Provided by: libhtml-formfu-perl_2.01000-2_all bug


       HTML::FormFu - HTML Form Creation, Rendering and Validation Framework


       Note: These examples make use of HTML::FormFu::Model::DBIC. As of "HTML::FormFu" v02.005,
       the HTML::FormFu::Model::DBIC module is not bundled with "HTML::FormFu" and is available
       in a stand-alone distribution.

           use HTML::FormFu;

           my $form = HTML::FormFu->new;


           $form->process( $cgi_query );

           if ( $form->submitted_and_valid ) {
               # do something with $form->params
           else {
               # display the form
               $template->param( form => $form );

       If you're using Catalyst, a more suitable example might be:

           package MyApp::Controller::User;
           use Moose;
           extends 'Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu';

           sub user : FormFuChained CaptureArgs(1) {
               my ( $self, $c, $id ) = @_;

               my $rs = $c->model('Schema')->resultset('User');

               $c->stash->{user} = $rs->find( $id );


           sub edit : FormFuChained('user') Args(0) FormConfig {
               my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

               my $form = $c->stash->{form};
               my $user = $c->stash->{user};

               if ( $form->submitted_and_valid ) {

                   $form->model->update( $user );

                   $c->res->redirect( $c->uri_for( "/user/$id" ) );

               $form->model->default_values( $user )
                   if ! $form->submitted;


       Note: Because "process" is automatically called for you by the Catalyst controller; if you
       make any modifications to the form within your action method, such as adding or changing
       elements, adding constraints, etc; you must call "process" again yourself before using
       "submitted_and_valid", any of the methods listed under "SUBMITTED FORM VALUES AND ERRORS"
       or "MODIFYING A SUBMITTED FORM", or rendering the form.

       Here's an example of a config file to create a basic login form (all examples here are
       YAML, but you can use any format supported by Config::Any), you can also create forms
       directly in your perl code, rather than using an external config file.

           action: /login
           indicator: submit
           auto_fieldset: 1

             - type: Text
               name: user
                 - Required

             - type: Password
               name: pass
                 - Required

             - type: Submit
               name: submit

             - SingleValue


       HTML::FormFu is a HTML form framework which aims to be as easy as possible to use for
       basic web forms, but with the power and flexibility to do anything else you might want to
       do (as long as it involves forms).

       You can configure almost any part of formfu's behaviour and output. By default formfu
       renders "XHTML 1.0 Strict" compliant markup, with as little extra markup as possible, but
       with sufficient CSS class names to allow for a wide-range of output styles to be generated
       by changing only the CSS.

       All methods listed below (except "new") can either be called as a normal method on your
       $form object, or as an option in your config file. Examples will mainly be shown in YAML
       config syntax.

       This documentation follows the convention that method arguments surrounded by square
       brackets "[]" are optional, and all other arguments are required.


       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: $form

       Create a new HTML::FormFu object.

       Any method which can be called on the HTML::FormFu object may instead be passed as an
       argument to "new".

           my $form = HTML::FormFu->new({
               action        => '/search',
               method        => 'GET',
               auto_fieldset => 1,

       Arguments: $filename

       Arguments: \@filenames

       Return Value: $form

       Accepts a filename or list of file names, whose filetypes should be of any format
       recognized by Config::Any.

       The content of each config file is passed to "populate", and so are added to the form.

       "load_config_file" may be called in a config file itself, so as to allow common settings
       to be kept in a single config file which may be loaded by any form.

             - file1
             - file2

       YAML multiple documents within a single file. The document start marker is a line
       containing 3 dashes. Multiple documents will be applied in order, just as if multiple
       filenames had been given.

       In the following example, multiple documents are taken advantage of to load another config
       file after the elements are added. (If this were a single document, the "load_config_file"
       would be called before "elements", regardless of its position in the file).

             - name: one
             - name: two

           load_config_file: ext.yml

       Relative paths are resolved from the "config_file_path" directory if it is set, otherwise
       from the current working directory.

       See "BEST PRACTICES" for advice on organising config files.

       Arguments: \%options

       If defined, the arguments are used to create a Data::Visitor::Callback object during
       "load_config_file" which may be used to pre-process the config before it is sent to

       For example, the code below adds a callback to a form that will dynamically alter any
       config value ending in ".yml" to end in ".yaml" when you call "load_config_file":

             plain_value => sub {
               my( $visitor, $data ) = @_;

       Default Value: not defined

       This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a
       block element or a single element. When the value is read, if no value is defined it
       automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block elements and
       up to the form, searching for a defined value.

       Arguments: \%options

       Return Value: $form

       Each option key/value passed may be any HTML::FormFu method-name and arguments.

       Provides a simple way to set multiple values, or add multiple elements to a form with a
       single method-call.

       Attempts to call the method-names in a semi-intelligent order (see the source of
       populate() in "HTML::FormFu::ObjectUtil" for details).

