Provided by: abacas_1.3.1-4_all bug


       abacas - Algorithm Based Automatic Contiguation of Assembled Sequences


       abacas -r ref -q qs -p prog  [OPTIONS]


       abacas -r ref -q psf -e

       ref    reference sequence in a single fasta file

       qs     contigs in multi-fasta format

       rog    MUMmer program to use: 'nucmer' or 'promer'

       psf    pseudomolecule/ordered sequence file in fasta format


       -h     print usage

       -d     use default nucmer/promer parameters

       -s     int     minimum length of exact matching word (nucmer default = 12, promer  default
              = 4)

       -m     print ordered contigs to file in multifasta format

       -b     print contigs in bin to file

       -N     print a pseudomolecule without "N"s

       -i     int     minimum percent identity [default 40]

       -v     int     minimum contig coverage [default 40]

       -V     int     minimum contig coverage difference [default 1]

       -l     int     minimum contig length [default 1]

       -t     run tblastx on contigs that are not mapped

       -g     string (file name)      print uncovered regions (gaps) on reference to file name

       -a     append contigs in bin to the pseudomolecule

       -o     prefix  output files will have this prefix

       -P     pick primer sets to close gaps

       -f     int     number of flanking bases on either side of a gap for primer design (default

       -R     int     Run mummer [default 1, use -R 0 to avoid running mummer]

       -e     Escape contig ordering i.e. go to primer design

       -c     Reference sequence is circular


       ABACAS is intended to rapidly contiguate (align, order, orientate), visualize  and  design
       primers to close gaps on shotgun assembled contigs based on a reference sequence.

       ABACAS uses MUMmer to find alignment positions and identify syntenies of assembled contigs
       against the reference. The output is then processed to generate  a  pseudomolecule  taking
       overlapping contigs and gaps in to account. ABACAS generates a comparison file that can be
       used to visualize ordered and oriented contigs in ACT. Synteny is represented by red  bars
       where  colour intensity decreases with lower values of percent identity between comparable
       blocks. Information on contigs such as the orientation,  percent  identity,  coverage  and
       overlap with other contigs can also be visualized by loading the outputted feature file on


       ABACAS IS Copyright (C) 2008-10 The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK.

       This manual page was written by Andreas Tille <>, for the  Debian  project
       (and may be used by others).