bionic (3) SNMP::Info::Layer2::HP.3pm.gz

SNMP::Info::Layer2::HP - SNMP Interface to HP Procurve Switches
Max Baker
# Let SNMP::Info determine the correct subclass for you. my $hp = new SNMP::Info( AutoSpecify => 1, Debug => 1, DestHost => 'myswitch', Community => 'public', Version => 2 ) or die "Can't connect to DestHost.\n"; my $class = $hp->class(); print "SNMP::Info determined this device to fall under subclass : $class\n";
Provides abstraction to the configuration information obtainable from a HP ProCurve Switch via SNMP. Note: Some HP Switches will connect via SNMP version 1, but a lot of config data will not be available. Make sure you try and connect with Version 2 first, and then fail back to version 1. For speed or debugging purposes you can call the subclass directly, but not after determining a more specific class using the method above. my $hp = new SNMP::Info::Layer2::HP(...); Inherited Classes SNMP::Info::Layer2 SNMP::Info::MAU Required MIBs RFC1271-MIB Included in V2 mibs from Cisco HP-ICF-OID (this MIB new with SNMP::Info 0.8) STATISTICS-MIB NETSWITCH-MIB CONFIG-MIB HP-ICF-BRIDGE HP-ICF-POE-MIB The last four MIBs listed are from HP and can be found at <> or <>
Change Log
Version 0.4 - Removed ENTITY-MIB e_*() methods to separate sub-class - SNMP::Info::Entity
These are methods that return scalar value from SNMP $hp->cpu() Returns CPU Utilization in percentage. $hp->log() Returns all the log entries from the switch's log that are not Link up or down messages. $hp->mem_free() Returns bytes of free memory $hp->mem_total() Return bytes of total memory $hp->mem_used() Returns bytes of used memory $hp->model() Returns the model number of the HP Switch. Will translate between the HP Part number and the common model number with this map : %MODEL_MAP = ( 'J8131A' => 'WAP-420-WW', 'J8130A' => 'WAP-420-NA', 'J8133A' => 'AP520WL', 'J8680A' => '9408sl', 'J9091A' => '8212zl', 'J9475A' => '8206zl', 'J9265A' => '6600ml-24XG', 'J9264A' => '6600ml-24G-4XG', 'J9263A' => '6600ml-24G', 'J9452A' => '6600-48G-4XG', 'J9451A' => '6600-48G', 'J8474A' => '6410cl-6XG', 'J8433A' => '6400cl-6XG', 'J8992A' => '6200yl-24G', 'J4902A' => '6108', 'J8698A' => '5412zl', 'J8719A' => '5408yl', 'J8697A' => '5406zl', 'J8718A' => '5404yl', 'J4819A' => '5308XL', 'J4850A' => '5304XL', 'J8773A' => '4208vl', 'J8770A' => '4204vl', 'J8772A' => '4202vl-72', 'J9032A' => '4202vl-68G', 'J9031A' => '4202vl-68', 'J8771A' => '4202vl-48G', 'J4865A' => '4108GL', 'J4887A' => '4104GL', 'J9588A' => '3800-48G-PoE+-4XG', 'J9574A' => '3800-48G-PoE+-4SFP+', 'J9586A' => '3800-48G-4XG', 'J9576A' => '3800-48G-4SFP+', 'J9584A' => '3800-24SFP-2SFP+', 'J9587A' => '3800-24G-PoE+-2XG', 'J9573A' => '3800-24G-PoE+-2SFP+', 'J9585A' => '3800-24G-2XG', 'J9575A' => '3800-24G-2SFP+', 'J8693A' => '3500yl-48G-PWR', 'J8692A' => '3500yl-24G-PWR', 'J9473A' => '3500-48-PoE', 'J9472A' => '3500-48', 'J9471A' => '3500-24-PoE', 'J9470A' => '3500-24', 'J4906A' => '3400cl-48G', 'J4905A' => '3400cl-24G', 'J4815A' => '3324XL', 'J4851A' => '3124', 'J9562A' => '2915-8G-PoE', 'J9148A' => '2910al-48G-PoE+', 'J9147A' => '2910al-48G', 'J9146A' => '2910al-24G-PoE+', 'J9145A' => '2910al-24G', 'J9050A' => '2900-48G', 'J9049A' => '2900-24G', 'J4904A' => '2848', 