       Arguments: \%defaults

       Return Value: $form

       Set multiple field's default values from a single hash-ref.

       The hash-ref's keys correspond to a form field's name, and the value is passed to the
       field's default method.

       This should be called after all fields have been added to the form, and before "process"
       is called (otherwise, call "process" again before rendering the form).

       Arguments: $directory_name

       "config_file_path" defines where configuration files will be searched for, if an absolute
       path is not given to "load_config_file".

       Default Value: not defined

       This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a
       block element or a single element. When the value is read, if no value is defined it
       automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block elements and
       up to the form, searching for a defined value.

       Is an inheriting accessor.

       Arguments: $field_name

       Arguments: \&coderef

       If "indicator" is set to a fieldname, "submitted" will return true if a value for that
       fieldname was submitted.

       If "indicator" is set to a code-ref, it will be called as a subroutine with the two
       arguments $form and $query, and its return value will be used as the return value for

       If "indicator" is not set, "submitted" will return true if a value for any known fieldname
       was submitted.

       Arguments: 1

       Arguments: \%options

       Return Value: $fieldset

       This setting is suitable for most basic forms, and means you can generally ignore adding
       fieldsets yourself.

       Calling "$form->auto_fieldset(1)" immediately adds a fieldset element to the form.
       Thereafter, "$form->elements()" will add all elements (except fieldsets) to that fieldset,
       rather than directly to the form.

       To be specific, the elements are added to the last fieldset on the form, so if you add
       another fieldset, any further elements will be added to that fieldset.

       Also, you may pass a hashref to auto_fieldset(), and this will be used to set defaults for
       the first fieldset created.

       A few examples and their output, to demonstrate:

       2 elements with no fieldset.

             - type: Text
               name: foo
             - type: Text
               name: bar

           <form action="" method="post">
             <div class="text">
               <input name="foo" type="text" />
             <div class="text">
               <input name="bar" type="text" />

       2 elements with an "auto_fieldset".

           auto_fieldset: 1
             - type: Text
               name: foo
             - type: Text
               name: bar

           <form action="" method="post">
               <div class="text">
                 <input name="foo" type="text" />
               <div class="text">
                 <input name="bar" type="text" />

       The 3rd element is within a new fieldset

           auto_fieldset: { id: fs }
             - type: Text
               name: foo
             - type: Text
               name: bar
             - type: Fieldset
             - type: Text
               name: baz

           <form action="" method="post">
             <fieldset id="fs">
               <div class="text">
                 <input name="foo" type="text" />
               <div class="text">
                 <input name="bar" type="text" />
               <div class="text">
                 <input name="baz" type="text" />

       Because of this behaviour, if you want nested fieldsets you will have to add each nested
       fieldset directly to its intended parent.

           my $parent = $form->get_element({ type => 'Fieldset' });


       Arguments: $string

       Normally, input errors cause an error message to be displayed alongside the appropriate
       form field. If you'd also like a general error message to be displayed at the top of the
       form, you can set the message with "form_error_message".

       To set the CSS class for the message, see "form_error_message_class".

       To change the markup used to display the message, edit the "form_error_message" template
       file. See "render_method".

       Is an output accessor.

       If true, forces the "form_error_message" to be displayed even if there are no field

       Arguments: \%defaults

       Set defaults which will be added to every element, constraint, etc. of the given type
       which is subsequently added to the form.

       For example, to make every "Text" element automatically have a size of 10, and make every
       "Strftime" deflator automatically get its strftime set to "%d/%m/%Y":

                       size: 10
                       strftime: '%d/%m/%Y'

       An example to make all DateTime elements automatically get an appropriate Strftime
       deflator and a DateTime inflator:

                           type: Strftime
                           strftime: '%d-%m-%Y'
                           type: DateTime
                               strptime: '%d-%m-%Y'

       Pseudo types

       As a special case, you can also use the "elements" keys "Block", "Field" and "Input" to
       match any element which inherits from HTML::FormFu::Element::Block or which "does"
       HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::Field or HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::Input.


       Each "elements" key can contain an "any" list using the "|" divider: e.g.

           # apply the given class to any Element of type Password or Button
                           class: novalidate

       Match ancestor

       Each "elements" key list can contain a type starting with "+" to only match elements with
       an ancestor of the given type: e.g.

           # only apple the given class to an Input field within a Multi block
                           class: novalidate

       Don't match ancestor

       Each "elements" key list can contain a type starting with "-" to only match elements who
       do not have an ancestor of the given type: e.g.

