bionic (3) Bio::PopGen::HtSNP.3pm.gz

Provided by: libbio-perl-perl_1.7.2-2_all bug

NAME Select htSNP from a haplotype set


           use Bio::PopGen::HtSNP;

           my $obj = Bio::PopGen::HtSNP->new($hap,$snp,$pop);


       Select the minimal set of SNP that contains the full information about the haplotype without

       Take as input the followin values:

       - the haplotype block (array of array).
       - the snp id (array).
       - family information and frequency (array of array).

       The final haplotype is generated in a numerical format and the SNP's sets can be retrieve from the


       - If you force to include a family with indetermination, the SNP's with indetermination will be removed
       from the analysis, so consider before to place your data set what do you really want to do.

       - If two families have the same information (identical haplotype), one of them will be removed and the
       removed files will be stored classify as removed.

       - Only are accepted for calculation A, C, G, T and - (as deletion) and their combinations. Any other
       value as n or ? will be considered as degenerations due to lack of information.

       On a haplotype set is expected that some of the SNP and their variations contribute in the same way to
       the haplotype. Eliminating redundancies will produce a minimal set of SNP's that can be used as input for
       a taging selection process. On the process SNP's with the same variation are clustered on the same group.

       The idea is that because the tagging haplotype process is exponential. All redundant information we could
       eliminate on the tagging process will help to find a quick result.

         my $obj = Bio::PopGen::HtSNP->new
           (-haplotype_block => \@haplotype_patterns,
            -snp_ids         => \@snp_ids,
            -pattern_freq    => \@pattern_name_and_freq);

       where  $hap, $snp and $pop are in the format:

         my $hap = [
                   ];                     # haplotype patterns' id

         my $snp = [qw/s1 s2 s3 s4/];     # snps' Id's

         my $pop = [
                    [qw/ uno    0.20/],
                    [qw/ dos    0.20/],
                    [qw/ tres   0.15/],
                   ];                     # haplotype_pattern_id    Frequency

           See Below for more detailed summaries.


   How the process is working with one example
       Let's begin with one general example of the code.

       Input haplotype:


       The first thing to to is to split the haplotype into characters.

         a       c       g       t       c       c       a       -       t
         c       g       g       t       a       g       t       g       c
         c       c       c       c       c       g       t       g       c
         c       g       c       t       c       g       t       g       c

       Now we have to convert the haplotype to Upercase. This will produce the same SNP if we have input a or A.

         A       C       G       T       C       C       A       -       T
         C       G       G       T       A       G       T       G       C
         C       C       C       C       C       G       T       G       C
         C       G       C       T       C       G       T       G       C

       The program admit as values any combination of ACTG and - (deletions).  The haplotype is converted to
       number, considering the first variation as zero and the alternate value as 1 (see expanded description

         0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
         1       1       0       0       1       1       1       1       1
         1       0       1       1       0       1       1       1       1
         1       1       1       0       0       1       1       1       1

       Once we have the haplotype converted to numbers we have to generate the snp type information for the

       SNP code = SUM ( value * multiplicity ^ position );

             SUM is the sum of the values for the SNP
             value is the SNP number code (0 [generally for the mayor allele],
                                           1 [for the minor allele].
             position is the position on the block.

       For this example the code is:

         0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
         1       1       0       0       1       1       1       1       1
         1       0       1       1       0       1       1       1       1
         1       1       1       0       0       1       1       1       1
         14      10      12      4       2       14      14      14      14

         14 = 0*2^0 + 1*2^1 + 1*2^2 + 1*2^3
         12 = 0*2^0 + 1*2^1 + 0*2^2 + 1*2^3

       Once we have the families classify. We will take just the SNP's not redundant.

         14      10      12      4       2

       This information will be passed to the tag module is you want to tag the htSNP.

       Whatever it happens to one SNPs of a class will happen to a SNP of the same class. Therefore you don't
       need to scan redundancies

   Working with fuzzy data.
       This module is designed to work with fuzzy data. As the source of the haplotype is diverse. The program
       assume that some haplotypes can be generated using different values. If there is any indetermination (?
       or n) or any other degenerated value or invalid. The program will take away This SNP and will leave that
       for a further analysis.

