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       rtcppacket - RTCP compound packets manipulation.

       class RTCPCompoundHandler
           low level structs and RTCP packet parsing and building methods.
       struct RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket
           Struct representing general RTCP packet headers as they are sent through the network.
       struct RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPFixedHeader
           Fixed RTCP packet header.
       struct RTCPCompoundHandler::NACKPacket
           Struct for Negative ACKnowledgements (NACK) RTCP packet.
       struct RTCPCompoundHandler::FIRPacket
           Struct for Full Intra-frame Request (FIR) RTCP packet.
       struct RTCPCompoundHandler::APPPacket
           Struct for APP (application specific) RTCP packets.
       struct RTCPCompoundHandler::BYEPacket
           Struct for BYE (leaving session) RTCP packets.
       struct RTCPCompoundHandler::SDESChunk
           Struct for a chunk of items in a SDES RTCP packet.
       struct RTCPCompoundHandler::SDESItem
           Struct for an item description of a SDES packet.
       struct RTCPCompoundHandler::SendReport
           Struct for SR (sender report) RTCP packets.
       struct RTCPCompoundHandler::SenderInfo
           Struct for the sender info block in a SR (sender report) RTCP packet.
       struct RTCPCompoundHandler::RecvReport
           raw structure of the source and every receiver report in an SR or RR RTCP packet.
       struct RTCPCompoundHandler::RRBlock
           Struct for a receiver info block in a SR (sender report) or an RR (receiver report)
           RTCP packet.
       struct RTCPCompoundHandler::ReceiverInfo
           Struct for the data contained in a receiver info block.
       class RTCPReceiverInfo
           Report block information of SR/RR RTCP reports.
       class RTCPSenderInfo
           Sender block information of SR RTCP reports.

       enum SDESItemType { SDESItemTypeEND = 0, SDESItemTypeCNAME, SDESItemTypeNAME,
           SDESItemTypeEMAIL, SDESItemTypePHONE, SDESItemTypeLOC, SDESItemTypeTOOL,
           SDESItemTypeNOTE, SDESItemTypePRIV, SDESItemTypeH323CADDR, SDESItemTypeLast =
           SDESItemTypeH323CADDR }
           SDES items that may be carried in a Source DEScription RTCP packet.
       enum RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::Type { RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::tSR = 200,
           RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::tRR, RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::tSDES,
           RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::tBYE, RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::tAPP,
           RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::tFIR = 192, RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::tNACK =
           193, RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::tXR }
           rtp.h cc++/rtp.h
       enum { RTCPCompoundHandler::defaultPathMTU = 1500 }

       timeval NTP2Timeval (uint32 msw, uint32 lsw)
           Convert a NTP timestamp, expressed as two 32-bit long words, into a timeval value.
       uint32 timevalIntervalTo65536 (timeval &t)
           Convert a time interval, expressed as a timeval, into a 32-bit time interval expressed
           in units of 1/65536 seconds.

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation

   anonymous enum [protected]


   enum SDESItemType
       SDES items that may be carried in a Source DEScription RTCP packet. CNAME is mandatory in
       each RTCP compound packet (except when split for partial encryption), the others are
       optional and have different sending frequencies, though with recommended default values.


              END of SDES item list.

              Canonical end-point identifier.

              Personal NAME of the user.

              EMAIL address of the user.

              Phone number of the user.

              Location where the user is.

              Application or tool.

              Comment usually reporting state.

              Private extension.

              H323 callable address.

              Last defined code.

   enum RTCPCompoundHandler::RTCPPacket::Type
       rtp.h cc++/rtp.h RTCP packet types. They are registered with IANA.


       tSR    Sender Report.

       tRR    Receiver Report.

       tSDES  Source DEScription.

       tBYE   End of participation.

       tAPP   APPlication specific.

       tFIR   Full Intra-frame request.

       tNACK  Negative ACK.

       tXR    Extended Report.

Function Documentation

   timeval NTP2Timeval (uint32 msw, uint32 lsw)
       Convert a NTP timestamp, expressed as two 32-bit long words, into a timeval value.

           msw Integer part of NTP timestamp.
           lsw Fractional part of NTP timestamp.

           timeval value corresponding to the given NTP timestamp.

   uint32 timevalIntervalTo65536 (timeval & t)
       Convert a time interval, expressed as a timeval, into a 32-bit time interval expressed in
       units of 1/65536 seconds.

           t Timeval interval.

           32-bit value corresponding to the given timeval interval.


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for ccRTP from the source code.