bionic (3) Config::Model::Tester.3pm.gz

Provided by: libconfig-model-tester-perl_3.003-1_all bug


       Config::Model::Tester - Test framework for Config::Model


       version 3.003


        # in t/model_test.t
        use warnings;
        use strict;

        use Config::Model::Tester ;
        use ExtUtils::testlib;

        my $arg = shift || ''; # typically e t l
        my $test_only_app = shift || ''; # only run one set of test
        my $do = shift ; # select subtests to run with a regexp

        run_tests($arg, $test_only_app, $do) ;


       This class provides a way to test configuration models with tests files.  This class was designed to
       tests several models and several tests cases per model.

       A specific layout for test files must be followed.

   Test specification
       Each set of test is defined in a file like:


       This file specifies that "app-name" (which is defined in "lib/Config/Model/*.d" directory) will be used
       for the test cases defined in the "*" file.

       This file contains a list of test case (explained below) and expects a set of files used as test data.
       The layout of these test data files is explained in next section.

   Simple test file layout
       Each test case is represented by a configuration file (not a directory) in the "*-examples" directory.
       This configuration file will be used by the model to test and is copied as "$confdir/$conf_file_name"
       using the global variables explained below.

       In the example below, we have 1 app model to test: "lcdproc" and 2 tests cases. The app name matches the
       file specified in "lib/Config/Model/*.d" directory. In this case, the app name matches

        |-- model_test.t
        \-- model_tests.d           # do not change directory name
            |--   # test specification for lcdproc app
            \-- lcdproc-examples
                |-- t0              # subtest t0
                \-- LCDD-0.5.5      # subtest for older LCDproc

       Test specification is written in "" file (i.e. this modules looks for files named
       like "<app-name>>").

       Subtests data is proviced in files in directory "lcdproc-examples" ( i.e. this modules looks for test
       data in directory "<model-name>-examples>". "" contains instructions so that each
       file will be used as a "/etc/LCDd.conf" file during each test case.

       "" can contain specifications for more test cases. Each test case requires a new file
       in "lcdproc-examples" directory.

       See "Examples" for a link to the actual LCDproc model tests

   Test file layout for multi-file configuration
       When a configuration is spread over several files, each test case is provided in a sub-directory. This
       sub-directory is copied in $conf_dir (a global variable as explained below)

       In the example below, the test specification is written in "". Dpkg layout requires
       several files per test case.  "" will contain instructions so that each directory under
       "dpkg-examples" will be used.

        \--         # test specification
        \-- dpkg-examples
            \-- libversion            # example subdir, used as subtest name
                \-- debian            # directory for one test case
                    |-- changelog
                    |-- compat
                    |-- control
                    |-- copyright
                    |-- rules
                    |-- source
                    |   \-- format
                    \-- watch

       See "Examples" for a link to the (many) Dpkg model tests

   More complex file layout
       Each test case is a sub-directory on the "*-examples" directory and contains several files. The
       destination of the test files may depend on the system (e.g. the OS). For instance, system wide
       "ssh_config" is stored in "/etc/ssh" on Linux, and directly in "/etc" on MacOS.

       These files are copied in a test directory using a "setup" parameter:

         setup => {
           test_file_in_example_dir => 'destination'

       Let's consider this example of 2 tests cases for ssh:

        |-- ssh-examples
            \-- basic
                |-- system_ssh_config
                \-- user_ssh_config

       Unfortunately, "user_ssh_config" is a user file, so you specify where the home directory for the tests
       with another global variable:

         $home_for_test = '/home/joe' ;

       For Linux only, the "setup" parameter is:

        setup => {
          'system_ssh_config' => '/etc/ssh/ssh_config',
          'user_ssh_config'   => "~/.ssh/config"

       On the other hand, system wide config file is different on MacOS and the test file must be copied in the
       correct location. When the value of the "setup" hash is another hash, the key of this other hash is used
       as to specify the target location for other OS (as returned by Perl $^O variable:

             setup => {
               'system_ssh_config' => {
                   'darwin' => '/etc/ssh_config',
                   'default' => '/etc/ssh/ssh_config',
               'user_ssh_config' => "~/.ssh/config"

       See the actual Ssh and Sshd model tests <

   Basic test specification
       Each model test is specified in "<model>". This file contains a set of global variables.
       (yes, global variables are often bad ideas in programs, but they are handy for tests):

        # config file name (used to copy test case into test wr_root directory)
        $conf_file_name = "fstab" ;
        # config dir where to copy the file (optional)
        #$conf_dir = "etc" ;
        # home directory for this test
        $home_for_test = '/home/joe' ;

       Here, "t0" file will be copied in "wr_root/test-t0/etc/fstab".

