bionic (3) Bio::PhyloNetwork::GraphViz.3pm.gz

Bio::PhyloNetwork::GraphViz - Interface between PhyloNetwork and GraphViz
use Bio::PhyloNetwork; use Bio::PhyloNetwork::GraphViz; my $net=Bio::PhyloNetwork->new( -eNewick=>'((H1,(H1,(H2,l))),H2)t0; (some long label)H1; ("quoted label")H2;' ); my $gv=Bio::PhyloNetwork::GraphViz->new(-net=>$net,-short_labels=>1); foreach my $u ($net->nodes()) { print "$u:".$gv->nodePN_to_nodeGV->{$u}."\n"; } print $gv->as_text; open my $PS, '>', "" or die "Could not write file '': $!\n"; print $PS $gv->as_ps; close $PS;
This is a module to create GraphViz objects representing phylogenetic networks.
Gabriel Cardona, gabriel(dot)cardona(at)uib(dot)es
Bio::PhyloNetwork, GraphViz
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. new Title : new Usage : my $graphv = new Bio::PhyloNetwork::GraphViz(); Function: Creates a new Bio::PhyloNetwork::GraphViz object Returns : Bio::PhyloNetwork::GraphViz Args : -net => Bio::PhyloNetwork object -short_labels => boolean (optional) Returns a Bio::PhyloNetwork::GraphViz object, which is an extension of a GraphViz object. The GraphViz object is a representation of the phylogenetic network given. The extra information the created object holds is a hash table with keys the nodes of the PhyloNetwork object and values the nodes of the GraphViz object. If the optional argument -short_labels=>1 is given, the labels of the nodes in GraphViz are shortened to a maximum of 3 letters. nodePN_to_nodeGV Title : nodePN_to_nodeGV Usage : my $hashR=$graphv->nodePN_to_nodeGV() Function: returns (a reference to) a hash holding the translation between nodes of the Bio::PhyloNetwork object and nodes of the GraphViz object Returns : reference to hash Args : none