           # apply the given class only to Input fields that are not in a Multi block
                           clasS: validate


       The arguments are applied in least- to most-specific order: "Block", "Field", "Input",
       $type. Within each of these, arguments are applied in order of shortest-first to longest-

       The "type" key must match the value returned by "type", e.g.  "type" in
       HTML::FormFu::Element. If, for example, you have a custom element outside of the
       "HTML::FormFu::Element::*" namespace, which you load via "$form->element({ type =>
       '+My::Custom::Element' })", the key given to "default_args" should not include the leading
       "+", as that is stripped-out of the returned "type()" value. Example:

           # don't include the leading '+' here
                           class: whatever

           # do include the leading '+' here
               - type: +My::Custom::Element


       "default_args" generates a single hashref to pass to "populate", merging arguments for
       each type in turn - meaning "populate" is only called once in total - not once for each
       type.  Because scalar values are not merged - this means later values will override
       earlier values: e.g.

           # Normally, calling $field->add_attrs({ class => 'input' })
           # then calling      $field->add_attrs({ class => 'not-in-multi' })
           # would result in both values being retained:
           #           class="input not-in-multi"
           # However, default_args() creates a single data-structure to pass once
           # to populate(), so any scalar values will overwrite earlier ones
           # before they reach populate().
           # The below example would result in the longest-matching key
           # overwriting any others:
           #           class="not-in-multi"
                           class: input
                           class: not-in-multi


       Note: Unlike the proper methods which have aliases, for example "elements" which is an
       alias for "element" - the keys given to "default_args" must be of the plural form, e.g.:

               elements:          {}
               deflators:         {}
               filters:           {}
               constraints:       {}
               inflators:         {}
               validators:        {}
               transformers:      {}
               output_processors: {}

       If set, the contents will be rendered within a "script" tag, inside the top of the form.

       Arguments: $url

       Arguments: \@urls

       Adds a "script" tag for each URL, immediately before any "javascript" section.

       Arguments: [\%private_stash]

       Return Value: \%stash

       Provides a hash-ref in which you can store any data you might want to associate with the

             foo: value
             bar: value

       Arguments: $type

       Arguments: \%options

       Return Value: $element

       Arguments: \@arrayref_of_types_or_options

       Return Value: @elements

       Adds a new element to the form. See "CORE FORM FIELDS" in HTML::FormFu::Element and "OTHER
       CORE ELEMENTS" in HTML::FormFu::Element for a list of core elements.

       If you want to load an element from a namespace other than "HTML::FormFu::Element::", you
       can use a fully qualified package-name by prefixing it with "+".

             - type: +MyApp::CustomElement
               name: foo

       If a "type" is not provided in the "\%options", the default "Text" will be used.

       "element" is an alias for "elements".

       Arguments: $type

       Arguments: \%options

       Return Value: $deflator

       Arguments: \@arrayref_of_types_or_options

       Return Value: @deflators

       A deflator may be associated with any form field, and allows you to provide
       $field->default with a value which may be an object.

       If an object doesn't stringify to a suitable value for display, the deflator can ensure
       that the form field receives a suitable string value instead.

       See "CORE DEFLATORS" in HTML::FormFu::Deflator for a list of core deflators.

       If a "name" attribute isn't provided, a new deflator is created for and added to every
       field on the form.

       If you want to load a deflator in a namespace other than "HTML::FormFu::Deflator::", you
       can use a fully qualified package-name by prefixing it with "+".

       "deflator" is an alias for "deflators".

       Arguments: $new_element, $existing_element

       Return Value: $new_element

       The 1st argument must be the element you want added, the 2nd argument must be the existing
       element that the new element should be placed before.

           my $new = $form->element(\%specs);

           my $position = $form->get_element({ type => $type, name => $name });

           $form->insert_before( $new, $position );

       In the first line of the above example, the $new element is initially added to the end of
       the form. However, the "insert_before" method reparents the $new element, so it will no
       longer be on the end of the form. Because of this, if you try to copy an element from one
       form to another, it will 'steal' the element, instead of copying it. In this case, you
       must use "clone":

           my $new = $form1->get_element({ type => $type1, name => $name1 })

           my $position = $form2->get_element({ type => $type2, name => $name2 });

           $form2->insert_before( $new, $position );

       Arguments: $new_element, $existing_element

       Return Value: $new_element

       The 1st argument must be the element you want added, the 2nd argument must be the existing
       element that the new element should be placed after.

           my $new = $form->element(\%specs);

           my $position = $form->get_element({ type => $type, name => $name });

           $form->insert_after( $new, $position );

       In the first line of the above example, the $new element is initially added to the end of
       the form. However, the "insert_after" method reparents the $new element, so it will no
       longer be on the end of the form. Because of this, if you try to copy an element from one
       form to another, it will 'steal' the element, instead of copying it. In this case, you
       must use "clone":

           my $new = $form1->get_element({ type => $type1, name => $name1 })

           my $position = $form2->get_element({ type => $type2, name => $name2 });

           $form2->insert_after( $new, $position );

       Arguments: $element

       Return Value: $element

       Removes the $element from the form or block's array of children.

           $form->remove_element( $element );

       The orphaned element cannot be usefully used for anything until it is re-attached to a
       form or block with "insert_before" or "insert_after".


