Provided by: toulbar2_0.9.8-1_amd64 bug


       toulbar2 - exactly solves discrete optimization problems on graphical models


       toulbar2 [options] file


       toulbar2 solves discrete optimization problems defined by a graphical model including Cost
       Function Networks or Weighted  Constraint  Satisfaction  Problems,  Markov  Random  Fields
       (Maximum  A  Posteriori or MAP/MRF), Bayesian Networks (Maximum Probability Explanation or
       MPE/BN), Quadratic Pseudo Boolean Optimization Problems (QPBO or MAXCUT), Partial Weighted
       Maximum Satisfiability...



       -a     Find  all solutions (or count the number of zero-cost solutions in conjunction with

       -D     Approximate zero-cost solution count with BTD.

       -logz  Computes the log of probability of evidence (i.e. log partition function or  log(Z)
              or PR task).  Restricted to stochastic graphical models only (.uai format).

              Gives  a  cpu-time limit in seconds.  Toulbar2 will stop after the specified amount
              of CPU time has been consumed.  The time limit is a CPU user time limit,  not  wall
              clock time limit.


       -nopre Deactivates  all  preprocessing  options  (equivalent  to -e: -p: -t: -f: -dec: -n:
              -mst: -dee:).

              Preprocessing only: activates variable elimination of variables of degree less than
              or equal to the given value (default value is -1, with no elimination performed).

              Preprocessing  only:  simulates  restricted path consistency by adding ternary cost
              functions on triangles of binary cost functions within a given maximum space  limit
              (in MB).

              Preprocessing  only:  variable  elimination  of  functional  (f=1) (resp. bijective
              (f=2)) variables (default value is 1)

       -dec   Preprocessing only: pairwise decomposition of cost functions with arity larger than
              3 into smaller arity cost functions (default: activated)

              Preprocessing only: projects n-ary cost functions on all binary cost functions if n
              is lower than the given value (default value is 10).

       -mst   Find a maximum spanning tree ordering for DAC.

              Apply the Min Sum Diffusion algorithm (default is off, with a number of  iterations
              of 0).


              Activate limited discrepancy search.  Use a negative value to stop search after the
              given absolute number of discrepancies have been explored (discrepancy bound = 4 by

              Activate  randomized  (quasi-random variable ordering) search with restart (maximum
              number of nodes = 10000 by default)

              Use initial upper bound found by INCOP local search solver.  The  string  parameter
              is  optional,  using  "0  1  3  idwa  100000  cv v 0 200 1 0 0" by default with the
              following  meaning:  stoppinglowerbound  randomseed  nbiterations  method   nbmoves
              neighborhoodchoice       neighborhoodchoice      minnbneighbors      maxnbneighbors
              neighborhoodchoice autotuning tracemode.

              Assigns variable of index i to value a (multiple assignments  are  separated  by  a
              comma  and no space).  Without any argument, a complete assignment, used as initial
              upper bound and as a value orderin heuristic, is read from default  file  "sol"  or
              from  a  filename  given  directly  as  an  additional  input  filename with ".sol"
              extension and without -x


              Use hybrid best-first search, restarting from the root  after  a  given  number  of
              backtracks (default value is 10000).

              Set  hybrid  best-first  search  limit  on the number of stored open nodes (default
              value is -1, no limit)

              Use (0) DFBB, (1) BTD, (2) RDS-BTD, (3) RDS-BTD with path decomposition instead  of
              tree decomposition (default value is 0)

              Read  a  variable  elimination  order  from  a  file  in  order  to  build  a  tree
              decomposition (if BTD-like and/or variable elimination methods are used). The order
              is also used as a DAC ordering.

              Build  a  tree  decomposition  (if BTD-like and/or variable elimination methods are
              used) and also a compatible DAC ordering using either:

                     (-1) maximum cardinality search ordering

                     (-2) minimum degree ordering

                     (-3) minimum fill-in ordering,

                     (-4) maximum spanning tree ordering (see -mst),

                     (-5) reverse Cuthill-Mckee ordering,

                     (-6) approximate minimum degree ordering
              If not specified, then the order in which variables appear in the problem  file  is

              Splits  large  clusters  into a chain of smaller embedded clusters with a number of
              proper variables less than this number (use options "-B=3 -j=1 -svo -k=1" for  pure
              RDS, use value 0 for no splitting) (default value is 0).

              Set  a  limit  on the maximum cluster separator size (merge cluster with its father
              otherwise, use a negative value for no limit, default value is -1).

              Set a limit on the minimum number of proper variables in a cluster  (merge  cluster
              with its father otherwise, use a zero for no limit, default value is 0).

       -E     Merges  leaf  clusters  with  their father if small local treewidth (in conjunction
              with option "-e").

              Choose a specific cluster number as a root cluster.

              Solve only a specific rooted cluster subtree (with RDS-BTD only).


