bionic (3) Finance::Quote.3pm.gz

Provided by: libfinance-quote-perl_1.47-1_all bug


       Finance::Quote - Get stock and mutual fund quotes from various exchanges


          use Finance::Quote;
          $q = Finance::Quote->new;


          $conversion_rate = $q->currency("AUD","USD");
          $q->set_currency("EUR");  # Return all info in Euros.

          $q->require_labels(qw/price date high low volume/);

          $q->failover(1); # Set failover support (on by default).

          %quotes  = $q->fetch("nasdaq",@stocks);
          $hashref = $q->fetch("nyse",@stocks);


       This module gets stock quotes from various internet sources, including Yahoo! Finance, Fidelity
       Investments, and the Australian Stock Exchange.  There are two methods of using this module -- a
       functional interface that is deprecated, and an object-orientated method that provides greater
       flexibility and stability.

       With the exception of straight currency exchange rates, all information is returned as a two-dimensional
       hash (or a reference to such a hash, if called in a scalar context).  For example:

           %info = $q->fetch("australia","CML");
           print "The price of CML is ".$info{"CML","price"};

       The first part of the hash (eg, "CML") is referred to as the stock.  The second part (in this case,
       "price") is referred to as the label.

       When information about a stock is returned, the following standard labels may be used.  Some custom-
       written modules may use labels not mentioned here.  If you wish to be certain that you obtain a certain
       set of labels for a given stock, you can specify that using require_labels().

           name         Company or Mutual Fund Name
           last         Last Price
           high         Highest trade today
           low          Lowest trade today
           date         Last Trade Date  (MM/DD/YY format)
           time         Last Trade Time
           net          Net Change
           p_change     Percent Change from previous day's close
           volume       Volume
           avg_vol      Average Daily Vol
           bid          Bid
           ask          Ask
           close        Previous Close
           open         Today's Open
           day_range    Day's Range
           year_range   52-Week Range
           eps          Earnings per Share
           pe           P/E Ratio
           div_date     Dividend Pay Date
           div          Dividend per Share
           div_yield    Dividend Yield
           cap          Market Capitalization
           ex_div       Ex-Dividend Date.
           nav          Net Asset Value
           yield        Yield (usually 30 day avg)
           exchange     The exchange the information was obtained from.
           success      Did the stock successfully return information? (true/false)
           errormsg     If success is false, this field may contain the reason why.
           method       The module (as could be passed to fetch) which found this
           type         The type of equity returned

       If all stock lookups fail (possibly because of a failed connection) then the empty list may be returned,
       or undef in a scalar context.


       To install this module, run the following commands:

           perl Makefile.PL
           make test
           make install

       For more detailed instructions, please see the INSTALL file.


       After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

           perldoc Finance::Quote

       You can also look for information at:

       RT, CPAN's request tracker

       AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation

       CPAN Ratings

       Search CPAN

       The Finance::Quote home page

       The Finance::YahooQuote home page

       The GnuCash home page


           my $q = Finance::Quote->new;
           my $q = Finance::Quote->new("ASX");
           my $q = Finance::Quote->new("-defaults", "CustomModule");

       With no arguents, this creates a new Finance::Quote object with the default methods.  If the environment
       variable FQ_LOAD_QUOTELET is set, then the contents of FQ_LOAD_QUOTELET (split on whitespace) will be
       used as the argument list.  This allows users to load their own custom modules without having to change
       existing code.  If you do not want users to be able to load their own modules at run-time, pass an
       explicit argumetn to ->new() (usually "-defaults").

       When new() is passed one or more arguments, an object is created with only the specified modules loaded.
       If the first argument is "-defaults", then the default modules will be loaded first, followed by any
       other specified modules.

       Note that the FQ_LOAD_QUOTELET environment variable must begin with "-defaults" if you wish the default
       modules to be loaded.

       Any modules specified will automatically be looked for in the Finance::Quote:: module-space.  Hence,
       Finance::Quote->new("ASX") will load the module Finance::Quote::ASX.

       Please read the Finance::Quote hacker's guide for information on how to create new modules for

           my %stocks  = $q->fetch("usa","IBM","MSFT","LNUX");
           my $hashref = $q->fetch("usa","IBM","MSFT","LNUX");

       Fetch takes an exchange as its first argument.  The second and remaining arguments are treated as stock-
       names.  In the standard Finance::Quote distribution, the following exchanges are recognised:

           australia   Australan Stock Exchange
           dwsfunds    Deutsche Bank Gruppe funds
           fidelity    Fidelity Investments
           tiaacref    TIAA-CREF
           troweprice    T. Rowe Price
           europe    European Markets
           canada    Canadian Markets
           usa     USA Markets
           nyse    New York Stock Exchange
           nasdaq    NASDAQ
           uk_unit_trusts  UK Unit Trusts
           vanguard    Vanguard Investments
           vwd     Vereinigte Wirtschaftsdienste GmbH

       When called in an array context, a hash is returned.  In a scalar context, a reference to a hash will be
       returned.  The structure of this hash is described earlier in this document.

       The fetch method automatically arranges for failover support and currency conversion if requested.

       If you wish to fetch information from only one particular source, then consult the documentation of that
       sub-module for further information.

           my @sources = $q->sources;
           my $listref = $q->sources;

       The sources method returns a list of sources that have currently been loaded and can be passed to the
       fetch method.  If you're providing a user with a list of sources to choose from, then it is recommended
       that you use this method.

           $currencies_by_name = $q->currency_lookup( name => 'Australian' );
           $currencies_by_code = $q->currency_lookup( code => qr/^b/i      );
           $currencies_by_both = $q->currency_lookup( name => qr/pound/i
                                                    , code => 'GB'         );

       The currency_lookup method provides a search against the known currencies. The list of currencies is
       based on the available currencies in the Yahoo Currency Converter (the list is stored within the module
       as the list should be fairly static).