       HTML::FormFu provides several stages for what is traditionally described as validation.
       These are:


       The first stage, the filters, allow for cleanup of user-input, such as encoding, or
       removing leading/trailing whitespace, or removing non-digit characters from a creditcard

       All of the following stages allow for more complex processing, and each of them have a
       mechanism to allow exceptions to be thrown, to represent input errors. In each stage, all
       form fields must be processed without error for the next stage to proceed. If there were
       any errors, the form should be re-displayed to the user, to allow them to input correct

       Constraints are intended for low-level validation of values, such as "is this an
       integer?", "is this value within bounds?" or "is this a valid email address?".

       Inflators are intended to allow a value to be turned into an appropriate object. The
       resulting object will be passed to subsequent Validators and Transformers, and will also
       be returned by "params" and "param".

       Validators are intended for higher-level validation, such as business-logic and database
       constraints such as "is this username unique?".  Validators are only run if all
       Constraints and Inflators have run without errors. It is expected that most Validators
       will be application-specific, and so each will be implemented as a separate class written
       by the HTML::FormFu user.

       Arguments: $type

       Arguments: \%options

       Return Value: $filter

       Arguments: \@arrayref_of_types_or_options

       Return Value: @filters

       If you provide a "name" or "names" value, the filter will be added to just that named
       field.  If you do not provide a "name" or "names" value, the filter will be added to all
       fields already attached to the form.

       See "CORE FILTERS" in HTML::FormFu::Filter for a list of core filters.

       If you want to load a filter in a namespace other than "HTML::FormFu::Filter::", you can
       use a fully qualified package-name by prefixing it with "+".

       "filter" is an alias for "filters".

       Arguments: $type

       Arguments: \%options

       Return Value: $constraint

       Arguments: \@arrayref_of_types_or_options

       Return Value: @constraints

       See "CORE CONSTRAINTS" in HTML::FormFu::Constraint for a list of core constraints.

       If a "name" attribute isn't provided, a new constraint is created for and added to every
       field on the form.

       If you want to load a constraint in a namespace other than "HTML::FormFu::Constraint::",
       you can use a fully qualified package-name by prefixing it with "+".

       "constraint" is an alias for "constraints".

       Arguments: $type

       Arguments: \%options

       Return Value: $inflator

       Arguments: \@arrayref_of_types_or_options

       Return Value: @inflators

       See "CORE INFLATORS" in HTML::FormFu::Inflator for a list of core inflators.

       If a "name" attribute isn't provided, a new inflator is created for and added to every
       field on the form.

       If you want to load an inflator in a namespace other than "HTML::FormFu::Inflator::", you
       can use a fully qualified package-name by prefixing it with "+".

       "inflator" is an alias for "inflators".

       Arguments: $type

       Arguments: \%options

       Return Value: $validator

       Arguments: \@arrayref_of_types_or_options

       Return Value: @validators

       See "CORE VALIDATORS" in HTML::FormFu::Validator for a list of core validators.

       If a "name" attribute isn't provided, a new validator is created for and added to every
       field on the form.

       If you want to load a validator in a namespace other than "HTML::FormFu::Validator::", you
       can use a fully qualified package-name by prefixing it with "+".

       "validator" is an alias for "validators".

       Arguments: $type

       Arguments: \%options

       Return Value: $transformer

       Arguments: \@arrayref_of_types_or_options

       Return Value: @transformers

       See "CORE TRANSFORMERS" in HTML::FormFu::Transformer for a list of core transformers.

       If a "name" attribute isn't provided, a new transformer is created for and added to every
       field on the form.

       If you want to load a transformer in a namespace other than "HTML::FormFu::Transformer::",
       you can use a fully qualified package-name by prefixing it with "+".

       "transformer" is an alias for "transformers".


       The default behaviour when re-displaying a form after a submission, is that the field
       contains the original unchanged user-submitted value.

       If "render_processed_value" is true, the field value will be the final result after all
       Filters, Inflators and Transformers have been run.  Deflators will also be run on the

       If you set this on a field with an Inflator, but without an equivalent Deflator, you
       should ensure that the Inflators stringify back to a usable value, so as not to confuse /
       annoy the user.

       Default Value: false

       This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a
       block element or a single element. When the value is read, if no value is defined it
       automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block elements and
       up to the form, searching for a defined value.

       Is an inheriting accessor.

       Force a constraint to fail, regardless of user input.

       If this is called at runtime, after the form has already been processed, you must called
       "process" in HTML::FormFu again before redisplaying the form to the user.

       Default Value: false

       This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a
       block element, an element or a single constraint. When the value is read, if no value is
       defined it automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block
       elements and up to the form, searching for a defined value.

       Is an inheriting accessor.

       If true, causes "params", "param" and "valid" to ignore any fields whose name starts with
       an underscore "_".

       The field is still processed as normal, and errors will cause "submitted_and_valid" to
       return false.

