Provided by: libpoet-perl_0.16-1_all 

Poet::Mason -- Mason settings and enhancements for Poet
# In a conf file... mason: plugins: - Cache - TidyObjectFiles - +My::Mason::Plugin static_source: 1 static_source_touch_file: ${root}/data/purge.dat # Get the main Mason instance my $mason = Poet::Mason->instance(); # Create a new Mason object my $mason = Poet::Mason->new(...);
This is a Poet-specific Mason subclass. It sets up sane default settings, maintains a main Mason instance for handling web requests, and adds Poet-specific methods to $m (the Mason request object).
get_options Returns a hash of Mason options by combining default settings and configuration. instance Returns the main Mason instance used for web requests, which is created with options from get_options. new Returns a new main Mason object, using options from get_options. Unless you specifically need a new object, you probably want to call instance.
• "comp_root" is set to $poet->comps_dir, by default the "comps" subdirectory under the environment root. • "data_dir" is set to $poet->data_dir, by default the "data" subdirectory under the environment root. • "plugins" is set to include Cache, HTMLFilters and RouterSimple. • "cache_root_class" (a parameter of the "Cache" plugin) is set to "MyApp::Cache" if it exists (replacing "MyApp" with your app name), otherwise "Poet::Cache".
The Poet configuration entry 'mason', if any, will be treated as a hash of options that supplements and/or overrides the defaults above. If the hash contains 'extra_plugins', these will be added to the default plugins. e.g. mason: static_source: 1 static_source_touch_file: ${root}/data/purge.dat extra_plugins: - AnotherFavoritePlugin
Poet inserts the following line at the top of of every compiled Mason component: use Poet qw($conf $poet :web); which means that $conf, $poet, and web utilities are available from every component.
Under Poet these additional web-related methods are available in the Mason request object, accessible in components via $m or elsewhere via "Mason::Request->current_request". req () A reference to the Plack::Request object. e.g. my $user_agent = $m->req->headers->header('User-Agent'); res () A reference to the Plack::Response object. e.g. $m->res->content_type('text/plain'); abort (status) clear_and_abort (status) These methods are overridden to set the response status before aborting, if status is provided. e.g. to send back a FORBIDDEN result: $m->clear_and_abort(403); This is equivalent to $m->res->status(403); $m->clear_and_abort(); If a status is not provided, the methods work just as before. redirect (url[, status]) Sets headers and status for redirect, then clears the Mason buffer and aborts the request. e.g. $m->redirect("", 302); is equivalent to $m->res->redirect("", 302); $m->clear_and_abort(); not_found () Sets the status to 404, then clears the Mason buffer and aborts the request. e.g. $m->not_found(); is equivalent to $m->clear_and_abort(404); session A shortcut for "$m->req->session", the Plack session. This is simply a persistent hash that you can read from and write to. It is tied to the user's browser session via cookies and stored in a file cache in the data directory (by default). my $value = $m->session->{key}; $m->session->{key} = { some_complex => ['value'] }; send_json ($data) Output the JSON-encoded $data, set the content type to "application/json", and abort. e.g. method handle { my $data; # compute data somehow $m->send_json($data); } "send_json" is a shortcut for $m->clear_buffer; $m->print(JSON::XS::encode_json($data)); $m->res->content_type("application/json"); $m->abort();
Jonathan Swartz <>
This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Jonathan Swartz. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.