Provided by: libmoo-perl_2.000002-1_all bug


       Moo - Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility)


        package Cat::Food;

        use Moo;
        use strictures 2;
        use namespace::clean;

        sub feed_lion {
          my $self = shift;
          my $amount = shift || 1;

          $self->pounds( $self->pounds - $amount );

        has taste => (
          is => 'ro',

        has brand => (
          is  => 'ro',
          isa => sub {
            die "Only SWEET-TREATZ supported!" unless $_[0] eq 'SWEET-TREATZ'

        has pounds => (
          is  => 'rw',
          isa => sub { die "$_[0] is too much cat food!" unless $_[0] < 15 },


       And elsewhere:

        my $full = Cat::Food->new(
           taste  => 'DELICIOUS.',
           brand  => 'SWEET-TREATZ',
           pounds => 10,


        say $full->pounds;


       "Moo" is an extremely light-weight Object Orientation system. It allows one to concisely
       define objects and roles with a convenient syntax that avoids the details of Perl's object
       system.  "Moo" contains a subset of Moose and is optimised for rapid startup.

       "Moo" avoids depending on any XS modules to allow for simple deployments.  The name "Moo"
       is based on the idea that it provides almost -- but not quite -- two thirds of Moose.

       Unlike Mouse this module does not aim at full compatibility with Moose's surface syntax,
       preferring instead to provide full interoperability via the metaclass inflation
       capabilities described in "MOO AND MOOSE".

       For a full list of the minor differences between Moose and Moo's surface syntax, see


       If you want a full object system with a rich Metaprotocol, Moose is already wonderful.

       But if you don't want to use Moose, you may not want "less metaprotocol" like Mouse
       offers, but you probalby want "no metaprotocol", which is what Moo provides. "Moo" is
       ideal for some situations where deployment or startup time precludes using Moose and

       a command line or CGI script where fast startup is essential
       code designed to be deployed as a single file via App::FatPacker
       a CPAN module that may be used by others in the above situations

       "Moo" maintains transparent compatibility with Moose so if you install and load Moose you
       can use Moo clases and roles in Moose code without modification.

       Moo -- Minimal Object Orientation -- aims to make it smooth to upgrade to Moose when you
       need more than the minimal features offered by Moo.


       If Moo detects Moose being loaded, it will automatically register metaclasses for your Moo
       and Moo::Role packages, so you should be able to use them in Moose code without

       Moo will also create Moose type constraints for Moo classes and roles, so that in Moose
       classes "isa => 'MyMooClass'" and "isa => 'MyMooRole'" work the same as for Moose classes
       and roles.

       Extending a Moose class or consuming a Moose::Role will also work.

       Extending a Mouse class or consuming a Mouse::Role will also work. But note that we don't
       provide Mouse metaclasses or metaroles so the other way around doesn't work. This feature
       exists for Any::Moose users porting to Moo; enabling Mouse users to use Moo classes is not
       a priority for us.

       This means that there is no need for anything like Any::Moose for Moo code - Moo and Moose
       code should simply interoperate without problem. To handle Mouse code, you'll likely need
       an empty Moo role or class consuming or extending the Mouse stuff since it doesn't
       register true Moose metaclasses like Moo does.

       If you need to disable the metaclass creation, add:

         no Moo::sification;

       to your code before Moose is loaded, but bear in mind that this switch is global and turns
       the mechanism off entirely so don't put this in library code.


       If a new enough version of Class::XSAccessor is available, it will be used to generate
       simple accessors, readers, and writers for better performance.  Simple accessors are those
       without lazy defaults, type checks/coercions, or triggers.  Readers and writers generated
       by Class::XSAccessor will behave slightly differently: they will reject attempts to call
       them with the incorrect number of parameters.


       Any::Moose will load Mouse normally, and Moose in a program using Moose - which
       theoretically allows you to get the startup time of Mouse without disadvantaging Moose

       Sadly, this doesn't entirely work, since the selection is load order dependent - Moo's
       metaclass inflation system explained above in "MOO AND MOOSE" is significantly more

       So if you want to write a CPAN module that loads fast or has only pure perl dependencies
       but is also fully usable by Moose users, you should be using Moo.