       Default Value: false


       All attributes are added to the rendered form's start tag.

           # Example
             id: form
             class: fancy_form

       Is an attribute accessor.

       Is an attribute short-cut.

       Default Value: ""

       Get or set the action associated with the form. The default is no action, which causes
       most browsers to submit to the current URI.

       Is an attribute short-cut.

       Get or set the encoding type of the form. Valid values are
       "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" and "multipart/form-data".

       If the form contains a File element, the enctype is automatically set to

       Is an attribute short-cut.

       Default Value: "post"

       Get or set the method used to submit the form. Can be set to either "post" or "get".

       Is an attribute short-cut.

       Get or set the form's title attribute.

       Is an attribute short-cut.


       Class attribute for the error message displayed at the top of the form.

       See "form_error_message"


       Arguments: [\@languages]

       A list of languages which will be passed to the localization object.

       Default Value: ['en']

       Arguments: [$class_name]

       Classname to be used for the default localization object.

       Default Value: 'HTML::FormFu::I18N'

       Arguments: [$key, @arguments]

       Compatible with the "maketext" method in Locale::Maketext.

       Arguments: $locale

       Currently only used by HTML::FormFu::Deflator::FormatNumber and

       This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a
       block element or a single element. When the value is read, if no value is defined it
       automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block elements and
       up to the form, searching for a defined value.

       Is an inheriting accessor.


       Arguments: [$query_object]

       Arguments: \%params

       Provide a CGI compatible query object or a hash-ref of submitted names/values.
       Alternatively, the query object can be passed directly to the "process" object.

       Arguments: [$query_type]

       Set which module is being used to provide the "query".

       The Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu automatically sets this to "Catalyst".

       Valid values are "CGI", "Catalyst" and "CGI::Simple".

       Default Value: 'CGI'

       Arguments: [$query_object]

       Arguments: [\%params]

       Process the provided query object or input values. "process" must be called before calling
       any of the methods listed under "SUBMITTED FORM VALUES AND ERRORS" and "MODIFYING A

       "process" must also be called at least once before printing the form or calling "render"
       or "render_data".

       Note to users of Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu: Because "process" is automatically
       called for you by the Catalyst controller; if you make any modifications to the form
       within your action method, such as adding or changing elements, adding constraints, etc;
       you must call "process" again yourself before using "submitted_and_valid", any of the
       or rendering the form.


       Returns true if the form has been submitted. See "indicator" for details on how this is

       Shorthand for "$form->submitted && !$form->has_errors"

       Return Value: \%params

       Returns a hash-ref of all valid input for which there were no errors.

       Arguments: $field_name

       A more reliable, recommended version of "param". Guaranteed to always return a single
       value, regardless of whether it's called in list context or not. If multiple values were
       submitted, this only returns the first value. If the value is invalid or the form was not
       submitted, it returns "undef". This makes it suitable for use in list context, where a
       single value is required.

               name    => $form->param_value('name'),
               address => $form->param_value('address),

       Arguments: $field_name

       Guaranteed to always return an array-ref of values, regardless of context and regardless
       of whether multiple values were submitted or not. If the value is invalid or the form was
       not submitted, it returns an empty array-ref.

       Arguments: $field_name

       Guaranteed to always return a list of values, regardless of context. If the value is
       invalid or the form was not submitted, it returns an empty list.

       Arguments: [$field_name]

       Return Value: $input_value

       Return Value: @valid_names

       No longer recommended for use, as its behaviour is hard to predict. Use "param_value",
       "param_array" or "param_list" instead.

       A (readonly) method similar to that of CGI's.

       If a field name is given, in list-context returns any valid values submitted for that
       field, and in scalar-context returns only the first of any valid values submitted for that

       If no argument is given, returns a list of all valid input field names without errors.

       Passing more than 1 argument is a fatal error.

       Arguments: [$field_name]

       Return Value: @valid_names

       Return Value: $bool

       If a field name if given, returns "true" if that field had no errors and "false" if there
       were errors.

       If no argument is given, returns a list of all valid input field names without errors.

       Arguments: [$field_name]

       Return Value: @names

       Return Value: $bool

       If a field name if given, returns "true" if that field had errors and "false" if there
       were no errors.

       If no argument is given, returns a list of all input field names with errors.

       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: \@errors

       Returns an array-ref of exception objects from all fields in the form.

       Accepts both "name", "type" and "stage" arguments to narrow the returned results.

               name  => 'foo',
               type  => 'Regex',
               stage => 'constraint'

       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: $error

       Accepts the same arguments as "get_errors", but only returns the first error found.


       See HTML::FormFu::Model for further details and available models.

       Arguments: $model_name

       Default Value: 'DBIC'

       Arguments: [$model_name]

       Return Value: $model

       Arguments: \%config


       Arguments: $name, $value

       Return Value: $value

       The provided value replaces any current value for the named field. This value will be
       returned in subsequent calls to "params" and "param" and the named field will be included
       in calculations for "valid".

