Provided by: lam-runtime_7.1.4-3.1build1_amd64 bug


       mpirun - Run MPI programs on LAM nodes.


       mpirun  [-fhvO]  [-c  #  | -np #] [-D | -wd dir] [-ger | -nger] [-sigs | -nsigs] [-ssi key
       value] [-nw | -w] [-nx]  [-pty  |  -npty]  [-s  node]  [-t  |  -toff  |  -ton]  [-tv]  [-x
       VAR1[=VALUE1][,VAR2[=VALUE2],...]]   [[-p  prefix_str]  [-sa  |  -sf]] [where] program [--

       Note: Although each are individually optional, at least one of where, -np, or -c  must  be
              specified in the above form (i.e., when a schema is not used).

       mpirun  [-fhvO] [-D | -wd dir] [-ger | -nger] [-sigs | -nsigs] [-ssi key value] [-nw | -w]
              [-nx]    [-pty    |    -npty]    [-t    |    -toff    |     -ton]     [-tv]     [-x
              VAR1[=VALUE1][,VAR2[=VALUE2],...]]  schema

       Note:  The  -c2c  and  -lamd  options  are now obsolete.  Use -ssi instead.  See the "SSI"
              section, below.


       If you're simply looking for how to run an MPI application, you probably want to  use  the
       following command line:

              % mpirun C my_mpi_application

       This  will  run  one  copy of my_mpi_application on every CPU in the current LAM universe.
       Alternatively,  "N"  can  be  used  in  place  of  "C",  indicating  that  one   copy   of
       my_mpi_application  should  be  run  on  every node (as opposed to CPU) in the current LAM
       universe.  Finally:

              % mpirun -np 4 my_mpi_application

       can be used to tell LAM to explicitly run four copies of my_mpi_application, scheduling in
       a  round-robin  fashion  by  CPU  in the LAM universe.  See the rest of this page for more
       details, particularly the "Location Nomenclature" section.


       There are two  forms  of  the  mpirun  command  --  one  for  programs  (i.e.,  SPMD-style
       applications),  and  one for application schemas (see appschema(5)).  Both forms of mpirun
       use the following options by default: -nger -w.  These may  each  be  overriden  by  their
       counterpart options, described below.

       Additionally, mpirun will send the name of the directory where it was invoked on the local
       node to each of the remote nodes, and attempt  to  change  to  that  directory.   See  the
       "Current Working Directory" section, below.

       -c #      Synonym for -np (see below).

       -D        Use the executable program location as the current working directory for created
                 processes.  The current working directory of the created processes will  be  set
                 before  the  user's  program is invoked.  This option is mutually exclusive with

       -f        Do not configure standard I/O file descriptors - use defaults.

       -h        Print useful information on this command.

       -ger      Enable GER (Guaranteed Envelope  Resources)  communication  protocol  and  error
                 reporting.   See  MPI(7)  for  a  description  of  GER.  This option is mutually
                 exclusive with -nger.

       -nger     Disable GER (Guaranteed Envelope Resources).  This option is mutually  exclusive
                 with -ger.

       -nsigs    Do not have LAM catch signals in the user application.  This is the default, and
                 is mutually exclusive with -sigs.

       -np #     Run this many copies of the program on the given nodes.  This  option  indicates
                 that  the specified file is an executable program and not an application schema.
                 If no nodes are specified, all LAM nodes are considered for scheduling; LAM will
                 schedule   the  programs  in  a  round-robin  fashion,  "wrapping  around"  (and
                 scheduling multiple copies on a single node) if necessary.

       -npty     Disable pseudo-tty support.  Unless you  are  having  problems  with  pseudo-tty
                 support, you probably do not need this option.  Mutually exlclusive with -pty.

       -nw       Do not wait for all processes to complete before exiting mpirun.  This option is
                 mutually exclusive with -w.

       -nx       Do  not  automatically  export  LAM_MPI_*,  LAM_IMPI_*,  or  IMPI_*  environment
                 variables to the remote nodes.

