Provided by: libvm-ec2-perl_1.28-1_all bug

NAME VM::EC2::REST::elastic_ip - Allocate, attach and delete elastic IP addresses


        use VM::EC2 ':standard';


       The methods in this section allow you to allocate elastic IP addresses, attach them to
       instances, and delete them. See VM::EC2::ElasticAddress.



   @addr = $ec2->describe_addresses(@public_ips)
   @addr = $ec2->describe_addresses(-public_ip=>\@addr,-allocation_id=>\@id,-filter->\%filters)
       Queries AWS for a list of elastic IP addresses already allocated to you. All arguments are

        -public_ip     -- An IP address (in dotted format) or an arrayref of
                          addresses to return information about.
        -allocation_id -- An allocation ID or arrayref of such IDs. Only
                          applicable to VPC addresses.
        -filter        -- A hashref of tag=>value pairs to filter the response

       The list of applicable filters can be found at

       This method returns a list of VM::EC2::ElasticAddress.

   $address_info = $ec2->allocate_address([-vpc=>1])
       Request an elastic IP address. Pass -vpc=>1 to allocate a VPC elastic address. The return
       object is a VM::EC2::ElasticAddress.

   $boolean = $ec2->release_address($addr)
       Release an elastic IP address. For non-VPC addresses, you may provide either an IP address
       string, or a VM::EC2::ElasticAddress. For VPC addresses, you must obtain a
       VM::EC2::ElasticAddress first (e.g. with describe_addresses) and then pass that to the

   $result = $ec2->associate_address($elastic_addr => $instance_id)
       Associate an elastic address with an instance id. Both arguments are mandatory. If you are
       associating a VPC elastic IP address with the instance, the result code will indicate the
       associationId. Otherwise it will be a simple perl truth value ("1") if successful, undef
       if false.

       If this is an ordinary EC2 Elastic IP address, the first argument may either be an
       ordinary string (xx.xx.xx.xx format) or a VM::EC2::ElasticAddress object. However, if it
       is a VPC elastic IP address, then the argument must be a VM::EC2::ElasticAddress as
       returned by describe_addresses(). The reason for this is that the allocationId must be
       retrieved from the object in order to use in the call.

   $bool = $ec2->disassociate_address($elastic_addr)
       Disassociate an elastic address from whatever instance it is currently associated with, if
       any. The result will be true if disassociation was successful.

       If this is an ordinary EC2 Elastic IP address, the argument may either be an ordinary
       string (xx.xx.xx.xx format) or a VM::EC2::ElasticAddress object. However, if it is a VPC
       elastic IP address, then the argument must be a VM::EC2::ElasticAddress as returned by
       describe_addresses(). The reason for this is that the allocationId must be retrieved from
       the object in order to use in the call.




       Lincoln Stein <>.

       Copyright (c) 2011 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research

       This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you can redistribute it
       and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL (either version 1, or at your option, any
       later version) or the Artistic License 2.0.  Refer to LICENSE for the full license text.
       In addition, please see DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty.