Provided by: percona-toolkit_3.0.6+dfsg-2_all bug


       pt-find - Find MySQL tables and execute actions, like GNU find.


       Usage: pt-find [OPTIONS] [DATABASES]

       pt-find searches for MySQL tables and executes actions, like GNU find.  The default action
       is to print the database and table name.

       Find all tables created more than a day ago, which use the MyISAM engine, and print their

         pt-find --ctime +1 --engine MyISAM

       Find InnoDB tables and convert them to MyISAM:

         pt-find --engine InnoDB --exec "ALTER TABLE %D.%N ENGINE=MyISAM"

       Find tables created by a process that no longer exists, following the name_sid_pid naming
       convention, and remove them.

         pt-find --connection-id '\D_\d+_(\d+)$' --server-id '\D_(\d+)_\d+$' --exec-plus "DROP TABLE %s"

       Find empty tables in the test and junk databases, and delete them:

         pt-find --empty junk test --exec-plus "DROP TABLE %s"

       Find tables more than five gigabytes in total size:

         pt-find --tablesize +5G

       Find all tables and print their total data and index size, and sort largest tables first
       (sort is a different program, by the way).

         pt-find --printf "%T\t%D.%N\n" | sort -rn

       As above, but this time, insert the data back into the database for posterity:

         pt-find --noquote --exec "INSERT INTO sysdata.tblsize(db, tbl, size) VALUES('%D', '%N', %T)"


       Percona Toolkit is mature, proven in the real world, and well tested, but all database
       tools can pose a risk to the system and the database server.  Before using this tool,

       •   Read the tool's documentation

       •   Review the tool's known "BUGS"

       •   Test the tool on a non-production server

       •   Backup your production server and verify the backups


       pt-find looks for MySQL tables that pass the tests you specify, and executes the actions
       you specify.  The default action is to print the database and table name to STDOUT.

       pt-find is simpler than GNU find.  It doesn't allow you to specify complicated expressions
       on the command line.

       pt-find uses SHOW TABLES when possible, and SHOW TABLE STATUS when needed.


       There are three types of options: normal options, which determine some behavior or
       setting; tests, which determine whether a table should be included in the list of tables
       found; and actions, which do something to the tables pt-find finds.

       pt-find uses standard Getopt::Long option parsing, so you should use double dashes in
       front of long option names, unlike GNU find.


       This tool accepts additional command-line arguments.  Refer to the "SYNOPSIS" and usage
       information for details.

           Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL.

           Specifies that all regular expression searches are case-insensitive.

           short form: -A; type: string

           Default character set.  If the value is utf8, sets Perl's binmode on STDOUT to utf8,
           passes the mysql_enable_utf8 option to DBD::mysql, and runs SET NAMES UTF8 after
           connecting to MySQL.  Any other value sets binmode on STDOUT without the utf8 layer,
           and runs SET NAMES after connecting to MySQL.

           type: Array

           Read this comma-separated list of config files; if specified, this must be the first
           option on the command line.

           short form: -D; type: string

           Connect to this database.

           Measure times (for "--mmin", etc) from the beginning of today rather than from the
           current time.

           short form: -F; type: string

           Only read mysql options from the given file.  You must give an absolute pathname.

           Show help and exit.

           short form: -h; type: string

           Connect to host.

           Combine tests with OR, not AND.

           By default, tests are evaluated as though there were an AND between them.  This option
           switches it to OR.

           Option parsing is not implemented by pt-find itself, so you cannot specify complicated
           expressions with parentheses and mixtures of OR and AND.

           short form: -p; type: string

           Password to use when connecting.  If password contains commas they must be escaped
           with a backslash: "exam\,ple"

           type: string

           Create the given PID file.  The tool won't start if the PID file already exists and
           the PID it contains is different than the current PID.  However, if the PID file
           exists and the PID it contains is no longer running, the tool will overwrite the PID
           file with the current PID.  The PID file is removed automatically when the tool exits.

           short form: -P; type: int

           Port number to use for connection.

           default: yes

           Quotes MySQL identifier names with MySQL's standard backtick character.

