Provided by: libcatalyst-model-dbic-schema-perl_0.65-1_all bug


       Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema - DBIx::Class::Schema Model Class


       First, prepare your database schema using DBIx::Class, see
       Catalyst::Helper::Model::DBIC::Schema for how to generate a DBIx::Class::Schema from your
       database using the Helper script, and DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base.

       A typical usage of the helper script would be:

           script/ model FilmDB DBIC::Schema MyApp::Schema::FilmDB \
               create=static dbi:mysql:filmdb dbusername dbpass \

       If you are unfamiliar with DBIx::Class, see DBIx::Class::Manual::Intro first.

       These examples assume that you already have a schema called "MyApp::Schema::FilmDB", which
       defines some Result classes for tables in "MyApp::Schema::FilmDB::Result::Actor" and
       "MyApp::Schema::FilmDB::Result::Film". Either created by the helper script (as shown
       above) or manually.

       The helper also creates a Model in "lib/MyApp/Model/", if you already have a
       schema you can create just the Model using:

           script/ model FilmDB DBIC::Schema MyApp::Schema::FilmDB
               dbi:mysql:filmdb dbusername dbpass

       The connect_info is optional and will be hardcoded into the Model if provided.  It's
       better to configure it in your Catalyst config file, which will also override any
       hardcoded config, see "connect_info" for examples.

       Now you have a working Model which accesses your separate DBIC Schema. This can be
       used/accessed in the normal Catalyst manner, via "$c->model()":

         my $db_model = $c->model('FilmDB');         # a Catalyst::Model
         my $dbic     = $c->model('FilmDB')->schema; # the actual DBIC object

       There is also a shortcut, which returns a DBIx::Class::ResultSet directly, instead of a

         my $rs = $c->model('FilmDB::Actor');

       See DBIx::Class::ResultSet to find out more about which methods can be called on

       You can also define your own ResultSet methods to encapsulate the database/business logic
       of your applications. These go into, for example,
       "lib/MyApp/Schema/FilmDB/ResultSet/". The class must inherit from
       DBIx::Class::ResultSet and is automatically loaded.

       Then call your methods like any other DBIx::Class::ResultSet method:


   Some examples:
         # to access schema methods directly:

         # to access the source object, resultset, and class:

         # For resultsets, there's an even quicker shortcut:
         # is the same as $c->model('FilmDB')->resultset('Actor')

         # To get the composed schema for making new connections:
         my $newconn = $c->model('FilmDB')->composed_schema->connect(...);

         # Or the same thing via a convenience shortcut:
         my $newconn = $c->model('FilmDB')->connect(...);

         # or, if your schema works on different storage drivers:
         my $newconn = $c->model('FilmDB')->composed_schema->clone();

         # and again, a convenience shortcut
         my $newconn = $c->model('FilmDB')->clone();

       To set up authentication, see "Setting up DBIC authentication" below.


       This is a Catalyst Model for DBIx::Class::Schema-based Models.  See the documentation for
       Catalyst::Helper::Model::DBIC::Schema for information on generating these Models via
       Helper scripts.

       When your Catalyst app starts up, a thin Model layer is created as an interface to your
       DBIC Schema. It should be clearly noted that the model object returned by
       "$c->model('FilmDB')" is NOT itself a DBIC schema or resultset object, but merely a
       wrapper proving methods to access the underlying schema.

       In addition to this model class, a shortcut class is generated for each source in the
       schema, allowing easy and direct access to a resultset of the corresponding type. These
       generated classes are even thinner than the model class, providing no public methods but
       simply hooking into Catalyst's model() accessor via the ACCEPT_CONTEXT mechanism. The
       complete contents of each generated class is roughly equivalent to the following:

         package MyApp::Model::FilmDB::Actor
         sub ACCEPT_CONTEXT {
             my ($self, $c) = @_;

       In short, there are three techniques available for obtaining a DBIC resultset object:

         # the long way
         my $rs = $c->model('FilmDB')->schema->resultset('Actor');

         # using the shortcut method on the model object
         my $rs = $c->model('FilmDB')->resultset('Actor');

         # using the generated class directly
         my $rs = $c->model('FilmDB::Actor');

       In order to add methods to a DBIC resultset, you cannot simply add them to the source
       (row, table) definition class; you must define a separate custom resultset class. This is
       just a matter of making a "lib/MyApp/Schema/ResultSet/" class that inherits from
       DBIx::Class::ResultSet, if you are using "load_namespaces" in DBIx::Class::Schema, the
       default for helper script generated schemas.

