Provided by: tcllib_1.17-dfsg-1_all bug


       nntp - Tcl client for the NNTP protocol


       package require Tcl  8.2

       package require nntp  ?0.2.1?

       ::nntp::nntp ?host? ?port? ?nntpName?

       nntpName method ?arg arg ...?

       nntpName article ?msgid?

       nntpName authinfo ?user? ?pass?

       nntpName body ?msgid?

       nntpName configure

       nntpName configure option

       nntpName configure option value ...

       nntpName cget option

       nntpName date

       nntpName group ?group?

       nntpName head ?msgid?

       nntpName help

       nntpName last

       nntpName list

       nntpName listgroup ?group?

       nntpName mode_reader

       nntpName newgroups since

       nntpName newnews

       nntpName newnews since

       nntpName newnews group ?since?

       nntpName next

       nntpName post article

       nntpName slave

       nntpName stat ?msgid?

       nntpName quit

       nntpName xgtitle ?group_pattern?

       nntpName xhdr field ?range?

       nntpName xover ?range?

       nntpName xpat field range ?pattern_list?



       The  package  nntp  provides  a  simple Tcl-only client library for the NNTP protocol.  It
       works by opening the standard NNTP socket on the server, and then providing a Tcl  API  to
       access  the NNTP protocol commands.  All server errors are returned as Tcl errors (thrown)
       which must be caught with the Tcl catch command.


       ::nntp::nntp ?host? ?port? ?nntpName?
              The command opens a socket connection to the specified NNTP server  and  creates  a
              new  nntp object with an associated global Tcl command whose name is nntpName. This
              command may be used to access the  various  NNTP  protocol  commands  for  the  new
              connection.  The default port number is "119" and the default host is "news". These
              defaults can be overridden with the environment  variables  NNTPPORT  and  NNTPHOST

              Some  of  the  commands  supported by this package are not part of the nntp rfc 977
              (  and   will   not   be   available   (or
              implemented) on all nntp servers.

              The access command nntpName has the following general form:

              nntpName method ?arg arg ...?
                     Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the command.

       nntpName article ?msgid?
              Query the server for article msgid from the current group.  The article is returned
              as a valid tcl list which contains the headers, followed by a blank line, and  then
              followed  by  the  body of the article. Each element in the list is one line of the

       nntpName authinfo ?user? ?pass?
              Send authentication information (username and password) to the server.

       nntpName body ?msgid?
              Query the server for the body of the article msgid from  the  current  group.   The
              body  of  the  article is returned as a valid tcl list. Each element in the list is
              one line of the body of the article.

       nntpName configure

       nntpName configure option

       nntpName configure option value ...

       nntpName cget option
              Query and configure options of the  nntp  connection  object.  Currently  only  one
              option  is  supported,  -binary.  When  set  articles  are retrieved as binary data
              instead of text. The only methods affected by this are article and body.

              One application of this option would be the download of  articles  containing  yEnc
              encoded  images. Although encoded the data is still mostly binary and retrieving it
              as text will corrupt the information.

              See package yencode for both encoder and decoder of such data.

       nntpName date
              Query the server for the servers current date.  The date is returned in the  format

       nntpName group ?group?
              Optionally  set  the  current  group,  and retrieve information about the currently
              selected group.  Returns the estimated number of articles in the group followed  by
              the  number  of the first article in the group, followed by the last article in the
              group, followed by the name of the group.

       nntpName head ?msgid?
              Query the server for the headers of the article msgid from the current group.   The
              headers  of  the article are returned as a valid tcl list. Each element in the list
              is one line of the headers of the article.

       nntpName help
              Retrieves a list of the commands that are supported by  the  news  server  that  is
              currently attached to.

       nntpName last
              Sets the current article pointer to point to the previous message (if there is one)
              and returns the msgid of that message.

       nntpName list
              Returns a tcl list of valid newsgroups and associated information.  Each  newsgroup
              is returned as an element in the tcl list with the following format:

                    group last first p

              where  <group> is the name of the newsgroup, <last> is the number of the last known
              article currently in that newsgroup, <first> is the number  of  the  first  article
              currently in the newsgroup, and <p> is either 'y' or 'n' indicating whether posting
              to this newsgroup is allowed ('y') or prohibited ('n').

              The <first> and <last> fields will always be numeric.  They may have leading zeros.
              If the <last> field evaluates to less than the <first> field, there are no articles
              currently on file in the newsgroup.

       nntpName listgroup ?group?
              Query the server for a list of all the messages  (message  numbers)  in  the  group
              specified  by  the argument group or by the current group if the group argument was
              not passed.

       nntpName mode_reader
              Query the server for its nntp 'MODE READER' response string.

       nntpName newgroups since
              Query the server for a list of all  the  new  newsgroups  created  since  the  time
              specified by the argument since.  The argument since can be any time string that is
              understood by clock scan. The tcl list of newsgroups is returned in a similar  form
              to  the  list of groups returned by the nntpName list command.  Each element of the
              list has the form:

                    group last first p

              where <group> is the name of the newsgroup, <last> is the number of the last  known
              article  currently  in  that  newsgroup, <first> is the number of the first article
              currently in the newsgroup, and <p> is either 'y' or 'n' indicating whether posting
              to this newsgroup is allowed ('y') or prohibited ('n').

       nntpName newnews
              Query the server for a list of new articles posted to the current group in the last

       nntpName newnews since
              Query the server for a list of new articles posted to the current group  since  the
              time  specified  by  the argument since.  The argument since can be any time string
              that is understood by clock scan.

       nntpName newnews group ?since?
              Query the server for a list of new articles posted to the group  specified  by  the
              argument  group  since the time specified by the argument since (or in the past day
              if no since argument is passed.  The argument since can be any time string that  is
              understood by clock scan.

       nntpName next
              Sets the current article pointer to point to the next message (if there is one) and
              returns the msgid of that message.

       nntpName post article
              Posts  an  article  of  the   form   specified   in   RFC   1036   (http://www.rfc-
    , successor to RFC 850) to the current news group.

       nntpName slave
              Identifies  a connection as being made from a slave nntp server. This might be used
              to indicate that the connection is serving multiple  people  and  should  be  given
              priority.  Actual use is entirely implementation dependent and may vary from server
              to server.

       nntpName stat ?msgid?
              The stat command is similar to the article command except that no text is returned.
              When selecting by message number within a group, the stat command serves to set the
              current article pointer without sending text. The returned acknowledgment  response
              will contain the message-id, which may be of some value.  Using the stat command to
              select by message-id is valid but of  questionable  value,  since  a  selection  by
              message-id does NOT alter the "current article pointer"

       nntpName quit
              Gracefully close the connection after sending a NNTP QUIT command down the socket.

       nntpName xgtitle ?group_pattern?
              Returns a tcl list where each element is of the form:

              newsgroup description

              If  a  group_pattern  is specified then only newsgroups that match the pattern will
              have their name and description returned.

       nntpName xhdr field ?range?
              Returns the specified header field value for the current message or for a  list  of
              messages  from the current group.  field is the title of a field in the header such
              as from, subject, date, etc.  If range is not specified or is "" then  the  current
              message  is queried.  The command returns a list of elements where each element has
              the form of:

                  msgid value

              Where msgid is the number of the message and value is the value set for the queried
              field.  The range argument can be in any of the following forms:

              ""     The current message is queried.

                     All  messages  between  msgid1  and msgid2 (including msgid1 and msgid2) are

              msgid1 msgid2
                     All messages between msgid1 and msgid2 (including  msgid1  and  msgid2)  are

       nntpName xover ?range?
              Returns  header information for the current message or for a range of messages from
              the current group.  The information is returned in a tcl list where each element is
              of the form:

                  msgid subject from date idstring bodysize headersize xref

              If  range is not specified or is "" then the current message is queried.  The range
              argument can be in any of the following forms:

              ""     The current message is queried.

                     All messages between msgid1 and msgid2 (including  msgid1  and  msgid2)  are

              msgid1 msgid2
                     All  messages  between  msgid1  and msgid2 (including msgid1 and msgid2) are

       nntpName xpat field range ?pattern_list?
              Returns the specified header field value for a specified message or for a  list  of
              messages  from  the  current group where the messages match the pattern(s) given in
              the pattern_list.  field is the title of a  field  in  the  header  such  as  from,
              subject,  date,  etc.  The information is returned in a tcl list where each element
              is of the form:

                  msgid value

              Where msgid is the number of the message and value is the value set for the queried
              field.  The range argument can be in any of the following forms:

              msgid  The message specified by msgid is queried.

                     All  messages  between  msgid1  and msgid2 (including msgid1 and msgid2) are

              msgid1 msgid2
                     All messages between msgid1 and msgid2 (including  msgid1  and  msgid2)  are


       A bigger example for posting a single article.

                  package require nntp
                  set n [nntp::nntp NNTP_SERVER]
                  $n post "From: USER@DOMAIN.EXT (USER_FULL)
                  Path: COMPUTERNAME!USERNAME
                  Newsgroups: alt.test
                  Subject: Tcl test post -ignore
                  Message-ID: <[pid][clock seconds]
                  Date: [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%a, %d %
                  b %y %H:%M:%S GMT" -gmt true]

                  Test message body"


       This  document,  and  the  package  it  describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other
       problems.   Please  report  such  in  the   category   nntp   of   the   Tcllib   Trackers
       [].  Please also report any ideas for enhancements you
       may have for either package and/or documentation.


       news, nntp, nntpclient, rfc 1036, rfc 977

