bionic (3) Bio::Search::Iteration::IterationI.3pm.gz

Bio::Search::Iteration::IterationI - Abstract interface to an iteration from an iterated search result, such as PSI-BLAST.
# Bio::Search::Iteration::IterationI objects cannot be # instantiated since this module defines a pure interface. # Given an object that implements the # Bio::Search::Iteration::IterationI interface, # you can do the following things with it: # First, open up a SearchIO stream use Bio::SearchIO; my $file = shift or die "Usage: $0 <BLAST-report-file>\n"; my $in = Bio::SearchIO->new(-format => 'blast', -file => $file # comment out this line to read STDIN ); # Iterate over all results in the input stream while (my $result = $in->next_result) { printf "Result #%d: %s\n", $in->result_count, $result->to_string; printf "Total Iterations: %d\n", $result->num_iterations(); # Iterate over all iterations and process old and new hits # separately. while( my $it = $result->next_iteration) { printf "\nIteration %d\n", $it->number; printf "Converged: %d\n", $it->converged; # Print out the hits not found in previous iteration printf "New hits: %d\n", $it->num_hits_new; while( my $hit = $it->next_hit_new ) { printf " %s, Expect=%g\n", $hit->name, $hit->expect; } # Print out the hits found in previous iteration printf "Old hits: %d\n", $it->num_hits_old; while( my $hit = $it->next_hit_old ) { printf " %s, Expect=%g\n", $hit->name, $hit->expect; } } printf "%s\n\n", '-' x 50; } printf "Total Reports processed: %d: %s\n", $in->result_count; __END__ # NOTE: The following functionality is just proposed # (does not yet exist but might, given sufficient hew and cry): # Zero-in on the new hits found in last iteration. # By default, iteration() returns the last one. my $last_iteration = $result->iteration(); while( my $hit = $last_iteration->next_hit) { # Do something with new hit... } # Get the first iteration my $first_iteration = $result->iteration(1);
Bio::Search::Result::ResultI objects are data structures containing the results from the execution of a search algorithm. As such, it may contain various algorithm specific information as well as details of the execution, but will contain a few fundamental elements, including the ability to return Bio::Search::Hit::HitI objects. Classification of Hits Within a given iteration, the hits can be classified into a number of useful subsets based on whether or not the hit appeard in a previous iteration and whether or not the hit is below the threshold E-value for inclusion in the score matrix model. All hits (A) _______________|_________________ | | New hits Old hits (B) (C) _________|________ _______|_________ | | | | Below Above Below Above threshold threshold threshold threshold (D) (E) (F) (G) _________|___________ | | Occurred in a Occurred in a previous iteration previous iteration below threshold above threshold (H) (I) Notes: The term threshold in the diagram and descriptions below refer to this inclusion threshold. Below threshold actually means at or below threshold. The IterationI interface defines a number of methods for extracting these subsets of hits. • newhits_below_threshold() [subset D] Hits that did not appear in a previous iteration and are below threshold in the current iteration. • newhits_not_below_threshold() [subset E] Hits that did not appear in a previous iteration and are not below threshold in the current iteration. • newhits() [subset B] All newly found hits, below and above the inclusion threshold. This is the union of newhits_below_threshold() + newhits_not_below_threshold() [subset D + subset E]. • oldhits_below_threshold() [subset H] Hits that appeared in a previous iteration below threshold and are still below threshold in the current iteration. • oldhits_newly_below_threshold() [subset I] Hits that appeared in a previous iteration above threshold but are below threshold in the current iteration. (Not applicable to the first iteration.) • oldhits_not_below_threshold() [subset G] Hits that appeared in a previous iteration not below threshold and are still not below threshold in the current iteration. • oldhits() [subset C] All hits that occurred in a previous iteration, whether below or above threshold in the current iteration. Union of oldhits_below_threshold() + oldhits_newly_below_threshold() + oldhits_not_below_threshold() [subset H + subset I + subset G]. (Not applicable to the first iteration.) • hits_below_threshold() [subset D + subset F] All hits, old and new, that are below the inclusion threshold in this iteration. This is the union of newhits_below_threshold() + oldhits_below_threshold() + oldhits_newly_below_threshold() [subset D + subset H + subset I]. • hits() [subset A] The union of newhits() and oldhits() [subset B + subset C]. For the first iteration, the methods oldhits, oldhits_below_threshold, oldhits_newly_below_threshold, and oldhits_not_below_threshold() will return empty lists. Iterator and numbers-of-hit methods are provided for subsets A, B, and C: • next_hit_new(), num_hits_new() [subset B] • next_hit_old(), num_hits_old() [subset C] • next_hit(), num_hits() [subset A]
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Copyright (c) 2003 Steve Chervitz. All Rights Reserved.