'J4903A' => '2824', 'J9022A' => '2810-48G', 'J9021A' => '2810-24G', 'J8165A' => '2650-PWR', 'J4899B' => '2650-CR', 'J4899C' => '2650C', 'J4899A' => '2650', 'J8164A' => '2626-PWR', 'J4900B' => '2626-CR', 'J4900C' => '2626C', 'J4900A' => '2626', 'J9627A' => '2620-48-PoE+', 'J9626A' => '2620-48', 'J9624A' => '2620-24-PPoE+', 'J9625A' => '2620-24-PoE+', 'J9623A' => '2620-24', 'J9565A' => '2615-8-PoE', 'J9089A' => '2610-48-PWR', 'J9088A' => '2610-48', 'J9087A' => '2610-24-PWR', 'J9086A' => '2610-24/12PWR', 'J9085A' => '2610-24', 'J8762A' => '2600-8-PWR', 'J4813A' => '2524', 'J9298A' => '2520G-8-PoE', 'J9299A' => '2520G-24-PoE', 'J9137A' => '2520-8-PoE', 'J9138A' => '2520-24-PoE', 'J4812A' => '2512', 'J9280A' => '2510G-48', 'J9279A' => '2510G-24', 'J9020A' => '2510-48A', 'J9019B' => '2510-24B', 'J9019A' => '2510-24A', 'J4818A' => '2324', 'J4817A' => '2312', 'J9449A' => '1810G-8', 'J9450A' => '1810G-24', 'J9029A' => '1800-8G', 'J9028A' => '1800-24G', ); $hp->os() Returns hp $hp->os_bin() "hpSwitchRomVersion.0" $hp->os_ver() Tries to use os_version() and if that fails will try and cull the version from the description field. $hp->os_version() "hpSwitchOsVersion.0" $hp->serial() Returns serial number if available through SNMP $hp->slots() Returns number of entries in $hp->e_name that have 'slot' in them. $hp->vendor() hp $hp->fan() Returns fan status $hp->ps1_status() Power supply 1 status $hp->ps2_status() Power supply 2 status $hp->peth_port_power() Power supplied by PoE ports, in milliwatts ("hpicfPoePethPsePortPower") $hp->stp_ver() Returns what version of STP the device is running. ("hpicfBridgeRstpForceVersion" with fallback to inherited stp_ver()) Globals imported from SNMP::Info::Layer2 See documentation in "GLOBALS" in SNMP::Info::Layer2 for details. Globals imported from SNMP::Info::MAU See documentation in "GLOBALS" in SNMP::Info::MAU for details.
These are methods that return tables of information in the form of a reference to a hash. Overrides $hp->interfaces() Uses $hp->i_description() $hp->i_duplex() Returns reference to map of IIDs to current link duplex. $hp->i_duplex_admin() Returns reference to hash of IIDs to admin duplex setting. $hp->vendor_i_type() Returns reference to hash of IIDs to HP specific port type ("hpSwitchPortType"). $hp->i_name() Crosses i_name() with $hp->e_name() using $hp->e_port() and i_alias() $hp->peth_port_ifindex() Returns reference to hash of power Ethernet port table entries map back to interface index (c<ifIndex>) "agg_ports" Returns a HASH reference mapping from slave to master port for each member of a port bundle on the device. Keys are ifIndex of the slave ports, Values are ifIndex of the corresponding master ports. Table Methods imported from SNMP::Info::Layer2 See documentation in "TABLE METHODS" in SNMP::Info::Layer2 for details. Table Methods imported from SNMP::Info::MAU See documentation in "TABLE METHODS" in SNMP::Info::MAU for details.
munge_hp_c_id() Munge for c_id which handles CDP and LLDP.
These are methods that provide SNMP set functionality for overridden methods or provide a simpler interface to complex set operations. See "SETTING DATA VIA SNMP" in SNMP::Info for general information on set operations. set_i_vlan() set_i_vlan_tagged()