           Quoting happens after tests are run, and before actions are run.

           type: Array

           Set the MySQL variables in this comma-separated list of "variable=value" pairs.

           By default, the tool sets:


           Variables specified on the command line override these defaults.  For example,
           specifying "--set-vars wait_timeout=500" overrides the defaultvalue of 10000.

           The tool prints a warning and continues if a variable cannot be set.

           short form: -S; type: string

           Socket file to use for connection.

           short form: -u; type: string

           User for login if not current user.

           Show version and exit.

           default: yes

           Check for the latest version of Percona Toolkit, MySQL, and other programs.

           This is a standard "check for updates automatically" feature, with two additional
           features.  First, the tool checks the version of other programs on the local system in
           addition to its own version.  For example, it checks the version of every MySQL server
           it connects to, Perl, and the Perl module DBD::mysql.  Second, it checks for and warns
           about versions with known problems.  For example, MySQL 5.5.25 had a critical bug and
           was re-released as 5.5.25a.

           Any updates or known problems are printed to STDOUT before the tool's normal output.
           This feature should never interfere with the normal operation of the tool.

           For more information, visit <>.

       Most tests check some criterion against a column of SHOW TABLE STATUS output.  Numeric
       arguments can be specified as +n for greater than n, -n for less than n, and n for exactly
       n.  All numeric options can take an optional suffix multiplier of k, M or G (1_024,
       1_048_576, and 1_073_741_824 respectively).  All patterns are Perl regular expressions
       (see 'man perlre') unless specified as SQL LIKE patterns.

       Dates and times are all measured relative to the same instant, when pt-find first asks the
       database server what time it is.  All date and time manipulation is done in SQL, so if you
       say to find tables modified 5 days ago, that translates to SELECT
       DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 5 DAY).  If you specify "--day-start", if course it's
       relative to CURRENT_DATE instead.

       However, table sizes and other metrics are not consistent at an instant in time.  It can
       take some time for MySQL to process all the SHOW queries, and pt-find can't do anything
       about that.  These measurements are as of the time they're taken.

       If you need some test that's not in this list, file a bug report and I'll enhance pt-find
       for you.  It's really easy.

           type: string; group: Tests

           Table's next AUTO_INCREMENT is n.  This tests the Auto_increment column.

           type: size; group: Tests

           Table avg row len is n bytes.  This tests the Avg_row_length column.  The specified
           size can be "NULL" to test where Avg_row_length IS NULL.

           type: string; group: Tests

           Table checksum is n.  This tests the Checksum column.

           type: size; group: Tests

           Table was created n minutes ago.  This tests the Create_time column.

           type: string; group: Tests

           Table collation matches pattern.  This tests the Collation column.

           type: string; group: Tests

           A column name in the table matches pattern.

           type: string; group: Tests

           A column in the table matches this type (case-insensitive).

           Examples of types are: varchar, char, int, smallint, bigint, decimal, year, timestamp,
           text, enum.

           type: string; group: Tests

           Table comment matches pattern.  This tests the Comment column.

           type: string; group: Tests

           Table name has nonexistent MySQL connection ID.  This tests the table name for a
           pattern.  The argument to this test must be a Perl regular expression that captures
           digits like this: (\d+).  If the table name matches the pattern, these captured digits
           are taken to be the MySQL connection ID of some process.  If the connection doesn't
           exist according to SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST, the test returns true.  If the connection ID
           is greater than pt-find's own connection ID, the test returns false for safety.

           Why would you want to do this?  If you use MySQL statement-based replication, you
           probably know the trouble temporary tables can cause.  You might choose to work around
           this by creating real tables with unique names, instead of temporary tables.  One way
           to do this is to append your connection ID to the end of the table, thusly:
           scratch_table_12345.  This assures the table name is unique and lets you have a way to
           find which connection it was associated with.  And perhaps most importantly, if the
           connection no longer exists, you can assume the connection died without cleaning up
           its tables, and this table is a candidate for removal.

           This is how I manage scratch tables, and that's why I included this test in pt-find.