       Deletes all errors from a submitted form.


       Return Value: $string

       You must call "process" once after building the form, and before calling "render".

       Return Value: $string

       Returns the form start tag, and any output of "form_error_message" and "javascript".

       Return Value: $string

       Returns the form end tag.

       Return Value: $string

       Returns all hidden form fields.


       "HTML::FormFu" provides a plugin-system that allows plugins to be easily added to a form
       or element, to change the default behaviour or output.

       See HTML::FormFu::Plugin for details.


       By default, formfu renders "XHTML 1.0 Strict" compliant markup, with as little extra
       markup as possible. Many hooks are provided to add programatically-generated CSS class
       names, to allow for a wide-range of output styles to be generated by changing only the

       Basic customisation of the markup is possible via the layout and multi_layout methods.
       This allows you to reorder the position of various parts of each field - such as the
       label, comment, error messages and the input tag - as well as inserting any other
       arbitrary tags you may wish.

       If this is not sufficient, you can make completely personalise the markup by telling
       HTML::FormFu to use an external rendering engine, such as Template Toolkit or
       Template::Alloy.  See "render_method" and "tt_module" for details.

       Even if you set HTML::FormFu to use Template::Toolkit to render, the forms, HTML::FormFu
       can still be used in conjunction with whichever other templating system you prefer to use
       for your own page layouts, whether it's HTML::Template: "<TMPL_VAR form>", Petal: "<form
       tal:replace="form"></form>" or Template::Magic: "<!-- {form} -->".

       As of "HTML::FormFu v1.00", TT is no longer listed a required prerequisite - so you'll
       need to install it manually if you with to use the template files.

       Default Value: "string"

       Can be set to "tt" to generate the form with external template files.

       To customise the markup, you'll need a copy of the template files, local to your
       application. See "Installing the TT templates" in HTML::FormFu::Manual::Cookbook for
       further details.

       You can customise the markup for a single element by setting that element's
       "render_method" to "tt", while the rest of the form uses the default "string" render-
       method. Note though, that if you try setting the form or a Block's "render_method" to
       "tt", and then set a child element's "render_method" to "string", that setting will be
       ignored, and the child elements will still use the "tt" render-method.

             - name: foo
               render_method: tt
               filename: custom_field

             - name: bar

           # in this example, 'foo' will use a custom template,
           # while bar will use the default 'string' rendering method

       This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a
       block element or a single element. When the value is read, if no value is defined it
       automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block elements and
       up to the form, searching for a defined value.

       Is an inheriting accessor.

       Change the template filename used for the form.

       Default Value: "form"

       Arguments: [\%constructor_arguments]

       Accepts a hash-ref of arguments passed to "render_method", which is called internally by

       Within tt_args, the keys "RELATIVE" and "RECURSION" are overridden to always be true, as
       these are a basic requirement for the Template engine.

       The system directory containing HTML::FormFu's template files is always added to the end
       of "INCLUDE_PATH", so that the core template files will be found. You only need to set
       this yourself if you have your own copy of the template files for customisation purposes.

       This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a
       block element or a single element. When the value is read, if no value is defined it
       automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block elements and
       up to the form, searching for a defined value.

       Arguments: [\%constructor_arguments]

       Ensures that the hash-ref argument is merged with any existing hash-ref value of

       Default Value: Template

       The module used when "render_method" is set to "tt". Should provide an interface
       compatible with Template.

       This method is a special 'inherited accessor', which means it can be set on the form, a
       block element or a single element. When the value is read, if no value is defined it
       automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, through any block elements and
       up to the form, searching for a defined value.

       Usually called implicitly by "render". Returns the data structure that would normally be
       passed onto the "string" or "tt" render-methods.

       As with "render", you must call "process" once after building the form, and before calling

       Like "render_data", but doesn't include the data for any child-elements.


       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: \@elements

       Returns all fields in the form (specifically, all elements which have a true "is_field" in
       HTML::FormFu::Element value).

       Accepts both "name" and "type" arguments to narrow the returned results.

               name => 'foo',
               type => 'Radio',

       Accepts also an Regexp to search for results.

               name => qr/oo/,

       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: $element

       Accepts the same arguments as "get_fields", but only returns the first field found.

       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: \@elements

       Returns all top-level elements in the form (not recursive).  See "get_all_elements" for a
       recursive version.

       Accepts both "name" and "type" arguments to narrow the returned results.

               name => 'foo',
               type => 'Radio',

       Accepts also an Regexp to search for results.

               name => qr/oo/,

       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: $element

       Accepts the same arguments as "get_elements", but only returns the first element found.

       See "get_all_element" for a recursive version.

       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: \@elements

       Returns all elements in the form recursively.

       Optionally accepts both "name" and "type" arguments to narrow the returned results.

           # return all Text elements

               type => 'Text',

       Accepts also an Regexp to search for results.

               name => qr/oo/,

       See "get_elements" for a non-recursive version.