       On a complex situation:

         a       c       g       t       ?       c       a       c       t
         a       c       g       t       ?       c       a       -       t
         c       g       ?       t       a       g       ?       g       c
         c       a       c       t       c       g       t       g       c
         c       g       c       t       c       g       t       g       c
         c       g       g       t       a       g       ?       g       c
         a       c       ?       t       ?       c       a       c       t

       On this haplotype everything is happening. We have a multialelic variance.  We have indeterminations. We
       have deletions and we have even one SNP which is not a real SNP.

       The buiding process will be the same on this situation.

       Convert the haplotype to uppercase.

         A       C       G       T       ?       C       A       C       T
         A       C       G       T       ?       C       A       -       T
         C       G       ?       T       A       G       ?       G       C
         C       A       C       T       C       G       T       G       C
         C       G       C       T       C       G       T       G       C
         C       G       G       T       A       G       ?       G       C
         A       C       ?       T       ?       C       A       C       T

       All columns that present indeterminations will be removed from the analysis on this Step.

       hapotype after remove columns:

         A       C       T       C       C       T
         A       C       T       C       -       T
         C       G       T       G       G       C
         C       A       T       G       G       C
         C       G       T       G       G       C
         C       G       T       G       G       C
         A       C       T       C       C       T

       All changes made on the haplotype matrix, will be also made on the SNP list.

         snp_id_1 snp_id_2 snp_id_4 snp_id_6 snp_id_8 snp_id_9

       now the SNP that is not one SNP will be removed from the analysis.  SNP with Id snp_id_4 (the one with
       all T's).

       because of the removing. Some of the families will become the same and will be clustered. A posteriori
       analysis will diference these families.  but because of the indetermination can not be distinguish.

         A       C       C       C       T
         A       C       C       -       T
         C       G       G       G       C
         C       A       G       G       C
         C       G       G       G       C
         C       G       G       G       C
         A       C       C       C       T

       The result of the mergering will go like:

         A       C       C       C       T
         A       C       C       -       T
         C       G       G       G       C
         C       A       G       G       C

       Once again the changes made on the families and we merge the frequency (to be implemented)

       Before to convert the haplotype into numbers we consider how many variations we have on the set. On this
       case the variations are 3.

       The control code will use on this situation base three as mutiplicity

         0       0       0       0       0
         0       0       0       1       0
         1       1       1       2       1
         1       2       1       2       1
         36      63      36      75      36

       And the minimal set for this combination is

         0       0       0
         0       0       1
         1       1       2
         1       2       2

       NOTE: this second example is a remote example an on normal conditions. This conditions makes no sense,
       but as the haplotypes, can come from many sources we have to be ready for all kind of combinations.


   Mailing Lists
       User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments
       and suggestions preferably to the Bioperl mailing list.  Your participation is much appreciated.
                  - General discussion  - About the mailing lists

       Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:

       rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look
       at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and
       data examples if at all possible.

   Reporting Bugs
       Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track of the bugs and their resolution.
       Bug reports can be submitted via the web:

AUTHOR - Pedro M. Gomez-Fabre

       Email pgf18872-at-gsk-dot-com


       The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.  Internal methods are usually preceded
       with a _

        Title   : new
        Function: constructor of the class.
        Usage   : $obj-> Bio::PopGen::HtSNP->new(-haplotype_block
        Returns : self hash
        Args    : input haplotype (array of array)
                  snp_ids         (array)
                  pop_freq        (array of array)
        Status  : public

        Title   : haplotype_block
        Usage   : my $haplotype_block = $HtSNP->haplotype_block();
        Function: Get the haplotype block for a haplotype tagging selection
        Returns : reference of array
        Args    : reference of array with haplotype pattern

        Title   : snp_ids
        Usage   : my $snp_ids = $HtSNP->$snp_ids();
        Function: Get the ids for a haplotype tagging selection
        Returns : reference of array
        Args    : reference of array with SNP ids

