bionic (3) Danga::Socket.3pm.gz

Provided by: libdanga-socket-perl_1.61-2_all bug


       Danga::Socket - Event loop and event-driven async socket base class


         package My::Socket
         use Danga::Socket;
         use base ('Danga::Socket');
         use fields ('my_attribute');

         sub new {
            my My::Socket $self = shift;
            $self = fields::new($self) unless ref $self;
            $self->SUPER::new( @_ );

            $self->{my_attribute} = 1234;
            return $self;

         sub event_err { ... }
         sub event_hup { ... }
         sub event_write { ... }
         sub event_read { ... }
         sub close { ... }


         # write returns 1 if all writes have gone through, or 0 if there
         # are writes in queue
         $my_sock->write(sub { ... });  # run when previous data written
         $my_sock->write(undef);        # kick-starts

         # read max $bytecount bytes, or undef on connection closed
         $scalar_ref = $my_sock->read($bytecount);

         # watch for writability.  not needed with ->write().  write()
         # will automatically turn on watch_write when you wrote too much
         # and turn it off when done

         # watch for readability

         # if you read too much and want to push some back on
         # readable queue.  (not incredibly well-tested)
         $my_sock->push_back_read($buf); # scalar or scalar ref

         Danga::Socket->WatchedSockets();  # count of DescriptorMap keys


       This is an abstract base class for objects backed by a socket which provides the basic framework for
       event-driven asynchronous IO, designed to be fast.  Danga::Socket is both a base class for objects, and
       an event loop.

       Callers subclass Danga::Socket.  Danga::Socket's constructor registers itself with the Danga::Socket
       event loop, and invokes callbacks on the object for readability, writability, errors, and other

       Because Danga::Socket uses the "fields" module, your subclasses must too.


       For now, see servers using Danga::Socket for guidance.  For example: perlbal, mogilefsd, or ddlockd.


       Note where ""CLASS"" is used below, normally you would call these methods as:


       However using a subclass works too.

       The CLASS methods are all methods for the event loop part of Danga::Socket, whereas the object methods
       are all used on your subclasses.

       Reset all state

       Returns a true value if this class will use IO::Epoll for async IO.

       Returns the number of file descriptors which are registered with the global poll object.

       Turns profiling on, clearing current profiling data.

       Turns off profiling, but retains data up to this point

       Returns reference to a hash of data in format:

         ITEM => [ utime, stime, #calls ]

       Return the list of sockets that are awaiting close() at the end of the current event loop.

   "CLASS->OtherFds( [%fdmap] )"
       Get/set the hash of file descriptors that need processing in parallel with the registered Danga::Socket

   "CLASS->AddOtherFds( [%fdmap] )"
       Add fds to the OtherFds hash for processing.

   "CLASS->SetLoopTimeout( $timeout )"
       Set the loop timeout for the event loop to some value in milliseconds.

       A timeout of 0 (zero) means poll forever. A timeout of -1 means poll and return immediately.

   "CLASS->DebugMsg( $format, @args )"
       Print the debugging message specified by the "sprintf"-style format and args

   "CLASS->AddTimer( $seconds, $coderef )"
       Add a timer to occur $seconds from now. $seconds may be fractional, but timers are not guaranteed to fire
       at the exact time you ask for.

       Returns a timer object which you can call "$timer->cancel" on if you need to.

       Get the hash of Danga::Socket objects keyed by the file descriptor (fileno) they are wrapping.

       Returns a hash in list context or a hashref in scalar context.

       Start processing IO events. In most daemon programs this never exits. See "PostLoopCallback" below for
       how to exit the loop.

   "CLASS->SetPostLoopCallback( CODEREF )"
       Sets post loop callback function.  Pass a subref and it will be called every time the event loop

       Return 1 (or any true value) from the sub to make the loop continue, 0 or false and it will exit.

       The callback function will be passed two parameters: \%DescriptorMap, \%OtherFds.

   "CLASS->new( $socket )"
       Create a new Danga::Socket subclass object for the given socket which will react to events on it during
       the "EventLoop".

       This is normally (always?) called from your subclass via:


   "$obj->tcp_cork( $boolean )"
       Turn TCP_CORK on or off depending on the value of boolean.

       Basically returns our socket and makes it so that we don't try to close it, but we do remove it from
       epoll handlers.  THIS CLOSES $self.  It is the same thing as calling close, except it gives you the
       socket to use.

   "$obj->close( [$reason] )"
       Close the socket. The reason argument will be used in debugging messages.

       Returns the underlying IO::Handle for the object.

   "$obj->set_writer_func( CODEREF )"
       Sets a function to use instead of "syswrite()" when writing data to the socket.

   "$obj->write( $data )"
       Write the specified data to the underlying handle.  data may be scalar, scalar ref, code ref (to run when
       there), or undef just to kick-start.  Returns 1 if writes all went through, or 0 if there are writes in
       queue. If it returns 1, caller should stop waiting for 'writable' events)

   "$obj->push_back_read( $buf )"
       Push back buf (a scalar or scalarref) into the read stream. Useful if you read more than you need to and
       want to return this data on the next "read".

   "$obj->read( $bytecount )"
       Read at most bytecount bytes from the underlying handle; returns scalar ref on read, or undef on
       connection closed.

   (VIRTUAL) "$obj->event_read()"
       Readable event handler. Concrete deriviatives of Danga::Socket should provide an implementation of this.
       The default implementation will die if called.

   (VIRTUAL) "$obj->event_err()"
       Error event handler. Concrete deriviatives of Danga::Socket should provide an implementation of this. The
       default implementation will die if called.

   (VIRTUAL) "$obj->event_hup()"
       'Hangup' event handler. Concrete deriviatives of Danga::Socket should provide an implementation of this.
       The default implementation will die if called.

       Writable event handler. Concrete deriviatives of Danga::Socket may wish to provide an implementation of
       this. The default implementation calls "write()" with an "undef".

   "$obj->watch_read( $boolean )"
       Turn 'readable' event notification on or off.

   "$obj->watch_write( $boolean )"
       Turn 'writable' event notification on or off.

   "$obj->dump_error( $message )"
       Prints to STDERR a backtrace with information about this socket and what lead up to the dump_error call.

   "$obj->debugmsg( $format, @args )"
       Print the debugging message specified by the "sprintf"-style format and args.

       Returns the string describing the peer's IP

       Returns the string describing the peer for the socket which underlies this object in form "ip:port"

       Returns the string describing the local IP

       Returns the string describing the local end of the socket which underlies this object in form "ip:port"

       Returns a string describing this socket.


       Brad Fitzpatrick <> - author

       Michael Granger <> - docs, testing

       Mark Smith <> - contributor, heavy user, testing

       Matt Sergeant <> - kqueue support, docs, timers, other bits


       Not documented enough (but isn't that true of every project?).

       tcp_cork only works on Linux for now.  No BSD push/nopush support.


       License is granted to use and distribute this module under the same terms as Perl itself.