       For a full explanation, see the article
       <> which explains the differing
       strategies in more detail and provides a direct example of where Moo succeeds and
       Any::Moose fails.


        Foo::Bar->new( attr1 => 3 );


        Foo::Bar->new({ attr1 => 3 });

        sub BUILDARGS {
          my ( $class, @args ) = @_;

          unshift @args, "attr1" if @args % 2 == 1;

          return { @args };

        Foo::Bar->new( 3 );

       The default implementation of this method accepts a hash or hash reference of named
       parameters. If it receives a single argument that isn't a hash reference it throws an

       You can override this method in your class to handle other types of options passed to the

       This method should always return a hash reference of named options.

       If you are inheriting from a non-Moo class, the arguments passed to the parent class
       constructor can be manipulated by defining a "FOREIGNBUILDARGS" method.  It will receive
       the same arguments as "BUILDARGS", and should return a list of arguments to pass to the
       parent class constructor.

       Define a "BUILD" method on your class and the constructor will automatically call the
       "BUILD" method from parent down to child after the object has been instantiated.
       Typically this is used for object validation or possibly logging.

       If you have a "DEMOLISH" method anywhere in your inheritance hierarchy, a "DESTROY" method
       is created on first object construction which will call
       "$instance->DEMOLISH($in_global_destruction)" for each "DEMOLISH" method from child
       upwards to parents.

       Note that the "DESTROY" method is created on first construction of an object of your class
       in order to not add overhead to classes without "DEMOLISH" methods; this may prove
       slightly surprising if you try and define your own.

        if ($foo->does('Some::Role1')) {

       Returns true if the object composes in the passed role.


        extends 'Parent::Class';

       Declares a base class. Multiple superclasses can be passed for multiple inheritance but
       please consider using roles instead.  The class will be loaded but no errors will be
       triggered if the class can't be found and there are already subs in the class.

       Calling extends more than once will REPLACE your superclasses, not add to them like 'use
       base' would.

        with 'Some::Role1';


        with 'Some::Role1', 'Some::Role2';

       Composes one or more Moo::Role (or Role::Tiny) roles into the current class.  An error
       will be raised if these roles cannot be composed because they have conflicting method
       definitions.  The roles will be loaded using the same mechansim as "extends" uses.

        has attr => (
          is => 'ro',

       Declares an attribute for the class.

        package Foo;
        use Moo;
        has 'attr' => (
          is => 'ro'

        package Bar;
        use Moo;
        extends 'Foo';
        has '+attr' => (
          default => sub { "blah" },

       Using the "+" notation, it's possible to override an attribute.

       The options for "has" are as follows:

       • "is"

         required, may be "ro", "lazy", "rwp" or "rw".

         "ro" stands for "read-only" and generates an accessor that dies if you attempt to write
         to it - i.e.  a getter only - by defaulting "reader" to the name of the attribute.

         "lazy" generates a reader like "ro", but also sets "lazy" to 1 and "builder" to
         "_build_${attribute_name}" to allow on-demand generated attributes.  This feature was my
         attempt to fix my incompetence when originally designing "lazy_build", and is also
         implemented by MooseX::AttributeShortcuts. There is, however, nothing to stop you using
         "lazy" and "builder" yourself with "rwp" or "rw" - it's just that this isn't generally a
         good idea so we don't provide a shortcut for it.

         "rwp" stands for "read-write protected" and generates a reader like "ro", but also sets
         "writer" to "_set_${attribute_name}" for attributes that are designed to be written from
         inside of the class, but read-only from outside.  This feature comes from

         "rw" stands for "read-write" and generates a normal getter/setter by defaulting the
         "accessor" to the name of the attribute specified.

       • "isa"

         Takes a coderef which is used to validate the attribute.  Unlike Moose, Moo does not
         include a basic type system, so instead of doing "isa => 'Num'", one should do

          use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
          isa => sub {
            die "$_[0] is not a number!" unless looks_like_number $_[0]

         Note that the return value for "isa" is discarded. Only if the sub dies does type
         validation fail.

