Provided by: libmce-perl_1.608-1_all bug


       MCE::Queue - Hybrid (normal and priority) queues for Many-Core Engine


       This document describes MCE::Queue version 1.608


          use MCE;
          use MCE::Queue;

          my $F = MCE::Queue->new(fast => 1);
          my $consumers = 8;

          my $mce = MCE->new(

             task_end => sub {
                my ($mce, $task_id, $task_name) = @_;

                $F->enqueue((undef) x $consumers)
                   if $task_name eq 'dir';

             user_tasks => [{
                max_workers => 1, task_name => 'dir',

                user_func => sub {
                   ## Create a "standalone queue" only accessible to this worker.
                   ## See included examples for running with multiple workers.
                   my $D = MCE::Queue->new(queue => [ MCE->user_args->[0] ]);

                   while (defined (my $dir = $D->dequeue_nb)) {
                      my (@files, @dirs); foreach (glob("$dir/*")) {
                         if (-d $_) { push @dirs, $_; next; }
                         push @files, $_;
                      $D->enqueue(@dirs ) if scalar @dirs;
                      $F->enqueue(@files) if scalar @files;
                max_workers => $consumers, task_name => 'file',

                user_func => sub {
                   while (defined (my $file = $F->dequeue)) {

          )->run({ user_args => [ $ARGV[0] || '.' ] });


          Results from and; included with MCE.
             time ./ /usr 0 | wc -l
             time ./ /usr 1 | wc -l
             time ./ /usr   | wc -l

          Darwin (OS)    /usr:    216,271 files
             MCE::Queue, fast => 0 :    4.17s
             MCE::Queue, fast => 1 :    2.62s
             Thread::Queue         :    4.14s

          Linux (VM)     /usr:    186,154 files
             MCE::Queue, fast => 0 :   12.57s
             MCE::Queue, fast => 1 :    3.36s
             Thread::Queue         :    5.91s

          Solaris (VM)   /usr:    603,051 files
             MCE::Queue, fast => 0 :   39.04s
             MCE::Queue, fast => 1 :   18.08s
             Thread::Queue      * Perl not built to support threads


       This module provides a queue interface supporting normal and priority queues and utilizing
       the IPC engine behind MCE. Data resides under the manager process. MCE::Queue also allows
       for a worker to create any number of queues locally not available to other workers
       including the manager process. Think of a CPU having L3 (shared) and L1 (local) cache.


       Three options are available for overriding the default value for new queues.  The porder
       option applies to priority queues only.

          use MCE::Queue porder => $MCE::Queue::HIGHEST,
                         type   => $MCE::Queue::FIFO,
                         fast   => 0;

          use MCE::Queue;                # Same as above

          ## Possible values

          porder => $MCE::Queue::HIGHEST # Highest priority items dequeue first
                    $MCE::Queue::LOWEST  # Lowest priority items dequeue first

          type   => $MCE::Queue::FIFO    # First in, first out
                    $MCE::Queue::LIFO    # Last in, first out
                    $MCE::Queue::LILO    # (Synonym for FIFO)
                    $MCE::Queue::FILO    # (Synonym for LIFO)


       MCE::Queue can be utilized under the following conditions:

           A) use MCE;           B) use MCE::Queue;    C) use MCE::Queue;
              use MCE::Queue;       use MCE;

       A) MCE is included prior to inclusion of MCE::Queue
          The dequeue method blocks for the manager process including workers. All data resides
          under the manager process. Workers send/request data via IPC.

          Creating a queue from within the worker process will cause the queue to run in local
          mode (C). The data resides under the worker process and not available to other workers
          including the manager process.

       B) MCE::Queue is included prior to inclusion of MCE
          Queues behave as if running in local mode for the manager and worker processes for the
          duration of the script. I cannot think of a use-case for this, but mentioning the
          behavior in the event MCE::Queue is included before MCE.