       -O        Multicomputer  is  homogeneous.   Do  no  data conversion when passing messages.
                 THIS FLAG IS NOW OBSOLETE.

       -pty      Enable pseudo-tty support.   Among  other  things,  this  enabled  line-buffered
                 output  (which  is  probably  what  you  want).   This is the default.  Mutually
                 exclusive with -npty.

       -s node   Load the program from this node.  This option is not valid on the  command  line
                 if an application schema is specified.

       -sigs     Have  LAM catch signals in the user process.  This options is mutually exclusive
                 with -nsigs.

       -ssi key value
                 Send arguments to various SSI modules.  See the "SSI" section, below.

       -t, -ton  Enable execution trace generation for  all  processes.   Trace  generation  will
                 proceed  with  no  further  action.   These  options are mutually exclusive with

       -toff     Enable execution trace generation  for  all  processes.   Trace  generation  for
                 message   passing   traffic   will   begin  after  processes  collectively  call
                 MPIL_Trace_on(2).  Note that trace generation for  datatypes  and  communicators
                 will  proceed  regardless of whether trace generation is enabled for messages or
                 not.  This option is mutually exclusive with -t and -ton.

       -tv       Launch processes under the TotalView Debugger.

       -v        Be verbose; report on important steps as they are done.

       -w        Wait for all applications to exit before mpirun exits.

       -wd dir   Change to the directory dir before the user's program executes.   Note  that  if
                 the  -wd  option  appears both on the command line and in an application schema,
                 the schema will take precendence over the command line.  This option is mutually
                 exclusive with -D.

       -x        Export  the specified environment variables to the remote nodes before executing
                 the program.  Existing environment variables can be specified (see the  Examples
                 section, below), or new variable names specified with corresponding values.  The
                 parser for the -x option is not very sophisticated; it does not even  understand
                 quoted  values.  Users are advised to set variables in the environment, and then
                 use -x to export (not define) them.

       -sa       Display the exit status of all MPI processes irrespecive of whether they fail or
                 run successfully.

       -sf       Display the exit status of all processes only if one of them fails.

       -p prefix_str
                 Prefixes  each  process  status  line  displayed  by  [-sa]  and  [-sf]  by  the

       where     A set of node and/or CPU identifiers indicating where  to  start  program.   See
                 bhost(5)  for  a  description  of  the  node  and  CPU identifiers.  mpirun will
                 schedule adjoining ranks in MPI_COMM_WORLD on the same node when CPU identifiers
                 are  used.  For example, if LAM was booted with a CPU count of 4 on n0 and a CPU
                 count of 2 on n1 and where is C, ranks 0 through 3 will be  placed  on  n0,  and
                 ranks 4 and 5 will be placed on n1.

       args      Pass  these  runtime  arguments  to every new process.  These must always be the
                 last arguments to mpirun.  This option is not valid on the command  line  if  an
                 application schema is specified.


       One  invocation of mpirun starts an MPI application running under LAM.  If the application
       is simply SPMD, the application can be specified on  the  mpirun  command  line.   If  the
       application  is MIMD, comprising multiple programs, an application schema is required in a
       separate file.  See appschema(5) for a description of the application schema  syntax,  but
       it  essentially contains multiple mpirun command lines, less the command name itself.  The
       ability to specify different options for different instantiations of a program is  another
       reason to use an application schema.

   Location Nomenclature
       As  described  above,  mpirun can specify arbitrary locations in the current LAM universe.
       Locations can be specified either by CPU or by node (noted by the "where"  in  the  SYNTAX
       section,  above).   Note that LAM does not bind processes to CPUs -- specifying a location
       "by CPU" is really a convenience mechanism  for  SMPs  that  ultimately  maps  down  to  a
       specific node.

       Note  that  LAM  effectively numbers MPI_COMM_WORLD ranks from left-to-right in the where,
       regardless of which nomenclature is used.  This  can  be  important  because  typical  MPI
       programs tend to communicate more with their immediate neighbors (i.e., myrank +/- X) than
       distant neighbors.  When neighbors end up on the same node, the shmem RPIs can be used for
       communication rather than the network RPIs, which can result in faster MPI performance.