         Sub::Quote aware

         Since Moo does not run the "isa" check before "coerce" if a coercion subroutine has been
         supplied, "isa" checks are not structural to your code and can, if desired, be omitted
         on non-debug builds (although if this results in an uncaught bug causing your program to
         break, the Moo authors guarantee nothing except that you get to keep both halves).

         If you want Moose compatible or MooseX::Types style named types, look at Type::Tiny.

         To cause your "isa" entries to be automatically mapped to named
         Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint objects (rather than the default behaviour of creating an
         anonymous type), set:

           $Moo::HandleMoose::TYPE_MAP{$isa_coderef} = sub {
             require MooseX::Types::Something;
             return MooseX::Types::Something::TypeName();

         Note that this example is purely illustrative; anything that returns a
         Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint object or something similar enough to it to make Moose happy
         is fine.

       • "coerce"

         Takes a coderef which is meant to coerce the attribute.  The basic idea is to do
         something like the following:

          coerce => sub {
            $_[0] % 2 ? $_[0] : $_[0] + 1

         Note that Moo will always execute your coercion: this is to permit "isa" entries to be
         used purely for bug trapping, whereas coercions are always structural to your code. We
         do, however, apply any supplied "isa" check after the coercion has run to ensure that it
         returned a valid value.

         Sub::Quote aware

         If the "isa" option is a blessed object providing a "coerce" or "coercion" method, then
         the "coerce" option may be set to just 1.

       • "handles"

         Takes a string

           handles => 'RobotRole'

         Where "RobotRole" is a role that defines an interface which becomes the list of methods
         to handle.

         Takes a list of methods

          handles => [ qw( one two ) ]

         Takes a hashref

          handles => {
            un => 'one',

       • "trigger"

         Takes a coderef which will get called any time the attribute is set. This includes the
         constructor, but not default or built values. The coderef will be invoked against the
         object with the new value as an argument.

         If you set this to just 1, it generates a trigger which calls the
         "_trigger_${attr_name}" method on $self. This feature comes from

         Note that Moose also passes the old value, if any; this feature is not yet supported.

         Sub::Quote aware

       • "default"

         Takes a coderef which will get called with $self as its only argument to populate an
         attribute if no value for that attribute was supplied to the constructor. Alternatively,
         if the attribute is lazy, "default" executes when the attribute is first retrieved if no
         value has yet been provided.

         If a simple scalar is provided, it will be inlined as a string. Any non-code reference
         (hash, array) will result in an error - for that case instead use a code reference that
         returns the desired value.

         Note that if your default is fired during new() there is no guarantee that other
         attributes have been populated yet so you should not rely on their existence.

         Sub::Quote aware

       • "predicate"

         Takes a method name which will return true if an attribute has a value.

         If you set this to just 1, the predicate is automatically named "has_${attr_name}" if
         your attribute's name does not start with an underscore, or
         "_has_${attr_name_without_the_underscore}" if it does.  This feature comes from

       • "builder"

         Takes a method name which will be called to create the attribute - functions exactly
         like default except that instead of calling


         Moo will call


         The following features come from MooseX::AttributeShortcuts:

         If you set this to just 1, the builder is automatically named "_build_${attr_name}".

         If you set this to a coderef or code-convertible object, that variable will be installed
         under "$class::_build_${attr_name}" and the builder set to the same name.

       • "clearer"

         Takes a method name which will clear the attribute.

         If you set this to just 1, the clearer is automatically named "clear_${attr_name}" if
         your attribute's name does not start with an underscore, or
         "_clear_${attr_name_without_the_underscore}" if it does.  This feature comes from

         NOTE: If the attribute is "lazy", it will be regenerated from "default" or "builder" the
         next time it is accessed. If it is not lazy, it will be "undef".

       • "lazy"

         Boolean.  Set this if you want values for the attribute to be grabbed lazily.  This is
         usually a good idea if you have a "builder" which requires another attribute to be set.