        # config model name to test
        $model_to_test = "Fstab" ;

        # list of tests. This modules looks for @tests global variable
        @tests = (
            # test name
            name => 't0',
            # add optional specification here for t0 test
            name => 't1',
            # add optional specification here for t1 test

        1; # to keep Perl happy

       You can suppress warnings by specifying "no_warnings => 1". On the other hand, you may also want to check
       for warnings specified to your model. In this case, you should avoid specifying "no_warnings" here and
       specify warning tests or warning filters as mentioned below.

       See actual fstab test <>.

   Skip a test
       A test file can be skipped using $skip global variable.

       In this example, test is skipped when not running on a Debian system:

        eval { require AptPkg::Config; };
        $skip = ( $@ or not -r '/etc/debian_version' ) ? 1 : 0;

   Internal tests or backend tests
       Some tests will require the creation of a configuration class dedicated for test (typically to test
       corner cases on a backend).

       This test class can be created directly in the test specification by calling create_config_class on
       $model variable. See for instance the layer test <
       model/blob/master/t/model_tests.d/> or the test for shellvar backend

   Test specification with arbitrary file names
       In some models like "Multistrap", the config file is chosen by the user. In this case, the file name must
       be specified for each tests case:

        # not needed if test file is named
        $model_to_test = "Multistrap";

        @tests = (
               name        => 'arm',
               config_file => '/home/foo/my_arm.conf',
               check       => {},

       See the actual multistrap test <

   Backend argument
       Some application like systemd requires a backend argument specified by User (e.g. a service name for
       systemd). The parameter "backend_arg" can be specified to emulate this behavior.

   Re-use test data
       When the input data for test is quite complex (several files), it may be interested to re-use these data
       for other tests case. Knowing that test name must must unique, you can re-use test data with "data_from"
       parameter. For instance:

         @tests = (
               name  => 'some-test',
               # ...
               name  => 'some-other-test',
               data_from  => 'some-test',    # re-use data from test above
               # ...

       See plainfile backend test <> for a real life example.

   Test scenario
       Each subtest follow a sequence explained below. Each step of this sequence may be altered by adding
       specification in "<model-to-test>":

       •   Setup test in "wr_root/<subtest name>/". If your configuration file layout depend on the target
           system, you will have to specify the path using "setup" parameter.  See "Test file layout depending
           on system".

       •   Create configuration instance, load config data and check its validity. Use "load_check => 'no'" if
           your file is not valid.

       •   Check for config data warning. You should pass the list of expected warnings.  E.g.

               load_warnings => [ qr/Missing/, (qr/deprecated/) x 3 , ],

           Use an empty array_ref to mask load warnings.

       •   Optionally run update command:

               update => {
                    [ returns => 'foo' , ]
                    no_warnings => [ 0 | 1 ], # default 0
                    quiet => [ 0 | 1], # default 0, passed to update method
                    update_warnings => [ qr/.../, ]


           •   "returns" is the expected return value (optional).

           •   "no_warnings" to suppress the warnings coming from Config::Model::Value. Note that "no_warnings
               => 1" may be useful for less verbose test.

           •   "quiet" to suppress progress messages during update.

           •   "update_warnings" is an array ref of quoted regexp (See qr operator) to check the warnings
               produced during update. use "update => []" to check that no warnings are issued during update.

           All other arguments are passed to "update" method.

       •   Optionally load configuration data. You should design this config data to suppress any error or
           warning mentioned above. E.g:

               load => 'binary:seaview Synopsis="multiplatform interface for sequence alignment"',

           See Config::Model::Loader for the syntax of the string accepted by "load" parameter.

       •   Optionally, run a check before running apply_fix (if any). This step is useful to check warning

              check_before_fix => {
                 dump_errors   => [ ... ] # optional, see below
                 dump_warnings => [ ... ] # optional, see below

           Use "dump_errors" if you expect issues:

             check_before_fix => {
               dump_errors =>  [
                   # the issues  and a way to fix the issue using Config::Model::Node::load
                   qr/mandatory/ => 'Files:"*" Copyright:0="(c) foobar"',
                   qr/mandatory/ => ' License:FOO text="foo bar" ! Files:"*" License short_name="FOO" '

           Likewise, specify any expected warnings (note the list must contain only ref to regular expressions):

             check_before_fix => {
                   dump_warnings => [ (qr/deprecated/) x 3 ],

           You can tolerate any dump warning this way:

             check_before_fix => {
                   dump_warnings => undef ,

           Both "dump_warnings" and "dump_errors" can be specified in "check_before_fix" hash.

       •   Optionally, call apply_fixes:

               apply_fix => 1,

       •   Call dump_tree to check the validity of the data after optional "apply_fix". This step is not

           As with "check_before_fix", both "dump_errors" or "dump_warnings" can be used.

       •   Run specific content check to verify that configuration data was retrieved correctly:

               check => {
                   'fs:/proc fs_spec',           "proc" ,
                   'fs:/proc fs_file',           "/proc" ,
                   'fs:/home fs_file',          "/home",

           The keys of the hash points to the value to be checked using the syntax described in "grab(...)" in

           You can run check using different check modes (See "fetch( ... )" in Config::Model::Value) by passing
           a hash ref instead of a scalar :

               check  => {
                   'sections:debian packages:0' , { mode => 'layered', value => 'dpkg-dev' },
                   'sections:base packages:0',    { mode => 'layered', value => "gcc-4.2-base' },

           The whole hash content (except "value") is passed to  grab and fetch

           A regexp can also be used to check value:

              check => {
                 "License text" => qr/gnu/i,
                 "License text" => { mode => 'custom', value => qr/gnu/i },

       •   Verify if a hash contains one or more keys (or keys matching a regexp):

            has_key => [
               'sections' => 'debian', # sections must point to a hash element
               'control' => [qw/source binary/],
               'copyright Files' => qr/.c$/,
               'copyright Files' => [qr/\.h$/], qr/\.c$/],

       •   Verify that a hash has not a key (or a key matching a regexp):

            has_not_key => [
               'copyright Files' => qr/.virus$/ # silly, isn't ?

       •   Verify annotation extracted from the configuration file comments:

               verify_annotation => {
                       'source Build-Depends' => "do NOT add libgtk2-perl to build-deps (see bug #554704)",
                       'source Maintainer' => "what a fine\nteam this one is",

       •   Write back the config data in "wr_root/<subtest name>/".  Note that write back is forced, so the
           tested configuration files are written back even if the configuration values were not changed during
           the test.

           You can skip warning when writing back with the global :

               no_warnings => 1,

       •   Check the content of the written files(s) with Test::File::Contents. Tests can be grouped in an array

              file_contents => {
                       "/home/foo/my_arm.conf" => "really big string" ,
                       "/home/bar/my_arm.conf" => [ "really big string" , "another"], ,

              file_contents_like => {
                       "/home/foo/my_arm.conf" => [ qr/should be there/, qr/as well/ ] ,

              file_contents_unlike => {
                       "/home/foo/my_arm.conf" => qr/should NOT be there/ ,

       •   Check the mode of the written files:

             file_mode => {
                "~/.ssh/ssh_config"     => 0600, # octal mode
                "debian/stuff.postinst" => 0755,

           Only the last four octets of the mode are tested. I.e. the test is done with " $file_mode & 07777 "

           Note: this test is skipped on Windows

       •   Check added or removed configuration files. If you expect changes, specify a subref to alter the file

               file_check_sub => sub {
                   my $list_ref = shift ;
                   # file added during tests
                   push @$list_ref, "/debian/source/format" ;

           Note that actual and expected file lists are sorted before check, adding a file can be done with

       •   Copy all config data from "wr_root/<subtest name>/" to "wr_root/<subtest name>-w/". This steps is
           necessary to check that configuration written back has the same content as the original

       •   Create a second configuration instance to read the conf file that was just copied (configuration data
           is checked.)