       Specifying  locations  by  node  will launch one copy of an executable per specified node.
       Using a capitol "N" tells LAM  to  use  all  available  nodes  that  were  lambooted  (see
       lamboot(1)).   Ranges of specific nodes can also be specified in the form "nR[,R]*", where
       R specifies either a single node number or a valid range of node numbers in the  range  of
       [0, num_nodes).  For example:

       mpirun N a.out
           Runs  one copy of the the executable a.out on all available nodes in the LAM universe.
           MPI_COMM_WORLD rank 0 will be on n0, rank 1 will be on n1, etc.

       mpirun n0-3 a.out
           Runs one copy of the the executable a.out on nodes 0 through 3.  MPI_COMM_WORLD rank 0
           will be on n0, rank 1 will be on n1, etc.

       mpirun n0-3,8-11,15 a.out
           Runs  one copy of the the executable a.out on nodes 0 through 3, 8 through 11, and 15.
           MPI_COMM_WORLD ranks will be ordered as follows: (0, n0), (1, n1), (2, n2),  (3,  n3),
           (4, n8), (5, n9), (6, n10), (7, n11), (8, n15).

       Specifying  by  CPU is the preferred method of launching MPI jobs.  The intent is that the
       boot schema used with lamboot(1) will indicate how many CPUs are available on  each  node,
       and  then  a  single,  simple mpirun command can be used to launch across all of them.  As
       noted above, specifying CPUs does not actually bind processes to CPUs  --  it  is  only  a
       convenience  mechanism  for launching on SMPs.  Otherwise, the by-CPU notation is the same
       as the by-node notation, except that "C" and "c" are used instead of "N" and "n".

       Assume in the following example that the LAM universe consists of  four  4-way  SMPs.   So
       c0-3 are on n0, c4-7 are on n1, c8-11 are on n2, and 13-15 are on n3.

       mpirun C a.out
           Runs  one  copy of the the executable a.out on all available CPUs in the LAM universe.
           This is typically the simplest (and preferred) method of launching all MPI jobs  (even
           if  it  resolves  to  one  process per node).  MPI_COMM_WORLD ranks 0-3 will be on n0,
           ranks 4-7 will be on n1, ranks 8-11 will be on n2, and ranks 13-15 will be on n3.

       mpirun c0-3 a.out
           Runs one copy of the the executable a.out on CPUs 0 through  3.   All  four  ranks  of
           MPI_COMM_WORLD will be on MPI_COMM_WORLD.

       mpirun c0-3,8-11,15 a.out
           Runs  one  copy of the the executable a.out on CPUs 0 through 3, 8 through 11, and 15.
           MPI_COMM_WORLD ranks 0-3 will be on n0, 4-7 will be on n2, and 8 will be on n3.

       The reason that the by-CPU nomenclature is preferred over the by-node nomenclature is best
       shown  through  example.   Consider  trying  to  run  the first CPU example (with the same
       MPI_COMM_WORLD mapping) with the by-node nomenclature -- run one copy of a.out  for  every
       available  CPU,  and  maximize  the  number of local neighbors to potentially maximize MPI
       performance.  One solution would be to use the following command:

       mpirun n0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3 a.out

       This works, but is definitely klunky to type.  It is typically easier to  use  the  by-CPU
       notation.  One might think that the following is equivalent:

       mpirun N -np 16 a.out

       This  is  not equivalent because the MPI_COMM_WORLD rank mappings will be assigned by node
       rather than by CPU.  Hence rank 0 will be on n0, rank 1 will be on n1, etc.  Note that the
       following, however, is equivalent, because LAM interprets lack of a where as "C":

       mpirun -np 16 a.out

       However,  a  "C"  can  tend  to  be  more convenient, especially for batch-queuing scripts
       because the exact number of processes may vary between queue submissions.  Since the batch
       system  will  determine  the  final number of CPUs available, having a generic script that
       effectively says "run on everything you gave me" may lead to  more  portable  /  re-usable

