi/test"

           then requesting


           will actually run


           Those things are really easier to understand via examples than via formal
           descriptions, aren't they?

       The following optional arguments may also be provided:

       "-cgi_env" => HASH ref
           Defines additional environment variables that must be set, or changes hardwirted
           defaults.  Some variables like "CONTENT_TYPE" really depend on the request and will be
           dynamically computed by "CGI::Test".

           For instance:

               -cgi_env => {
                   HTTP_USER_AGENT     => "Mozilla/4.76",
                   AUTH_TYPE           => "Digest",

           See "CGI ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" for more details on which environment variables are
           defined, and which may be superseded.

       "-doc_dir" => path to document tree
           This defines the root directory of the HTTP server, for path translation.  It defaults
           to "/var/www".

           NOTE: "CGI::Test" only serves CGI scripts for now, so this setting is not terribly
           useful, unless you care about "PATH_TRANSLATED".

       "-tmp_dir" => path to temporary directory
           The temporary directory to use for internal files created while processing requests.
           Defaults to the value of the environment variable "TMPDIR", or "/tmp" if it is not

   Object Interface
       The following methods, listed in alphabetical order, are available:

       "GET" url_string [, auth_user]
           Issues an HTTP GET request of the specified URL, given as the string url_string.  It
           must be in the http scheme, and must lie within the configured CGI space (i.e. under
           the base URL given at creation time via "-base_url").

           Optionally, you may specify the name of an authenticated user as the auth_user string.
           "CGI::Test" will simply setup the CGI environment variable "REMOTE_USER" accordingly.
           Since we're in a testing framework, you can pretend to be anyone you like.  See "CGI
           ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" for more information on environment variables, and in
           particular "AUTH_TYPE".

           "GET" returns a "CGI::Test::Page" polymorphic object, i.e. an object whose dynamic
           type is an heir of "CGI::Test::Page".  See CGI::Test::Page for more information on
           this class hierarchy.

       "POST" url_string, input_data [, auth_user]
           Issues an HTTP POST request of the specified URL.  See "GET" above for a discussion on
           url_string and auth_user, which applies to "POST" as well.

           The input_data parameter must be a "CGI::Test::Input" object.  It specifies the CGI
           parameters to be sent to the script.  Users normally don't issue POST requests
           manually: they are the result of submits on forms, which are obtained via an initial
           GET.  Nonetheless, you can create your own input easily and issue a "faked" POST
           request, to see how your script might react to inconsistent (and probably malicious)
           input for instance.  See CGI::Test::Input to learn how to construct suitable input.

           "POST" returns a "CGI::Test::Page" polymorphic object, like "GET" does.

           The base path in the URL space of the base URL configured at creation time.  It's the
           URL with the scheme, host and port information removed.

           The configured CGI root directory where scripts to be run are held.

           The configured document root directory.

           The host and port of the base URL you configured at creation time.

       "split_uri" URI
           Splits an URI object into server (host and port), path and query components.  The path
           is simplified using UNIX semantics, i.e. "/./" is ignored and stripped, and "/../" is
           resolved by forgetting the path component that immediately precedes it (no attempt is
           made to make sure the translated path was indeed pointing to an existing directory:
           simplification happens in the path space).

           Returns the list (host, path, query).

           The temporary directory that is being used.

           Returns hashref with parsed HTTP headers received from CGI script.


       The CGI protocol defines a set of environment variables which are to be set by the web
       server before invoking the script.  The environment created by "CGI::Test" conforms to the
       CGI/1.1 specifications.

       Here is a list of all the known variables.  Some of those are marked read-only.  It means
       you may choose to set them via the "-cgi_env" switch of the "new()" routine, but your
       settings will have no effect and "CGI::Test" will always compute a suitable value.

       Variables are listed in alphabetical order:

           The authentication scheme used to authenticate the user given by "REMOTE_USER".  This
           variable is not present in the environment if there was no user specified in the
           GET/POST requests.

           By default, it is set to "Basic" when present.

           Read-only variable, giving the length of data to be read on STDIN by POST requests (as
           told by "REQUEST_METHOD").  If is not present for GET requests.

           Read-only variable, giving the MIME type of data to be read on STDIN by POST requests
           (as told by "REQUEST_METHOD").  If is not present for GET requests.

           The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) version specification.  Defaults to "CGI/1.1".

           The set of Content-Type that are said to be accepted by the client issuing the HTTP
           request.  Since there is no browser making any request here, the default is set to

           It is up to your script to honour the value of this variable if it wishes to be nice
           with the client.

           The charset that is said to be accepted by the client issuing the HTTP request.  Since
           there is no browser making any request here, the default is set to "iso-8859-1".

           Whether the connection should be kept alive by the server or closed after this
           request.  Defaults to "Close", but since there's no connection and no real client...

           This is the host processing the HTTP request.  It is a read-only variable, set to the
           hostname and port parts of the requested URL.

           The user agent tag string.  This can be used by scripts to emit code that can be
           understood by the client, and is also further abused to derive the OS type where the
           user agent runs.

           In order to be as neutral as possible, it is set to "CGI::Test" by default.

           Read-only variable set to the extra path information part of the requested URL.
           Always present, even if empty.

           This read-only variable is only present when there is a non-empty "PATH_INFO"
           variable.  It is simply set to the value of "PATH_INFO" with the document rootdir path
           prepended to it (the value of the "-doc_dir" creation argument).

           This very important read-only variable is the query string present in the requested
           URL.  Note that it may very well be set even for a POST request.

           The IP address of the client making the requst.  Can be used to implement an access
           policy from within the script.  Here, given that there's no real client, the default
           is set to "", which is the IP of the local loopback interface.

           The DNS-translated hostname of the IP address held in "REMOTE_ADDR".  Here, for
           testing purposes, it is not computed after "REMOTE_ADDR" but can be freely set.
           Defaults to "localhost".

           This read-only variable is only present when making an authenticated GET or POST
           request.  Its value is the name of the user we are supposed to have successfully
           authenticated, using the scheme held in "AUTH_TYPE".

           Read-only variable, whose value is either "GET" or "POST".

           Read-only variable set to the filesystem path of the CGI script being run.

           Read-only variable set to the virtual  path of the CGI script being run, i.e. the path
           given in the requested URL.

           The host name running the server, which defaults to the host name present in the base
           URL, provided at creation time as the "-base_url" argument.

           The port where the server listens, which defaults to the port present in the base URL,
           provided at creation time as the "-base_url" argument.  If no port was explicitely
           given, 80 is assumed.

           The protocol which must be followed when replying to the client request.  Set to
           "HTTP/1.1" by default.

           The name of the server software.  Defaults to "CGI::Test".


       There are some, most probably.  Please notify me about them.

       The following limitations (in decreasing amount of importance) are known and may be lifted
       one day -- patches welcome:

       ·   There is no support for cookies.  A CGI installing cookies and expecting them to be
           resent on further invocations to friendly scripts is bound to disappointment.

       ·   There is no support for plain document retrieval: only CGI scripts can be fetched by
           an HTTP request for now.


       CGI::Test now has a publicly accessible Git server provided by


       Please use Github issue tracker to open bug reports and maintenance requests.


       The original author is Raphael Manfredi.

       Steven Hilton was long time maintainer of this module.

       Current maintainer is Alex Tokarev <>.


       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
       the Artistic License, a copy of which can be found with Perl 5.6.0.

       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
       without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
       See the Artistic License for more details.


       CGI(3), CGI::Test::Page(3), CGI::Test::Form(3), CGI::Test::Input(3),
       CGI::Test::Form::Widget(3), HTTP::Status(3), URI(3).