       C) MCE::Queue without inclusion of MCE
          The dequeue method is non-blocking. Queues behave similarly to local queuing.  This
          mode is efficient due to minimum overhead and zero IPC behind the scene.  Hence, MCE is
          not required to use MCE::Queue.


   MCE::Queue->new ( [ queue => \@array, fast => 1 ] )
       This creates a new queue. Available options are queue, porder, type, fast, and gather. The
       gather option is mainly for running with MCE and wanting to pass item(s) to a callback
       function for appending to the queue.

       The 'fast' option speeds up ->dequeue ops and not enabled by default. It is beneficial for
       queues not calling ->clear or ->dequeue_nb and not altering the optional count value while
       running; e.g. ->dequeue($count). Basically, do not enable 'fast' if varying $count

          use MCE;
          use MCE::Queue;

          my $q1 = MCE::Queue->new();
          my $q2 = MCE::Queue->new( queue => [ 0, 1, 2 ] );

          my $q3 = MCE::Queue->new( porder => $MCE::Queue::HIGHEST );
          my $q4 = MCE::Queue->new( porder => $MCE::Queue::LOWEST  );

          my $q5 = MCE::Queue->new( type => $MCE::Queue::FIFO );
          my $q6 = MCE::Queue->new( type => $MCE::Queue::LIFO );

          my $q7 = MCE::Queue->new( fast => 1 );

       Multiple queues may point to the same callback function. The first argument for the
       callback is the queue object.

          sub _append {
             my ($q, @items) = @_;

          my $q7 = MCE::Queue->new( gather => \&_append );
          my $q8 = MCE::Queue->new( gather => \&_append );

          ## Items are diverted to the callback function, not the queue.
          $q7->enqueue( 'apple', 'orange' );

       The gather option allows one to store items temporarily while ensuring output order.
       Although a queue object is not required, this is simply a demonstration of the gather
       option in the context of a queue.

          use MCE;
          use MCE::Queue;

          sub preserve_order {
             my %tmp; my $order_id = 1;

             return sub {
                my ($q, $chunk_id, $data) = @_;
                $tmp{$chunk_id} = $data;

                while (1) {
                   last unless exists $tmp{$order_id};
                   $q->enqueue( delete $tmp{$order_id++} );


          my @squares; my $q = MCE::Queue->new(
             queue => \@squares, gather => preserve_order

          my $mce = MCE->new(
             chunk_size => 1, input_data => [ 1 .. 100 ],
             user_func => sub {
                $q->enqueue( MCE->chunk_id, $_ * $_ );


          print "@squares\n";

   $q->clear ( void )
       Clears the queue of any items. This has the effect of nulling the queue and the socket
       used for blocking.

          my @a; my $q = MCE::Queue->new( queue => \@a );

          @a = ();     ## bad, the blocking socket may become out of sync
          $q->clear;   ## ok

   $q->enqueue ( $item [, $item, ... ] )
       Appends a list of items onto the end of the normal queue.

   $q->enqueuep ( $p, $item [, $item, ... ] )
       Appends a list of items onto the end of the priority queue with priority.

   $q->dequeue ( [ $count ] )
       Returns the requested number of items (default 1) from the queue. Priority data will
       always dequeue first before any data from the normal queue.

       The method will block if the queue contains zero items. If the queue contains fewer than
       the requested number of items, the method will not block, but return the remaining items
       and undef for up to the count requested.

       The $count, used for requesting the number of items, is beneficial when workers are
       passing parameters through the queue. For this reason, always remember to dequeue using
       the same multiple for the count. This is unlike Thread::Queue which will block until the
       requested number of items are available.

   $q->dequeue_nb ( [ $count ] )
       Returns the requested number of items (default 1) from the queue. Like with dequeue,
       priority data will always dequeue first. This method is non-blocking and will return undef
       in the absence of data from the queue.

