bionic (3) Template::Declare::TagSet::XUL.3pm.gz

Template::Declare::TagSet::XUL - Template::Declare tag set for XUL
# normal use on the user side: use base 'Template::Declare'; use Template::Declare::Tags 'XUL'; template main => sub { xml_decl { 'xml', version => '1.0' }; groupbox { caption { attr { label => 'Colors' } } } }; # in Template::Declare::Tags: use Template::Declare::TagSet::XUL; my $tagset = Template::Declare::TagSet::XUL->new({ package => 'MyXUL', namespace => 'xul', }); my $list = $tagset->get_tag_list(); print $_, $/ for @{ $list }; if ( $altern = $tagset->get_alternate_spelling('template') ) { print $altern; } if ( $tagset->can_combine_empty_tags('button') ) { print q{<button label="OK" />}; }
Template::Declare::TagSet::XUL defines a full set of XUL tags for use in Template::Declare templates. You generally won't use this module directly, but will load it via: use Template::Declare::Tags 'XUL';
new( PARAMS ) my $html_tag_set = Template::Declare::TagSet->new({ package => 'MyXUL', namespace => 'xul', }); Constructor inherited from Template::Declare::TagSet. get_tag_list my $list = $tag_set->get_tag_list(); Returns an array ref of all the RDF tags defined by Template::Declare::TagSet::RDF. Here is the complete list, extracted from <> (only "<element name='...'>" were recognized): "action" "arrowscrollbox" "bbox" "binding" "bindings" "body" "box" "broadcaster" "broadcasterset" "browser" "button" "caption" "checkbox" "children" "colorpicker" "column" "columns" "command" "commandset" "conditions" "constructor" "content" "deck" "description" "destructor" "dialog" "dialogheader" "editor" "field" "getter" "grid" "grippy" "groupbox" "handler" "handlers" "hbox" "iframe" "image" "implementation" "key" "keyset" "label" "listbox" "listcell" "listcol" "listcols" "listhead" "listheader" "listitem" "member" "menu" "menubar" "menuitem" "menulist" "menupopup" "menuseparator" "method" "observes" "overlay" "page" "parameter" "popup" "popupset" "progressmeter" "property" "radio" "radiogroup" "rdf" "resizer" "resources" "richlistbox" "row" "rows" "rule" "script" "scrollbar" "scrollbox" "separator" "setter" "spacer" "splitter" "stack" "statusbar" "statusbarpanel" "stringbundle" "stringbundleset" "stylesheet" "tab" "tabbox" "tabbrowser" "tabpanel" "tabpanels" "tabs" "template" "textbox" "textnode" "titlebar" "toolbar" "toolbarbutton" "toolbargrippy" "toolbaritem" "toolbarpalette" "toolbarseparator" "toolbarset" "toolbarspacer" "toolbarspring" "toolbox" "tooltip" "tree" "treecell" "treechildren" "treecol" "treecols" "treeitem" "treerow" "treeseparator" "triple" "vbox" "window" "wizard" "wizardpage" get_alternate_spelling( TAG ) $bool = $obj->get_alternate_spelling($tag); Returns the alternative spelling for a given tag if any or undef otherwise. Currently, "template" is mapped to "xul_template" to avoid conflict with the "template" function exported by Template::Declare::Tags.
Agent Zhang <>
Template::Declare::TagSet, Template::Declare::TagSet::HTML, Template::Declare::Tags, Template::Declare.