bionic (3) Bio::Phenotype::PhenotypeI.3pm.gz

Bio::Phenotype::PhenotypeI - An interface for classes modeling phenotypes
#get Bio::Phenotype::PhenotypeI somehow print $phenotype->name(), "\n"; print $phenotype->description(), "\n"; my @keywords = ( "achondroplasia", "dwarfism" ); $phenotype->add_keywords( @keywords ); foreach my $keyword ( $phenotype->each_keyword() ) { print $keyword, "\n"; } $phenotype->remove_keywords(); foreach my $gene_symbol ( $phenotype->each_gene_symbol() ) { print $gene_symbol, "\n"; } foreach my $corr ( $phenotype->each_Correlate() ) { # Do something with $corr } foreach my $var ( $phenotype->each_Variant() ) { # Do something with $var (mutation) } foreach my $measure ( $phenotype->each_Measure() ) { # Do something with $measure }
This superclass defines common methods for classes modelling phenotypes. Bio::Phenotype::OMIM::OMIMentry is an example of an instantiable phenotype class (the design of this interface was partially guided by the need to model OMIM entries). Please note. This interface provides methods to associate mutations (methods "each_Variant", ...) and genotypes (methods "each_Genotype", ...) with phenotypes. Yet, these aspects might need some future enhancements, especially since there is no "genotype" class yet.
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Christian M. Zmasek Email: or WWW: Address: Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation 10675 John Jay Hopkins Drive San Diego, CA 92121
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ name Title : name Usage : $obj->name( "r1" ); or print $obj->name(); Function: Set/get for the name or id of this phenotype. Returns : A name or id [scalar]. Args : A name or id [scalar] (optional). description Title : description Usage : $obj->description( "This is ..." ); or print $obj->description(); Function: Set/get for the description of this phenotype. Returns : A description [scalar]. Args : A description [scalar] (optional). species Title : species Usage : $obj->species( $species ); or $species = $obj->species(); Function: Set/get for the species of this phenotype. Returns : A species [Bio::Species]. Args : A species [Bio::Species] (optional). comment Title : comment Usage : $obj->comment( "putative" ); or print $obj->comment(); Function: Set/get for a comment about this phenotype. Returns : A comment [scalar]. Args : A comment [scalar] (optional). each_gene_symbol Title : each_gene_symbol() Usage : @gs = $obj->each_gene_symbol(); Function: Returns a list of gene symbols [scalars, most likely Strings] associated with this phenotype. Returns : A list of scalars. Args : add_gene_symbols Title : add_gene_symbols Usage : $obj->add_gene_symbols( @gs ); or $obj->add_gene_symbols( $gs ); Function: Pushes one or more gene symbols [scalars, most likely Strings] into the list of gene symbols. Returns : Args : scalar(s). remove_gene_symbols Usage : $obj->remove_gene_symbols(); Function: Deletes (and returns) the list of gene symbols [scalars, most likely Strings] associated with this phenotype. Returns : A list of scalars. Args : each_Variant Title : each_Variant() Usage : @vs = $obj->each_Variant(); Function: Returns a list of Bio::Variation::VariantI implementing objects associated with this phenotype. This is for representing the actual mutation(s) causing this phenotype. {* The "variants" data member and its methods will/might need to be changed/improved in one way or another, CZ 09/06/02 *} Returns : A list of Bio::Variation::VariantI implementing objects. Args : add_Variants Usage : $obj->add_Variants( @vs ); or $obj->add_Variants( $v ); Function: Pushes one or more Bio::Variation::VariantI implementing objects into the list of Variants. Returns : Args : Bio::Variation::VariantI implementing object(s). remove_Variants Title : remove_Variants Usage : $obj->remove_Variants(); Function: Deletes (and returns) the list of Bio::Variation::VariantI implementing objects associated with this phenotype. Returns : A list of Bio::Variation::VariantI implementing objects. Args : each_Reference Title : each_Reference() Usage : @refs = $obj->each_Reference(); Function: Returns a list of Bio::Annotation::Reference objects associated with this phenotype. Returns : A list of Bio::Annotation::Reference objects. Args : add_References Title : add_References Usage : $obj->add_References( @refs ); or $obj->add_References( $ref ); Function: Pushes one or more Bio::Annotation::Reference objects into the list of References. Returns : Args : Bio::Annotation::Reference object(s). remove_References Title : remove_References() Usage : $obj->remove_References(); Function: Deletes (and returns) the list of Bio::Annotation::Reference