       Finally,  it  should  be  noted  that  specifying  multiple  where  clauses  are perfectly
       acceptable.  As such, mixing of the by-node  and  by-CPU  syntax  is  also  valid,  albiet
       typically not useful.  For example:

       mpirun C N a.out

       However,  in  some  cases,  specifying  multiple  where clauses can be useful.  Consider a
       parallel application where MPI_COMM_WORLD rank 0 will be a "manager" and therefore consume
       very  few  CPU  cycles  because  it  is  usually  waiting for "worker" processes to return
       results.  Hence, it is probably desirable to run one "worker"  process  on  all  available
       CPUs, and run one extra process that will be the "manager":

       mpirun c0 C manager-worker-program

   Application Schema or Executable Program?
       To  distinguish the two different forms, mpirun looks on the command line for where or the
       -c option.  If neither is specified, then the file named on the command line is assumed to
       be  an  application schema.  If either one or both are specified, then the file is assumed
       to be an executable program.  If where and -c both  are  specified,  then  copies  of  the
       program  are  started  on the specified nodes/CPUs according to an internal LAM scheduling
       policy.  Specifying just one node effectively forces LAM to run all copies of the  program
       in one place.  If -c is given, but not where, then all available CPUs on all LAM nodes are
       used.  If where is given, but not -c, then one copy of the program is run on each node.

   Program Transfer
       By default, LAM searches for executable programs on the target  node  where  a  particular
       instantiation  will  run.   If  the  file  system  is  not  shared,  the  target nodes are
       homogeneous, and the program is frequently recompiled, it can be convenient  to  have  LAM
       transfer the program from a source node (usually the local node) to each target node.  The
       -s option specifies this behavior and identifies the single source node.

   Locating Files
       LAM looks for an executable program by  searching  the  directories  in  the  user's  PATH
       environment  variable  as defined on the source node(s).  This behavior is consistent with
       logging into the source node and executing the program from the shell.  On  remote  nodes,
       the "." path is the home directory.

       LAM  looks  for an application schema in three directories: the local directory, the value
       of the LAMAPPLDIR environment variable, and laminstalldir/boot, where  "laminstalldir"  is
       the directory where LAM/MPI was installed.

   Standard I/O
       LAM  directs UNIX standard input to /dev/null on all remote nodes.  On the local node that
       invoked mpirun, standard input is inherited from mpirun.  The default is what used  to  be
       the -w option to prevent conflicting access to the terminal.

       LAM  directs  UNIX  standard  output and error to the LAM daemon on all remote nodes.  LAM
       ships all captured output/error to the node that invoked  mpirun  and  prints  it  on  the
       standard  output/error  of  mpirun.   Local processes inherit the standard output/error of
       mpirun and transfer to it directly.

       Thus it is possible to redirect standard I/O for LAM applications  by  using  the  typical
       shell redirection procedure on mpirun.

              % mpirun C my_app  my_input  my_output

       Note  that  in  this  example only the local node (i.e., the node where mpirun was invoked
       from) will receive the stream from my_input on stdin.  The stdin on all  the  other  nodes
       will  be tied to /dev/null.  However, the stdout from all nodes will be collected into the
       my_output file.

       The -f option avoids all the setup required  to  support  standard  I/O  described  above.
       Remote  processes  are  completely  directed to /dev/null and local processes inherit file
       descriptors from lamboot(1).

   Pseudo-tty support
       The -pty option enabled pseudo-tty support for process  output  (it  is  also  enabled  by
       default).   This  allows,  among  other things, for line buffered output from remote nodes
       (which is probably what you want).  This option can be disabled with the -npty switch.

   Process Termination / Signal Handling
       During the run of an MPI application, if any rank dies abnormally (either  exiting  before
       invoking MPI_FINALIZE, or dying as the result of a signal), mpirun will print out an error
       message and kill the rest of the MPI application.