        Title   : pattern_freq
        Usage   : my $pattern_freq = $HtSNP->pattern_freq();
        Function: Get the pattern id and frequency  for a haplotype
                  tagging selection
        Returns : reference of array
        Args    : reference of array with SNP ids

        Title   : _check_input
        Usage   : _check_input($self)
        Function: check for errors on the input
        Returns : self hash
        Args    : self
        Status  : internal

        Title   : _haplotype_length_error
        Usage   : _haplotype_length_error($self)
        Function: check if the haplotype length is the same that the one on the
                  SNP id list. If not break and exit
        Returns : self hash
        Args    : self
        Status  : internal

        Title   : _population_error
        Usage   : _population_error($self)
        Function: use input_block and pop_freq test if the number of elements
                  match. If doesn't break and quit.
        Returns : self hash
        Args    : self
        Status  : internal

        Title   : _do_it
        Usage   : _do_it($self)
        Function: Process the input generating the results.
        Returns : self hash
        Args    : self
        Status  : internal

        Title   : input_block
        Usage   : $obj->input_block()
        Function: returns input block
        Returns : reference to array of array
        Args    : none
        Status  : public

        Title   : hap_length
        Usage   : $obj->hap_length()
        Function: get numbers of SNP on the haplotype
        Returns : scalar
        Args    : none
        Status  : public

        Title   : pop_freq
        Usage   : $obj->pop_freq()
        Function: returns population frequency
        Returns : reference to array
        Args    : none
        Status  : public

        Title   : deg_snp
        Usage   : $obj->deg_snp()
        Function: returns snp_removes due to indetermination on their values
        Returns : reference to array
        Args    : none
        Status  : public

        Title   : snp_type
        Usage   : $obj->snp_type()
        Function: returns hash with SNP type
        Returns : reference to hash
        Args    : none
        Status  : public

        Title   : silent_snp
        Usage   : $obj->silent_snp()
        Function: some SNP's are silent (not contibuting to the haplotype)
                  and are not considering for this analysis
        Returns : reference to a array
        Args    : none
        Status  : public

        Title   : useful_snp
        Usage   : $obj->useful_snp()
        Function: returns list of SNP's that are can be used as htSNP. Some
                  of them can produce the same information. But this is
                  not considered here.
        Returns : reference to a array
        Args    : none
        Status  : public

        Title   : ht_type
        Usage   : $obj->ht_type()
        Function: every useful SNP has a numeric code dependending of its
                  value and position. For a better description see
                  description of the module.
        Returns : reference to a array
        Args    : none
        Status  : public

        Title   : ht_set
        Usage   : $obj->ht_set()
        Function: returns the minimal haplotype in numerical format. This
                  haplotype contains the maximal information about the
                  haplotype variations but with no redundancies. It's the
                  minimal set that describes the haplotype.
        Returns : reference to an array of arrays
        Args    : none
        Status  : public

        Title   : snp_type_code
        Usage   : $obj->snp_type_code()
        Function: returns the numeric code of the SNPs that need to be
                  tagged that correspond to the SNP's considered in ht_set.
        Returns : reference to an array
        Args    : none
        Status  : public

        Title   : snp_and_code
        Usage   : $obj->snp_and_code()
        Function: Returns the full list of SNP's and the code associate to
                  them. If the SNP belongs to the group useful_snp it keep
                  this code. If the SNP is silent the code is 0. And if the
                  SNP is degenerated the code is -1.
        Returns : reference to an array of array
        Args    : none
        Status  : public

        Title   : deg_pattern
        Usage   : $obj->deg_pattern()
        Function: Returns the a list with the degenerated haplotype.
                  Sometimes due to degeneration some haplotypes looks
                  the same and if we don't remove them it won't find
                  any tag.
        Returns : reference to a hash of array
        Args    : none
        Status  : public

        Title   : split_hap
        Usage   : $obj->split_hap()
        Function: simple representation of the haplotype base by base
                  Same information that input haplotype but base based.
        Returns : reference to an array of array
        Args    : none
        Status  : public

        Title   : _split_haplo
        Usage   : _split_haplo($self)
        Function: Take a haplotype and split it into bases
        Returns : self
        Args    : none
        Status  : internal

