bionic (3) Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Simple.3pm.gz

Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Simple - Base module for building Lemonldap::NG compatible portals
use Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Simple; my $portal = new Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Simple( domain => '', globalStorage => 'Apache::Session::MySQL', globalStorageOptions => { DataSource => 'dbi:mysql:database=dbname;host=', UserName => 'db_user', Password => 'db_password', TableName => 'sessions', LockDataSource => 'dbi:mysql:database=dbname;host=', LockUserName => 'db_user', LockPassword => 'db_password', }, ldapServer => ',', securedCookie => 1, exportedVars => { uid => 'uid', cn => 'cn', mail => 'mail', appli => 'appli', }, # Activate SOAP service Soap => 1 ); if($portal->process()) { # Write here the menu with CGI methods. This page is displayed ONLY IF # the user was not redirected here. print $portal->header('text/html; charset=utf-8'); # DON'T FORGET THIS (see L<CGI(3)>) print "..."; # or redirect the user to the menu print $portal->redirect( -uri => 'https://portal/menu'); } else { # Write here the html form used to authenticate with CGI methods. # $portal->error returns the error message if athentification failed # Warning: by default, input names are "user" and "password" print $portal->header('text/html; charset=utf-8'); # DON'T FORGET THIS (see L<CGI(3)>) print "..."; print '<form method="POST">'; # In your form, the following value is required for redirection print '<input type="hidden" name="url" value="'.$portal->param('url').'">'; # Next, login and password print 'Login : <input name="user"><br>'; print 'Password : <input name="password" type="password">'; print '<input type="submit" value="go" />'; print '</form>'; } SOAP mode authentication (client) : #!/usr/bin/perl -l use SOAP::Lite; use Data::Dumper; my $soap = SOAP::Lite->proxy('') ->uri('urn:/Lemonldap::NG::Common::CGI::SOAPService'); my $r = $soap->getCookies( 'user', 'password' ); # Catch SOAP errors if ( $r->fault ) { print STDERR "SOAP Error: " . $r->fault->{faultstring}; } else { my $res = $r->result(); # If authentication failed, display error if ( $res->{error} ) { print STDERR "Error: " . $soap->error( $res->{error} )->result(); } # print session-ID else { print "Cookie: lemonldap=" . $res->{cookies}->{lemonldap}; } }
Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Simple is the base module for building Lemonldap::NG compatible portals. You can use it either by inheritance or by writing anonymous methods like in the example above. See Lemonldap::NG::Portal::SharedConf for a complete example of use of Lemonldap::Portal::* libraries.
Constructor (new) Args • ldapServer: server(s) used to retrieve session information and to valid credentials (localhost by default). More than one server can be set here separated by commas. The servers will be tested in the specifies order. To use TLS, set "ldap+tls://server" and to use LDAPS, set "ldaps://server" instead of server name. If you use TLS, you can set any of the Net::LDAP->start_tls() sub like this: "ldap/tls://server/verify=none&capath=/etc/ssl" You can also use caFile and caPath parameters. • ldapPort: tcp port used by ldap server. • ldapBase: base of the ldap directory. • managerDn: dn to used to connect to ldap server. By default, anonymous bind is used. • managerPassword: password to used to connect to ldap server. By default, anonymous bind is used. • securedCookie: set it to 1 if you want to protect user cookies. • cookieName: name of the cookie used by Lemonldap::NG (lemon by default). • domain: cookie domain. You may have to give it else the SSO will work only on your server. • globalStorage: required: Apache::Session library to used to store session information. • globalStorageOptions: parameters to bind to Apache::Session module • authentication: sheme to authenticate users (default: "ldap"). It can be set to: • SSL: See Lemonldap::NG::Portal::AuthSSL. • caPath, caFile: if you use ldap+tls you can overwrite cafile or capath options with those parameters. This is useful if you use a shared configuration. • ldapPpolicyControl: set it to 1 if you want to use LDAP Password Policy • grantSessionRule: rule applied to grant session opening for a user. Can use all exported attributes, macros, groups and custom functions. Methods that can be overloaded All the functions above can be overloaded to adapt Lemonldap::NG to your environment. They