       By default, LAM/MPI only installs a  signal  handler  for  one  signal  in  user  programs
       (SIGUSR2  by  default,  but  this  can  be  overridden  when LAM is configured and built).
       Therefore, it is safe for users to install their own signal handlers in  LAM/MPI  programs
       (LAM notices death-by-signal cases by examining the process' return status provided by the
       operating system).

       User signal handlers should probably avoid trying to cleanup MPI state -- LAM  is  neither
       thread-safe  nor  async-signal-safe.   For  example,  if  a  seg  fault occurs in MPI_SEND
       (perhaps because a bad buffer was passed in) and a user signal handler is invoked, if this
       user  handler  attempts  to invoke MPI_FINALIZE, Bad Things could happen since LAM/MPI was
       already "in" MPI when the error occurred.  Since mpirun will notice that the process  died
       due  to  a signal, it is probably not necessary (and safest) for the user to only clean up
       non-MPI state.

       If the -sigs option is used with mpirun, LAM/MPI will install several signal  handlers  to
       locally  on each rank to catch signals, print out error messages, and kill the rest of the
       MPI application.  This is somewhat redundant behavior since this is  now  all  handled  by
       mpirun, but it has been left for backwards compatability.

   Process Exit Statuses
       The  -sa,     -sf,  and  -p  parameters  can  be used to display the exist statuses of the
       individual MPI processes as they terminate.  -sa forces the exit statuses to be  displayed
       for all processes; -sf only displays the exist statuses if at least one process terminates
       either by a  signal  or  a  non-zero  exit  status  (note  that  exiting  before  invoking
       MPI_FINALIZE will cause a non-zero exit status).

       The status of each process is printed out, one per line, in the following format:

              prefix_string node pid killed status

       If killed is 1, then status is the signal number.  If killed is 0, then status is the exit
       status of the process.

       The default prefix_string is "mpirun:", but the  -p  option  can  be  used  override  this

   Current Working Directory
       The  default  behavior  of mpirun has changed with respect to the directory that processes
       will be started in.

       The -wd option to mpirun allows the user to change to an arbitrary directory before  their
       program  is  invoked.   It can also be used in application schema files to specify working
       directories on specific nodes and/or for specific applications.

       If the -wd option appears both in a schema file and on the command line, the  schema  file
       directory will override the command line value.

       The  -D  option  will  change  the  current  working  directory to the directory where the
       executable resides.  It cannot be used in  application  schema  files.   -wd  is  mutually
       exclusive with -D.

       If  neither  -wd  nor  -D are specified, the local node will send the directory name where
       mpirun was invoked from to each of the remote nodes.  The remote nodes will  then  try  to
       change  to  that  directory.  If they fail (e.g., if the directory does not exists on that
       node), they will start with from the user's home directory.

       All directory changing occurs before the user's program is invoked; it does not wait until
       MPI_INIT is called.

   Process Environment
       Processes  in  the  MPI application inherit their environment from the LAM daemon upon the
       node on which they are running.  The environment of a LAM daemon is fixed upon booting  of
       the  LAM  with lamboot(1) and is typically inherited from the user's shell.  On the origin
       node, this will be the shell from which lamboot(1) was invoked; on remote nodes, the exact
       environment is determined by the boot SSI module used by lamboot(1).  The rsh boot module,
       for example, uses either rsh/ssh to launch the LAM daemon on remote nodes,  and  typically
       executes  one  or  more  of  the user's shell-setup files before launching the LAM daemon.
       When running dynamically linked applications which require the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment
       variable to be set, care must be taken to ensure that it is correctly set when booting the

   Exported Environment Variables
       All environment variables that are named in the form LAM_MPI_*, LAM_IMPI_*, or IMPI_* will
       automatically  be exported to new processes on the local and remote nodes.  This exporting
       may be inhibited with the -nx option.

