Provided by: raster3d_3.0-3-3_amd64 bug


       rastep - (Raster3D Thermal Ellipsoid Program)


       rastep [-h] [-iso] [-Bcolor Bmin Bmax] [-prob Plevel] [-fancy[0-3]] [-radius R] <
       infile.pdb > ellipsoids.r3d

       rastep -tabulate [tabfile] [-by_atomtype] [-com [comtabfile]] < infile.pdb >

       Rastep reads a PDB coordinate file.  This file must contain ANISOU records describing
       atoms refined anisotropically.  Rastep can either create an input file for the Raster3D
       render program or perform a statistical analysis of the atomic anisotropy for various
       classes of input atoms.  By default the program creates an ellipsoid+stick scene
       description in which each atom  is represented by an ellipsoid enclosing an isosurface of
       the probability density function.  These are commonly known as thermal ellipsoids.

       The program can be run in an alternate mode, controlled by the -tabulate option, in which
       the primary output to stdout is a list of the Eigenvalues of the Uij matrix, followed by
       the corresponding atomic anisotropy and isotropic Ueq, for each atom in the input file
       with both an ATOM record and a matching ANISOU record.  This mode is used by the
       validation tools Parvati and Skittls.


       To describe thermal ellipsoids at the 50% probability level, with default CPK colors, and
       send it for immediate rendering into a PNG file

            rastep < infile.pdb | render -png picture.png

       To describe the same ellipsoids colored by Biso, omitting header records so that the
       resulting input file can be merged with other scene components

            rastep -h -Bcolor 10. 30. < infile.pdb > ellipsoids.r3d
            cat header.r3d ellipsoids.r3d otherstuff.r3d | render > picture.png



       Auto-selection of viewing angle, chosen to minimize the spread of the atoms along the view

       -Bcolor Bmin Bmax

       Assign colors based on B values rather than mathcing ATOM records against input or default
       COLOUR records. Atoms with B <= Bmin will be colored dark blue; atoms with B >= Bmax will
       be colored light red; atoms with Bmin < B < Bmax will be assigned colors shading smoothly
       through the spectrum from blue to red.


       The -fancy option selects increasingly complex representations of the rendered ellipsoids.
         -fancy0 [default] = solid surface
         -fancy1 = principal axes of ellipsoid, with transparent bounding surface
         -fancy2 = colored equatorial planes of the ellipsoid
         -fancy3 = colored equatorial planes with transparent bounding surface
         -fancy4 = transparent bounding surface containing longest principle axis
         -fancy5 = for ORTEP lovers, a solid ellipsoid with one octant missing
         -fancy6 = for ORTEP lovers who want the missing octant in a separate color


       Suppress header records in output.  By default rastep will produce an output file which
       starts with header records containing a default set of scaling and processing options.
       The -h flag will suppress these header records.  This option is useful for producing files
       which describe only part of a scene, and which are to be later combined with descriptor
       files produced by other programs.


       Force isotropic probability surfaces (spheres). By default rastep will look for ANISOU
       records in the PDB file and use these to generate ellipsoids.  If no ANISOU record is
       present for a given atom, the B value given in the ATOM/HETATM record will be used to
       generate a sphere instead. Selecting the -iso option will force the program to use the B
       value in the ATOM record even if an ANISOU record is also present.


       Auto-orientation (as in -auto) and small size plot (176x208).


       Do not plot hydrogens, even if present in PDB file.

       -prob Plevel

       By default, isosurfaces are drawn to enclose the 50% probability level in the density
       function described by the Uij values in the ANISOU record.  The -prob option allows you to
       select a different probability level instead. If 0 < Plevel < 1 this value is interpreted
       as a fraction; if Plevel > 1 this value is interpreted as a percent.

       -radius R

       By default, rastep draws bonds with radius 0.10A between neighboring atoms using the same
       algorithm as rods. This option allows you to change the radius of the bonds. If the radius
       is set to 0 no bonds are drawn.

       -tabulate [tabfile]

       The -tabulate option requests that the program accumulate and print statistics on the
       distribution of anisotropy among atoms in the input file rather than producing an input
       file for render. The principle axes and anisotropy of each atom are written to stdout. An
       overall statistical summary is written to tabfile if specified, otherwise to stdout.


       The -by_atomtype option is a modifier to -tabulate. It causes a further subdivision of
       atoms by atom type in the preparation of statistical summaries. Atom types are taken from
       columns 77:78 of the PDB ATOM records.

       -com [comtabfile]

       Tabulate distribution of anisotropy in shells by distance from center-of-mass. Output to
       comtabfile if specified, otherwise to stdout.


       There is little, if any, consistency in format among the various programs which write out
       anisotropic displacement parameters. This program interprets the Uij values in the order
       specified for ANISOU records in PDB format.  That is, columns 29-70 of the PDB record are
       interpreted as integers representing 10000 * Uij, in the order U11 U22 U33 U12 U13 U23.
       Note in particular that the order of the cross-terms is not the same as that used by ORTEP
       or shelx, neither of which use PDB format anyway.  However, the program shelxpro will
       produce correctly formatted PDB records from a shelx coordinate file.


       web URL:
            Ethan A Merritt
            University of Washington, Seattle WA 98195


       raster3d(l), render(l)


            Ethan A Merritt.