Provided by: rex_1.3.3-1_all bug


       Rex::Commands::Pkg - Install/Remove Software packages


       With this module you can install packages and files.


        install file => "/etc/passwd", {
                     source => "/export/files/etc/passwd"

        install package => "perl";


   pkg($package, %options)
       Since: 0.45

       Use this resource to install or update a package. This resource will generate reports.

        pkg "httpd",
          ensure    => "latest",    # ensure that the newest version is installed (auto-update)
          on_change => sub { say "package was installed/updated"; };

        pkg "httpd",
          ensure => "absent";    # remove the package

        pkg "httpd",
          ensure => "present";   # ensure that some version is installed (no auto-update)

        pkg "httpd",
          ensure => "2.4.6";    # ensure that version 2.4.6 is installed

        pkg "apache-server",    # with a custom resource name
          package => "httpd",
          ensure  => "present";

   install($type, $data, $options)
       The install function can install packages (for CentOS, OpenSuSE and Debian) and files.

       If you need reports, please use the pkg() resource.

       installing a package (This is only supported on CentOS, OpenSuSE and Debian systems.)
                task "prepare", "server01", sub {
                  install package => "perl";

                  # or if you have to install more packages.
                  install package => [

       installing a file
               This is deprecated since 0.9. Please use File file instead.

                task "prepare", "server01", sub {
                  install file => "/etc/passwd", {
                               source => "/export/files/etc/passwd",
                               owner  => "root",
                               group  => "root",
                               mode  => 644,

       installing a file and do something if the file was changed.
                task "prepare", "server01", sub {
                  install file => "/etc/httpd/apache2.conf", {
                               source   => "/export/files/etc/httpd/apache2.conf",
                               owner    => "root",
                               group    => "root",
                               mode    => 644,
                               on_change => sub { say "File was modified!"; }

       installing a file from a template.
                task "prepare", "server01", sub {
                  install file => "/etc/httpd/apache2.tpl", {
                               source   => "/export/files/etc/httpd/apache2.conf",
                               owner    => "root",
                               group    => "root",
                               mode    => 644,
                               on_change => sub { say "File was modified!"; },
                               template  => {
                                          greeting => "hello",
                                          name    => "Ben",

       This function supports the following hooks:

       before  This gets executed before everything is done. The return value of this hook
               overwrite the original parameters of the function-call.

               This gets executed right before the new package is installed. This hook is only
               available for package installations. If you need file hooks, you have to use the
               file() function.

               This gets executed right after the new package was installed. This hook is only
               available for package installations. If you need file hooks, you have to use the
               file() function.

       after   This gets executed right before the install() function returns.

   remove($type, $package, $options)
       This function will remove the given package from a system.

        task "cleanup", "server01", sub {
          remove package => "vim";

       This function does a complete system update.

       For example apt-get upgrade or yum update.

        task "update-system", "server1", sub {

       If you want to get the packages that where updated, you can use the on_change hook.

        task "update-system", "server1", sub {
            on_change => sub {
              my (@modified_packages) = @_;
              for my $pkg (@modified_packages) {
                say "Name: $pkg->{name}";
                say "Version: $pkg->{version}";
                say "Action: $pkg->{action}";   # some of updated, installed or removed

       This function returns all installed packages and their version.

        task "get-installed", "server1", sub {

           for my $pkg (installed_packages()) {
             say "name    : " . $pkg->{"name"};
             say "  version: " . $pkg->{"version"};


       This function tests if $package is installed. Returns 1 if true. 0 if false.

        task "isinstalled", "server01", sub {
          if( is_installed("rex") ) {
            say "Rex is installed";
          else {
            say "Rex is not installed";

       This function updates the local package database. For example, on CentOS it will execute
       yum makecache.

        task "update-pkg-db", "server1", "server2", sub {
          install package => "apache2";

   repository($action, %data)
       Add or remove a repository from the package manager.

       For Debian: If you have no source repository, or if you don't want to add it, just remove
       the source parameter.

        task "add-repo", "server1", "server2", sub {
          repository "add" => "repository-name",
             url      => "",
             key_url  => ""
             distro    => "squeeze",
             repository => "rex",
             source    => 1;

       To specify a key from a file use key_file => '/tmp/mykeyfile'.

       To use a keyserver use key_server and key_id.

       For ALT Linux: If repository is unsigned, just remove the sign_key parameter.

        task "add-repo", "server1", "server2", sub {
          repository "add" => "altlinux-sisyphus",
             url      => "",
             sign_key  => "alt",
             arch     => "noarch, x86_64",
             repository => "classic";

       For CentOS, Mageia and SuSE only the name and the url are needed.

        task "add-repo", "server1", "server2", sub {
          repository add => "repository-name",
             url => '$releasever/rex/$basearch/';


       To remove a repository just delete it with its name.

        task "rm-repo", "server1", sub {
          repository remove => "repository-name";

       You can also use one call to repository to add repositories on multiple platforms:

        task "add-repo", "server1", "server2", sub {
         repository add => myrepo => {
           Ubuntu => {
             url => "",
             distro => "precise",
             repository => "foo",
           Debian => {
             url => "",
             distro => "squeeze",
             repository => "foo",
           CentOS => {
             url => "",

   package_provider_for $os => $type;
       To set another package provider as the default, use this function.

        user "root";

        group "db" => "db[01..10]";
        package_provider_for SunOS => "blastwave";

        task "prepare", group => "db", sub {
           install package => "vim";

       This example will install vim on every db server. If the server is a Solaris (SunOS) it
       will use the blastwave Repositories.