           The argument I use to "--connection-id" is "\D_(\d+)$".  That finds tables with a
           series of numbers at the end, preceded by an underscore and some non-number character
           (the latter criterion prevents me from examining tables with a date at the end, which
           people tend to do: baron_scratch_2007_05_07 for example).  It's better to keep the
           scratch tables separate of course.

           If you do this, make sure the user pt-find runs as has the PROCESS privilege!
           Otherwise it will only see connections from the same user, and might think some tables
           are ready to remove when they're still in use.  For safety, pt-find checks this for

           See also "--server-id".

           type: string; group: Tests

           Table create option matches pattern.  This tests the Create_options column.

           type: size; group: Tests

           Table was created n days ago.  This tests the Create_time column.

           type: size; group: Tests

           Table has n bytes of free space.  This tests the Data_free column.  The specified size
           can be "NULL" to test where Data_free IS NULL.

           type: size; group: Tests

           Table data uses n bytes of space.  This tests the Data_length column.  The specified
           size can be "NULL" to test where Data_length IS NULL.

           type: string; group: Tests

           Database name matches SQL LIKE pattern.

           type: string; group: Tests

           Database name matches this pattern.

           group: Tests

           Table has no rows.  This tests the Rows column.

           type: string; group: Tests

           Table storage engine matches this pattern.  This tests the Engine column, or in
           earlier versions of MySQL, the Type column.

           type: string; group: Tests

           Function definition matches pattern.

           type: size; group: Tests

           Table indexes use n bytes of space.  This tests the Index_length column.  The
           specified size can be "NULL" to test where Index_length IS NULL.

           type: size; group: Tests

           Table was checked n minutes ago.  This tests the Check_time column.

           type: size; group: Tests

           Table was checked n days ago.  This tests the Check_time column.

           type: size; group: Tests

           Table was last modified n minutes ago.  This tests the Update_time column.

           type: size; group: Tests

           Table was last modified n days ago.  This tests the Update_time column.

           type: string; group: Tests

           Procedure definition matches pattern.

           type: string; group: Tests

           Table row format matches pattern.  This tests the Row_format column.

           type: size; group: Tests

           Table has n rows.  This tests the Rows column.  The specified size can be "NULL" to
           test where Rows IS NULL.

           type: string; group: Tests

           Table name contains the server ID.  If you create temporary tables with the naming
           convention explained in "--connection-id", but also add the server ID of the server on
           which the tables are created, then you can use this pattern match to ensure tables are
           dropped only on the server they're created on.  This prevents a table from being
           accidentally dropped on a slave while it's in use (provided that your server IDs are
           all unique, which they should be for replication to work).

           For example, on the master (server ID 22) you create a table called
           scratch_table_22_12345.  If you see this table on the slave (server ID 23), you might
           think it can be dropped safely if there's no such connection 12345.  But if you also
           force the name to match the server ID with "--server-id '\D_(\d+)_\d+$'", the table
           won't be dropped on the slave.

           type: size; group: Tests

           Table uses n bytes of space.  This tests the sum of the Data_length and Index_length

           type: string; group: Tests

           Table name matches SQL LIKE pattern.

           type: string; group: Tests

           Table name matches this pattern.

           type: size; group: Tests

           Table version is n.  This tests the Version column.

           type: string; group: Tests

           Trigger action statement matches pattern.

           type: string; group: Tests

           "--trigger" is defined on table matching pattern.

           type: string; group: Tests

           CREATE VIEW matches this pattern.

       The "--exec-plus" action happens after everything else, but otherwise actions happen in an
       indeterminate order.  If you need determinism, file a bug report and I'll add this

           type: string; group: Actions

           Execute this SQL with each item found.  The SQL can contain escapes and formatting
           directives (see "--printf").

           type: string; group: Actions

           Specify a DSN in key-value format to use when executing SQL with "--exec" and
           "--exec-plus".  Any values not specified are inherited from command-line arguments.

           type: string; group: Actions

           Execute this SQL with all items at once.  This option is unlike "--exec".  There are
           no escaping or formatting directives; there is only one special placeholder for the
           list of database and table names, %s.  The list of tables found will be joined
           together with commas and substituted wherever you place %s.

