bionic (3) Ns_ConfigGetInt.3aolserver.gz

Ns_ConfigGetBool, Ns_ConfigGetInt, Ns_ConfigGetInt64, Ns_ConfigGetPath, Ns_ConfigGetSection, Ns_ConfigGetSections, Ns_ConfigGetValue, Ns_ConfigGetValueExact - Extract information from the server configuration files
#include "ns.h" int Ns_ConfigGetBool(char *section, char *key, int *valuePtr) int Ns_ConfigGetInt(char *section, char *key, int *valuePtr) int Ns_ConfigGetInt64(char *section, char *key, INT64 *valuePtr) char * Ns_ConfigGetPath(char *server, char *module, ...) Ns_Set * Ns_ConfigGetSection(char *section) Ns_Set ** Ns_ConfigGetSections(void) char * Ns_ConfigGetValue(char *section, char *key) char * Ns_ConfigGetValueExact(char *section, char *key) _________________________________________________________________
These functions allow you to extract information from the server config files. Ns_ConfigGetBool(section, key, valuePtr) Examines key in section and returns NS_TRUE for values 1, y, yes, on, t, or true, case insensitive, and sets valuePtr to 1. Returns NS_FALSE for values 0, n, no, off, f, false, case insensitive, and sets valuePtr to 0. Ns_ConfigGetInt(section, key, valuePtr) Examines key in section and attempts to convert to an integer value. On success, returns NS_TRUE, otherwise NS_FALSE. The value of the integer is placed into valuePtr. Ns_ConfigGetInt64(section, key, valuePtr) Like Ns_ConfigGetInt, but with INT64 data instead of system-native int types. This function isn't available on WIN32. Ns_ConfigGetPath(server, module, ...) Get the full name of a config file section if it exists. Returns a pointer to to an ASCIIZ string of the full path name, or NULL if that path is not in the config file. The server and/or module parameters may be NULL and must be followed a variable list of additional parameters, the last element of which must be NULL. Examples: Ns_ConfigGetPath("server1", "nscp", NULL) returns "ns/server/server1/module/nscp" Ns_ConfigGetPath("server1", "nscp", "users", NULL) returns "ns/server/server1/module/nscp/users" Ns_ConfigGetPath(NULL, "globalmod", "subsect1", "subsect2", NULL) returns "ns/module/globalmod/subsect1/subsect2" Ns_ConfigGetSection(section) Returns an Ns_Set of the section's parameters, or NULL if the section does not exist. Ns_ConfigGetSections() Returns a pointer to an array of pointers to Ns_Sets, one for each config section. The result is a malloc'ed copy of the config sections. Ns_ConfigGetValue(section, key) Returns a pointer to the value of the key in section, or NULL if the key doesn't exist. Ns_ConfigGetValueExact(section, key) Case sensitive equivalent of Ns_ConfigGetValue.
nsd(1), info(n)