       See "Predefined searches" in DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook for information on definining
       your own DBIx::Class::ResultSet classes for use with "load_classes" in
       DBIx::Class::Schema, the old default.


       This is the classname of your DBIx::Class::Schema Schema.  It needs to be findable in
       @INC, but it does not need to be inside the "Catalyst::Model::" namespace.  This parameter
       is required.

       This is a hashref or arrayref of connection parameters, which are specific to your
       "storage_type" (see your storage type documentation for more details). If you only need
       one parameter (e.g. the DSN), you can just pass a string.

       This is not required if "schema_class" already has connection information defined inside
       itself (which isn't highly recommended, but can be done.)

       For DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI, which is the only supported "storage_type" in DBIx::Class
       at the time of this writing, the parameters are your dsn, username, password, and connect
       options hashref.

       See "connect_info" in DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI for a detailed explanation of the
       arguments supported.


         connect_info => {
           dsn => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=mypgdb',
           user => 'postgres',
           password => ''

         connect_info => {
           dsn => 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=foo.db',
           on_connect_do => [
             'PRAGMA synchronous = OFF',

         connect_info => {
           dsn => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=mypgdb',
           user => 'postgres',
           password => '',
           pg_enable_utf8 => 1,
           on_connect_do => [
             'some SQL statement',
             'another SQL statement',

       Or using Config::General:

               schema_class   MyApp::Schema::FilmDB
               traits Caching
                   dsn   dbi:Pg:dbname=mypgdb
                   user   postgres
                   password ""
                   auto_savepoint 1
                   quote_names 1
                   on_connect_do   some SQL statement
                   on_connect_do   another SQL statement
               user_defined_schema_accessor foo


               schema_class   MyApp::Schema::FilmDB
               connect_info   dbi:SQLite:dbname=foo.db

       Or using YAML:

             schema_class: MyDB
             traits: Caching
                 dsn: dbi:Oracle:mydb
                 user: mtfnpy
                 password: mypass
                 LongReadLen: 1000000
                 LongTruncOk: 1
                 on_connect_call: 'datetime_setup'
                 quote_names: 1

       The old arrayref style with hashrefs for DBI then DBIx::Class options is also supported:

         connect_info => [
             pg_enable_utf8 => 1,
             auto_savepoint => 1,
             on_connect_do => [
               'some SQL statement',
               'another SQL statement',

       Array of Traits to apply to the instance. Traits are Moose::Roles.

       They are relative to the "MyApp::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::", then the
       "Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::" namespaces, unless prefixed with "+" in which
       case they are taken to be a fully qualified name.  E.g.:

           traits Caching
           traits +MyApp::TraitFor::Model::Foo

       A new instance is created at application time, so any consumed required attributes,
       coercions and modifiers will work.

       Traits are applied at "COMPONENT" in Catalyst::Component time using

       "ref $self" will be an anon class if any traits are applied, "$self->_original_class_name"
       will be the original class.

       When writing a Trait, interesting points to modify are "BUILD", "setup" and

       Traits that come with the distribution:


       This model calls "compose_namespaces" in DBIx::Class::Schema by default to install classes
       into the model namespaces. You can turn that off by setting this attribute to false.
       Default is true.

       If you don't want shortcut models so you can do e.g. "$c->model('DB::Book')" set this
       attribute to false, Default is true.

       Allows the use of a different "storage_type" than what is set in your "schema_class"
       (which in turn defaults to "::DBI" if not set in current DBIx::Class).  Completely
       optional, and probably unnecessary for most people until other storage backends become
       available for DBIx::Class.


