Provided by: libbobcat-dev_4.01.03-2ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       FBB::CGI - handles GET and POST submitted form data


       #include <bobcat/cgi>
       Linking option: -lbobcat


       The  class  CGI  offers an interface to data submitted by web-forms. The data is sent to a
       script handling the data using a <form action="/path/to/form/script"> stanza.  Very  often
       this  is  indeed  a  script,  like  a Perl script, but there is no need to use a scripting
       language. The class CGI allows C++ programmers  to  process  the  form  by  an  executable
       usually  resulting  in  faster  processing and in construction time benefits from the type
       safety offered by C++. The class CGI automatically handles data submitted  using  the  GET
       method as well as data submitted using the POST method.

       By  default  the class’s constructor writes the customary Content-type header lines to the
       standard output stream. Additional (html) output of a reply page must be provided by other
       code.  Therefore,  a  program  processing  an  uploaded  form  will  have  an organization
       comparable to the following basic setup:

           // assume includes and namespace std/FBB were defined
           int main()
               CGI cgi;
               cout << "<html><body>\n";
               if (parametersOK(cgi))
               cout << "</body></html>\n;

       When errors in the received form-data are detected an error  message  is  written  to  the
       standard output stream and an FBB::Exception exception is thrown.


       All  constructors,  members,  operators  and manipulators, mentioned in this man-page, are
       defined in the namespace FBB.




       o      CGI::MapStringVector:
              A shorthand for std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>  >,  which
              is the data type in which form-variables are stored.


       The  CGI::Method  enumeration  specifies  values  indicating  the way the form’s data were

       o      CGI::UNDETERMINED:
              Used internally indicating that the form’s method was neither GET nor POST.

       o      CGI::GET:
              Indicates that the GET method was used when submitting the form’s data;

       o      CGI::POST:
              Indicates that the POST method was used when submitting the form’s data.

       The CGI::Create enumeration is used to request or suppress creation of  the  directory  to
       contain any file uploaded by a form:

       o      CGI::DONT_CREATE_PATH:
              When uploading files, the destination directory must exist;

       o      CGI::CREATE_PATH:
              When uploading files, the destination directory will be created.


       o      CGI(bool  defaultEscape  =  true,  char  const *header = "Content-type: text/html",
              std::ostream &out = std::cout):
              The default constructor writes the standard content type  header  to  the  standard
              output  stream and will use std::cout for output. Specifying 0 as header suppresses
              outputting the Content-type line. Otherwise the content type line is also  followed
              by  two  \r\n  character  combinations.  By  default  all  characters  in retrieved
              form-variables are escaped. The overloaded insertion operators (see below)  can  be
              used  to  modify  the default set of characters to escape. The backslash is used as
              the escape character. The escape-prefix is not used if the defaultEscape  value  is
              specified  as  false  and if no insertions into the CGI object were performed.  The
              copy and move constructors are available.


       Note: the following three insertion operators, defining sets of characters that should  be
       escaped,  can  only be used before calling any of the param, begin or end members. As soon
       as one of these latter three members has been called the set of characters to  be  escaped
       is fixed and attempts to modify that set is silently ignored.

       o      char const *operator[](std::string const &key) const:
              The  index  operator returns the value of the environment variable specified as the
              index. 0 is returned if the variable specified at key is not defined.

       o      CGI &operator<<(std::string const &accept):
              This member’s actions are suppressed once param, begin or end (see below) has  been

              The  insertion  operator  can  be  used to fine-tune the set of characters that are
              escaped in strings returned by param (see below). Depending on  the  value  of  the
              constructor’s  defaultEscape parameter characters inserted into the CGI object will
              or will not be escaped by a backslash.

              If the constructor’s  defaultEscape  parameter  was  specified  as  true  then  the
              insertion operator can be used to define a set of characters that are not escaped.

              If  defaultEscape  was specified as false then the insertion operator will define a
              set of characters that will be escaped.

              The backlash itself is always escaped and a request to use it unescaped is silently

              The  accept  string can be specified as a regular expression character set, without
              the usual surrounding square brackets. E.g., an insertion  like  cgi  <<  "-a-z0-9"
              defines the set consisting of the dash, the lower case letters and the digits.

              Individual characters, character ranges (using the dash to specify a range) and all
              standard character classes ([:alnum:], [:alpha:], [:cntrl:], [:digit:],  [:graph:],
              [:lower:],  [:print:], [:punct:], [:space:], [:upper:], and [:xdigit:]) can be used
              to specify a set of characters. In addition to these standard character classes the
              class  [:cgi:]  can  be used to define the set consisting of the characters "  ` ;
              and \.

