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Catmandu::Util - A collection of utility functions
use Catmandu::Util qw(:string); $str = trim($str);
IO functions use Catmandu::Util qw(:io); io($io, %opts) Takes a file path, glob, glob reference, scalar reference or IO::Handle object and returns an opened IO::Handle object. my $fh = io '/path/to/file'; my $fh = io *STDIN; my $fh = io \*STDOUT, mode => 'w', binmode => ':crlf'; my $write_cb = sub { my $str = $_[0]; ... }; my $fh = io $write_cb, mode => 'w'; my $scalar = ""; my $fh = io \$scalar, mode => 'w'; $fh->print("some text"); Options are: mode Default is "r". binmode Default is ":encoding(UTF-8)". encoding Alias for "binmode". read_file($path); [deprecated]: use tools like Path::Tiny instead. Reads the file at $path into a string. my $str = read_file('/path/to/file.txt'); Throws a Catmandu::Error on failure. read_io($io) Reads an IO::Handle into a string. my $str = read_file($fh); write_file($path, $str); [deprecated]: use tools like use tools like File::Slurp::Tiny instead. Writes the string $str to a file at $path. write_file('/path/to/file.txt', "contents"); Throws a Catmandu::Error on failure. read_yaml($path); Reads the YAML file at $path into a Perl hash. my $cfg = read_yaml($path); Dies on failure reading the file or parsing the YAML. read_json($path); Reads the JSON file at $path into a Perl hash. my $cfg = read_json($path); Dies on failure reading the file or parsing the JSON. join_path(@path); Joins relative paths into an absolute path. join_path('/path/..', './to', 'file.txt'); # => "/to/file.txt" normalize_path($path); Normalizes a relative path to an absolute path. normalize_path('/path/../to/./file.txt'); # => "/to/file.txt" segmented_path($path); my $id = "FB41144C-F0ED-11E1-A9DE-61C894A0A6B4"; segmented_path($id, segment_size => 4); # => "FB41/144C/F0ED/11E1/A9DE/61C8/94A0/A6B4" segmented_path($id, segment_size => 2, base_path => "/files"); # => "/files/FB/41/14/4C/F0/ED/11/E1/A9/DE/61/C8/94/A0/A6/B4" content_type($filename); Guess the content type of a file name. content_type("book.pdf"); # => "application/pdf" Hash functions use Catmandu::Util qw(:hash); A collection of functions that operate on hash references. hash_merge($hash1, $hash2, ... , $hashN) Merge <hash1> through <hashN>, with the nth-most (rightmost) hash taking precedence. Returns a new hash reference representing the merge. hash_merge({a => 1}, {b => 2}, {a => 3}); # => { a => 3 , b => 2} Array functions use Catmandu::Util qw(:array); A collection of functions that operate on array references. array_exists($array, $index) Returns 1 if $index is in the bounds of $array array_exists(["a", "b"], 2); # => 0 array_exists(["a", "b"], 1); # => 1 array_group_by($array, $key) my $list = [{color => 'black', id => 1}, {color => 'white', id => 2}, {id => 3}, {color => 'black', id => 4}]; array_group_by($list, 'color'); # => {black => [{color => 'black', id => 1}, {color => 'black', id => 4}], # white => [{color => 'white', id => 2}]} array_pluck($array, $key) my $list = [{id => 1}, {}, {id => 3}]; array_pluck($list, 'id'); # => [1, undef, 3] array_to_sentence($array) array_to_sentence($array, $join) array_to_sentence($array, $join, $join_last) array_to_sentence([1,2,3]); # => "1, 2 and 3" array_to_sentence([1,2,3], ","); # => "1,2 and 3" array_to_sentence([1,2,3], ",", " & "); # => "1,2 & 3" array_sum($array) array_sum([1,2,3]); # => 6 array_includes($array, $val) Returns 1 if $array includes a value that is deeply equal to $val, 0 otherwise. Comparison is done with "is_same()". array_includes([{color => 'black'}], {color => 'white'}); # => 0 array_includes([{color => 'black'}], {color => 'black'}); # => 1 array_any($array, \&sub) array_any(["green", "blue"], sub { my $color = $_[0]; $color eq "blue" }); # => 1 array_rest($array) Returns a copy of $array without the head. array_rest([1,2,3,4]); # => [2,3,4] array_rest([1]); # => [] array_uniq($array) Returns a copy of $array with all duplicates removed. array_split($array | $string) Returns $array or a new array by splitting $string at commas. String functions use Catmandu::Util qw(:string); as_utf8($str) Returns a copy of $str flagged as UTF-8. trim($str) Returns a copy of $str with leading and trailing whitespace removed. capitalize($str) Equivalent to "ucfirst lc as_utf8 $str". Is functions use Catmandu::Util qw(:is); is_number(42) ? "it's numeric" : "it's not numeric"; is_maybe_hash_ref({}); # => 1 is_maybe_hash_ref(undef); # => 1 is_maybe_hash_ref([]); # => 0 A collection of predicate functions that test the type or value of argument $val. Each function (except "is_same()" and "is_different") also has a maybe variant that also tests true if $val is undefined. Returns 1 or 0. is_invocant($val) is_maybe_invocant($val) Tests if $val is callable (is an existing package or blessed object). is_able($val, @method_names) is_maybe_able($val, @method_names) Tests if $val is callable and has all methods in @method_names. is_instance($val, @class_names) is_maybe_instance($val, @class_names) Tests if $val is a blessed object and an instance of all the classes in @class_names. is_ref($val) is_maybe_ref($val) Tests if $val is a reference. Equivalent to "ref $val ? 