objects associated with this phenotype. Returns : A list of Bio::Annotation::Reference objects. Args : each_CytoPosition Title : each_CytoPosition() Usage : @cps = $obj->each_CytoPosition(); Function: Returns a list of Bio::Map::CytoPosition objects associated with this phenotype. Returns : A list of Bio::Map::CytoPosition objects. Args : add_CytoPositions Title : add_CytoPositions Usage : $obj->add_CytoPositions( @cps ); or $obj->add_CytoPositions( $cp ); Function: Pushes one or more Bio::Map::CytoPosition objects into the list of CytoPositions. Returns : Args : Bio::Map::CytoPosition object(s). remove_CytoPositions Title : remove_CytoPositions Usage : $obj->remove_CytoPositions(); Function: Deletes (and returns) the list o fBio::Map::CytoPosition objects associated with this phenotype. Returns : A list of Bio::Map::CytoPosition objects. Args : each_Correlate Title : each_Correlate() Usage : @corrs = $obj->each_Correlate(); Function: Returns a list of Bio::Phenotype::Correlate objects associated with this phenotype. (Correlates are correlating phenotypes in different species; inspired by mouse correlates of human phenotypes in the OMIM database.) Returns : A list of Bio::Phenotype::Correlate objects. Args : add_Correlates Title : add_Correlates Usage : $obj->add_Correlates( @corrs ); or $obj->add_Correlates( $corr ); Function: Pushes one or more Bio::Phenotype::Correlate objects into the list of Correlates. Returns : Args : Bio::Phenotype::Correlate object(s). remove_Correlates Title : remove_Correlates Usage : $obj->remove_Correlates(); Function: Deletes (and returns) the list of Bio::Phenotype::Correlate objects associated with this phenotype. Returns : A list of Bio::Phenotype::Correlate objects. Args : each_Measure Title : each_Measure() Usage : @ms = $obj->each_Measure(); Function: Returns a list of Bio::Phenotype::Measure objects associated with this phenotype. (Measure is for biochemically defined phenotypes or any other types of measures.) Returns : A list of Bio::Phenotype::Measure objects. Args : add_Measures Title : add_Measures Usage : $obj->add_Measures( @ms ); or $obj->add_Measures( $m ); Function: Pushes one or more Bio::Phenotype::Measure objects into the list of Measures. Returns : Args : Bio::Phenotype::Measure object(s). remove_Measures Title : remove_Measures Usage : $obj->remove_Measures(); Function: Deletes (and returns) the list of Bio::Phenotype::Measure objects associated with this phenotype. Returns : A list of Bio::Phenotype::Measure objects. Args : each_keyword Title : each_keyword() Usage : @kws = $obj->each_keyword(); Function: Returns a list of key words [scalars, most likely Strings] associated with this phenotype. Returns : A list of scalars. Args : add_keywords Title : add_keywords Usage : $obj->add_keywords( @kws ); or $obj->add_keywords( $kw ); Function: Pushes one or more keywords [scalars, most likely Strings] into the list of key words. Returns : Args : scalar(s). remove_keywords Title : remove_keywords Usage : $obj->remove_keywords(); Function: Deletes (and returns) the list of key words [scalars, most likely Strings] associated with this phenotype. Returns : A list of scalars. Args : each_DBLink Title : each_DBLink() Usage : @dbls = $obj->each_DBLink(); Function: Returns a list of Bio::Annotation::DBLink objects associated with this phenotype. Returns : A list of Bio::Annotation::DBLink objects. Args : add_DBLinks Title : add_DBLinks Usage : $obj->add_DBLinks( @dbls ); or $obj->add_DBLinks( $dbl ); Function: Pushes one or more Bio::Annotation::DBLink objects into the list of DBLinks. Returns : Args : Bio::Annotation::DBLink object(s). remove_DBLinks Title : remove_DBLinks Usage : $obj->remove_DBLinks(); Function: Deletes (and returns) the list of Bio::Annotation::DBLink objects associated with this phenotype. Returns : A list of Bio::Annotation::DBLink objects. Args : each_Genotype Title : each_Reference() Usage : @gts = $obj->each_Reference(); Function: Returns a list of "Genotype" objects associated with this phenotype. {* the "genotypes" data member and its methods certainly will/needs to be changed/improved in one way or another since there is no "Genotype" class yet, CZ 09/06/02 *} Returns : A list of "Genotype" objects. Args : add_Genotypes Title : add_Genotypes Usage : $obj->add_Genotypes( @gts ); or $obj->add_Genotypes( $gt ); Function: Pushes one or more "Genotypes" into the list of "Genotypes". Returns : Args : "Genotypes(s)". remove_Genotypes Title : remove_Genotypes Usage : $obj->remove_Genotypes(); Function: Deletes (and returns) the list of "Genotype" objects associated with this phenotype. Returns : A list of "Genotype" objects. Args :