       Additionally, the -x option to mpirun can be used to export specific environment variables
       to  the  new  processes.   While  the syntax of the -x option allows the definition of new
       variables, note that the parser for this option is currently not very sophisticated  -  it
       does  not  even  understand  quoted  values.   Users  are  advised to set variables in the
       environment and use -x to export them; not to define them.

   Trace Generation
       Two switches control trace generation from processes running under LAM and both must be in
       the  on  position  for traces to actually be generated.  The first switch is controlled by
       mpirun and the second switch is initially set by mpirun but can be toggled at runtime with
       MPIL_Trace_on(2) and MPIL_Trace_off(2).  The -t (-ton is equivalent) and -toff options all
       turn on the first switch.  Otherwise the first switch is off and calls to MPIL_Trace_on(2)
       in  the  application  program  are  ineffective.   The  -t option also turns on the second
       switch.  The  -toff  option  turns  off  the  second  switch.   See  MPIL_Trace_on(2)  and
       lamtrace(1) for more details.

   MPI Data Conversion
       LAM's  MPI  library  converts MPI messages from local representation to LAM representation
       upon sending them and then back to local representation upon receiving them.  If the  case
       of  a  LAM  consisting of a homogeneous network of machines where the local representation
       differs from the LAM representation this can result in unnecessary conversions.

       The -O switch used to be necessary to  indicate  to  LAM  whether  the  mulitcomputer  was
       homogeneous  or  not.   LAM  now  automatically  determines  whether  a  given  MPI job is
       homogeneous or not.  The -O flag will silently be accepted  for  backwards  compatability,
       but it is ignored.

   SSI (System Services Interface)
       The  -ssi  switch  allows  the  passing  of  parameters to various SSI modules.  LAM's SSI
       modules are described in detail in lamssi(7).  SSI  modules  have  direct  impact  on  MPI
       programs  because  they  allow tunable parameters to be set at run time (such as which RPI
       communication device driver to use, what parameters to pass to that RPI, etc.).

       The -ssi switch takes two arguments: key and value.  The key argument generally  specifies
       which  SSI  module  will  receive the value.  For example, the key "rpi" is used to select
       which RPI to be used for transporting MPI messages.  The value argument is the value  that
       is passed.  For example:

       mpirun -ssi rpi lamd N foo
           Tells LAM to use the "lamd" RPI and to run a single copy of "foo" on every node.

       mpirun -ssi rpi tcp N foo
           Tells LAM to use the "tcp" RPI.

       mpirun -ssi rpi sysv N foo
           Tells LAM to use the "sysv" RPI.

       And so on.  LAM's RPI SSI modules are described in lamssi_rpi(7).

       The  -ssi  switch  can  be  used  multiple  times  to  specify  different key and/or value
       arguments.  If the same key is specified more than once, the values are concatenated  with
       a comma (",") separating them.

       Note  that  the  -ssi  switch is simply a shortcut for setting environment variables.  The
       same effect may be accomplished by  setting  corresponding  environment  variables  before
       running   mpirun.    The   form   of   the   environment  variables  that  LAM  sets  are:

       Note that the -ssi switch overrides any previously set environment variables.   Also  note
       that  unknown  key arguments are still set as environment variable -- they are not checked
       (by mpirun) for correctness.  Illegal or incorrect value  arguments  may  or  may  not  be
       reported -- it depends on the specific SSI module.

       The  -ssi  switch  obsoletes  the  old -c2c and -lamd switches.  These switches used to be
       relevant because LAM could only have two RPI's available at a time: the lamd RPI  and  one
       of  the  C2C RPIs.  This is no longer true -- all RPI's are now available and choosable at
       run-time.  Selecting the lamd RPI is shown in the examples above.  The -c2c switch has  no
       direct  translation  since  "C2C"  used to refer to all other RPI's that were not the lamd
       RPI.  As such, -ssi rpi value must be used to select the specific desired RPI (whether  it
       is "lamd" or one of the other RPI's).

   Guaranteed Envelope Resources
       By  default, LAM will guarantee a minimum amount of message envelope buffering to each MPI
       process pair and will impede or report an error to a process  that  attempts  to  overflow
       this  system  resource.  This robustness and debugging feature is implemented in a machine
       specific manner when direct communication is used.  For normal LAM communication  via  the
       LAM  daemon,  a protocol is used.  The -nger option disables GER and the measures taken to
       support it.  The minimum GER is  configured  by  the  system  administrator  when  LAM  is
       installed.  See MPI(7) for more details.


       Be sure to also see the examples in the "Location Nomenclature" section, above.

       mpirun N prog1
           Load  and execute prog1 on all nodes.  Search the user's $PATH for the executable file
           on each node.

       mpirun -c 8 prog1
           Run 8 copies of prog1 wherever LAM wants to run them.

       mpirun n8-10 -v -nw -s n3 prog1 -q
           Load and execute prog1 on nodes 8, 9, and 10.  Search for prog1 on node 3 and transfer
           it  to  the  three  target  nodes.  Report as each process is created.  Give "-q" as a
           command line to each new process.  Do not wait for the processes  to  complete  before
           exiting mpirun.

       mpirun -v myapp
           Parse  the application schema, myapp, and start all processes specified in it.  Report
           as each process is created.

       mpirun -npty -wd /work/output -x DISPLAY C my_application

           Start one copy of "my_application" on each available CPU.   The  number  of  available
           CPUs  on  each  node was previously specified when LAM was booted with lamboot(1).  As
           noted above, mpirun will schedule adjoining rank in MPI_COMM_WORLD on  the  same  node
           where possible.  For example, if n0 has a CPU count of 8, and n1 has a CPU count of 4,
           mpirun will place MPI_COMM_WORLD ranks 0 through 7 on n0, and  8  through  11  on  n1.
           This tends to maximize on-node communication for many parallel applications; when used
           in conjunction with the multi-protocol network/shared memory  RPIs  in  LAM  (see  the
           RELEASE_NOTES  and  INSTALL  files  with  the LAM distribution), overall communication
           performance can be quite good.  Also disable pseudo-tty support, change  directory  to
           /work/output,   and  export  the  DISPLAY  variable  to  the  new  processes  (perhaps
           my_application will invoke an X application such as xv to display output).


       mpirun: Exec format error
           This usually means that either a number of processes or an  appropriate  where  clause
           was  not  specified, indicating that LAM does not know how many processes to run.  See
           the EXAMPLES and "Location Nomenclature" sections,  above,  for  examples  on  how  to
           specify  how  many  processes  to run, and/or where to run them.  However, it can also
           mean that a non-ASCII character was detected  in  the  application  schema.   This  is
           usually a command line usage error where mpirun is expecting an application schema and
           an executable file was given.

       mpirun: syntax error in application schema, line XXX
           The application schema cannot be parsed because of a usage  or  syntax  error  on  the
           given line in the file.

       filename: No such file or directory
           This  error can occur in two cases.  Either the named file cannot be located or it has
           been found but the user does not have sufficient permissions to execute the program or
           read the application schema.


       mpirun  returns  0 if all ranks started by mpirun exit after calling MPI_FINALIZE.  A non-
       zero value is returned if an internal error occurred in  mpirun,  or  one  or  more  ranks
       exited  before  calling  MPI_FINALIZE.   If  an  internal  error  occurred  in mpirun, the
       corresponding error code is returned.  In the event that one or  more  ranks  exit  before
       calling  MPI_FINALIZE,  the  return  value  of  the  rank of the process that mpirun first
       notices died before calling MPI_FINALIZE will be returned.  Note that,  in  general,  this
       will be the first rank that died but is not guaranteed to be so.

       However,  note  that  if  the  -nw  switch  is used, the return value from mpirun does not
       indicate the exit status of the ranks.


       bhost(5), lamexec(1), lamssi(7), lamssi_rpi(7), lamtrace(1), loadgo(1),  MPIL_Trace_on(2),
       mpimsg(1), mpitask(1)