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       Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Genome_OverloadingSubtypesAndCoercion - Operator overloading, subtypes, and


       version 2.2009


         package Human;

         use Moose;
         use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;

         subtype 'Sex'
             => as 'Str'
             => where { $_ =~ m{^[mf]$}s };

         has 'sex'    => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Sex', required => 1 );

         has 'mother' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Human' );
         has 'father' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Human' );

         use overload '+' => \&_overload_add, fallback => 1;

         sub _overload_add {
             my ( $one, $two ) = @_;

             die('Only male and female humans may create children')
                 if ( $one->sex() eq $two->sex() );

             my ( $mother, $father )
                 = ( $one->sex eq 'f' ? ( $one, $two ) : ( $two, $one ) );

             my $sex = 'f';
             $sex = 'm' if ( rand() >= 0.5 );

             return Human->new(
                 sex    => $sex,
                 mother => $mother,
                 father => $father,


       This Moose cookbook recipe shows how operator overloading, coercion, and subtypes can be used to mimic
       the human reproductive system (well, the selection of genes at least).


       Our "Human" class uses operator overloading to allow us to "add" two humans together and produce a child.
       Our implementation does require that the two objects be of opposite sex. Remember, we're talking about
       biological reproduction, not marriage.

       While this example works as-is, we can take it a lot further by adding genes into the mix. We'll add the
       two genes that control eye color, and use overloading to combine the genes from the parent to model the

   What is Operator Overloading?
       Overloading is not a Moose-specific feature. It's a general OO concept that is implemented in Perl with
       the "overload" pragma. Overloading lets objects do something sane when used with Perl's built in
       operators, like addition ("+") or when used as a string.

       In this example we overload addition so we can write code like "$child = $mother + $father".


       There are many genes which affect eye color, but there are two which are most important, gey and bey2. We
       will start by making a class for each gene.

         package Human::Gene::bey2;

         use Moose;
         use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;

         type 'bey2_color' => where { $_ =~ m{^(?:brown|blue)$} };

         has 'color' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'bey2_color' );

       This class is trivial. We have a type constraint for the allowed colors, and a "color" attribute.

         package Human::Gene::gey;

         use Moose;
         use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;

         type 'gey_color' => where { $_ =~ m{^(?:green|blue)$} };

         has 'color' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'gey_color' );

       This is nearly identical to the "Humane::Gene::bey2" class, except that the gey gene allows for different


       We could just give four attributes (two of each gene) to the "Human" class, but this is a bit messy.
       Instead, we'll abstract the genes into a container class, "Human::EyeColor". Then a "Human" can have a
       single "eye_color" attribute.

         package Human::EyeColor;

         use Moose;
         use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;

         coerce 'Human::Gene::bey2'
             => from 'Str'
                 => via { Human::Gene::bey2->new( color => $_ ) };

         coerce 'Human::Gene::gey'
             => from 'Str'
                 => via { Human::Gene::gey->new( color => $_ ) };

         has [qw( bey2_1 bey2_2 )] =>
             ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Human::Gene::bey2', coerce => 1 );

         has [qw( gey_1 gey_2 )] =>
             ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Human::Gene::gey', coerce => 1 );

       The eye color class has two of each type of gene. We've also created a coercion for each class that
       coerces a string into a new object. Note that a coercion will fail if it attempts to coerce a string like
       "indigo", because that is not a valid color for either type of gene.

       As an aside, you can see that we can define several identical attributes at once by supplying an array
       reference of names as the first argument to "has".

       We also need a method to calculate the actual eye color that results from a set of genes. The bey2 brown
       gene is dominant over both blue and green. The gey green gene is dominant over blue.

         sub color {
             my ($self) = @_;

             return 'brown'
                 if ( $self->bey2_1->color() eq 'brown'
                 or $self->bey2_2->color() eq 'brown' );

             return 'green'
                 if ( $self->gey_1->color() eq 'green'
                 or $self->gey_2->color() eq 'green' );

             return 'blue';

       We'd like to be able to treat a "Human::EyeColor" object as a string, so we define a string overloading
       for the class:

         use overload '""' => \&color, fallback => 1;

       Finally, we need to define overloading for addition. That way we can add together two "Human::EyeColor"
       objects and get a new one with a new (genetically correct) eye color.

         use overload '+' => \&_overload_add, fallback => 1;

         sub _overload_add {
             my ( $one, $two ) = @_;

             my $one_bey2 = 'bey2_' . _rand2();
             my $two_bey2 = 'bey2_' . _rand2();

             my $one_gey = 'gey_' . _rand2();
             my $two_gey = 'gey_' . _rand2();

             return Human::EyeColor->new(
                 bey2_1 => $one->$one_bey2->color(),
                 bey2_2 => $two->$two_bey2->color(),
                 gey_1  => $one->$one_gey->color(),
                 gey_2  => $two->$two_gey->color(),

         sub _rand2 {
             return 1 + int( rand(2) );

       When two eye color objects are added together, the "_overload_add()" method will be passed two
       "Human::EyeColor" objects. These are the left and right side operands for the "+" operator. This method
       returns a new "Human::EyeColor" object.


       Our original "Human" class requires just a few changes to incorporate our new "Human::EyeColor" class.

         use List::SomeUtils qw( zip );

         coerce 'Human::EyeColor'
             => from 'ArrayRef'
             => via { my @genes = qw( bey2_1 bey2_2 gey_1 gey_2 );
                      return Human::EyeColor->new( zip( @genes, @{$_} ) ); };

         has 'eye_color' => (
             is       => 'ro',
             isa      => 'Human::EyeColor',
             coerce   => 1,
             required => 1,

       We also need to modify "_overload_add()" in the "Human" class to account for eye color:

         return Human->new(
             sex       => $sex,
             eye_color => ( $one->eye_color() + $two->eye_color() ),
             mother    => $mother,
             father    => $father,


       The three techniques we used, overloading, subtypes, and coercion, combine to provide a powerful

       If you'd like to learn more about overloading, please read the documentation for the overload pragma.

       To see all the code we created together, take a look at


       Had this been a real project we'd probably want:

       Better Randomization with Crypt::Random
       Characteristic Base Class
       Mutating Genes
       More Characteristics
       Artificial Life


       •   Stevan Little <>

       •   Dave Rolsky <>

       •   Jesse Luehrs <>

       •   Shawn M Moore <>

       •   יובל קוג'מן (Yuval Kogman) <>

       •   Karen Etheridge <>

       •   Florian Ragwitz <>

       •   Hans Dieter Pearcey <>

       •   Chris Prather <>

       •   Matt S Trout <>

       This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

       License details are at: <>

perl v5.26.1                                 Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Genome_OverloadingSubtypesAndCoercion(3pm)