bionic (3) Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers.3pm.gz

Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers - Default helpers plugin
# Mojolicious $app->plugin('DefaultHelpers'); # Mojolicious::Lite plugin 'DefaultHelpers';
Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers is a collection of helpers for Mojolicious. This is a core plugin, that means it is always enabled and its code a good example for learning to build new plugins, you're welcome to fork it. See "PLUGINS" in Mojolicious::Plugins for a list of plugins that are available by default.
Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers implements the following helpers. accepts my $formats = $c->accepts; my $format = $c->accepts('html', 'json', 'txt'); Select best possible representation for resource from "Accept" request header, "format" stash value or "format" "GET"/"POST" parameter with "accepts" in Mojolicious::Renderer, defaults to returning the first extension if no preference could be detected. # Check if JSON is acceptable $c->render(json => {hello => 'world'}) if $c->accepts('json'); # Check if JSON was specifically requested $c->render(json => {hello => 'world'}) if $c->accepts('', 'json'); # Unsupported representation $c->render(data => '', status => 204) unless my $format = $c->accepts('html', 'json'); # Detected representations to select from my @formats = @{$c->accepts}; app %= app->secrets->[0] Alias for "app" in Mojolicious::Controller. b %= b('Joel is a slug')->slugify Turn string into a Mojo::ByteStream object. c %= c('a', 'b', 'c')->shuffle->join Turn list into a Mojo::Collection object. config %= config 'something' Alias for "config" in Mojo. content %= content foo => begin test % end %= content bar => 'Hello World!' %= content 'foo' %= content 'bar' %= content Store partial rendered content in a named buffer and retrieve it later, defaults to retrieving the named buffer "content", which is used by the renderer for the "layout" and "extends" features. New content will be ignored if the named buffer is already in use. content_for % content_for foo => begin test % end %= content_for 'foo' Same as "content", but appends content to named buffers if they are already in use. % content_for message => begin Hello % end % content_for message => begin world! % end %= content 'message' content_with % content_with foo => begin test % end %= content_with 'foo' Same as "content", but replaces content of named buffers if they are already in use. % content message => begin world! % end % content_with message => begin Hello <%= content 'message' %> % end %= content 'message' csrf_token %= csrf_token Get CSRF token from "session", and generate one if none exists. current_route % if (current_route 'login') { Welcome to Mojolicious! % } %= current_route Check or get name of current route. delay $c->delay(sub {...}, sub {...}); Disable automatic rendering and use "delay" in Mojo::IOLoop for flow-control. Also keeps a reference to "tx" in Mojolicious::Controller in case the underlying connection gets closed early, and calls "reply->exception" if an exception gets thrown in one of the steps, breaking the chain. # Longer version $c->render_later; my $tx = $c->tx; my $delay = Mojo::IOLoop->delay(sub {...}, sub {...}) $delay->catch(sub { $c->helpers->reply->exception(pop) and undef $tx })->wait; # Non-blocking request $c->delay( sub { my $delay = shift; $c->ua->get('' => $delay->begin); }, sub { my ($delay, $tx) = @_; $c->render(json => {title => $tx->result->dom->at('title')->text}); } ); dumper %= dumper {some => 'data'} Dump a Perl data structure with "dumper" in Mojo::Util, very useful for debugging. extends % extends 'blue'; % extends 'blue', title => 'Blue!'; Set "extends" stash value, all additional key/value pairs get merged into the "stash". flash %= flash 'foo' Alias for "flash" in Mojolicious::Controller. inactivity_timeout $c = $c->inactivity_timeout(3600); Use "stream" in Mojo::IOLoop to find the current connection and increase timeout if possible. # Longer version Mojo::IOLoop->stream($c->tx->connection)->timeout(3600); include %= include 'menubar' %= include 'menubar', format => 'txt' Alias for "render_to_string" in Mojolicious::Controller. is_fresh my $bool = $c->is_fresh; my $bool = $c->is_fresh(etag => 'abc'); my $bool = $c->is_fresh(last_modified => $epoch); Check freshness of request by comparing the "If-None-Match" and "If-Modified-Since" request headers to the "ETag" and "Last-Modified" response headers with "is_fresh" in Mojolicious::Static. # Add ETag/Last-Modified headers and check freshness before rendering $c->is_fresh(etag => 'abc', last_modified => 1424985708) ? $c->rendered(304) : $c->render(text => 'I ♥ Mojolicious!'); layout % layout 'green'; % layout 'green', title => 'Green!'; Set "layout" stash value, all additional key/value pairs get merged into the "stash". param %= param 'foo' Alias for "param" in Mojolicious::Controller. reply->asset $c->reply->asset(Mojo::Asset::File->new); Reply with a Mojo::Asset::File or Mojo::Asset::Memory object using "serve_asset" in Mojolicious::Static, and perform content negotiation with "Range", "If-Modified-Since" and "If-None-Match" headers. # Serve asset with custom modification time my $asset = Mojo::Asset::Memory->new; $asset->add_chunk('Hello World!')->mtime(784111777); $c->res->headers->content_type('text/plain'); $c->reply->asset($asset); # Serve static file if it exists if (my $asset = $c->app->static->file('images/logo.png')) { $c->res->headers->content_type('image/png'); $c->reply->asset($asset); } reply->exception $c = $c->reply->exception('Oops!'); $c = $c->reply->exception(Mojo::Exception->new); Render the exception template "exception.$mode.$format.*" or "exception.$format.*" and set the response status code to 500. Also sets the stash values "exception" to a Mojo::Exception object and "snapshot" to a copy of the "stash" for use in the templates. reply->not_found $c = $c->reply->not_found; Render the not found template "not_found.$mode.$format.*" or "not_found.$format.*" and set the response status code to 404. Also sets the stash value "snapshot" to a copy of the "stash" for use in the templates. reply->static my $bool = $c->reply->static('images/logo.png'); my $bool = $c->reply->static('../lib/'); Reply with a static file using "static" in Mojolicious, usually from the "public" directories or "DATA" sections of your application. Note that this helper uses a relative path, but does not protect from traversing to parent directories. # Serve file with a custom content type $c->res->headers->content_type('application/myapp'); $c->reply->static('foo.txt'); session %= session 'foo' Alias for "session" in Mojolicious::Controller. stash %= stash 'foo' % stash foo => 'bar'; Alias for "stash" in Mojolicious::Controller. %= stash('name') // 'Somebody' title %= title % title 'Welcome!'; % title 'Welcome!', foo => 'bar'; Get or set "title" stash value, all additional key/value pairs get merged into the "stash". ua %= ua->get('')->result->dom->at('title')->text Alias for "ua" in Mojolicious. url_for %= url_for 'named', controller => 'bar', action => 'baz' Alias for "url_for" in Mojolicious::Controller. %= url_for('/index.html')->query(foo => 'bar') url_with %= url_with 'named', controller => 'bar', action => 'baz' Does the same as "url_for", but inherits query parameters from the current request. %= url_with->query([page => 2]) validation %= validation->param('foo') Alias for "validation" in Mojolicious::Controller.
Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers inherits all methods from Mojolicious::Plugin and implements the following new ones. register $plugin->register(Mojolicious->new); Register helpers in Mojolicious application.
Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides, <>.