bionic (3) CosNotification_QoSAdmin.3erl.gz

CosNotification_QoSAdmin - This module implements the OMG CosNotification::QoSAdmin interface.
To get access to the record definitions for the structures use: -include_lib("cosNotification/include/*.hrl"). All objects, which inherit this interface, export functions described in this module.
get_qos(Object) -> Reply Types: Object = #objref Reply = [QoSProperty] QoSProperty = #'CosNotification_Property'{name, value} name = string() value = #any This operation returns a list of name-value pairs which encapsulates the current QoS settings for the target object. set_qos(Object, QoS) -> Reply Types: Object = #objref QoS = [QoSProperty] QoSProperty = #'CosNotification_Property'{name, value} name = string() value = #any Reply = ok | {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotification_UnsupportedQoS'{qos_err}} qos_err = PropertyErrorSeq PropertyErrorSeq = [PropertyError] PropertyError = #'CosNotification_PropertyError'{code, name, available_range} code = 'UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY' | 'UNAVAILABLE_PROPERTY' | 'UNSUPPORTED_VALUE' | 'UNAVAILABLE_VALUE' | 'BAD_PROPERTY' | 'BAD_TYPE' | 'BAD_VALUE' name = string() available_range = PropertyRange PropertyRange = #CosNotification_PropertyRange{low_val, high_val} low_val = high_val = #any To alter the current QoS settings for the target object this function must be used. If it is not possible to set the requested QoS the UnsupportedQoS exception is raised, which includes a sequence of PropertyError's describing which QoS, possible range and why is not allowed. validate_qos(Object, QoS) -> Reply Types: Object = #objref QoS = [QoSProperty] QoSProperty = #'Property'{name, value} name = string() value = #any Reply = {ok, NamedPropertyRangeSeq} | {'EXCEPTION', CosNotification_UnsupportedQoS{}} NamedPropertyRangeSeq = [NamedPropertyRange] NamedPropertyRange = #CosNotification_NamedPropertyRange{name, range} name = string() range = #CosNotification_PropertyRange{low_val, high_val} low_val = #any high_val = #any The purpose of this operations is to check if a QoS setting is supported by the target object and if so, the operation returns additional properties which could be optionally added as well.