   $q->insert ( $index, $item [, $item, ... ] )
       Adds the list of items to the queue at the specified index position (0 is the head of the
       list). The head of the queue is that item which would be removed by a call to dequeue.

          $q = MCE::Queue->new( type => $MCE::Queue::FIFO );
          $q->enqueue(1, 2, 3, 4);
          $q->insert(1, 'foo', 'bar');
          # Queue now contains: 1, foo, bar, 2, 3, 4

          $q = MCE::Queue->new( type => $MCE::Queue::LIFO );
          $q->enqueue(1, 2, 3, 4);
          $q->insert(1, 'foo', 'bar');
          # Queue now contains: 1, 2, 3, 'foo', 'bar', 4

   $q->insertp ( $p, $index, $item [, $item, ... ] )
       Adds the list of items to the queue at the specified index position with priority. The
       behavior is similarly to insert otherwise.

   $q->pending ( void )
       Returns the number of items in the queue. The count includes both normal and priority

          $q = MCE::Queue->new();
          $q->enqueuep(5, 'foo', 'bar');
          $q->enqueue('sunny', 'day');

          print $q->pending(), "\n";
          # Output: 4

   $q->peek ( [ $index ] )
       Returns an item from the normal queue, at the specified index, without dequeuing anything.
       It defaults to the head of the queue if index is not specified. The head of the queue is
       that item which would be removed by a call to dequeue. Negative index values are
       supported, similarly to arrays.

          $q = MCE::Queue->new( type => $MCE::Queue::FIFO );
          $q->enqueue(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

          print $q->peek(1), ' ', $q->peek(-2), "\n";
          # Output: 2 4

          $q = MCE::Queue->new( type => $MCE::Queue::LIFO );
          $q->enqueue(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

          print $q->peek(1), ' ', $q->peek(-2), "\n";
          # Output: 4 2

   $q->peekp ( $p [, $index ] )
       Returns an item from the queue with priority, at the specified index, without dequeuing
       anything. It defaults to the head of the queue if index is not specified. The behavior is
       similarly to peek otherwise.

   $q->peekh ( [ $index ] )
       Returns an item from the heap, at the specified index.

          $q = MCE::Queue->new( porder => $MCE::Queue::HIGHEST );
          $q->enqueuep(5, 'foo');
          $q->enqueuep(6, 'bar');
          $q->enqueuep(4, 'sun');

          print $q->peekh(0), "\n";
          # Output: 6

          $q = MCE::Queue->new( porder => $MCE::Queue::LOWEST );
          $q->enqueuep(5, 'foo');
          $q->enqueuep(6, 'bar');
          $q->enqueuep(4, 'sun');

          print $q->peekh(0), "\n";
          # Output: 4

   $q->heap ( void )
       Returns an array containing the heap data. Heap data consists of priority numbers, not the

          @h = $q->heap;   # $MCE::Queue::HIGHEST
          # Heap contains: 6, 5, 4

          @h = $q->heap;   # $MCE::Queue::LOWEST
          # Heap contains: 4, 5, 6


          Two if statements were adopted for checking if the item belongs at the end or head of
          the queue.

          The bsearch_num_pos method was helpful for accommodating the highest and lowest order
          in MCE::Queue.

          MCE::Queue supports both normal and priority queues.

          Thread::Queue is used as a template for identifying and documenting the methods.
          MCE::Queue is not fully compatible due to supporting normal and priority queues
          simultaneously; e.g.

             $q->enqueuep( $p, $item [, $item, ... ] );    ## Priority queue
             $q->enqueue( $item [, $item, ... ] );         ## Normal queue

             $q->dequeue( [ $count ] );      ## Priority data dequeues first
             $q->dequeue_nb( [ $count ] );   ## Behavior is not the same

             $q->pending();                  ## Counts both normal/priority data
                                             ## in the queue

          The recursion example, in the sysopsis above, was largely adopted from this module.




       Mario E. Roy, <marioeroy AT gmail DOT com>