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Scalar::Does - like ref() but useful
use Scalar::Does qw( -constants ); my $object = bless {}, 'Some::Class'; does($object, 'Some::Class'); # true does($object, '%{}'); # true does($object, HASH); # true does($object, ARRAY); # false
It has long been noted that Perl would benefit from a "does()" built-in. A check that "ref($thing) eq 'ARRAY'" doesn't allow you to accept an object that uses overloading to provide an array-like interface. Functions "does($scalar, $role)" Checks if a scalar is capable of performing the given role. The following (case-sensitive) roles are predefined: • SCALAR or ${} Checks if the scalar can be used as a scalar reference. Note: this role does not check whether a scalar is a scalar (which is obviously true) but whether it is a reference to another scalar. • ARRAY or @{} Checks if the scalar can be used as an array reference. • HASH or %{} Checks if the scalar can be used as a hash reference. • CODE or &{} Checks if the scalar can be used as a code reference. • GLOB or *{} Checks if the scalar can be used as a glob reference. • REF Checks if the scalar can be used as a ref reference (i.e. a reference to another reference). • LVALUE Checks if the scalar is a reference to a special lvalue (e.g. the result of "substr" or "splice"). • IO or <> Uses IO::Detect to check if the scalar is a filehandle or file-handle-like object. (The "<>" check is slightly looser, allowing objects which overload "<>", though overloading "<>" well can be a little tricky.) • VSTRING Checks if the scalar is a vstring reference. • FORMAT Checks if the scalar is a format reference. • Regexp or qr Checks if the scalar can be used as a quoted regular expression. • bool Checks if the scalar can be used as a boolean. (It's pretty rare for this to not be true.) • "" Checks if the scalar can be used as a string. (It's pretty rare for this to not be true.) • 0+ Checks if the scalar can be used as a number. (It's pretty rare for this to not be true.) Note that this is far looser than "looks_like_number" from Scalar::Util. For example, an unblessed arrayref can be used as a number (it numifies to its reference address); the string "Hello World" can be used as a number (it numifies to 0). • ~~ Checks if the scalar can be used on the right hand side of a smart match. If the given role is blessed, and provides a "check" method, then "does" delegates to that. Otherwise, if the scalar being tested is blessed, then "$scalar->DOES($role)" is called, and "does" returns true if the method call returned true. If the scalar being tested looks like a Perl class name, then "$scalar->DOES($role)" is also called, and the string "0E0" is returned for success, which evaluates to 0 in a numeric context but true in a boolean context. "does($role)" Called with a single argument, tests $_. Yes, this works with lexical $_. given ($object) { when(does ARRAY) { ... } when(does HASH) { ... } } Note: in Scalar::Does 0.007 and below the single-argument form of "does" returned a curried coderef. This was changed in Scalar::Does 0.008. "overloads($scalar, $role)" A function "overloads" (which just checks overloading) is also available. "overloads($role)" Called with a single argument, tests $_. Yes, this works with lexical $_. Note: in Scalar::Does 0.007 and below the single-argument form of "overloads" returned a curried coderef. This was changed in Scalar::Does 0.008. "blessed($scalar)", "reftype($scalar)", "looks_like_number($scalar)" For convenience, this module can also re-export these functions from Scalar::Util. "looks_like_number" is generally more useful than "does($scalar, q[0+])". "make_role $name, where { BLOCK }" Returns an anonymous role object which can be used as a parameter to "does". The block is arbitrary code which should check whether $_[0] does the role. "where { BLOCK }" Syntactic sugar for "make_role". Compatible with the "where" function from Moose::Util::TypeConstraints, so don't worry about conflicts. Constants The following constants may be exported for convenience: "SCALAR" "ARRAY" "HASH" "CODE" "GLOB" "REF" "LVALUE" "IO" "VSTRING" "FORMAT" "REGEXP" "BOOLEAN" "STRING" "NUMBER" "SMARTMATCH" Export By default, only "does" is exported. This module uses Exporter::Tiny, so functions can be renamed: use Scalar::Does does => { -as => 'performs_role' }; Scalar::Does also plays some tricks with namespace::clean to ensure that any functions it exports to your namespace are cleaned up when you're finished with them. This ensures that if you're writing object- oriented code "does" and "overloads" will not be left hanging around as methods of your classes. Moose::Object provides a "does" method, and you should be able to use Scalar::Does without interfering with that. You can import the constants (plus "does") using: use Scalar::Does -constants; The "make_role" and "where" functions can be exported like this: use Scalar::Does -make; Or list specific functions/constants that you wish to import: use Scalar::Does qw( does ARRAY HASH STRING NUMBER ); Custom Role Checks use Scalar::Does custom => { -as => 'does_array', -role => 'ARRAY' }, custom => { -as => 'does_hash', -role => 'HASH' }; does_array($thing); does_hash($thing);
Please report any bugs to <>.
Scalar::Util. <>. Relationship to Moose roles Scalar::Does is not dependent on Moose, and its role-checking is not specific to Moose's idea of roles, but it does work well with Moose roles. Moose::Object overrides "DOES", so Moose objects and Moose roles should "just work" with Scalar::Does. { package Transport; use Moose::Role; } { package Train; use Moose; with qw(Transport); } my $thomas = Train->new; does($thomas, 'Train'); # true does($thomas, 'Transport'); # true does($thomas, Transport->meta); # not yet supported! Mouse::Object should be compatible enough to work as well. See also: Moose::Role, Moose::Object, UNIVERSAL. Relationship to Moose type constraints Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint objects, plus the constants exported by MooseX::Types libraries all provide a "check" method, so again, should "just work" with Scalar::Does. Type constraint strings are not supported however. use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints qw(find_type_constraint); use MooseX::Types qw(Int); use Scalar::Does qw(does); my $int = find_type_constraint("Int"); does( "123", $int ); # true does( "123", Int ); # true does( "123", "Int" ); # false Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraints and MouseX::Types should be compatible enough to work as well. See also: Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint, Moose::Util::TypeConstraints, MooseX::Types, Scalar::Does::MooseTypes. Relationship to Type::Tiny type constraints Types built with Type::Tiny and Type::Library can be used exactly as Moose type constraint objects above. use Types::Standard qw(Int); use Scalar::Does qw(does); does(123, Int); # true In fact, Type::Tiny and related libraries are used extensively in the internals of Scalar::Does 0.200+. See also: Type::Tiny, Types::Standard. Relationship to Role::Tiny and Moo roles Roles using Role::Tiny 1.002000 and above provide a "DOES" method, so should work with Scalar::Does just like Moose roles. Prior to that release, Role::Tiny did not provide "DOES". Moo's role system is based on Role::Tiny. See also: Role::Tiny, Moo::Role.
Toby Inkster <>.
This software is copyright (c) 2012-2014, 2017 by Toby Inkster. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.