              Note that standard and [:cgi:] character classes do require square brackets.

              When a series of insertions are performed then the union of  the  sets  defined  by
              these insertions are used.

              Note:  using  unescaped  single  quotes, the double quotes, backtick characters and
              semicolons in CGI-programs might be risky and is not advised.

       o      CGI &operator<<(int c):
              This member’s actions are suppressed once param, begin or end (see below) has  been

              This  insertion  operator is used to change the default escape handling of a single
              character c. The int parameter is cast internally to a char.

       o      CGI &operator<<(std::pair<char, char> range):
              This member’s actions are suppressed once param, begin or end (see below) has  been

              This  insertion  operator  can  be  used to change the default escape handling of a
              range of characters. The pair’s second character must be equal  to  or  exceed  the
              position  of  the  pair’s  first  character  in the ASCII collating sequence or the
              member will have no effect.

       o      std::ostream &std::operator<<(std::ostream &out, CGI const &cgi):
              CGI objects can be inserted into ostreams  to  display  the  characters  that  will
              appear  escaped  in strings returned by the param() member function. Each character
              for which isprint() returns true will be  displayed  as  character,  surrounded  by
              single  quotes.  For  all  other characters their ASCII values are displayed.  Each
              character is displayed on a line by itself.

              The copy and move assignment operators are available.


       o      CGI::MapStringVector::const_iterator begin():
              Returns the begin iterator of the form’s parameter map. Iterator values unequal  to
              end  (see  below)  point  to  a pair of values, the first of which is the name of a
              field defined by the form, the second is a vector of strings containing the field’s
              value(s). See also the description of the param member below.

       o      CGI::MapStringVector::const_iterator end():
              Returns the end iterator of the form’s parameter map.

       o      unsigned long long maxUploadSize() const:
              Returns the current maximum file upload size in bytes.

       o      CGI::Method method() const:
              Returns  the  method  that was used when the form was submitted (either CGI::GET or

       o      std::vector<std::string> const &param(std::string const &variable):
              Returns the value of the form-variable specified by  the  function’s  argument.  An
              empty vector is returned if the variable was not provided by the form’s data.

              If  the  same  variable  was  specified multiple times or if its value extends over
              multiple lines (only with multipart/form-data) then the  vector  contains  multiple

              With GET and POST methods not using multipart/form-data input fields extending over
              multiple lines are stored in one string,  using  \r\n  combinations  between  those

              When  files are uploaded the vectors contain sets of four strings. The first string
              provides the path nme of the uploaded file; the second  string  provides  the  file
              name  specified  in  the  form  itself (so it is the name of the file at the remote
              location); the third string shows the content type specified by the remote  browser
              (e.g.,  application/octet-stream),  the  fourth  string contains OK if the file was
              successfully uploaded and truncated if the file was truncated. Existing files  will
              not  be  overwritten.  When uploading a file a usable filename must be found within
              100 trials.

       o      std::string param1(std::string const &variable) const:
              Returns the first element of the vector<string> returned by the param member or  an
              empty string if variable was not defined by the received form.

       o      std::string const &query() const:
              Returns  the query-string submitted with CGI::GET or CGI::POST forms (if the POSTed
              form specified ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" the query string is empty).

       o      report():
              The report member silently returns if no errors were encountered  while  processing
              form-data.  Otherwise,  the  html file generated by the CGI program displays a line
              starting with FBB::CGI, followed by the status report.

              The following status report messages are presently defined:

              Content-Disposition not recognized in:, which is followed by  the  line  where  the
              Content-Disposition  was  expected.  This  may occur when processing multipart/form

              Invalid multipart/form-data. This message can  be  generated  when  readling  lines
              while processing multipart/form data.

              GET/POST  REQUEST_METHOD  not  found. This message is shown if the program couldn’t
              find the form’s REQUEST_METHOD type (i.e., GET or POST).

              Invalid CONTENT_LENGHT in POSTed form. This message is shown if the  content-length
              header has an incorrect value.

              Content-Type  not  found  for  file-field,  followed by the file’s field name. This
              message is shown if no Content-Type specification was found in an uploaded form.