       The keys you pass in the model configuration are available as attributes.

       Other attributes available:

       Your connect_info args normalized to hashref form (with dsn/user/password.) See
       "connect_info" in DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI for more info on the hashref form of

       The model name Catalyst uses to resolve this model, the part after "::Model::" or "::M::"
       in your class name. E.g. if your class name is "MyApp::Model::DB" the "model_name" will be

       What to reset your "cursor_class" in DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI to if a custom one doesn't
       work out. Defaults to DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Cursor.

ATTRIBUTES FROM MooseX::Traits::Pluggable

       The class name of your model before any "traits" are applied. E.g.  "MyApp::Model::DB".

       Unresolved arrayref of traits passed in the config.

       Traits you used resolved to full class names.


       See the documentation for Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::SchemaProxy for
       instructions on how to pass config values from your Catalyst config to your
       DBIx::Class::Schema and/or DBIx::Class::ResultSet classes.


       Instantiates the Model based on the above-documented ->config parameters.  The only
       required parameter is "schema_class".  "connect_info" is required in the case that
       "schema_class" does not already have connection information defined for it.

       Accessor which returns the connected schema being used by the this model.  There are
       direct shortcuts on the model class itself for schema->resultset, schema->source, and

       Accessor which returns the composed schema, which has no connection info, which was used
       in constructing the "schema". Useful for creating new connections based on the same
       schema/model.  There are direct shortcuts from the model object for composed_schema->clone
       and composed_schema->connect

       If "compose_namespaces" is not true, "composed_schema" is equivalent to

       Shortcut for ->composed_schema->clone

       Shortcut for ->composed_schema->connect

       Shortcut for ->schema->source

       Shortcut for ->schema->class

       Shortcut for ->schema->resultset

       Shortcut for ->schema->txn_do

       Shortcut for ->schema->txn_scope_guard

       Provides an accessor for the connected schema's storage object.

       See DBIx::Class::Storage and DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI.

       Called at "BUILD" time before configuration, but after "connect_info" is set. To do
       something after configuuration use "after BUILD =>".

       Receives a hashref of args passed to "BUILD".

       Point of extension for doing things at "$c->model" time with context, returns the model
       instance, see "ACCEPT_CONTEXT" in Catalyst::Manual::Intro for more information.


           Set this variable if you will be using schemas with no sources (Result classes) to
           disable the warning. The warning is there because having no Result classes is usually
           a mistake.

Setting up DBIC authentication

       You can set this up with Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class in

         package MyApp;

         use Catalyst qw/... Authentication .../;


         __PACKAGE__->config('Plugin::Authentication' =>
                           default_realm => 'members',
                           members => {
                               credential => {
                                   class => 'Password',
                                   password_field => 'password',
                                   password_type => 'hashed'
                                   password_hash_type => 'SHA-256'
                               store => {
                                   class => 'DBIx::Class',
                                   user_model => 'DB::User',
                                   role_relation => 'roles',
                                   role_field => 'rolename',


       The automatic proxying to the underlying DBIx::Class::Schema has been removed as of
       version 0.34, to enable this feature add "SchemaProxy" to "traits".

       See Catalyst::TraitFor::Model::DBIC::Schema::SchemaProxy.


       General Catalyst Stuff:

       Catalyst::Manual, Catalyst::Test, Catalyst::Request, Catalyst::Response, Catalyst::Helper,

       Stuff related to DBIC and this Model style:

       DBIx::Class, DBIx::Class::Schema, DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader,
       Catalyst::Helper::Model::DBIC::Schema, CatalystX::Component::Traits,




       Brandon L Black "blblack at"


       caelum: Rafael Kitover "rkitover at"

       dandv: Dan Dascalescu "dandv at"

       bluefeet: Aran Deltac ""

       t0m: Tomas Doran ""

       osfameron: ""

       ozum: Ozum Eldogan ""

       Pavel I. Shaydo ""

       SineSwiper: Brendan Byrd <>


       Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010 the Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema "AUTHOR" and "CONTRIBUTORS" as
       listed above.


       This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
       terms as Perl itself.