       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: $element

       Accepts the same arguments as "get_all_elements", but only returns the first element

           # return the first Text field found, regardless of whether it's
           # within a fieldset or not

               type => 'Text',

       Accepts also an Regexp to search for results.

               name => qr/oo/,

       See "get_all_elements" for a non-recursive version.

       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: \@deflators

       Returns all top-level deflators from all fields.

       Accepts both "name" and "type" arguments to narrow the returned results.

               name => 'foo',
               type => 'Strftime',

       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: $element

       Accepts the same arguments as "get_deflators", but only returns the first deflator found.

       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: \@filters

       Returns all top-level filters from all fields.

       Accepts both "name" and "type" arguments to narrow the returned results.

               name => 'foo',
               type => 'LowerCase',

       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: $filter

       Accepts the same arguments as "get_filters", but only returns the first filter found.

       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: \@constraints

       Returns all constraints from all fields.

       Accepts both "name" and "type" arguments to narrow the returned results.

               name => 'foo',
               type => 'Equal',

       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: $constraint

       Accepts the same arguments as "get_constraints", but only returns the first constraint

       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: \@inflators

       Returns all inflators from all fields.

       Accepts both "name" and "type" arguments to narrow the returned results.

               name => 'foo',
               type => 'DateTime',

       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: $inflator

       Accepts the same arguments as "get_inflators", but only returns the first inflator found.

       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: \@validators

       Returns all validators from all fields.

       Accepts both "name" and "type" arguments to narrow the returned results.

               name => 'foo',
               type => 'Callback',

       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: $validator

       Accepts the same arguments as "get_validators", but only returns the first validator

       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: \@transformers

       Returns all transformers from all fields.

       Accepts both "name" and "type" arguments to narrow the returned results.

               name => 'foo',
               type => 'Callback',

       Arguments: [%options]

       Arguments: [\%options]

       Return Value: $transformer

       Accepts the same arguments as "get_transformers", but only returns the first transformer

       Returns a deep clone of the <$form> object.

       Because of scoping issues, code references (such as in Callback constraints) are copied
       instead of cloned.


       For the basic method, e.g. "/attributes":

       Arguments: [%attributes]

       Arguments: [\%attributes]

       Return Value: $form

       As a special case, if no arguments are passed, the attributes hash-ref is returned. This
       allows the following idioms.

           # set a value
           $form->attributes->{id} = 'form';

           # delete all attributes
           %{ $form->attributes } = ();

       All methods documented as 'attribute accessors' also have the following variants

       *_xml can be used as a setter, and ensures that its argument is not XML-escaped in the
       rendered form.

       *_loc can he used as a setter, and passes the arguments through "localize".

       "add_*" can be used to append a word to an attribute without overwriting any already-
       existing value.

           # Example
           $form->attributes({ class => 'fancy' });
           $form->add_attributes({ class => 'pants' });
           # class="fancy pants"

       "add_*_xml", like "add_*", but ensures it doesn't get XML-escaped.

       "add_*_loc", like "add_*", but passing the arguments through "localize".

       "del_*" can be used to remove a word from an attribute value.

           # Example
           $form->attributes({ class => 'fancy pants' });
           $form->del_attributes({ class => 'pants' });
           # class="fancy"

       "del_*_xml", like "del_*", but ensures it doesn't get XML-escaped.

       "del_*_loc", like "del_*", but passing the arguments through "localize".

       Also, any attribute method-name which contains the word "attributes" also has aliases
       created for all these variants, with the word "attributes" replaced by "attrs".

           # For example, the attributes() method would have all these variant
           # methods available

           $form->attributes({ class => 'fancy' });
           $form->attributes_xml({ title => '<b>fancy</b>' });
           $form->attributes_loc({ title => 'fancy' });
           $form->add_attributes({ class => 'fancy' });
           $form->add_attributes_xml({ title => '<b>fancy</b>' });
           $form->add_attributes_loc({ title => 'fancy' });
           $form->del_attributes({ class => 'fancy' });
           $form->del_attributes_xml({ title => '<b>fancy</b>' });
           $form->del_attributes_loc({ title => 'fancy' });

           # Because the method contains the word 'attributes', it also gets the
           # following short-forms

           $form->attrs({ class => 'fancy' });
           $form->attrs_xml({ title => '<b>fancy</b>' });
           $form->attrs_loc({ title => 'fancy' });
           $form->add_attrs({ class => 'fancy' });
           $form->add_attrs_xml({ title => '<b>fancy</b>' });
           $form->add_attrs_loc({ title => 'fancy' });
           $form->del_attrs({ class => 'fancy' });
           $form->del_attrs_xml({ title => '<b>fancy</b>' });
           $form->del_attrs_loc({ title => 'fancy' });


       All methods documented as 'attribute short-cuts' are short-cuts to directly access
       individual attribute key/values.

           # Example
           $form->id( 'login' );
           $id = $form->id;

           # is equivalent to:
           $form->attributes({ id => 'login' });
           $id = $form->attributes->{id};

       All attribute short-cuts also have a *_xml variant.

           # Example
           $form->id_xml( $xml );

           # is equivalent to:
           $form->attributes_xml({ id => $xml });

       All attribute short-cuts also have a *_loc variant.

           # Example
           $form->title_loc( $key );

           # is equivalent to:
           $form->attributes_loc({ title => $key });


       All methods documented as 'inheriting accessors' can be set on the form, a block element
       or a single field element.  When the value is read, if no value is defined it
       automatically traverses the element's hierarchy of parents, searching for a defined value.

       All inherited accessors also have a *_no_inherit variant, which can be used as a getter to
       fetch any defined value, without traversing the hierarchy of parents. This variant cannot
       be used as a setter.

       E.g., the "auto_id" has a variant named "auto_id_no_inherit".


       All methods documented as 'output accessors' also have *_xml and *_loc variants.

       The *_xml variant can be used as a setter, and ensures that its argument is not XML-
       escaped in the rendered form.

       The *_loc variant can be used as a setter, and passes the arguments through "localize".

       E.g., the label method has variants named "label_xml" and "label_loc".


       To support boolean attributes, whose value should either be equal to the attribute name,
       or empty. Any true value will switch the attribute 'on', any false value will remove the

           # Example

           # equivalent to:
           $field->attributes({ autofocus => 'autofocus' });

           # equivalent to:
           delete $field->attributes->{autofocus};


       Some attributes support character substitutions: the following substitutions are possible:

           %f # $form->id
           %n # $field->name
           %t # lc( $field->type )
           %r # $block->repeatable_count
           %s # $error->stage

       These allow each field to have consistent attributes, while remaining unique.


       We try our best to not make incompatible changes, but if they're required we'll make every
       effort possible to provide backwards compatibility for several release-cycles, issuing a
       warnings about the changes, before removing the legacy features.


       "v1.00" dropped most of the default HTML class-names, with the intention that each
       application should define just what it needs, without needing to reset unwanted options
       first. We also gain the benefit of less markup being generated, speeding up both render
       and HTTP transfers.

       To restore the previous behaviour, set the following options.

       If you're using best practices, you'll only need to set these once per-application in your
       app-wide config file.

           auto_container_class: '%t'
           auto_container_label_class: 'label'
           auto_container_comment_class: 'comment'
           auto_comment_class: 'comment'
           auto_container_error_class: 'error'
           auto_container_per_error_class: 'error_%s_%t'
           auto_error_class: 'error_message error_%s_%t'


       See "DEPRECATED METHODS" in HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::Field.


       See also "REMOVED METHODS" in HTML::FormFu::Element.

       Has been removed; see "default_args" instead.

       Has been removed; use "default_model" instead.

       Has been removed; use "default_values" in HTML::FormFu::Model instead.

       Has been removed; use "update" in HTML::FormFu::Model instead.


       It is advisable to keep application-wide (or global) settings in a single config file,
       which should be loaded by each form.

       See "load_config_file".





   vertically-aligned CSS
       The distribution directory "examples/vertically-aligned" contains a form with example CSS
       for a "vertically aligned" theme.

       This can be viewed by opening the file "vertically-aligned.html" in a web-browser.

       If you wish to experiment with making changes, the form is defined in file
       "vertically-aligned.yml", and the HTML file can be updated with any changes by running the
       following command (while in the distribution root directory).

           perl examples/vertically-aligned/

       This uses the Template Toolkit file "", and the CSS is defined in
       files "vertically-aligned.css" and "vertically-aligned-ie.css".




       Project Page:


       Mailing list:


       Mailing list archives:



       "", channel "#formfu"

       The HTML::Widget archives <> between
       January and May 2007 also contain discussion regarding HTML::FormFu.


       Please submit bug reports to the Debian Bug Tracker. You can use reportbug(1) to do so
       interactively. A list of reported bugs can be found at

       For upstream bug reports look at <>
       (preferred) or <>.


       To help patches be applied quickly, please send them to the mailing list; attached, rather
       than inline; against subversion, rather than a cpan version (run "svn diff > patchfile");
       mention which svn version it's against.  Mailing list messages are limited to 256KB, so
       gzip the patch if necessary.


       This module's sourcecode is maintained in a git repository at

       The project page is <>






       Carl Franks


       Brian Cassidy

       Ozum Eldogan

       Ruben Fonseca

       Ronald Kimball

       Daisuke Maki

       Andreas Marienborg

       Mario Minati

       Steve Nolte

       Moritz Onken

       Doug Orleans

       Matthias Dietrich

       Based on the original source code of HTML::Widget, by Sebastian Riedel, "".


       This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
       terms as Perl itself.


       Play the MMO written in perl: <>!