bionic (3) QwtSyntheticPointData.3.gz

QwtSyntheticPointData - Synthetic point data.
#include <qwt_point_data.h> Inherits QwtSeriesData< QPointF >. Public Member Functions QwtSyntheticPointData (size_t size, const QwtInterval &=QwtInterval()) void setSize (size_t size) virtual size_t size () const void setInterval (const QwtInterval &) QwtInterval interval () const virtual QRectF boundingRect () const Calculate the bounding rectangle. virtual QPointF sample (size_t i) const virtual double y (double x) const =0 virtual double x (uint index) const virtual void setRectOfInterest (const QRectF &) QRectF rectOfInterest () const Additional Inherited Members
Detailed Description
Synthetic point data. QwtSyntheticPointData provides a fixed number of points for an interval. The points are calculated in equidistant steps in x-direction. If the interval is invalid, the points are calculated for the 'rectangle of interest', what normally is the displayed area on the plot canvas. In this mode you get different levels of detail, when zooming in/out. Example The following example shows how to implement a sinus curve. #include <cmath> #include <qwt_series_data.h> #include <qwt_plot_curve.h> #include <qwt_plot.h> #include <qapplication.h> class SinusData: public QwtSyntheticPointData { public: SinusData(): QwtSyntheticPointData( 100 ) { } virtual double y( double x ) const { return qSin( x ); } }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { QApplication a( argc, argv ); QwtPlot plot; plot.setAxisScale( QwtPlot::xBottom, 0.0, 10.0 ); plot.setAxisScale( QwtPlot::yLeft, -1.0, 1.0 ); QwtPlotCurve *curve = new QwtPlotCurve( "y = sin(x)" ); curve->setData( new SinusData() ); curve->attach( &plot );; return a.exec(); }
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
QwtSyntheticPointData::QwtSyntheticPointData (size_t size, const QwtInterval & interval = QwtInterval()) Constructor Parameters: size Number of points interval Bounding interval for the points See also: setInterval(), setSize()
Member Function Documentation
QRectF QwtSyntheticPointData::boundingRect () const [virtual] Calculate the bounding rectangle. This implementation iterates over all points, what could often be implemented much faster using the characteristics of the series. When there are many points it is recommended to overload and reimplement this method using the characteristics of the series ( if possible ). Returns: Bounding rectangle Implements QwtSeriesData< QPointF >. QwtInterval QwtSyntheticPointData::interval () const Returns: Bounding interval See also: setInterval(), size() QRectF QwtSyntheticPointData::rectOfInterest () const Returns: See also: setRectOfInterest() QPointF QwtSyntheticPointData::sample (size_t index) const [virtual] Calculate the point from an index Parameters: index Index Returns: QPointF(x(index), y(x(index))); Warning: For invalid indices ( index < 0 || index >= size() ) (0, 0) is returned. Implements QwtSeriesData< QPointF >. void QwtSyntheticPointData::setInterval (const QwtInterval & interval) Set the bounding interval Parameters: interval Interval See also: interval(), setSize() void QwtSyntheticPointData::setRectOfInterest (const QRectF & rect) [virtual] Set a the 'rectangle of interest' QwtPlotSeriesItem defines the current area of the plot canvas as 'rect of interest' ( QwtPlotSeriesItem::updateScaleDiv() ). If interval().isValid() == false the x values are calculated in the interval rect.left() -> rect.right(). See also: rectOfInterest() Reimplemented from QwtSeriesData< QPointF >. void QwtSyntheticPointData::setSize (size_t size) Change the number of points Parameters: size Number of points See also: size(), setInterval() size_t QwtSyntheticPointData::size () const [virtual] Returns: Number of points See also: setSize(), interval() Implements QwtSeriesData< QPointF >. double QwtSyntheticPointData::x (uint index) const [virtual] Calculate a x-value from an index x values are calculated by dividing an interval into equidistant steps. If !interval().isValid() the interval is calculated from the 'rectangle of interest'. Parameters: index Index of the requested point Returns: Calculated x coordinate See also: interval(), rectOfInterest(), y() virtual double QwtSyntheticPointData::y (double x) const [pure virtual] Calculate a y value for a x value Parameters: x x value Returns: Corresponding y value
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