bionic (3) MooX::Cmd::Role.3pm.gz

MooX::Cmd::Role - MooX cli app commands do this
using role and want behavior as MooX::Cmd package MyFoo; with MooX::Cmd::Role; sub _build_command_execute_from_new { 1 } package main; my $cmd = MyFoo->new_with_cmd; using role and don't execute immediately package MyFoo; with MooX::Cmd::Role; use List::MoreUtils qw/ first_idx /; sub _build_command_base { "MyFoo::Command" } sub _build_command_execute_from_new { 0 } sub execute { my $self = shift; my $chain_idx = first_idx { $self == $_ } @{$self->command_chain}; my $next_cmd = $self->command_chain->{$chain_idx+1}; $next_cmd->owner($self); $next_cmd->execute; } package main; my $cmd = MyFoo->new_with_cmd; $cmd->command_chain->[-1]->run(); explicit expression of some implicit stuff package MyFoo; with MooX::Cmd::Role; sub _build_command_base { "MyFoo::Command" } sub _build_command_execute_method_name { "run" } sub _build_command_execute_from_new { 0 } package main; my $cmd = MyFoo->new_with_cmd; $cmd->command_chain->[-1]->run();
MooX::Cmd::Role is made for modern, flexible Moo style to tailor cli commands.
command_args ARRAY-REF of args on command line command_chain ARRAY-REF of commands lead to this instance command_chain_end COMMAND accesses the finally detected command in chain command_name ARRAY-REF the name of the command lead to this command command_commands HASH-REF names of other commands command_base STRING base of command plugins command_execute_method_name STRING name of the method to invoke to execute a command, default "execute" command_execute_return_method_name STRING I have no clue what that is good for ... command_creation_method_name STRING name of constructor command_creation_chain_methods ARRAY-REF names of methods to chain for creating object (from "command_creation_method_name") command_execute_from_new BOOL true when constructor shall invoke "command_execute_method_name", false otherwise
new_with_cmd initializes by searching command line args for commands and invoke them execute_return returns the content of $self->{execute_return}
Copyright 2012-2013 Torsten Raudssus, Copyright 2013-2015 Jens Rehsack. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See <> for more information.