       • "required"

         Boolean.  Set this if the attribute must be passed on object instantiation.

       • "reader"

         The name of the method that returns the value of the attribute.  If you like Java style
         methods, you might set this to "get_foo"

       • "writer"

         The value of this attribute will be the name of the method to set the value of the
         attribute.  If you like Java style methods, you might set this to "set_foo".

       • "weak_ref"

         Boolean.  Set this if you want the reference that the attribute contains to be weakened.
         Use this when circular references, which cause memory leaks, are possible.

       • "init_arg"

         Takes the name of the key to look for at instantiation time of the object.  A common use
         of this is to make an underscored attribute have a non-underscored initialization name.
         "undef" means that passing the value in on instantiation is ignored.

       • "moosify"

         Takes either a coderef or array of coderefs which is meant to transform the given
         attributes specifications if necessary when upgrading to a Moose role or class. You
         shouldn't need this by default, but is provided as a means of possible extensibility.

        before foo => sub { ... };

       See "before method(s) => sub { ... };" in Class::Method::Modifiers for full documentation.

        around foo => sub { ... };

       See "around method(s) => sub { ... };" in Class::Method::Modifiers for full documentation.

        after foo => sub { ... };

       See "after method(s) => sub { ... };" in Class::Method::Modifiers for full documentation.


       "quote_sub" in Sub::Quote allows us to create coderefs that are "inlineable," giving us a
       handy, XS-free speed boost.  Any option that is Sub::Quote aware can take advantage of

       To do this, you can write

         use Sub::Quote;

         use Moo;
         use namespace::clean;

         has foo => (
           is => 'ro',
           isa => quote_sub(q{ die "Not <3" unless $_[0] < 3 })

       which will be inlined as

         do {
           local @_ = ($_[0]->{foo});
           die "Not <3" unless $_[0] < 3;

       or to avoid localizing @_,

         has foo => (
           is => 'ro',
           isa => quote_sub(q{ my ($val) = @_; die "Not <3" unless $val < 3 })

       which will be inlined as

         do {
           my ($val) = ($_[0]->{foo});
           die "Not <3" unless $val < 3;

       See Sub::Quote for more information, including how to pass lexical captures that will also
       be compiled into the subroutine.


       Moo will not clean up imported subroutines for you; you will have to do that manually. The
       recommended way to do this is to declare your imports first, then "use Moo", then "use
       namespace::clean".  Anything imported before namespace::clean will be scrubbed.  Anything
       imported or declared after will be still be available.

        package Record;

        use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);

        use Moo;
        use namespace::clean;

        has name => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
        has id => (is => 'lazy');
        sub _build_id {
          my ($self) = @_;
          return md5_hex($self->name);


       If you were to import "md5_hex" after namespace::clean you would be able to call
       "->md5_hex()" on your "Record" instances (and it probably wouldn't do what you expect!).

       Moo::Roles behave slightly differently.  Since their methods are composed into the
       consuming class, they can do a little more for you automatically.  As long as you declare
       your imports before calling "use Moo::Role", those imports and the ones Moo::Role itself
       provides will not be composed into consuming classes so there's usually no need to use

       On namespace::autoclean: Older versions of namespace::autoclean would inflate Moo classes
       to full Moose classes, losing the benefits of Moo.  If you want to use
       namespace::autoclean with a Moo class, make sure you are using version 0.16 or newer.


       There is no built-in type system.  "isa" is verified with a coderef; if you need complex
       types, Type::Tiny can provide types, type libraries, and will work seamlessly with both
       Moo and Moose.  Type::Tiny can be considered the successor to MooseX::Types and provides a
       similar API, so that you can write

         use Types::Standard;
         has days_to_live => (is => 'ro', isa => Int);

       "initializer" is not supported in core since the author considers it to be a bad idea and
       Moose best practices recommend avoiding it. Meanwhile "trigger" or "coerce" are more
       likely to be able to fulfill your needs.

       There is no meta object.  If you need this level of complexity you need Moose - Moo is
       small because it explicitly does not provide a metaprotocol.  However, if you load Moose,


       will return an appropriate metaclass pre-populated by Moo.