       •   You can skip the load check if the written file still contain errors (e.g.  some errors were ignored
           and cannot be fixed) with "load_check2 => 'no'"

       •   Optionally load configuration data in the second instance. You should design this config data to
           suppress any error or warning that occur in the step below. E.g:

               load2 => 'binary:seaview',

           See Config::Model::Loader for the syntax of the string accepted by "load2" parameter.

       •   Compare data read from original data.

       •   Run specific content check on the written config file to verify that configuration data was written
           and retrieved correctly:

               wr_check => {
                   'fs:/proc fs_spec' =>          "proc" ,
                   'fs:/proc fs_file' =>          "/proc",
                   'fs:/home fs_file' =>          "/home",

           Like the "check" item explained above, you can run "wr_check" using different check modes.

   Running the test
       Run all tests with one of these commands:

        prove -l t/model_test.t :: [ t|l|e [ <model_name> [ <regexp> ]]]
        perl -Ilib t/model_test.t  [ t|l|e [ <model_name> [ <regexp> ]]]

       By default, all tests are run on all models.

       You can pass arguments to "t/model_test.t":

       •   a bunch of letters. 't' to get test traces. 'e' to get stack trace in case of errors, 'l' to have
           logs. All other letters are ignored. E.g.

             # run with log and error traces
             prove -lv t/model_test.t :: el

       •   The model name to tests. E.g.:

             # run only fstab tests
             prove -lv t/model_test.t :: x fstab

       •   A regexp to filter subtest E.g.:

             # run only fstab tests foobar subtest
             prove -lv t/model_test.t :: x fstab foobar

             # run only fstab tests foo subtest
             prove -lv t/model_test.t :: x fstab '^foo$'


       •   LCDproc <> has a single configuration file: "/etc/LCDd.conf". Here's LCDproc test
           layout <> and the test
           specification <

       •   Dpkg packages are constructed from several files. These files are handled like configuration files by
           Config::Model::Dpkg. The test layout <
           perl/packages/libconfig-model-dpkg-perl.git;a=tree;f=t/model_tests.d;hb=HEAD> features test with
           multiple file in dpkg-examples <
           model-dpkg-perl.git;a=tree;f=t/model_tests.d/dpkg-examples;hb=HEAD>.  The test is specified in

       • <
           model/blob/master/t/model_tests.d/> and multistrap-examples
           <> specify a
           test where the configuration file name is not imposed by the application. The file name must then be
           set in the test specification.

       • <
           model/blob/master/t/model_tests.d/> is a more complex example showing
           how to test a backend. The test is done creating a dummy model within the test specification.


       •   Config::Model

       •   Test::More


       Dominique Dumont

       This software is Copyright (c) 2013-2017 by Dominique Dumont.

       This is free software, licensed under:

         The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999


       The following websites have more information about this module, and may be of help to you. As always, in
       addition to those websites please use your favorite search engine to discover more resources.

       •   Search CPAN

           The default CPAN search engine, useful to view POD in HTML format.


       •   AnnoCPAN

           The AnnoCPAN is a website that allows community annotations of Perl module documentation.


       •   CPAN Ratings

           The CPAN Ratings is a website that allows community ratings and reviews of Perl modules.


       •   CPANTS

           The CPANTS is a website that analyzes the Kwalitee ( code metrics ) of a distribution.


       •   CPAN Testers

           The CPAN Testers is a network of smokers who run automated tests on uploaded CPAN distributions.


       •   CPAN Testers Matrix

           The CPAN Testers Matrix is a website that provides a visual overview of the test results for a
           distribution on various Perls/platforms.


       •   CPAN Testers Dependencies

           The CPAN Testers Dependencies is a website that shows a chart of the test results of all dependencies
           for a distribution.


   Bugs / Feature Requests
       Please report any bugs or feature requests by email to "ddumont at", or through the web
       interface at <>. You will be automatically notified
       of any progress on the request by the system.

   Source Code
       The code is open to the world, and available for you to hack on. Please feel free to browse it and play
       with it, or whatever. If you want to contribute patches, please send me a diff or prod me to pull from
       your repository :)


         git clone git://