        Title   : _to_upper_case
        Usage   : _to_upper_case()
        Function: make SNP or in-dels Upper case
        Returns : self
        Args    : an AoA ref
        Status  : private

        Title   : _remove_deg
        Usage   : _remove_deg()
        Function: when have a indetermination or strange value this SNP
                  is removed
        Returns : haplotype family set and degeneration list
        Args    : ref to an AoA and a ref to an array
        Status  : internal

        Title   : _rem_silent_snp
        Usage   : _rem_silent_snp()
        Function: there is the remote possibility that one SNP won't be a
                  real SNP on this situation we have to remove this SNP,
                  otherwise the program won't find any tag
        Returns : nonthing
        Args    : ref to an AoA and a ref to an array
        Status  : internal

        Title   : _find_silent_snps
        Usage   :
        Function: list of snps that are not SNPs. All values for that
                  SNPs on the set is the same one. Look stupid but can
                  happened and if this happend you will not find any tag
        Returns : nothing
        Args    :
        Status  :

        Title   : _find_indet
        Usage   :
        Function: find column (SNP) with invalid or degenerated values
                  and store this values into the second parameter supplied.
        Returns : nothing
        Args    : ref to AoA and ref to an array
        Status  : internal

        Title   : _remove_col
        Usage   :
        Function: remove columns contained on the second array from
                  the first arr
        Returns : nothing
        Args    : array of array reference and array reference
        Status  : internal

        Title   : _remove_snp_id
        Usage   :
        Function: remove columns contained on the second array from
                  the first arr
        Returns : nothing
        Args    : array of array reference and array reference
        Status  : internal

        Title   : _find_deg_pattern
        Usage   :
        Function: create a list with the degenerated patterns
        Returns : @array
        Args    : a ref to AoA
        Status  : public

        Title   : _keep_these_patterns
        Usage   :
        Function: this is a basic approach, take a LoL and a list,
                  keep just the columns included on the list
        Returns : nothing
        Args    : an AoA and an array
        Status  : public

        Title   : compare_arrays
        Usage   :
        Function: take two arrays and compare their values
        Returns : 1 if the two values are the same
                  0 if the values are different
        Args    : an AoA and an array
        Status  : public

        Title   : _convert_to_numbers
        Usage   : _convert_to_numbers()
        Function: transform the haplotype into numbers. before to do that
                  we have to consider the variation on the set.
        Returns : nonthing
        Args    : ref to an AoA and a ref to an array
        Status  : internal

        Title   : _snp_type_code
        Usage   :
                  we have to create the snp type code for each version.
                  The way the snp type is created is the following:

                  we take the number value for every SNP and do the
                  following calculation

                  let be a SNP set as follow:

                  0    0
                  1    1
                  1    2

                  and multiplicity 3
                  on this case the situation is:

                  sum (value * multiplicity ^ position) for each SNP

                  0 * 3 ^ 0 + 1 * 3 ^ 1 + 1 * 3 ^ 2 = 12
                  0 * 3 ^ 0 + 1 * 3 ^ 1 + 2 * 3 ^ 2 = 21
        Returns : nothing
        Args    : $self
        Status  : private

        Title   : _alleles_number
        Usage   :
        Function: calculate the max number of alleles for a haplotype and
                  if the number. For each SNP the number is stored and the
                  max number of alleles for a SNP on the set is returned
        Returns : max number of alleles (a scalar storing a number)
        Args    : ref to AoA
        Status  : public

        Title   : _htSNP
        Usage   : _htSNP()
        Function: calculate the minimal set that contains all information of the
        Returns : nonthing
        Args    : ref to an AoA and a ref to an array
        Status  : internal

        Title   : _snp_and_code_summary
        Usage   : _snp_and_code_summary()
        Function: compile on a list all SNP and the code for each. This
                  information can be also obtained combining snp_type and
                  snp_type_code but on these results the information about
                  the rest of SNP's are not compiled as table.

                  0 will be silent SNPs
                  -1 are degenerated SNPs
                  and the rest of positive values are the code for useful SNP

        Returns : nonthing
        Args    : ref to an AoA and a ref to an array
        Status  : internal