Provided by: libmodule-starter-plugin-cgiapp-perl_0.44-1_all
cgiapp-starter - creates a skeleton CGI::Application project
cgiapp-starter --module=MyApp --author="Jaldhar H. Vyas" Result: MyApp MyApp/Changes MyApp/lib MyApp/lib/ MyApp/LICENSE MyApp/Makefile.PL MyApp/MANIFEST.SKIP MyApp/MANIFEST MyApp/README MyApp/ MyApp/share/templates MyApp/share/templates/runmode1.html MyApp/t MyApp/t/00-signature.t MyApp/t/01-load.t MyApp/t/boilerplate.t MyApp/t/test-app.t MyApp/t/www MyApp/t/www/PUT.STATIC.CONTENT.HERE MyApp/xt MyApp/xt/perlcriticrc MyApp/xt/perl-critic.t MyApp/xt/pod-coverage.t MyApp/xt/pod.t Options: --module=module Module name --dir=dirname Directory name to create new module in (optional) --builder=module Build with 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' or 'Module::Build' --eumm Same as --builder=ExtUtils::MakeMaker --mb Same as --builder=Module::Build --mi Same as --builder=Module::Install --author=name Author's name (required) --email=email Author's email (required) --license=type License under which the module will be distributed (default is the same license as perl) --verbose Print progress messages while working --force Delete pre-existing files if needed --help Show this message
Set up the skeleton of a CGI::Application-based project, including a module, some templates and some automated tests. By default the skeleton files will come within a shared directory where Module::Starter::Plugin::CGIApp is stored. See File::ShareDir for more information on how this works.
cgiapp-starter will look for a configuration file before reading its command line parameters. The default location is "$HOME/.module-starter/config" but if the MODULE_STARTER_DIR environment variable is set, cgiapp-starter will look for "config" in that directory. The configuration file is just a list of names and values, separated by colons. Values that take lists are just space separated. A sample configuration file might read: author: Jaldhar H. Vyas email: template_dir: ~/.module-starter/cgiapp/templates colors: red green blue This format may become more elaborate in the future, but a file of this type should remain valid.