Provided by: libcflow-perl_0.68-12.5build3_amd64 bug


       flowdumper - a grep(1)-like utility for raw flow files


          flowdumper [-h] [-v] [-s|S|r|R] [-a|n] [[-I expr] -e expr [-E expr]] [-c] [-B file] [-o output_file] [flow_file [...]]

       but usually just:

          flowdumper [-s] -e expr flow_file [...]


       flowdumper is a grep(1)-like utility for selecting and processing flows from cflowd or
       flow-tools raw flow files.  The selection criteria are specified by using the "-e" option
       described below.

       flowdumper's primary features are the ability to:

       •   Print the content of raw flow files in one of two built-in formats or a format of the
           users own.  The built-in "long" format is much like that produced by the flowdump
           command supplied with cflowd.  The "short", single-line format is suitable for
           subsequent post-processing by line-oriented filters like sed(1).

       •   Act as a filter, reading raw flow input from either file(s) or standard input, and
           producing filtered raw flow output on standard output.  This is similar to how grep(1)
           is often used on text files.

       •   Select flows according to practically any criteria that can be expressed in perl

       The "flow variables" and other symbols available for use in the "-e" expression are those
       made available by the Cflow module when used like this:

          use Cflow qw(:flowvars :tcpflags :icmptypes :icmpcodes);

       See the Cflow perl documentation for full details on these values (i.e.  "perldoc Cflow".)

       Most perl syntax is allowed in the expressions specified with the "-e", "-I", and "-E"
       options.  See the perl man pages for full details on operators ("man perlop") and
       functions ("man perlfunc") available for use in those expressions.

       If run with no arguments, filters standard input to standard output.

       The options and their arguments, roughly in order of usefulness, are:

           shows the usage information

           mnemonic: 'h'elp

           print all flows

           implied if "-e" is not specified

           mnemonic: 'a'll

       "-e" expr
           evaluate this expression once per flow

           mnemonic: 'e'xpression

           print number of flows matched in input

           mnemonic: 'c'ount

           print flows in short (one-line) format, ignored with "-n"

           mnemonic: 's'hort

           print flows in the raw/binary flow file format

           ignored with "-n"

           mnemonic: 'r'aw

           "repacks" and print flows in the raw/binary flow file format

           requires "-e", ignored with "-n", useful with "-p"

           mnemonic: 'R'epack raw

           don't print matching flows

           mnemonic: like "perl "-n"" or "sed "-n""

       "-o" output_file
           send output to the specified file.  A single printf(3) string conversion specifier can
           be used within the output_file value (such as "/tmp/%s.txt") to make the output file
           name a function of the input file basename.

           mneomic: 'o'utput file

           print flows in the "old" short (one-line) format

           ignored with "-n"

           mnemonic: 'S'hort

           be verbose with messages

           mnemonic: 'v'erbose

           be very verbose with messages (implies ""-v"")

           mnemonic: 'V'ery verbose

       "-I" expr
           eval expression initially, before flow processing

           practically useless without "-e"

           mnemonic: 'I'nitial expression

       "-E" expr
           eval expression after flow processing is complete

           practically useless without "-e"

           mnemonic: 'E'ND expression

       "-B" file
           Load the specified BGP dump file using Net::ParseRouteTable.

           In your optional expression, you can now refer to these variables:


           which will cause a lookup.  Their values are undefined if the lookup fails.

           mnemonic: 'B'GP dump file

       "-p" prefix_mappings_file
           read file containing IPv4 prefix mappings in this format (one per line):


           When specifying this option, you can, and should at some point, call the ENCODE
           subroutine in your expressions to have it encode the IP address flowvars such as
           $Cflow::exporter, $Cflow::srcaddr, $Cflow::dstaddr, and $Cflow::nexthop.

           mnemonic: 'p'refixes


       Print all flows, in a multi-line format, to a pager:

          $ flowdumper -a flows.* |less

       Print all the UDP flows to another file using the raw binary flow format:

          $ flowdumper -re '17 == $protocol' flows.current > udp_flows.current

       Print all TCP flows which have the SYN bit set in the TCP flags:

          $ flowdumper -se '6 == $protocol && ($TH_SYN & $tcp_flags)' flows.*

       Print the first 10 flows to another file using the raw binary flow format:

          $ flowdumper -I '$n = 10' -re '$n-- or exit' flows.*0 > head.cflow

       Print all flows with the start and end time using a two-line format:

          $ flowdumper -se 'print scalar(localtime($startime)), "\n"' flows.*

       Print all flows with the specified source address using a short, single-line format:

          $ flowdumper -se '"" eq $srcip' flows.*

       Do the same thing in a quicker, but less obvious, way:

          $ flowdumper -I '
             use Socket;
             $addr = unpack("N", Socket::inet_aton(""));
          ' -se '$addr == $srcaddr'  flows.*

       (This latter method runs quicker because inet_aton(3) is only called once, instead of once
       per flow.)