This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ number Title : number Usage : $it_number = $iteration->number(); Purpose : returns the number of the iteration (a.k.a "round") within the Result. Returns : integer Args : [optional] integer to set the number of the iteration converged Title : converged Usage : $it_converged = $iteration->converged(); Purpose : Indicates whether or not the iteration has converged Returns : boolean Args : [optional] boolean value to set the converged of the iteration next_hit Title : next_hit Usage : while( $hit = $iteration->next_hit( [$found_again]) ) { ... } Purpose : Iterates through all of the HitI objects including new hits and old hits found in a previous iteration and both below and above the inclusion threshold. Corresponds to subset A in the "Classification of Hits" documentation section of this module. Returns : A Bio::Search::Hit::HitI object or undef if there are no more. Hits will be returned in the order in which they occur in the report unless otherwise specified. Args : none See Also: hits, "Classification of Hits" next_hit() iterates through all hits, including the new ones for this iteration and those found in previous iterations. You can interrogate each hit using Bio::Search::Hit::HitI::found_again to determine whether it is new or old. To get just the new hits, use next_hit_new. To get just the old hits, use next_hit_old. next_hit_new Title : next_hit_new Usage : while( $hit = $iteration->next_hit_new() ) { ... } Purpose : Iterates through all newly found hits (did not occur in a previous iteration) and are either below or above the inclusion threshold. Corresponds to subset B in the "Classification of Hits" documentation section of this module. Returns : A Bio::Search::Hit::HitI object or undef if there are no more. Hits will be returned in the order in which they occur in the report unless otherwise specified. Args : none See Also: next_hit, next_hit_old, newhits, "Classification of Hits" next_hit_old Title : next_hit_old Usage : while( $hit = $iteration->next_hit_old() ) { ... } Purpose : Iterates through the Hit objects representing just the hits that have been found in a previous iteration, whether below or above the inclusion threshold. Corresponds to subset C in the "Classification of Hits" documentation section of this module. Returns : A Bio::Search::Hit::HitI object or undef if there are no more. Hits will be returned in the order in which they occur in the report unless otherwise specified. Args : none See Also: next_hit, next_hit_old, oldhits, "Classification of Hits" num_hits Title : num_hits Usage : my $hitcount_total = $iteration->num_hits Purpose : Returns the total number of hits for this query result, including new and old below and above inclusion threshold. Returns : integer Args : none See Also: num_hits_new, num_hits_old, "Classification of Hits" num_hits_new Title : num_hits_new Usage : my $hitcount_new = $result->num_hits_new; : my $hitcount_new_below_thresh = $result->num_hits_new( 1 ); Purpose : Returns the number of new hits in this iteration that were not found in a previous iteration and are either below or above the the inclusion threshold. Corresponds to subset B in the "Classification of Hits" documentation section of this module. Returns : integer Args : (optional) boolean, true if you want to get a count of just the new hits that are below the inclusion threshold. See Also: num_hits, num_hits_old, "Classification of Hits" num_hits_old Title : num_hits_old Usage : my $hitcount_old = $result->num_hits_old; : my $hitcount_old_below_thresh = $result->num_hits_old( 1 ); Purpose : Returns the number of new hits in this iteration that were found in a previous iteration and are either below or above the the inclusion threshold. Corresponds to subset C in the "Classification of Hits" documentation section of this module. Returns : integer Args : (optional) boolean, true if you want to get a count of just the old hits that are below the inclusion threshold. See Also: num_hits, num_hits_new, "Classification of Hits" hits Title : hits Usage : foreach( $obj->hits() ) { ... }; Purpose : Provides access to all hits, both new and old, and either below or above the inclusion threshold. Corresponds to subset A in the "Classification of Hits" documentation section of this module. Returns : An array containing all HitI objects. Hits will be ordered according to their occurrence in the report unless otherwise specified. Args : none See Also: newhits, oldhits, "Classification of Hits" newhits Title : newhits Usage : foreach( $obj->newhits() ) { ... }; Purpose : Provides access to hits that were not found in a previous iteration and may be either below or above the inclusion threshold. Corresponds to subset B in the "Classification of Hits" documentation section of this module. Returns : An array containing Bio::Search::Hit::HitI objects. Hits will be ordered according to their occurrence in the report unless otherwise specified. Args : none See Also: hits, oldhits, newhits_below_threshold + newhits_not_below_threshold, "Classification of Hits" oldhits Title : oldhits Usage : foreach( $obj->oldhits() ) { ... }; Purpose : Provides access to hits that were found in a previous iteration and are either below or above the inclusion threshold in the current iteration. Corresponds to subset C in the "Classification of Hits" documentation section of this module. Returns : An array containing Bio::Search::Hit::HitI objects. Hits will be ordered according to their occurrence in the report unless otherwise specified. Args : none See Also: hits, newhits, oldhits_below_threshold, oldhits_newly_below_threshold, oldhits_not_below_threshold, "Classification of Hits" newhits_below_threshold Title : newhits_below_threshold Usage : foreach( $obj->newhits_below_threshold() ) { ... }; Purpose : Provides access to hits that did not appear in a previous iteration and are below threshold. Corresponds to subset D in the "Classification of Hits" documentation section of this module. Returns : An array containing Bio::Search::Hit::HitI objects. Hits will be returned in the order in which they occur in the report unless otherwise specified. Args : none See Also: newhits_not_below_threshold, oldhits_newly_below_threshold, newhits, "Classification of Hits" oldhits_below_threshold Title : oldhits_below_threshold Usage : foreach( $obj->oldhits_below_threshold() ) { ... }; Purpose : Provides access to hits that appeared in a previous iteration below inclusion threshold and are still below threshold. Corresponds to subset H in the "Classification of Hits" documentation section of this module. Returns : An array containing Bio::Search::Hit::HitI objects. Hits will be returned in the order in which they occur in the report unless otherwise specified. Args : none See Also: oldhits_not_below_threshold, oldhits_newly_below_threshold, oldhits, "Classification of Hits" oldhits_newly_below_threshold Title : oldhits_newly_below_threshold Usage : foreach( $obj->oldhits_newly_below_threshold() ) { ... }; Purpose : Provides access to hits that appeared in a previous iteration above threshold but are below threshold in the current iteration. Not applicable to the first iteration. Corresponds to subset I in the "Classification of Hits" documentation section of this module. Returns : An array containing Bio::Search::Hit::HitI objects. Hits will be returned in the order in which they occur in the report unless otherwise specified. Args : none See Also: newhits_below_threshold, oldhits, "Classification of Hits" oldhits_not_below_threshold Title : oldhits_not_below_threshold Usage : foreach( $obj->oldhits_not_below_threshold() ) { ... }; Purpose : Provides access to hits that appeared in a previous iteration not below threshold and are still not below threshold. Corresponds to subset G in the "Classification of Hits" documentation section of this module. Returns : An array containing Bio::Search::Hit::HitI objects. Hits will be returned in the order in which they occur in the report unless otherwise specified. Args : none See Also: oldhits_below_threshold, oldhits, "Classification of Hits" newhits_not_below_threshold Title : newhits_not_below_threshold Usage : foreach( $obj->newhits_not_below_threshold() ) { ... }; Purpose : Provides access to hits that did not appear in a previous iteration and are not below threshold in the current iteration. Corresponds to subset E in the "Classification of Hits" documentation section of this module. Returns : An array containing Bio::Search::Hit::HitI objects. Hits will be returned in the order in which they occur in the report unless otherwise specified. Args : none See Also: newhits_below_threshold, newhits, "Classification of Hits" hits_below_threshold Title : hits_below_threshold Usage : foreach( $obj->hits_below_threshold() ) { ... }; Purpose : Provides access to all hits, old and new, that are below the inclusion threshold. Corresponds to the union of subset D and subset F in the "Classification of Hits" documentation section of this module. Returns : An array containing Bio::Search::Hit::HitI objects. Hits will be returned in the order in which they occur in the report unless otherwise specified. Args : none See Also: newhits_below_threshold, oldhits_newly_below_threshold, oldhits_below_threshold, "Classification of Hits" add_hit Title : add_hit Usage : $report->add_hit(-hit =>$hit_obj, -old =>$boolean, -below_threshold =>$boolean, -newly_below =>$boolean ) Purpose : Adds a HitI to the stored list of hits Returns : Number of HitI currently stored for the class of the added hit. Args : Tagged values, the only required one is -hit. All others are used only for PSI-BLAST reports. -hit => Bio::Search::Hit::HitI object -old => boolean, true indicates that the hit was found in a previous iteration. Default=false. -below_threshold => boolean, true indicates that the hit is below the inclusion threshold. -newly_below => boolean, true indicates that the hit is below the inclusion threshold in this iteration but was above the inclusion threshold in a previous iteration. Only appropriate for old hits. Default=false. Throws : Bio::Root::BadParameter if the hit is not a Bio::Search::Hit::HitI. Bio::Root::BadParameter if -old=>false and -newly_below=>true. get_hit Title : get_hit Usage : $hit = $report->get_hit( $hit_name ) Purpose : Gets a HitI object given its name if a hit with this name exists within this Iteration. Returns : Bio::Search::Hit::HitI object or undef if there is no such hit. Args : $hit_name = string containing name of the hit Throws : n/a The name string must be the same as that returned by Bio::Search::Hit::HitI::name(). The lookup should be case-insensitive.