bionic (3) Mixin::ExtraFields.3pm.gz

Provided by: libmixin-extrafields-perl_0.140001-1_all bug


       Mixin::ExtraFields - add extra stashes of data to your objects


       version 0.140001


       If you use the ExtraFields mixin in your class:

         package Corporate::WorkOrder;

         use Mixin::ExtraFields -fields => {
           id      => 'workorder_id',
           moniker => 'note',
           driver  => { HashGuts => { hash_key => '_notes' } }

       ...your objects will then have methods for manipulating their extra fields:

         my $workorder = Corporate::WorkOrder->retrieve(1234);

         if ($workorder->note_exists('debug_next')) {
           warn $workorder->note_get('debug_next');

         if ($workorder->note_get('time_bomb')) {
             last_explosion  => time,
             explosion_cause => 'time bomb',


       Sometimes your well-defined object needs a way to tack on arbirary extra fields.  This might be a set of
       session-specific ephemeral data, a stash of settings that need to be easy to grow over time, or any sort
       of name-and-value parameters.  Adding more and more methods can be cumbersome, and may not be helpful if
       the names vary greatly.  Accessing an object's guts directly is simple, but is difficult to control when
       subclassing, and can make altering your object's structure difficult.

       Mixin::ExtraFields provides a simple way to add an arbitrary number of stashes for named data.  These
       data can be stored in the object, in a database, or anywhere else.  The storage mechanism is abstracted
       away from the provided interface, so one storage mechanism can be easily swapped for another.  Multiple
       ExtraFields stashes can be mixed into one class, using one or many storage mechanisms.


       To create a stash of extra fields, just "use" Mixin::ExtraFields and import the "fields" group like this:

         use Mixin::ExtraFields -fields => { driver => 'SomeDriver' };

       The only argument required for the group is "driver", which names the driver (storage mechanism) to use.
       For more information, see "Specifying a Driver", below.

       Other valid arguments are:

         id - the name of the method to call on objects to get their unique identifier
              default: id; an explicit undef will use each object's reference addr

         moniker - the name to use in forming mixed-in method names
                   default: extra

   Specifying a Driver
       The "driver" argument can be given as either a driver identifier or a reference to a hash of options.  If
       given as a hash reference, one of the entries in the hash must be "class", giving the driver identifier
       for the driver.

       A driver identifier must be either:

       •   an object of a class descended from the driver base class

       •   a partial class name, to follow the driver base class name

       •   a full class name, prepended with +

       The driver base class is provided by the "driver_base_class" method.  In almost all cases, it will be


       The default implementation of Mixin::ExtraFields provides a number of methods for accessing the extras.

       Wherever "extra" appears in the following method names, the "moniker" argument given to the "fields"
       group will be used instead.  For example, if the use statement looked like this:

        use Mixin::ExtraFields -fields => { moniker => 'info', driver => 'HashGuts' };

       ...then a method called "exists_info" would be generated, rather than "exists_extra".  The "fields" group
       also respects renaming options documented in Sub::Exporter.

         if ($obj->exists_extra($name)) { ... }

       This method returns true if there is an entry in the extras for the given name.

         my $value = $obj->get_extra($name);

         my $value_hash = $obj->get_detailed_extra($name);

       These methods return the entry for the given name.  If none exists, the method returns undef.  The
       detailed version of this method will return a hashref describing all information available about the
       entry.  While this information is driver-specific, it is required to have an entry for the key "entry",
       providing the value that would have been returned by "get_extra".

         my %extra = $obj->get_all_extra;

         my %extra_hash = $obj->get_all_detailed_extra;

       These methods return a list of name/value pairs.  The values are in the same form as those returned by
       the get-by-name methods, above.

         my @names = $obj->get_all_extra_names;

       This method returns the names of all existing extras.

         $obj->set_extra($name => $value);

       This method sets the given extra.  If no entry existed before, one is created.  If one existed for this
       name, it is replaced.


       This method deletes the named entry.  After deletion, no entry will exist for that name.


       This method deletes all entries for the object.


       Mixin::ExtraFields can be subclassed to produce different methods, provide different names, or behave
       differently in other ways.  Subclassing Mixin::ExtraFields can produce many distinct and powerful tools.

       None of the generated methods, above, are implemented in Mixin::ExtraFields.  The methods below are its
       actual methods, which work together to build and export the methods that are mixed in.  These are the
       methods you should override when subclassing Mixin::ExtraFields.

       For information on writing drivers, see Mixin::ExtraFields::Driver.

       This method returns the default moniker.  The default default moniker defaults to the default "extra".

       This method returns a list of base method names to construct and install.  These method names will be
       transformed into the installed method names via "method_name".

         my @methods = Mixin::ExtraFields->methods;

         my $method_name = Mixin::ExtraFields->method_name($method_base, $moniker);

       This method returns the method name that will be installed into the importing class.  Its default
       behavior is to join the method base (which comes from the "methods" method) and the moniker with an
       underscore, more or less.

       This method returns the name of the driver method used to implement the given method name.  This is
       primarily useful in the default implementation of MixinExtraFields, where there is a one-to-one
       correspondence between installed methods and driver methods.

       Changing this method could very easily cause incompatibility with standard driver classes, and should
       only be done by the wise, brave, or reckless.

         my $sub_href = Mixin::ExtraFields->gen_fields_group($name, \%arg, \%col);

       This method is a group generator, as used by Sub::Exporter and described in its documentation.  It is the
       method you are least likely to subclass.

         my $code = Mixin::ExtraFields->build_method($method_name, \%arg);

       This routine builds the requested method.  It is passed a method name in the form returned by the
       "methods" method and a hashref of the following data:

         id_method - the method to call on objects to get their unique id
         driver    - the storage driver
         moniker   - the moniker of the set of extras being built

       Note!  The values for the above arguments are references to the values you'd expect.  That is, if the id
       method is "foo" you will be given an reference to the string foo.  (This reduces the copies of common
       values that will be enclosed into generated code.)

         my $arg = Mixin::ExtraFields->default_driver_arg;

       This method a default value for the "driver" argument to the fields group generator.  By default, this
       method will croak if called.

         my $driver = Mixin::ExtraFields->build_driver($arg);

       This method constructs and returns the driver object to be used by the generated methods.  It is passed
       the "driver" argument given in the importing code's "use" statement.

       This is the name of the name of the class which drivers are expected to subclass.  By default it returns


       This code was written by Ricardo SIGNES.  His work in 2006 was sponsored by Listbox.

       Copyright (C) 2006, Ricardo SIGNES.  This code is free software, and is available under the same terms as
       perl itself.


       •   handle invocants without ids (classes) and drivers that don't need ids


       Ricardo Signes <>

       This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Ricardo Signes.

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5
       programming language system itself.