       No support for "super", "override", "inner", or "augment" - the author considers augment
       to be a bad idea, and override can be translated:

         override foo => sub {

         around foo => sub {
           my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);

       The "dump" method is not provided by default. The author suggests loading Devel::Dwarn
       into "main::" (via "perl -MDevel::Dwarn ..." for example) and using "$obj->$::Dwarn()"

       "default" only supports coderefs and plain scalars, because passing a hash or array
       reference as a default is almost always incorrect since the value is then shared between
       all objects using that default.

       "lazy_build" is not supported; you are instead encouraged to use the "is => 'lazy'" option
       supported by Moo and MooseX::AttributeShortcuts.

       "auto_deref" is not supported since the author considers it a bad idea and it has been
       considered best practice to avoid it for some time.

       "documentation" will show up in a Moose metaclass created from your class but is otherwise
       ignored. Then again, Moose ignores it as well, so this is arguably not an incompatibility.

       Since "coerce" does not require "isa" to be defined but Moose does require it, the
       metaclass inflation for coerce alone is a trifle insane and if you attempt to subtype the
       result will almost certainly break.

       "BUILDARGS" is not triggered if your class does not have any attributes.  Without
       attributes, "BUILDARGS" return value would be ignored, so we just skip calling the method

       Handling of warnings: when you "use Moo" we enable strict and warnings, in a similar way
       to Moose. The authors recommend the use of "strictures", which enables FATAL warnings, and
       several extra pragmas when used in development: indirect, multidimensional, and

       Additionally, Moo supports a set of attribute option shortcuts intended to reduce common
       boilerplate.  The set of shortcuts is the same as in the Moose module
       MooseX::AttributeShortcuts as of its version 0.009+.  So if you:

           package MyClass;
           use Moo;
           use strictures 2;

       The nearest Moose invocation would be:

           package MyClass;

           use Moose;
           use warnings FATAL => "all";
           use MooseX::AttributeShortcuts;

       or, if you're inheriting from a non-Moose class,

           package MyClass;

           use Moose;
           use MooseX::NonMoose;
           use warnings FATAL => "all";
           use MooseX::AttributeShortcuts;

       Finally, Moose requires you to call


       at the end of your class to get an inlined (i.e. not horribly slow) constructor. Moo does
       it automatically the first time ->new is called on your class. ("make_immutable" is a no-
       op in Moo to ease migration.)

       An extension MooX::late exists to ease translating Moose packages to Moo by providing a
       more Moose-like interface.


       Users' IRC: #moose on

       Development and contribution IRC: #web-simple on

       Bugtracker: <>

       Git repository: <git://>

       Git browser: <>


       mst - Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) <>


       dg - David Leadbeater (cpan:DGL) <>

       frew - Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt (cpan:FREW) <>

       hobbs - Andrew Rodland (cpan:ARODLAND) <>

       jnap - John Napiorkowski (cpan:JJNAPIORK) <>

       ribasushi - Peter Rabbitson (cpan:RIBASUSHI) <>

       chip - Chip Salzenberg (cpan:CHIPS) <>

       ajgb - Alex J. G. BurzyXski (cpan:AJGB) <>

       doy - Jesse Luehrs (cpan:DOY) <doy at tozt dot net>

       perigrin - Chris Prather (cpan:PERIGRIN) <>

       Mithaldu - Christian Walde (cpan:MITHALDU) <>

       ilmari - Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsaaker (cpan:ILMARI) <>

       tobyink - Toby Inkster (cpan:TOBYINK) <>

       haarg - Graham Knop (cpan:HAARG) <>

       mattp - Matt Phillips (cpan:MATTP) <>

       bluefeet - Aran Deltac (cpan:BLUEFEET) <>

       bubaflub - Bob Kuo (cpan:BUBAFLUB) <>

       ether = Karen Etheridge (cpan:ETHER) <>


       Copyright (c) 2010-2015 the Moo "AUTHOR" and "CONTRIBUTORS" as listed above.


       This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms as perl itself.
       See <>.