              Perform "on the fly" variable elimination of variable with small degree (less  than
              or  equal  to  a  specified value. Default is 3, creating a maximum of ternary cost

              Set the soft local consistency level enforced at preprocessing  and  at  each  node
              during search:

                     0:  Node  Consistency  with  Strong Node Inverse Consistency for global cost

                     1: Generalized Arc Consistency

                     2: Directed Generalized Arc Consistency

                     3: Full Directed Generalized Arc Consistency

                     4: (weak) Existential Directed Generalized Arc Consistency
              Default value is 4.

              Enforce Virtual Arc Consistency at each search node with a search depth  less  than
              the given value (default value is 0 which enforces VAC only at root node).

              Enforce  restricted  dead-end  elimination, or value pruning by dominance rule from
              EAC  value  (dee>=1  and  dee<=3)  and  soft  neighborhood   substitutability,   in
              preprocessing (dee=2 or dee=4) or during search (dee=3).  Default value is 1.

       -o     Ensures  an  optimal  worst-case  time  complexity  of Directed and Existential Arc
              Consistency (can be slower in practice).


       -svo   Use a static variable ordering heuristic.  The variable order used will be the same
              order as the DAC order.

       -b     Use  binary  branching  (as  a  default)  instead  of k-ary branching.  Uses binary
              branching for interval domains and small domains and dichotomic branching for large
              enumerated domains (see option -d).

       -c     Use binary branching with last conflict backjumping variable ordering heuristic.

              Use  weighted degree variable ordering heuristic if the number of cost functions is
              less than the given value (default value is 10000).

              Searches by branching only on the first [given value] decision variables,  assuming
              the remaining variables are intermediate variables that will be completely assigned
              by the decision variables (use a zero if all  variables  are  decision  variables).
              Default value is 0.

              Use  a  variable ordering heuristic that preferably selects variables such that the
              sum of the mean (m=1) or median (m=2)  cost  of  all  incident  cost  functions  is
              maximum  (in  conjunction  with weighted degree heuristic -q).  Default value is 0:

              Searches using dichotomic branching.  The default d=1 splits domains in the  middle
              of  domain  range while d=2 splits domains in the middle of the sorted domain based
              on unary costs.

       -sortd Sort domains in preprocessing based on  increasing  unary  costs  (works  only  for
              binary CFN).


       -help  Show default help message that toulbar2 prints when it gets no argument.

              Set the verbosity level (default 0).

              Debug  mode  (save  problem  at  each  node  if  verbosity  option  -v=num>=  1 and

       -s     Shows each solution found during search.  The solution  is  printed  on  one  line,
              giving  the  value  (integer)  of each variable successively in increasing order of
              definition in the model file.


              Writes last solution found in the specified filename (or "sol" if no  parameter  is
              given).  The current directory is used as a relative path.

               Saves  problem  in  wcsp  format in filename (or "problem.wcsp" if no parameter is
               Writes also the graphviz .dot file  and  the  degree  distribution  of  the  input

              1: saves original instance (by default), 2: saves
                after preprocessing (this option can be used in combination with -z=filename)

              Assigns  variable  of  index  i to value a (multiple assignments are separated by a
              comma and no space).  Without any argument, a complete assignment, used as  initial
              upper  bound  and  as a value orderin heuristic, is read from default file "sol" or
              from a filename  given  directly  as  an  additional  input  filename  with  ".sol"
              extension and without -x.


              Probability/real   log10   precision   conversion  factor  (a  power  of  ten)  for
              representing probabilities as fixed decimal point numbers.  Default value is 7.

              Approximation factor for computing the partition function (default  value  is  1000
              representing epsilon=1/1000).


              Benchmark  profile must be specified as follows, where n and d are respectively the
              number of variable and the maximum domain size of the random problem.


                            t1 is the tightness in percentage  of random binary cost functions

                            p2 is the number of binary cost functions to include

                            the seed parameter is optional

                     binsub-{n}-{d}-{t1}-{p2}-{p3}-{seed}  binary   random      submodular   cost

                            t1 is the tightness in percentage  of random cost functions

                            p2 is the number of binary cost functions to include

                            p3  is  the  percentage    of submodular cost functions among p2 cost
                            functions (plus 10 permutations of  two  randomly-chosen  values  for
                            each domain).

                            p3 is the number of ternary cost functions

                            pn is the number of n-ary cost functions

                            pn  is  the number of salldiff global cost functions (p2 and p3 still
                            being  used  for  the  number  of  random  binary  and  ternary  cost
                            functions).  salldiff can be replaced by gcc or regular keywords with
                            three possible forms ( e.g., sgcc, sgccdp, wgcc).


       toulbar2 can read .wcsp, .uai, .LG, .pre, .cnf, .wcnf,  .bep  files.  See  the  full  user
       documentation for a description of these file formats.


       A   more   complete   user   documentation   should   be  available  on  your  system,  in
       /usr/share/doc/toulbar2/userdoc.pdf    or    can    be    otherwise    downloaded     from