              Can’t open a file to write an uploaded file. This message indicates  that  the  CGI
              program  was unable to open a file to write an uploaded file to. This can be caused
              by an overfull disk or partition or by incorrect write-permissions.

              multipart/form-data:  no  end-boundary  found.  This  message  is  shown   if   the
              end-boundary was missing in a multipart/form-data form.

       o      void  setFileDestination(std::string  const  &path, std::string const &prefix = "",
              Create create = CREATE_PATH):
              This member is used to specify the path and  prefix  of  uploaded  files.  Uploaded
              files  will  be  stored  at  path/prefixNr  where  Nr  is an internally used number
              starting at one. When CREATE_PATH is specified path must be available  or  the  CGI
              object  must  be  able  to  create  the  path. If DONT_CREATE_PATH is specified the
              specified path must be available. If  not,  an  FBB::Exception  exception  will  be

       o      void setMaxUploadSize(size_t maxSize, int unit = ’M’):
              This  member  can be used to change the maximum size of uploaded files. Its default
              value is 100Mb. The unit can be one of  b  (bytes,  the  default),  K  (Kbytes),  M
              (Mbytes)  or  G  (Gbytes). Unit-specifiers are interpreted case insensitively. File
              uploads will continue until the  maximum  upload  size  is  exceeded,  followed  by
              discarding  any  remainder.   The  first  time one of the param(), begin() or end()
              members is called these members may detect errors in the the received form data. If
              so, an error message is written to the standard output stream and an FBB::Exception
              exception will be thrown.


       o      std::string dos2unix(std::string const &text):
              This member converts  all  \r\n  character  combinations  in  text  into  plain  \n
              characters, returning the converted text.

       o      std::string unPercent(std::string const &text):
              This  member  converts  all  %xx  encoded characters into their corresponding ASCII
              values. Also, + characters are converted to  single  blank  spaces.  The  converted
              string is returned.


       #include "main.ih"

       void showParam(CGI::MapStringVector::value_type const &mapValue)
           cout << "Param: " << mapValue.first << ’\n’;

           for (auto &str: mapValue.second)
               cout << "    " << CGI::dos2unix(str) << "\n"
                   "    ";

           cout << ’\n’;

       int main(int argc, char **argv)
           Arg &arg = Arg::initialize("evhm:", argc, argv);

           // usage and version are in the source archive in .../cgi/driver
           // arg.versionHelp(usage, version, 2);

           ifstream in(arg[0]);
           string line;
           while (getline(in, line))
               size_t pos = line.find(’=’);

               if (pos == string::npos)
                                   // set environment vars simulating
                                   // a GET form
               if (setenv(line.substr(0, pos).c_str(),
                      line.substr(pos + 1).c_str(), true) == 0)
                   if (arg.option(’e’))
                       cout << line.substr(0, pos).c_str() << ’=’ <<
                              line.substr(pos + 1).c_str() << ’\n’;
                   cout << "FAILED: setenv " << line << ’\n’;

           CGI cgi(false);             // chars are not escaped

           cgi << arg[1];

           if (arg.option(&line, ’m’))
               cgi.setMaxUploadSize(A2x(line), *line.rbegin());

           cout << "Max upload size (b): " << cgi.maxUploadSize() << ’\n’;

           CGI::Method method = cgi.method();

           cout << "To escape:\n" <<
                   cgi << "\n"
                   "Method: " << (method == CGI::GET ? "GET" : "POST") <<

           cout << "Query string: " << cgi.query() << ’\n’;

           cout << "Submit string: `" << cgi.param1("submit") << "’\n";

           for (auto &mapElement: cgi)

           cout << "END OF PROGRAM\n";
       catch (exception const &err)
           cout << err.what() << ’\n’;
           return 1;
       catch (...)
           return 1;

       To  test the program’s get form processing, call it as driver get ’[:cgi:]’, with the file
       get containing:
       INFO=This is an abbreviated set of environment variables

       To test the program’s post form processing, call it as driver post1 ’[:cgi:]’, using post1
       and post1.cin found in Bobcat’s source archive under ../cgi/driver.


       bobcat/cgi - defines the class interface




       None Reported.


       o      bobcat_4.01.03-x.dsc: detached signature;

       o      bobcat_4.01.03-x.tar.gz: source archive;

       o      bobcat_4.01.03-x_i386.changes: change log;

       o      libbobcat1_4.01.03-x_*.deb: debian package holding the libraries;

       o      libbobcat1-dev_4.01.03-x_*.deb:  debian  package holding the libraries, headers and
              manual pages;

       o public archive location;


       Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken’s Own Base Classes And Templates’.


       This is free software, distributed under the terms  of  the  GNU  General  Public  License


       Frank B. Brokken (