bionic (3) Mojolicious::Plugin::PODRenderer.3pm.gz

Mojolicious::Plugin::PODRenderer - POD renderer plugin
# Mojolicious (with documentation browser under "/perldoc") my $route = $app->plugin('PODRenderer'); my $route = $app->plugin(PODRenderer => {name => 'foo'}); my $route = $app->plugin(PODRenderer => {preprocess => 'epl'}); # Mojolicious::Lite (with documentation browser under "/perldoc") my $route = plugin 'PODRenderer'; my $route = plugin PODRenderer => {name => 'foo'}; my $route = plugin PODRenderer => {preprocess => 'epl'}; # Without documentation browser plugin PODRenderer => {no_perldoc => 1}; # foo.html.ep %= pod_to_html "=head1 TEST\n\nC<123>" # foo.html.pod =head1 <%= uc 'test' %>
Mojolicious::Plugin::PODRenderer is a renderer for true Perl hackers, rawr! The code of this plugin is a good example for learning to build new plugins, you're welcome to fork it. See "PLUGINS" in Mojolicious::Plugins for a list of plugins that are available by default.
Mojolicious::Plugin::PODRenderer supports the following options. name # Mojolicious::Lite plugin PODRenderer => {name => 'foo'}; Handler name, defaults to "pod". no_perldoc # Mojolicious::Lite plugin PODRenderer => {no_perldoc => 1}; Disable Mojolicious::Guides documentation browser that will otherwise be available under "/perldoc". preprocess # Mojolicious::Lite plugin PODRenderer => {preprocess => 'epl'}; Name of handler used to preprocess POD, defaults to "ep".
Mojolicious::Plugin::PODRenderer implements the following helpers. pod_to_html %= pod_to_html '=head2 lalala' <%= pod_to_html begin %>=head2 lalala<% end %> Render POD to HTML without preprocessing.
Mojolicious::Plugin::PODRenderer inherits all methods from Mojolicious::Plugin and implements the following new ones. register my $route = $plugin->register(Mojolicious->new); my $route = $plugin->register(Mojolicious->new, {name => 'foo'}); Register renderer and helper in Mojolicious application.
Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides, <>.