1 : 0". is_scalar_ref($val) is_maybe_scalar_ref($val) Tests if $val is a scalar reference. is_array_ref($val) is_maybe_array_ref($val) Tests if $val is an array reference. is_hash_ref($val) is_maybe_hash_ref($val) Tests if $val is a hash reference. is_code_ref($val) is_maybe_code_ref($val) Tests if $val is a subroutine reference. is_regex_ref($val) is_maybe_regex_ref($val) Tests if $val is a regular expression reference generated by the "qr//" operator. is_glob_ref($val) is_maybe_glob_ref($val) Tests if $val is a glob reference. is_value($val) is_maybe_value($val) Tests if $val is a real value (defined, not a reference and not a glob. is_string($val) is_maybe_string($val) Tests if $val is a non-empty string. Equivalent to "is_value($val) && length($val) > 0". is_number($val) is_maybe_number($val) Tests if $val is a number. is_integer($val) is_maybe_integer($val) Tests if $val is an integer. is_natural($val) is_maybe_natural($val) Tests if $val is a non-negative integer. Equivalent to "is_integer($val) && $val >= 0". is_positive($val) is_maybe_positive($val) Tests if $val is a positive integer. Equivalent to "is_integer($val) && $val >= 1". is_same($val, $other_val) Tests if $val is deeply equal to $other_val. is_different($val, $other_val) The opposite of "is_same()". Check functions use Catmandu::Util qw(:check); check_hash_ref({color => 'red'}); # => {color => 'red'} check_hash_ref([]); # dies A group of assert functions similar to the ":is" group, but instead of returning true or false they return their argument or die. check_invocant($val) check_maybe_invocant($val) check_able($val, @method_names) check_maybe_able($val, @method_names) check_instance($val, @class_names) check_maybe_instance($val, @class_names) check_ref($val) check_maybe_ref($val) check_scalar_ref($val) check_maybe_scalar_ref($val) check_array_ref($val) check_maybe_array_ref($val) check_hash_ref($val) check_maybe_hash_ref($val) check_code_ref($val) check_maybe_code_ref($val) check_regex_ref($val) check_maybe_regex_ref($val) check_glob_ref($val) check_maybe_glob_ref($val) check_value($val) check_maybe_value($val) check_string($val) check_maybe_string($val) check_number($val) check_maybe_number($val) check_integer($val) check_maybe_integer($val) check_natural($val) check_maybe_natural($val) check_positive($val) check_maybe_positive($val) check_same($val, $other_val) check_different($val, $other_val) Human output functions use Catmandu::Util qw(:human); human_number($num) Insert a comma a 3-digit intervals to make $num more readable. Only works with integers for now. human_number(64354); # => "64,354" human_byte_size($size) human_byte_size(64); # => "64 bytes" human_byte_size(10005000); # => "10.01 MB" human_content_type($content_type) human_content_type($content_type, $default) human_content_type('application/x-dos_ms_excel'); # => "Excel" human_content_type('application/zip'); # => "ZIP archive" human_content_type('foo/x-unknown'); # => "foo/x-unknown" human_content_type('foo/x-unknown', 'Unknown'); # => "Unknown" XML functions use Catmandu::Util qw(:xml); xml_declaration() Returns "qq(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n)". xml_escape($str) Returns an XML escaped copy of $str. Miscellaneous functions require_package($pkg) require_package($pkg, $namespace) Load package $pkg at runtime with "require" and return it's full name. my $pkg = require_package('File::Spec'); my $dir = $pkg->tmpdir(); require_package('Util', 'Catmandu'); # => "Catmandu::Util" require_package('Catmandu::Util', 'Catmandu'); # => "Catmandu::Util" Throws a Catmandu::Error on failure. use_lib(@dirs) Add directories to @INC at runtime. Throws a Catmandu::Error on failure. pod_section($package_or_file, $section [, @options] ) Get documentation of a package for a selected section. Additional options are passed to Pod::Usage. now($format) Returns the current datetime as a string. $formatcan be any "strftime" format. There are also 2 builtin formats, "iso_date_time" and "iso_date_time_millis". "iso_date_time" is equivalent to "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ". "iso_date_time_millis" is the same, but with added milliseconds. now('%Y/%m/%d'); now('iso_date_time_millis'); The default format is "iso_date_time";