MUST return one of the exported constants (see above) and are called in this order by process(). controlUrlOrigin If the user was redirected by a Lemonldap::NG handler, stores the url that will be used to redirect the user after authentication. controlExistingSession Controls if a previous session is always available. If true, it call the sub "existingSession" with two parameters: id and a scalar tied on Apache::Session module choosed to store sessions. See below existingSession This sub is called only if a previous session exists and is available. By defaults, it returns PE_OK so user is re-authenticated. You can overload it: for example if existingSession just returns PE_DONE: authenticated users are not re-authenticated and ""process> returns true. extractFormInfo Method implemented into Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Auth* modules. By default (ldap bind), converts form input into object variables ($self->{user} and $self->{password}). formateParams Does nothing. To be overloaded if needed. formateFilter Creates the ldap filter using $self->{user}. By default : $self->{filter} = "(&(uid=" . $self->{user} . ")(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))"; If $self->{AuthLDAPFilter} is set, it is used instead of this. This is used by Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Auth* modules to overload filter. connectLDAP Connects to LDAP server. bind Binds to the LDAP server using $self->{managerDn} and $self->{managerPassword} if exist. Anonymous bind is provided else. search Retrieves the LDAP entry corresponding to the user using $self->{filter}. setAuthSessionInfo Same as setSessionInfo but implemented in Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Auth* modules. setSessionInfo Prepares variables to store in central cache (stored temporarily in "$self-"{sessionInfo}>). It use "exportedVars" entry (passed to the new sub) if defined to know what to store else it stores uid, cn and mail attributes. getSessionInfo Pick up an information stored in session. setGroups Does nothing by default. authenticate Method implemented in Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Auth* modules. By default (ldap), authenticates the user by rebinding to the LDAP server using the dn retrieved with search() and the password. grantSession Use grantSessionRule parameter to allow session opening. store Stores information collected by setSessionInfo into the central cache. The portal connects the cache using the Apache::Session module passed by the globalStorage parameters (see constructor). unbind Disconnects from the LDAP server. buildCookie Creates the Lemonldap::NG cookie. log Does nothing. To be overloaded if wanted. autoRedirect Redirects the user to the url stored by controlUrlOrigin(). Other methods process Main method. error Returns the error message corresponding to the error returned by the methods described above error_type Give the type of the error (positive, warning or positive) _bind( $ldap, $dn, $password ) Method used to bind to the ldap server. header Overloads the CGI::header method to add Lemonldap::NG cookie. redirect Overloads the CGI::redirect method to add Lemonldap::NG cookie. EXPORT Constants • PE_OK: all is good • PE_SESSIONEXPIRED: the user session has expired • PE_FORMEMPTY: Nothing was entered in the login form • PE_USERNOTFOUND: the user was not found in the (ldap) directory • PE_WRONGMANAGERACCOUNT: the account used to bind to LDAP server in order to find the user distinguished name (dn) was refused by the server • PE_BADCREDENTIALS: bad login or password • PE_LDAPERROR: abnormal error from ldap • PE_APACHESESSIONERROR: abnormal error from Apache::Session • PE_FIRSTACCESS: First access to the portal • PE_BADCERTIFICATE: Wrong certificate • PE_PP_ACCOUNT_LOCKED: account locked • PE_PP_PASSWORD_EXPIRED: password axpired • PE_CERTIFICATEREQUIRED: certificate required • PE_ERROR: unclassified error
Lemonldap::NG::Handler, Lemonldap::NG::Portal::SharedConf, CGI, <>
Clement Oudot, <> François-Xavier Deltombe, <> Xavier Guimard, <> Sandro Cazzaniga, <> Thomas Chemineau, <>
Use OW2 system to report bug or ask for features: <>
Lemonldap::NG is available at <>
Copyright (C) 2005-2016 by Xavier Guimard, <> Copyright (C) 2012 by Sandro Cazzaniga, <> Copyright (C) 2012-2013 by François-Xavier Deltombe, <> Copyright (C) 2006-2016 by Clement Oudot, <> Copyright (C) 2010-2011 by Thomas Chemineau, <> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.