       Print all flows with a source address within the specifed network/subnet:

          $ flowdumper \
          -I 'use Socket;
              $mask = unpack("N", Socket::inet_aton(""));
              $width = 16' \
          -se '$mask == ((0xffffffff << (32-$width)) & $srcaddr)' flows.*

       Print all flows where either the source or the destination address, but not both, is
       within the specified set of networks or subnets:

          $ flowdumper \
          -I 'use Net::Patricia;
              $pt = Net::Patricia->new;
              map { $pt->add_string($_, 1) } qw(
                                        )' \
          -se '1 == ($pt->match_integer($srcaddr) +
                     $pt->match_integer($dstaddr))' flows.*

       Count the total number of "talkers" (unique source host addresses) by piping them to
       sort(1) and wc(1) to count them:

          $ flowdumper \
          -I 'use Net::Patricia;
              $pt = Net::Patricia->new;
              map { $pt->add_string($_, 1) } qw(
                                        )' \
          -ne '$pt->match_integer($srcaddr) and print "$srcip\n"' flows.* \
          |sort -u |wc -l

       Count the total number of "talkers" (unique source host addresses) that are within a the
       specified networks or subnets:

          $ flowdumper \
          -I 'use Net::Patricia;
              $pt = new Net::Patricia;
              map { $pt->add_string($_, 1) } qw(
              $talkers = new Net::Patricia' \
          -ne '$pt->match_integer($srcaddr) &&
               ($talkers->match_integer($srcaddr) or
                $talkers->add_string($srcip, 1))' \
          -E 'printf("%d\n", $talkers->climb( sub { 1 } ))' flows.*

       (For large numbers of flows, this latter method is quicker because it populates a
       Net::Patricia trie with the unique addresses and counts the resulting nodes rather than
       having to print them to standard output and then having to sort them to determine how many
       are unique.)

       Select the TCP flows and "ENCODE" the IP addresses according to the prefix encodings
       specified in "prefix_encodings.txt":

          $ flowdumper -p prefix_encodings.txt -se '6 == $protocol && ENCODE'

       Produce a new raw flow file with the IP addresses ENCODEd according to the prefix
       encodings specified in "prefix_encodings.txt":

          $ flowdumper -p prefix_encodings.txt -Re 'ENCODE' flows > flows.enc

       Produce a set of raw flow files that have the $src_as and $dst_as origin AS values filled
       in based upon a lookup in externally-specified routing table (in the file "router.bgp")
       and have the IP address info replaces with zeroes (for anonymity):

          $ ssh router "show route protocol bgp terse" > router.bgp # Juniper

          $ flowdumper \
          -B router.bgp \
          -e '$src_as = $src_origin_as,
              $dst_as = $dst_origin_as,
              (($exporter = 0),
               ($srcaddr  = 0),
               ($src_mask = 0),
               ($dstaddr  = 0),
               ($dst_mask = 0),
               ($nexthop  = 0), 1)' \
          -R \
          -o /tmp/%s.cflow_enc \


       This utility was inspired by Daniel McRobb's flowdump utility which is supplied with
       cflowd.  flowdumper was originally written as merely a sample of what can be done with the
       Cflow perl module, but has since been developed into a more complete tool.


       When using the "-B" option, routing table entries that contain AS sets at the end of the
       AS path are quietly discarded.  (It's not so quiet if you also specified "-V".)  It was
       necessary to discard these, because I did not consider AS sets when designing the API and
       therefore have no way to communicate more than one origin AS value per for a single source
       or destination IP address.

       There are perhaps some pathological combinations of options that currently do not produce
       usage error messages, but should.

       Since the expression syntax is that of perl itself, there are lots of useless expressions
       that will happily be accepted without complaint.  This is particular troublesome when
       trying to track down typos, for instance, with the flow variable names.

       This script probably has the same bugs as the Cflow module, since it's based upon it.


       Dave Plonka <>

       Copyright (C) 1998-2002  Dave Plonka.  This program is free software; you can redistribute
       it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
       Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later


       perl(1), Socket, Net::Netmask, Net::Patricia, Cflow.