bionic (3) RT::Extension::RepeatTicket.3pm.gz

Provided by: rt4-extension-repeatticket_1.10-5_all bug


       RT::Extension::RepeatTicket - Repeat tickets based on schedule


       The RepeatTicket extension allows you to set up recurring tickets so new tickets are automatically
       created based on a schedule. The new tickets are populated with the subject and initial content of the
       original ticket in the recurrence.

       After you activate the plugin by adding it to your file, all tickets will have a
       Recurrence tab on the create and edit pages. To set up a repeating ticket, click the checkbox to "Enable
       Recurrence" and fill out the schedule for the new tickets.

       New tickets are created when you initially save the recurrence, if new tickets are needed, and when your
       daily cron job runs the rt-repeat-ticket script.


       "perl Makefile.PL"
       "make install"
           May need root permissions

       "make initdb"
           Only run this the first time you install this module.

           If you run this twice, you may end up with duplicate data in your database.

           If you are upgrading this module, check for upgrading instructions in case changes need to be made to
           your database.

       Edit your /opt/rt4/etc/
           If you are using RT 4.2 or greater, add this line:


           For RT 4.0, add this line:

               Set(@Plugins, qw(RT::Extension::RepeatTicket));

           or add "RT::Extension::RepeatTicket" to your existing @Plugins line.

       Clear your mason cache
               rm -rf /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/obj

       Add bin/rt-repeat-ticket to the daily cron job.
       Restart your webserver


       The $RepeatTicketCoexistentNumber determines how many tickets can be in an active status for a recurrence
       at any time. A value of 1 means one ticket at a time can be active.  New tickets will not be created
       until the current active ticket is resolved or set to some other inactive status. You can also set this
       value per recurrence, overriding this config value.  The extension default is 1 ticket.

       The $RepeatTicketLeadTime becomes the ticket Starts value and sets how far in advance of a ticket's Due
       date you want the ticket to be created. This essentially is how long you want to give people to work on
       the ticket.

       For example, if you create a weekly recurrence scheduled on Mondays and set the lead time to 7 days, each
       Monday a ticket will be created with the Starts date set to that Monday and a Due date of the following

       The value you set in becomes the system default, but you can set this value on each
       ticket as well. The extension default is 14 days.

       By default, repeated tickets will have the same subject as the original ticket. You can modify this
       subject by setting a format with the $RepeatTicketSubjectFormat option. This option accepts formats in
       the same form as formats for RT searches. The placeholders take values from the repeated ticket, not the
       original ticket, so you can use the format to help differentiate the subjects in repeated tickets.

       For example, if you wanted to put the due date in the subject, you could set the format to:

           Set($RepeatTicketSubjectFormat, '__Due__ __Subject__');

       You'll want to use values that you don't expect to change since the subject won't change if the ticket
       value (e.g., Due) is changed.

       Since this uses RT formats, you can create a custom format by creating a new RT ColumnMap. You can see
       the available formats by looking at the columns available in the Display Columns portlet on the RT ticket
       search page.

       The rt-repeat-ticket utility evaluates all of your repeating tickets and creates any new tickets that are
       needed. With no parameters, it runs for "today" each day. You can also pass a --date value in the form
       YYYY-MM-DD to run the script for a specific day.

           bin/rt-repeat-ticket --date 2012-07-25

       This can be handy if your cron job doesn't run for some reason and you want to make sure no repeating
       tickets have been missed. Just go back and run the script for the days you missed. You can also pass
       dates in the future which might be handy if you want to experiment with recurrences in a test


   Initial Tickets
       The initial ticket you create for a recurrence stores the schedule and other details for the recurrence.
       If you need to change the recurrence in the future, to make it more frequent or less frequent or anything
       else, make the changes on the original ticket.  To help you find this initial ticket, which may have been
       resolved long ago, a custom field is created on each ticket in the recurrence with link called "Original

       When setting up the recurrence, you can use the original ticket as an actual work ticket. When doing
       this, you'll need to set the Starts and Due dates when you create the ticket. Scheduled tickets created
       subsequently will set these values based on the recurrence. Resolving the original ticket does not cancel
       the recurrence.

   Start Value
       You can set a Start date for a new recurrence. If you don't, it defaults to the day you create the

   Cancelling Recurrences
       You can cancel or end a recurrence in two ways:

       •   Go to the original ticket in the recurrence and uncheck the Enable Recurrence checkbox.

       •   Set ending conditions on the recurrence with either a set number of recurrences or an end date.

   Recursive Recurrences
       Creating recurrences on recurrences isn't supported and may do strange things.


       I'm not seeing new recurrences. Why not?
           A few things to check:

           •   Do you have rt-repeat-tickets scheduled in cron? Is it running?

           •   Do you have previous tickets still in an active state? Resolve those tickets or increase the
               concurrent active tickets value.

           •   Is it the right day? Remember to subtract the lead time value to determine the day new tickets
               should be created.

           •   If you set a start date and another criteria like day of the week, the new ticket will be created
               on the first time that day of the week occurs after the start date you set (if the start date
               isn't on that day of the week).


   Run( RT::Attribute $attr, DateTime $checkday )
       Repeat the ticket if $checkday meets the repeat settings.  It also tries to repeat more to meet config

       Return ids of new created tickets.

   Repeat ( RT::Attribute $attr, DateTime $checkday_1, DateTime $checkday_2, ... )
       Repeat the ticket for the check days that meet repeat settings.

       Return ids of new created tickets.

   MaybeRepeatMore ( RT::Attribute $attr )
       Try to repeat more tickets to meet the coexistent ticket number.

       Return ids of new created tickets.

   SetRepeatAttribute ( RT::Ticket $ticket, %args )
       Save %args to the ticket's "RepeatTicketSettings" attribute.

       Return ( RT::Attribute, UPDATE MESSAGE )


       Best Practical Solutions, LLC <>


       All bugs should be reported via email to


       or via the web at


       This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Best Practical Solutions

       This is free software, licensed under:

         The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991