           You might use this, for example, to drop all the tables you found:

              DROP TABLE %s

           This is sort of like GNU find's "-exec command {} +" syntax.  Only it's not totally
           cryptic.  And it doesn't require me to write a command-line parser.

           group: Actions

           Print the database and table name, followed by a newline.  This is the default action
           if no other action is specified.

           type: string; group: Actions

           Print format on the standard output, interpreting '\' escapes and '%' directives.
           Escapes are backslashed characters, like \n and \t.  Perl interprets these, so you can
           use any escapes Perl knows about.  Directives are replaced by %s, and as of this
           writing, you can't add any special formatting instructions, like field widths or
           alignment (though I'm musing over ways to do that).

           Here is a list of the directives.  Note that most of them simply come from columns of
           SHOW TABLE STATUS.  If the column is NULL or doesn't exist, you get an empty string in
           the output.  A % character followed by any character not in the following list is
           discarded (but the other character is printed).

              CHAR DATA SOURCE        NOTES
              ---- ------------------ ------------------------------------------
              a    Auto_increment
              A    Avg_row_length
              c    Checksum
              C    Create_time
              D    Database           The database name in which the table lives
              d    Data_length
              E    Engine             In older versions of MySQL, this is Type
              F    Data_free
              f    Innodb_free        Parsed from the Comment field
              I    Index_length
              K    Check_time
              L    Collation
              M    Max_data_length
              N    Name
              O    Comment
              P    Create_options
              R    Row_format
              S    Rows
              T    Table_length       Data_length+Index_length
              U    Update_time
              V    Version


       These DSN options are used to create a DSN.  Each option is given like "option=value".
       The options are case-sensitive, so P and p are not the same option.  There cannot be
       whitespace before or after the "=" and if the value contains whitespace it must be quoted.
       DSN options are comma-separated.  See the percona-toolkit manpage for full details.

       •   A

           dsn: charset; copy: yes

           Default character set.

       •   D

           dsn: database; copy: yes

           Default database.

       •   F

           dsn: mysql_read_default_file; copy: yes

           Only read default options from the given file

       •   h

           dsn: host; copy: yes

           Connect to host.

       •   p

           dsn: password; copy: yes

           Password to use when connecting.  If password contains commas they must be escaped
           with a backslash: "exam\,ple"

       •   P

           dsn: port; copy: yes

           Port number to use for connection.

       •   S

           dsn: mysql_socket; copy: yes

           Socket file to use for connection.

       •   u

           dsn: user; copy: yes

           User for login if not current user.


       The environment variable "PTDEBUG" enables verbose debugging output to STDERR.  To enable
       debugging and capture all output to a file, run the tool like:

          PTDEBUG=1 pt-find ... > FILE 2>&1

       Be careful: debugging output is voluminous and can generate several megabytes of output.


       You need Perl, DBI, DBD::mysql, and some core packages that ought to be installed in any
       reasonably new version of Perl.


       For a list of known bugs, see <>.

       Please report bugs at <>.  Include the following
       information in your bug report:

       •   Complete command-line used to run the tool

       •   Tool "--version"

       •   MySQL version of all servers involved

       •   Output from the tool including STDERR

       •   Input files (log/dump/config files, etc.)

       If possible, include debugging output by running the tool with "PTDEBUG"; see


       Visit <> to download the latest release of
       Percona Toolkit.  Or, get the latest release from the command line:




       You can also get individual tools from the latest release:


       Replace "TOOL" with the name of any tool.


       Baron Schwartz


       This tool is part of Percona Toolkit, a collection of advanced command-line tools for
       MySQL developed by Percona.  Percona Toolkit was forked from two projects in June, 2011:
       Maatkit and Aspersa.  Those projects were created by Baron Schwartz and primarily
       developed by him and Daniel Nichter.  Visit <> to learn
       about other free, open-source software from Percona.


       This program is copyright 2011-2017 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates, 2007-2011 Baron


       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
       the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2; OR
       the Perl Artistic License.  On UNIX and similar systems, you can issue `man perlgpl' or
       `man perlartistic' to read these licenses.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
       if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
       MA  02111-1307  USA.


       pt-find 3.0.6