       The lookup can be done by currency name (ie "Australian Dollar"), by code (ie "AUD") or both. You can
       pass either a scalar or regular expression as a search value - scalar values are matched by substring
       while regular expressions are matched as-is (no changes are made to the expression).

       See Finance::Quote::Currencies::fetch_live_currencies (and the "t/currencies.t" test file) for a way to
       make sure that the stored currency list is up to date.

           $conversion_rate = $q->currency("USD","AUD");

       The currency method takes two arguments, and returns a conversion rate that can be used to convert from
       the first currency into the second.  In the example above, we've requested the factor that would convert
       US dollars into Australian dollars.

       The currency method will return a false value if a given currency conversion cannot be fetched.

       At the moment, currency rates are fetched from Yahoo!, and the information returned is governed by
       Yahoo!'s terms and conditions.  See Finance::Quote::Yahoo for more information.

           $q->set_currency("FRF");  # Get results in French Francs.

       The set_currency method can be used to request that all information be returned in the specified
       currency.  Note that this increases the chance stock-lookup failure, as remote requests must be made to
       fetch both the stock information and the currency rates.  In order to improve reliability and speed
       performance, currency conversion rates are cached and are assumed not to change for the duration of the
       Finance::Quote object.

       At this time, currency conversions are only looked up using Yahoo!'s services, and hence information
       obtained with automatic currency conversion is bound by Yahoo!'s terms and conditions.

           $q->failover(1);  # Set automatic failover support.
           $q->failover(0);  # Disable failover support.

       The failover method takes a single argument which either sets (if true) or unsets (if false) automatic
       failover support.  If automatic failover support is enabled (default) then multiple information sources
       will be tried if one or more sources fail to return the requested information.  Failover support will
       significantly increase the time spent looking for a non-existant stock.

       If the failover method is called with no arguments, or with an undefined argument, it will return the
       current failover state (true/false).

           my $ua = $q->user_agent;

       The user_agent method returns the LWP::UserAgent object that Finance::Quote and its helpers use.
       Normally this would not be useful to an application, however it is possible to modify the user-agent
       directly using this method:

           $q->user_agent->timeout(10);  # Set the timeout directly.

           my $pounds = $q->scale_field($item_in_pence,0.01);

       The scale_field() function is a helper that can scale complex fields such as ranges (eg, "102.5 - 103.8")
       and other fields where the numbers should be scaled but any surrounding text preserved.  It's most useful
       in writing new Finance::Quote modules where you may retrieve information in a non-ISO4217 unit (such as
       cents) and would like to scale it to a more useful unit (like dollars).

           $q->isoTime("11:39PM");    # returns "23:39"
           $q->isoTime("9:10 AM");    # returns "09:10"

       This function will return a isoformatted time


       Finance::Quote respects all environment that your installed version of LWP::UserAgent respects.  Most
       importantly, it respects the http_proxy environment variable.


       There are no ways for a user to define a failover list.

       The two-dimensional hash is a somewhat unwieldly method of passing around information when compared to
       references.  A future release is planned that will allow for information to be returned in a more
       flexible $hash{$stock}{$label} style format.

       There is no way to override the default behaviour to cache currency conversion rates.

        Copyright 1998, Dj Padzensky
        Copyright 1998, 1999 Linas Vepstas
        Copyright 2000, Yannick LE NY (update for Yahoo Europe and YahooQuote)
        Copyright 2000-2001, Paul Fenwick (updates for ASX, maintenance and release)
        Copyright 2000-2001, Brent Neal (update for TIAA-CREF)
        Copyright 2000 Volker Stuerzl (DWS and VWD support)
        Copyright 2000 Keith Refson (Trustnet support)
        Copyright 2001 Rob Sessink (AEX support)
        Copyright 2001 Leigh Wedding (ASX updates)
        Copyright 2001 Tobias Vancura (Fool support)
        Copyright 2001 James Treacy (TD Waterhouse support)
        Copyright 2008 Erik Colson (isoTime)

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
       General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
       (at your option) any later version.

       Currency information fetched through this module is bound by Yahoo!'s terms and conditons.

       Other copyrights and conditions may apply to data fetched through this module.  Please refer to the sub-
       modules for further information.


         Dj Padzensky <>, PadzNet, Inc.
         Linas Vepstas <>
         Yannick LE NY <>
         Paul Fenwick <>
         Brent Neal <>
         Volker Stuerzl <>
         Keith Refson <>
         Rob Sessink <>
         Leigh Wedding <>
         Tobias Vancura <>
         James Treacy <>
         Bradley Dean <>
         Erik Colson <>

       The Finance::Quote home page can be found at

       The Finance::YahooQuote home page can be found at

       The GnuCash home page can be found at


       Finance::Quote::AEX, Finance::Quote::ASX, Finance::Quote::Cdnfundlibrary, Finance::Quote::DWS,
       Finance::Quote::Fidelity, Finance::Quote::FinanceCanada, Finance::Quote::Fool,
       Finance::Quote::FTPortfolios, Finance::Quote::Tdefunds, Finance::Quote::Tdwaterhouse,
       Finance::Quote::Tiaacref, Finance::Quote::Troweprice, Finance::Quote::Trustnet, Finance::Quote::VWD,
       Finance::Quote::Yahoo::Australia, Finance::Quote::Yahoo::Europe, Finance::Quote::Yahoo::USA,

       You should have also received the Finance::Quote hacker's guide with this package.  Please read it if you
       are interested in adding extra methods to this package.  The hacker's guide can also be found on the
       Finance::Quote website,