bionic (3) CosTransactions_RecoveryCoordinator.3erl.gz

Provided by: erlang-manpages_20.2.2+dfsg-1ubuntu2_all bug


       CosTransactions_RecoveryCoordinator - This module implements the OMG CosTransactions::RecoveryCoordinator


       To get access to the record definitions for the structures use:


       replay_completion(RecoveryCoordinator, Timeout, Resource) -> Return


                 RecoveryCoordinator = #objref
                 Timeout = integer(), milliseconds | 'infinity'
                 Resource = #objref
                 Return = Status | {'EXCEPTION', E}
                 E = #'CosTransactions_NotPrepared'{}
                 Status = atom()

              The      RecoveryCoordinator      object      is       returned       by       the       operation
              CosTransactions_Coordinator:register_resource/3.  The  replay_completion/2 may only be used by the
              registered Resource and returns the current status of the transaction. The operation is used  when
              recovering after a failure.

              Possible Status replies:

                * 'StatusCommitted'

                * 'StatusCommitting'

                * 'StatusMarkedRollback'

                * 'StatusRollingBack'

                * 'StatusRolledBack'

                * 'StatusActive'

                * 'StatusPrepared'

                * 'StatusUnknown'

                * 'StatusNoTransaction'

                * 'StatusPreparing'

              replay_completion/3 is blocking and may cause dead-lock if a child calls this function at the same
              time as its parent invokes an operation on the child. Dead-lock will not occur if the timeout  has
              any value except 'infinity'.

              If  the  call  is  external incoming (intra-ORB) the timeout will not be activated. Hence, similar
              action must be taken if the Resource resides on another vendors ORB.