bionic (3) Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu.3pm.gz

Provided by: libcatalyst-controller-html-formfu-perl_2.02-1_all bug


       Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu - Catalyst integration for HTML::FormFu


       version 2.02


           package MyApp::Controller::My::Controller;

           use Moose;
           use namespace::autoclean;

           BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu'; }

           sub index : Local {
               my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

               # doesn't use an Attribute to make a form
               # can get an empty form from $self->form()

               my $form = $self->form();

           sub foo : Local : Form {
               my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

               # using the Form attribute is equivalent to:
               # my $form = $self->form;
               # $form->process;
               # $c->stash->{form} = $form;

           sub bar : Local : FormConfig {
               my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

               # using the FormConfig attribute is equivalent to:
               # my $form = $self->form;
               # $form->load_config_filestem('root/forms/my/controller/bar');
               # $form->process;
               # $c->stash->{form} = $form;
               # so you only need to do the following...

               my $form = $c->stash->{form};

               if ( $form->submitted_and_valid ) {

           sub baz : Local : FormConfig('my_config') {
               my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

               # using the FormConfig attribute with an argument is equivalent to:
               # my $form = $self->form;
               # $form->load_config_filestem('root/forms/my_config');
               # $form->process;
               # $c->stash->{form} = $form;
               # so you only need to do the following...

               my $form = $c->stash->{form};

               if ( $form->submitted_and_valid ) {

           sub quux : Local : FormMethod('load_form') {
               my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

               # using the FormMethod attribute with an argument is equivalent to:
               # my $form = $self->form;
               # $form->populate( $c->load_form );
               # $form->process;
               # $c->stash->{form} = $form;
               # so you only need to do the following...

               my $form = $c->stash->{form};

               if ( $form->submitted_and_valid ) {

           sub load_form {
               my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

               # Automatically called by the above FormMethod('load_form') action.
               # Called as a method on the controller object, with the context
               # object as an argument.

               # Must return a hash-ref suitable to be fed to $form->populate()

       You can also use specially-named actions that will only be called under certain circumstances.

           sub edit : Chained('group') : PathPart : Args(0) : FormConfig { }

           sub edit_FORM_VALID {
               my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

               my $form  = $c->stash->{form};
               my $group = $c->stash->{group};

               $form->model->update( $group );

               $c->response->redirect( $c->uri_for( '/group', $group->id ) );

           sub edit_FORM_NOT_SUBMITTED {
               my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

               my $form  = $c->stash->{form};
               my $group = $c->stash->{group};

               $form->model->default_values( $group );


       This creates a new HTML::FormFu object, passing as it's argument the contents of the "constructor" config

       This is useful when using the ConfigForm() or MethodForm() action attributes, to create a 2nd form which
       isn't populated using a config-file or method return value.

           sub foo : Local {
               my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

               my $form = $self->form;

       Note that when using this method, the form's query method is not populated with the Catalyst request


       An example showing how a complicated action method can be broken down into smaller sections, making it
       clearer which code will be run, and when.

           sub edit : Local : FormConfig {
               my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

               my $form  = $c->stash->{form};
               my $group = $c->stash->{group};

               $c->detach('/unauthorised') unless $c->user->can_edit( $group );

               if ( $form->submitted_and_valid ) {
                   $form->model->update( $group );

                   $c->response->redirect( $c->uri_for('/group', $group->id ) );
               elsif ( !$form->submitted ) {
                   $form->model->default_values( $group );

               $self->_add_breadcrumbs_nav( $c, $group );

       Instead becomes...

           sub edit : Local : FormConfig {
               my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

               $c->detach('/unauthorised') unless $c->user->can_edit(

           sub edit_FORM_VALID {
               my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

               my $group = $c->stash->{group};

               $c->stash->{form}->model->update( $group );

               $c->response->redirect( $c->uri_for('/group', $group->id ) );

           sub edit_FORM_NOT_SUBMITTED {
               my ( $self, $c ) = @_;


           sub edit_FORM_RENDER {
               my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

               $self->_add_breadcrumbs_nav( $c, $c->stash->{group} );

       For any action method that uses a "Form", "FormConfig" or "FormMethod" attribute, you can add extra
       methods that use the naming conventions below.

       These methods will be called after the original, plainly named action method.

       Run when the form has been submitted and has no errors.

       Run when the form has been submitted, regardless of whether or not there was errors.

       For MultiForms, is run if the MultiForm is completed.

       Run when the form has been submitted and there were errors.

       Run when the form has not been submitted.

       For MultiForms, is run if the MultiForm is not completed.

       For normal "Form" base classes, this subroutine is run after any of the other special methods, unless
       "$form->submitted_and_valid" is true.

