Provided by: libcipux-perl_3.4.0.13-4.1_all 

CipUX - Common CipUX functions
use CipUX; my $cipux = $CipUX->new(); my $max = $cipux->max(5,6); Or use as base class: use base(CipUX); my $max = $self->max(5,6);
Provides functions common to all CipUX classes and scripts.
new Constructor my $cipux = CipUX->new();
The following functions will be exported by CipUX. get_linewidth Returns the CipUX line width. perr Prints an exception that variable name VARNAME was not used in subroutine API. This is used to discover internal programming errors. $cipux->perr('<NAME OF PARAMETER>'); $cipux->perr('<NAME OF PARAMETER>','<LINE NUMBER>'); Example: $cipux->perr('parameter_x'); $cipux->perr('parameter_x', 98); exc Prints a CipUX default exception on STDERR and exits. $self->exc({nr=>$nr, value=>$value, msg=>$msg }); config Central function to retrieve config space. my ($x_hr, $y_hr, $z_hr) = $self->config({config_ar=>$config_ar}); Local <NAME>_config subroutine should be use to fill $config_ar Example: sub task_config { my $config_ar = []; push @{$config_ar}, '/home/dummmy/cipux-task.conf'; my ($x_hr, $y_hr, $z_hr) = $self->config({config_ar=>$config_ar}); return ($x_hr, $y_hr, $z_hr); } source Incorporates a config file. store_mattrvalue Helper function for multiple getopt parameter with values. store_attrvalue Helper function for single getopt parameter with value. homedir This is an auxiliary method replacing ~ with $ENV{HGOME}. Syntax: my $file1 = $common->homedir($file2); Example: if $file1 = ~/.cipux/cipux-object.conf and $ENV{HOME} = /root then file2 = /root/.cipux/cipux-object.conf lf Laundering LDAP filter. lp Laundering passwords. li Laundering integer values. l Laundering of a scalar my $scalar = $self->l($input); h Check if type is hash or hash reference. my $hash_hr = $self->a($input_hr); a Check if type is array or array reference. my $array_ar = $self->a($input_ar); test_cli_option Executes some basic test on command line option regarding a hash. date_time returns date time format of today latin1_to_utf8 Converts latin to UTF-8 encoding. login_prompt Prints a login prompt on STDOUT. password_prompt Prints a password prompt on STDOUT. random_password Calculates and returns a relatively random password. hash_password Calculates and returns a hashed password. min Calculate the minimum of two integer values. max Calculate the maximum of two integer values. out Prints content to STDOUT. _merge_array Helper subroutine for _hash_merge_setup. It uses Array::Unique to return a merged unique array reference. _hash_merge_setup Perform setup for Hash::Merge. The main change is that Arrays are also merged with uniq values. cfg_ext Gets all supported extensions from Config::Any and remove non supported extensions. cfg Query the CipUX config space to load configuration in various formats. 0. Set cfgbase to "cipux" (+ "-$submodule" if not core module) 1. Set cfgpaths to...: 1. /usr/share/cipux/etc/$cfgbase.$ext 2. /usr/share/cipux/etc/$cfgbase.d/*.$ext 3. /etc/cipux/$cfgbase.$ext 4. /etc/cipux/$cfgbase.d/*.$ext 5. ~/.cipux/$cfgbase.$ext 2. Possible $ext are: cnf .conf .json .jsn .xml .yml .yaml .ini .pl .perl #3. Optionally parse and validate uppercase "$cfgbase_cfg" environment variable [fail if validation fails] #4. Optionally parse and validate "cfg" commandline option [fail if validation fails] 5. Resolve configfile list as cfgpaths, with "$cfgbase_cfg" and "cfg" appended if there 6. Resolve bootstrap file through parsing and validating "bootstrap" option from all available files in cfgpaths, later declaration overriding earlier ones 7. Resolve all options through executing bootstrap file #8. Optionally override subset of options through parsing and validating environment variables starting with uppercase "$cfgbase_" [fail if any validation fails] 9. Optionally override subset of options through parsing and validating all options from all available files in cfgpaths [fail if any validation fails] Notes about the above: * Number with leading "#" are not implemented. * config files are "layered", allowing overrides. Personal configfile is included last, not first, and more locations are supported. #* (subset of) options can be provided through ENV #* commandline and environment options are validated as part of parsing Recommendation: Even if several formats are supported, that does not mean they are all suited for this task. * Some configuration formats for example are too simple to express the complex cipux-task.perl configuration. * The CPAN Perl modules used for this configuration space are rather young Config::Any 2006 - 2009, Hash::Merge 2001 - 2009 and not every configuration file type mixture was tested. As a recommendation, you should not mix to many files and formats. create_cache_dir_if_not_present Creates a directory 'cipux' under /var/cache if not present. This is used to store serialized objects. iterate_config_space Takes a single config file $cfg (can be undef, but must be present) and a string representing the configuration base $cfgbase. It will then just use $cfg or it will find out regarding to $cfgbase what files should be considered. my $loadcfg_ar = $self->iterate_config_space( { cfg => $cfg, cfgbase => $cfgbase, } ); returns a list of all configuration files which should be evaluated. evaluate_config_space Takes a araay ref to a list of configuration files $loadcfg_ar, preferably cunstructed by iterate_config_space. It also taks a string $cache_dir to the temporary location of a cache_dir. This value can be empty but not undef and has to be provided. It also require the $cfgbase string, the "domain" of the configuration. It will calculate for every config file the MD5sum for later comparison. my $clean = $self->evaluate_config_space( { loadcfg_ar => $loadcfg_ar, cache_dir => $cache_dir, cfgbase => $cfgbase, } ); It will return 0 if changed files are found and 1 if no changed files are found.
This module generates the following exceptions: TODO
Not applicable.
Array::Unique Carp Class::Std Config::Any Data::Dumper Date::Manip English File::Basename File::Glob File::Path Hash::Merge Log::Log4perl Pod::Usage Readonly Storable Term::ReadKey Unicode::String version
Not known.
Not known.
See the CipUX web page and the manual at <> See the mailing list <>
Christian Kuelker <>
Copyright (C) 2007 - 2009 by Christian Kuelker This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA