bionic (3) Rinci::Undo.3pm.gz

Provided by: librinci-perl_1.1.86-1_all bug


       Rinci::Undo - (DEPRECATED) Protocol for undo operations in functions




       This document describes version 1.1.86 of Rinci::Undo (from Perl distribution Rinci), released on


       This protocol (riundo for short) is now deprecated in favor of Rinci::Transaction (ritx for short) for
       several reasons:

       •   riundo is inherently unreliable

           Undo information is returned by function after the function has performed the action. If function
           dies in the middle of action, client does not have the information to undo the (partially completed)
           action. That is why in ritx, the TM asks the function first for undo information before asking the
           function to perform its action.

       •   ritx does not limit using the same function for undo

           In riundo, we must call the same function (passing the previously obtained undo data from the that
           function) to undo the information. This is sometimes slightly cumbersome. The undo action might be
           provided by other functions, but we still have to go through the same function first.

       •   ritx can also implement undo/redo

           So there is no need for maintaining two specifications.


       This document describes the Rinci undo protocol. This protocol must be followed by functions that claim
       that they support undo (have their "undo" "feature" set to true). Such functions are from here on called
       undoable function (or just function, unless when ambiguous).

       The protocol is basically the non-OO version of the command pattern, a design pattern most commonly used
       to implement undo/redo functionality. In this case, each function behaves like a command object. You pass
       a special argument "-undo_action" with the value of "do" and "undo" to execute or undo a command,
       respectively. For "do" and "undo", the same set of arguments are passed.

       Function MUST check special argument "-undo_action" before it checks other arguments. Function MUST at
       least support the following undo action: "do", "undo". On unsupported/unknown undo action, function MUST
       return status 400, with message like "Unsupported undo action".

       If "-undo_action" is not set, it means caller does not care about undo.  Undoable function should execute
       as any normal function.

   Performing 'do'
       To indicate that we need undo, we call function by passing special argument "-undo_action" with the value
       of "do". Function should perform its operation and save undo data along the way. If "-undo_action" is not
       passed or false/undef, function should assume that caller does not need undo later, so function need not
       save any undo data. After completing operation successfully, function should return status 200, the
       result, and undo data. Undo data is returned in the result metadata (the fourth element of result
       envelope), example:

        [200, "OK", $result, {undo_data=>$undo_data}]

       Undo data should be serializable so it is easy to be made persistent if necessary (e.g. by some
       undo/transaction manager).

   Performing 'undo'
       To perform an undo, caller must call the function again with the same previous arguments, except
       "-undo_action" should be set to "undo" and "-undo_data" set to undo data previously given by the
       function. Function should perform the undo operation using the undo data. Upon success, it must return
       status 200, the result, and an undo data (in other words, redo data, since it can be used to undo the
       undo operation).

   Performing 'redo'
       To perform redo, caller can call the function again with <-undo_action> set to "undo" and "-undo_data"
       set to the redo data given in the undo step. Or, alternatively, caller can just perform a normal do (see

       An example:

        $SPEC{setenv} = {
            v => 1.1,
            summary  => 'Set environment variable',
            args     => {
                name  => {req=>1, schema=>'str*'},
                value => {req=>1, schema=>'str*'},
            features => {undo=>1},
        sub setenv {
            my %args        = @_;
            my $name        = $args{name};
            my $value       = $args{value};
            my $undo_action = $args{-undo_action} // '';
            my $undo_data   = $args{-undo_data};

            my $old;
            if ($undo_action) {
                # save original value and existence state
                $old = [exists($ENV{$name}), $ENV{$name}];

            if ($undo_action eq 'undo') {
                if ($undo_data->[0]) {
                    $ENV{$name} = $undo_data->[1];
                } else {
                    delete $ENV{$name};
            } else {
                $ENV{$name} = $value;

            [200, "OK", undef, $undo_action ? {undo_data=>$old} : {}];

       The above example declares an undoable command "setenv" to set an environment variable (%ENV).

       To perform command:

        my $res = setenv(name=>"DEBUG", value=>1, -undo_action=>"do");
        die "Failed: $res->[0] - $res->[1]" unless $res->[0] == 200;
        my $undo_data = $res->[3]{undo_data};

       To perform undo:

        $res = setenv(name=>"DEBUG", value=>1,
                      -undo_action="undo", -undo_data=>$undo_data);
        die "Can't undo: $res->[0] - $res->[1]" unless $res->[0] == 200;

       After this undo, DEBUG environment variable will be set to original value. If it did not exist
       previously, it will be deleted.

       To perform redo:

        my $redo_data = $res->[3]{undo_data};
        $res = setenv(name=>"DEBUG", value=>1,
                      -undo_action="undo", -undo_data=>$redo_data);

       or you can just do:

        $res = setenv(name=>"DEBUG", value=>1, -undo_action="do");

   Saving undo data in external storage
       Although the complete undo data can be returned by the function in the "undo_data" result metadata
       property, sometimes it is more efficient to just return a pointer to said undo data, while saving the
       actual undo data in some external storage.

       For example, if a function deletes a big file and wants to save undo data, it is more efficient to move
       the file to trash directory and return its path as the undo data, instead of reading the whole file
       content and its metadata to memory and return it in "undo_data" result metadata.

       Functions which require undo trash directory should specify this in its metadata, through the
       "undo_trash_dir" dependency clause. For example:

        deps => {
            trash_dir => 1,

       When calling function, caller needs to provide path to undo trash directory via special argument
       "-trash_dir", for example:

        -trash_dir => "/home/.trash/2fe2f4ad-a494-0044-b2e0-94b2b338056e"

   What about non-undoable actions?
       Like in real life, not all actions are undoable. Examples of undoable/irreversible actions include wiping
       a file/directory (more generally speaking, any action to permanently delete/destroy something, without
       backing up the data first), sending an email (more generally speaking, any action that is sent to an
       external entity beyond our control, unless that external entity provides a way to undo the action).

       An undoable function MUST NOT mix undoable and non-undoable actions. For example:

        safe_delete(file=>'/path/to/file'); # puts file into Trash, undoable action
        safe_delete(file=>'/path/to/file', permanent=>1); # deletes file, non-undoable

       The "safe_delete" function above mixes undoable action (putting a file into Trash directory) and non-
       undoable action (permanently deleting a file without putting it in Trash). Without domain knowledge of
       the function, a caller cannot know whether a call will be undoable or not. This will also prevent the
       function from participating in a transaction, because transaction requires function call to always be
       undoable, for rollback purpose.

       The solution is to separate non-undoable action in another function, for example:

        trash(file=>'/path/to/file');  # undoable, can execute inside transaction
        delete(file=>'/path/to/file'); # non-undoable, executes outside transaction
        empty_trash();                 # non-undoable, executes outside transaction

       The non-undoable function is also non-transactional (it operates outside the scope of a transaction). But
       it can still be idempotent. And it can manipulate the transactions if it needs too. In the example, the
       empty_trash() function instructs the transaction manager to discard the trash() transactions, since after
       the trash is emptied, the trash() transactions cannot be undone anyway.


       Please visit the project's homepage at <>.


       Source repository is at <>.


       Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

       When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that
       illustrates the bug or desired feature.


       Related specifications: Rinci::Transaction


       perlancar <>

       This software is copyright (c) 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 by

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5
       programming language system itself.