Provided by: interchange_5.7.7-2_amd64 bug


       Vend::Accounting::SQL-Ledger - SQL-Ledger Accounting Interface for Interchange


       This module is an attempt to create a set of callable routines that will allow the easy
       integration of the SQL-Ledger Accounting package with Interchange.

       It handles the mapping of the Interchange variable names to the appropriate SQL-Ledger
       ones as well as parsing the html returned by the SQL-Ledger "API".

       Background: SQL-Ledger Accounting "" is a multiuser, double entry,
       accounting system written in Perl and is licensed under the GNU General Public License.

       The SQL-Ledger API: SQL-Ledger functions can be accessed from the command line by passing
       all the variables in one long string to the perl script. The variable=value pairs must be
       separated by an ampersand. See "" for more details on the
       command line interface.


       This module also happens to be the author's first perl module and probably his second or
       third perl program in addition to "Hello World". :)

       So please go easy on me. -Daniel


       CREATE SEQUENCE "id" start 1 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1  cache 1 ;

       CREATE TABLE "makemodel" (      "id" integer,      "parts_id" integer,      "name" text );
       CREATE TABLE "gl" (      "id" integer DEFAULT nextval('id'::text),      "source" text,
            "description" text,      "transdate" date DEFAULT date('now'::text) );

       CREATE TABLE "chart" (      "id" integer DEFAULT nextval('id'::text),      "accno"
       integer,      "description" text,      "charttype" character(1) DEFAULT 'A',      "gifi"
       integer,      "category" character(1),      "link" text );

       CREATE TABLE "defaults" (      "inventory_accno_id" integer,      "income_accno_id"
       integer,      "expense_accno_id" integer,      "fxgain_accno_id" integer,
            "fxloss_accno_id" integer,      "invnumber" text,      "ordnumber" text,
            "yearend" character varying(5),      "curr" text,      "weightunit" character
       varying(5),      "businessnumber" text,      "version" character varying(8) );

       CREATE TABLE "acc_trans" (      "trans_id" integer,      "chart_id" integer,      "amount"
       double precision,      "transdate" date DEFAULT date('now'::text),      "source" text,
            "cleared" boolean DEFAULT 'f',      "fx_transaction" boolean DEFAULT 'f' );

       CREATE TABLE "invoice" (      "id" integer DEFAULT nextval('id'::text),      "trans_id"
       integer,      "parts_id" integer,      "description" text,      "qty" real,
            "allocated" real,      "sellprice" double precision,      "fxsellprice" double
       precision,      "discount" real,      "assemblyitem" boolean DEFAULT 'f' );

       CREATE TABLE "vendor" (      "id" integer DEFAULT nextval('id'::text),      "name"
       character varying(35),      "addr1" character varying(35),      "addr2" character
       varying(35),      "addr3" character varying(35),      "addr4" character varying(35),
            "contact" character varying(35),      "phone" character varying(20),      "fax"
       character varying(20),      "email" text,      "notes" text,      "terms" smallint DEFAULT
       0,      "taxincluded" boolean );

       CREATE TABLE "customer" (      "id" integer DEFAULT nextval('id'::text),      "name"
       character varying(35),      "addr1" character varying(35),      "addr2" character
       varying(35),      "addr3" character varying(35),      "addr4" character varying(35),
            "contact" character varying(35),      "phone" character varying(20),      "fax"
       character varying(20),      "email" text,      "notes" text,      "discount" real,
            "taxincluded" boolean,      "creditlimit" double precision DEFAULT 0,      "terms"
       smallint DEFAULT 0,      "shiptoname" character varying(35),      "shiptoaddr1" character
       varying(35),      "shiptoaddr2" character varying(35),      "shiptoaddr3" character
       varying(35),      "shiptoaddr4" character varying(35),      "shiptocontact" character
       varying(20),      "shiptophone" character varying(20),      "shiptofax" character
       varying(20),      "shiptoemail" text );

       CREATE TABLE "parts" (      "id" integer DEFAULT nextval('id'::text),      "partnumber"
       text,      "description" text,      "bin" text,      "unit" character varying(5),
            "listprice" double precision,      "sellprice" double precision,      "lastcost"
       double precision,      "priceupdate" date DEFAULT date('now'::text),      "weight" real,
            "onhand" real DEFAULT 0,      "notes" text,      "makemodel" boolean DEFAULT 'f',
            "assembly" boolean DEFAULT 'f',      "alternate" boolean DEFAULT 'f',      "rop"
       real,      "inventory_accno_id" integer,      "income_accno_id" integer,
            "expense_accno_id" integer,      "obsolete" boolean DEFAULT 'f' );

       CREATE TABLE "assembly" (      "id" integer,      "parts_id" integer,      "qty" double
       precision );

       CREATE TABLE "ar" (      "id" integer DEFAULT nextval('id'::text),      "invnumber" text,
            "ordnumber" text,      "transdate" date DEFAULT date('now'::text),      "customer_id"
       integer,      "taxincluded" boolean,      "amount" double precision,      "netamount"
       double precision,      "paid" double precision,      "datepaid" date,      "duedate" date,
            "invoice" boolean DEFAULT 'f',      "shippingpoint" text,      "terms" smallint
       DEFAULT 0,      "notes" text,      "curr" character(3) );

       CREATE TABLE "ap" (      "id" integer DEFAULT nextval('id'::text),      "invnumber" text,
            "transdate" date DEFAULT date('now'::text),      "vendor_id" integer,
            "taxincluded" boolean,      "amount" double precision,      "netamount" double
       precision,      "paid" double precision,      "datepaid" date,      "duedate" date,
            "invoice" boolean DEFAULT 'f',      "ordnumber" text,      "curr" character(3) );

       CREATE TABLE "partstax" (      "parts_id" integer,      "chart_id" integer );

       CREATE TABLE "tax" (      "chart_id" integer,      "rate" double precision,
            "taxnumber" text );

       CREATE TABLE "customertax" (      "customer_id" integer,      "chart_id" integer );

       CREATE TABLE "vendortax" (      "vendor_id" integer,      "chart_id" integer );

       CREATE TABLE "oe" (      "id" integer DEFAULT nextval('id'::text),      "ordnumber" text,
            "transdate" date DEFAULT date('now'::text),      "vendor_id" integer,
            "customer_id" integer,      "amount" double precision,      "netamount" double
       precision,      "reqdate" date,      "taxincluded" boolean,      "shippingpoint" text,
            "notes" text,      "curr" character(3) );

       CREATE TABLE "orderitems" (      "trans_id" integer,      "parts_id" integer,
            "description" text,      "qty" real,      "sellprice" double precision,
            "discount" real );

       CREATE TABLE "exchangerate" (      "curr" character(3),      "transdate" date,      "buy"
       double precision,      "sell" double precision );