       For "MultiForm" base classes, this subroutine is run after any of the other special methods, unless
       "$multi->complete" is true.


       You can set your own config settings, using either your controller config or your application config.

           $c->config( 'Controller::HTML::FormFu' => \%my_values );

           # or

           MyApp->config( 'Controller::HTML::FormFu' => \%my_values );

           # or, in myapp.conf

               default_action_use_path 1

       Override the method-name used to create a new form object.

       See "form".

       Default value: "form".

       Sets the stash key name used to store the form object.

       Default value: "form".

       Sets the attribute name used to load the Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu::Action::Form action.

       Default value: "Form".

       Sets the attribute name used to load the Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu::Action::Config action.

       Default value: "FormConfig".

       Sets the attribute name used to load the Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu::Action::Method action.

       Default value: "FormMethod".

       Sets which package will be used by the Form() action.

       Probably only useful if you want to create a sub-class which provides custom behaviour.

       Default value: "Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu::Action::Form".

       Sets which package will be used by the Config() action.

       Probably only useful if you want to create a sub-class which provides custom behaviour.

       Default value: "Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu::Action::Config".

       Sets which package will be used by the Method() action.

       Probably only useful if you want to create a sub-class which provides custom behaviour.

       Default value: "Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu::Action::Method".

       Pass common defaults to the HTML::FormFu constructor.

       These values are used by all of the action attributes, and by the "$self->form" method.

       Default value: "{}".

       Arguments: bool

       If true, a coderef is passed to "$form->config_callback->{plain_value}" which replaces any instance of
       "__uri_for(URI)__" found in form config files with the result of passing the "URI" argument to "uri_for"
       in Catalyst.

       The form "__uri_for(URI, PATH, PARTS)__" is also supported, which is equivalent to "$c->uri_for( 'URI',
       \@ARGS )". At this time, there is no way to pass query values equivalent to "$c->uri_for( 'URI', \@ARGS,
       \%QUERY_VALUES )".

       The second codeword that is being replaced is "__path_to( @DIRS )__". Any instance is replaced with the
       result of passing the "DIRS" arguments to "path_to" in Catalyst.  Don't use qoutationmarks as they would
       become part of the path.

       Default value: 1

       If set to a true value the action for the form will be set to the currently called action name.

       Default value: "false".

       If set to a true value the action for the form will be set to the currently called action path.  The
       action path includes concurrent to action name additioal parameters which were code inside the path.

       Default value: "false".


           action: /foo/bar
           called uri contains: /foo/bar/1

           # default_action_use_name => 1 leads to:
           $form->action = /foo/bar

           # default_action_use_path => 1 leads to:
           $form->action = /foo/bar/1

       Arguments: \%stash_keys_to_model_names

       Used to place Catalyst models on the form stash.

       If it's being used to make a DBIx::Class schema available for "options_from_model" in
       HTML::FormFu::Model::DBIC, for "Select" and other Group-type elements - then the hash-key must be
       "schema". For example, if your schema model class is "MyApp::Model::MySchema", you would set
       "model_stash" like so:

                   schema MySchema

       To allow your form validation packages, etc, access to the catalyst context, a weakened reference of the
       context is copied into the form's stash.


       This setting allows you to change the key name used in the form stash.

       Default value: "context"

       If you're using a L10N / I18N plugin such as Catalyst::Plugin::I18N which provides a "languages" method
       that returns a list of valid languages to use for the currect request - and you want to use formfu's
       built-in I18N packages, then setting "languages_from_context"

       If you're using a L10N / I18N plugin such as Catalyst::Plugin::I18N which provides it's own "localize"
       method, you can set localize_from_context to use that method for formfu's localization.

       If true, adds an instance of HTML::FormFu::Plugin::RequestToken to every form, to stop accidental double-
       submissions of data and to prevent CSRF attacks.

       Defaults to "_token".

       Defaults to "__token".

       Defaults to 3600.


       Support for this has now been removed. Config files are now searched for, with any file extension
       supported by Config::Any.

       Support for this has now been removed.  Use "{constructor}{config_file_path}" instead.


       When using the "Form" action attribute to create an empty form, you must call $form->process after
       populating the form.  However, you don't need to pass any arguments to "process", as the Catalyst request
       object will have automatically been set in $form->query.

       When using the "FormConfig" and "FormMethod" action attributes, if you make any modifications to the
       form, such as adding or changing it's elements, you must call $form->process before rendering the form.


       This module's sourcecode is maintained in a git repository at

       The project page is <>


       HTML::FormFu, Catalyst::Helper::HTML::FormFu


       Carl Franks, ""

       Copyright (C) 2007 by Carl Franks

       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
       itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.