bionic (3) Bio::Root::Build.3pm.gz

Provided by: libbio-perl-perl_1.7.2-2_all bug


         ...TO BE ADDED


       This is a subclass of Module::Build so we can override certain methods and do fancy stuff

       It was first written against Module::Build::Base v0.2805. Many of the methods here are copy/pasted from
       there in their entirety just to change one or two minor things, since for the most part
       Module::Build::Base code is hard to cleanly override.

       Note: per bug 3196, the majority of the code in this module has been revised or commented out to bring it
       in line with the Module::Build API. In particular, 'requires/recommends' tags in the Build.PL file were
       not of the same format as those for Module::Build, and so caused serious issues with newer versions
       (including giving incorrect meta data). Other problematic methods involving automatic installation of
       prereq modules via CPAN were also removed as they do not work with more modern perl tools such as
       perlbrew and cpanm.

AUTHOR Sendu Bala

       Our modules are in Bio, not lib

       Ask what scripts to install (this method is unique to bioperl)

       Our version of script_files doesn't take args but just installs those scripts requested by the user after
       choose_scripts() is called. If it wasn't called, installs all scripts in scripts directory

       Overridden simply to not print the default answer if chosen by hitting return

       We always generate a new MANIFEST instead of allowing existing files to remain MANIFEST.SKIP is left

       Extended to run scripts post-installation

       For use with auto_features, which should require LWP::UserAgent as one of its reqs

       Note: as of 4-11-11, this is no longer called - if someone wants to run network tests (off by default)
       w/o a network, then they are hanging themselves by their own shoelaces.

       Don't copy across man3 docs since they're of little use under Windows and have bad filenames

       When supplied a true value, pretends libdoc doesn't exist (preventing man3 installation for ppmdist).
       when supplied false, they exist again

       We make all archive formats we want, not just .tar.gz we also auto-run manifest action, since we always
       want to re-create MANIFEST and MANIFEST.SKIP just-in-time

       Define custom clean/realclean actions to rearrange config file cleanup

       Define custom clean/realclean actions to rearrange config file cleanup

       This wraps the base metafile method to add in version information from Bio::Root::Version to META.json
       and META.yml if it isn't already present. Note this should be compliant with meta_add and meta_merge, but
       occurs after those steps. If a version is already set and dist_version differs from the set one, a
       warning is printed.

       Makes zip file for windows users and bzip2 files as well

       A method that can be called in a Build.PL script to ask the user if they want internet tests.  Should
       only be called if you have tested for yourself that $build->feature('Network Tests') is true

       Override the build script warnings flag